998 resultados para recíproca da Lei de Hume


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We treat some subtleties concerning the First Law of Thermodynamics and discuss the inherent difficulties, namely the interpretation of the heat and the work differentials. By proposing a new differential equation for the First Law, which is written using both system and neighborhood variables, we overcome the mentioned difficulties and establish a criterion for the definition of heat and work.


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Thermodynamics of homogeneous processes, which corresponds to the very special situation in thermodynamics of continuous media, is used to discuss the first law. An important part of this work is the exposition of some typical mathematical errors, frequently found in the traditional presentation of thermodynamics. The concepts of state and process functions are discussed, as well as reverse and reversible processes, temporality and its implications on thermodynamics, energy reservoirs and symmetry. Our proposal is to present the first law by using a time dependent viewpoint coherent with mechanics and the foundations of that viewpoint.


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This paper reports the development of an easy, fast and effective procedure for the verification of the ideal gas law in splitless injection systems in order to improve the response. Results of a group of pesticides were used to demonstrate the suitability of the approach. The procedure helps establish experimental parameters through theoretical aspects. The improved instrumental response allowed extraction with lower sample volumes, the minimization of time and costs and the simplification of sample preparation.


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Considering intrinsic characteristics of the system exclusively, both statistical and information theory interpretations of the second law are used to provide more comprehensive meanings for the concepts of entropy, temperature, and Helmholtz and Gibbs energies. The coherence of Clausius inequality to these concepts is emphasized. The aim of this work is to re-discuss the second law of thermodynamics in accordance to homogeneous processes thermodynamics, a temporal science which is the very special oversimplification of continuum mechanics for spatially constant intensive properties.


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This article shows the genesis of the law of volumes of combining gases, formulated by Gay-Lussac in 1808, and how it allowed the expression of the composition of organic compounds in terms of whole numbers of volumes, thus leading to the first classification of organic compounds, formulated by Dumas and Boullay in 1828. It was from this work that Organic Chemistry began to shed its purely taxonomic nature, analogous to what prevailed in Natural History, and to then develop in a vigorous and continuous process, initiating what may be the most significant historical phenomenon in the History of Chemistry of the nineteenth century.


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Philosophers have long disagreed about whether poetry, drama, and other literary arts are important to philosophy; and among those who believe that they are important, explanations of that importance have differed greatly. This paper aims to explain and illustrate some of the reasons why Hume found literature to be an important topic for philosophy and philosophers. Philosophy, he holds, can help to explain general and specific literary phenomena, to ground the science of criticism, and to suggest and justify ";principles of art,"; while at the same time literature can provide valuable ";experiments"; for philosophical theorizing and provide it with a model for the science of morals and (in some ways) for philosophy itself. Moreover, the literary arts can not only help one to write better philosophy, in Hume's view; they can also help one to write philosophy better.


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Hume's project concerning the conflict between liberty and necessity is ";reconciliatory";. But what is the nature of Hume's project? Does he solve a problem in metaphysics only? And when Hume says that the dispute between the doctrines of liberty and necessity is merely verbal, does he mean that there is no genuine metaphysical dispute between the doctrines? In the present essay I argue for: (1) there is room for liberty in Hume's philosophy, and not only because the position is pro forma compatibilist, even though this has importance for the recognition that Hume's main concern when discussing the matter is with practice; (2) the position does not involve a ";subjectivization"; of every form of necessity: it is not compatibilist because it creates a space for the claim that the operations of the will are non-problematically necessary through a weakning of the notion of necessity as it applies to external objects; (3) Hume holds that the ordinary phenomena of mental causation do not preempt the atribuition of moral responsibility, which combines perfectly with his identification of the object of moral evaluation: the whole of the character of a person, in relation to which there is, nonetheless, liberty. I intend to support my assertions by a close reading of what Hume states in section 8 of the first Enquiry.


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O artigo busca comparar algumas das razões diversas subjacentes à crítica comum de Leibniz e de Hume à idéia de uma liberdade de indiferença. Em Leibniz, como a ligação harmônica entre as substâncias individuais concretas se dá exclusivamente por meio de relações intrínsecas a seus conceitos completos, só é possível haver indiferença no domínio das noções incompletas ou de razão, o único em que podemos privilegiar e isolar termos e relações uns dos outros. Em Hume, a impossibilidade de fato de escaparmos da regularidade das relações extrínsecas, que, pela aplicação das regras gerais, acabam por se estender a toda a experiência, ainda que sem garantias racionais, relega a indiferença à situação quase fictícia de um estado original da mente, anterior à experiência, ou então ao domínio restrito de situações que provocam o afloramento desse estado no interior da experiência.


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Hume foi leitor de Mandeville e, dessa leitura, retirou a tarefa de mostrar que a sociabilidade é um berço legítimo e o único possível da moralidade. Pretende-se mostrar como essa tarefa se impôs a Hume a partir de sua leitura de Mandeville e o modo como ele a levou a cabo.


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Hume e Peirce criticam o ceticismo cartesiano baseados em concepções análogas de dúvida e crença enquanto constitutivas do processo de conhecimento. Este artigo visa apresentar a teoria do conhecimento desses autores, baseada na crença, enquanto alternativa ao fundacionismo racionalista de Descartes.


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Faz-se uma comparação entre as abordagens de Hume e de Matias Aires no que concerne à vaidade e seus efeitos sobre a vida humana. O propósito é divulgar as idéias do filósofo brasileiro Matias Aires e revelar o que poderia ser uma falha importante na explicação filosófica humiana da experiência religiosa.


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Neste artigo pretendo apresentar a crítica de Hume ao argumento do desígnio bem como algumas interpretações acerca desta crítica, a partir de João Paulo Monteiro, Graham Oppy, Daniel Dennett e Richard Dawkins.