971 resultados para radiation protection
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Medical Physics is an interdisciplinary field that applies concepts and laws of physics in medical practices. Currently, one of its main applications is the use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of oncological diseases. Due to its wide use and highly dangerous, many of radioprotection procedures should be adopted with the objective of protecting human beings from harmful effects of radiation. Thus, you can better enjoy the benefits that the practice can offer. The methodology proposed by the National Council on Radiation Protection 151 (NCRP 151), relates technical information necessary to Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X- and Gamma- Ray Radiotherapy Facilities. However, many parameters used to calculate the shield are based on estimates only, and it is an international standard that may not be adequate to the Brazilian reality. Thus, the central idea of this study is the collection of data from the routine of the Radiotherapy Service of the Real e Benemérita Associação Portuguesa de Beneficência, in particular equipment cobalt therapy Theratron 780 (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) and the linear accelerator Varian Clinac 2100C for measurement of workload, number of patients, fields, and dose factors to determine the best use of barrier protection. Furthermore, this work features a profile of radiotherapy treatments carried out closer to the Brazilian reality
The Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty which uses different radioisotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The isotopes are radioactive elements which are administered in vivo and present distribution to specific organs or cell types. The knowledge of radioactivity and notions related to ionizing radiation allow to contextualize the radiological protection measures to be taken in Nuclear Medicine. So it is possible to minimize unnecessary exposure to patients, the public, and individuals occupationally exposed and the environmental. For this it is necessary to relate the physical and technological bases apply to this mode with the standards established by regulatory agencies, including the CNEN (National Nuclear Energy Commission) and ANVISA (National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance). In this scenario, it is important that the theoretical endorse the activities which are periodically audited for verification of compliance with the standards that aim to radioprotection. One role of the Medical Physicist in these services is, therefore, act as Radiation Protection Supervisor exerting numerous activities and ensuring compliance with these standards. In this context the stage in the area of Nuclear Medicine was developed in many customers of the enterprise Rad Dimenstein & Associados LTDA, among them the hospitals Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (HNSL), Santa Paula (HSP), Cruz Azul (CRAZ), Grupo Fleury, among other clinics. Following the routine and then carrying out various activities pertaining to the Medical Physicist in the area, it was noted that the measures and actions are extremely effective and fundamental in terms of radiological protection
This study aimed to develop a computer program which systematizes the structural shielding design calculation in diagnostic radiology facilities. For this purpose methodology of the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP 147[5]) was used. By comparative statistics studies, it was verified if reference parameters values suggested by the US publication correspond to the average national values. The World Wide Web was chosen because of its characteristics as a powerful mean of communication, especially in terms of the wide variety of useful resources and easy access. To compare the reference values of some parameters proposed by NCRP 147 to Brazilian average, studies about the normalized workload per patient, performance of X-ray tube and primary air kerma, unshielded, at one meter from the focal point of the X-ray tube were made. Through this research, relative differences were found. In workload values this differences reached up to 50% in mammography compared to those presented by the NCRP 147; in X-ray tube performance the percentage differences reached 69% in dental radiology, and air kerma results amounted 31% in fluoroscopy. This demonstrates the importance of validation of international protocols to local realities
This work presents a brief historical about the use of ionizing radiations in Veterinary Medicine, instructing the physical beginnings and techniques wrapped in the realization of the proceedings of radiotherapy in animals, illustrating some treated cases, highlighting the difficulties and pointing to the perspectives and importance of the acting of the medical physics in this kind of therapeutic still little used in the national scenery.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Several dosimetric methods have been proposed for estimating red marrow absorbed dose (RMAD) when radionuclide therapy is planned for differentiated thyroid cancer, although to date, there is no consensus as to whether dose calculation should be based on blood-activity concentration or not. Our purpose was to compare RMADs derived from methods that require collecting patients' blood samples versus those involving OLINDA/EXM software, thereby precluding this invasive procedure. This is a retrospective study that included 34 patients under treatment for metastatic thyroid disease. A deviation of 10 between RMADs was found, when comparing the doses from the most usual invasive dosimetric methods and those from OLINDA/EXM. No statistical difference between the methods was discovered, whereby the need for invasive procedures when calculating the dose is questioned. The use of OLINDA/EXM in clinical routine could possibly diminish data collection, thus giving rise to a simultaneous reduction in time and clinical costs, besides avoiding any kind of discomfort on the part of the patients involved.
Protective patient equipment for CT examinations is not routinely provided. The aim of this study was to determine whether, and if so what, specific protective equipment is beneficial during CT scans. The absorbed organ doses and the effective doses for thorax, abdomen/pelvis and brain CT investigation with and without the use of protective patient equipment have been determined and compared. All measurements were carried out on modern multislice CT scanner using an anthropomorphic phantom and thermoluminescence dosemeters. The measurements show that protective equipment reduces the dose within the scattered beam area. The highest organ dose reduction was found in organs that protrude from the trunk like the testes or the female breasts that can largely be covered by the protective equipment. The most reduction of the effective dose was found in the male abdomen/pelvis examination (0.32 mSv), followed by the brain (0.11 mSv) and the thorax (0.06 mSv). It is concluded that the use of protective equipment can reduce the applied dose to the patient.
OBJECTIVES: To analyse the results of recent studies not yet included in a 2003 report of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) on occupational exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields as potential risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. METHODS: A literature search was conducted in the online databases of PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, DIMDI and COCHRANE, as well as in specialised databases and journals. Eight studies published between January 2000 and July 2005 were included in the review. RESULTS: The findings of these studies contribute to the evidence of an association between occupational magnetic field exposure and the risk of dementia. Regarding amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the recent results confirm earlier observations of an association with electric and electronic work and welding. Its relationship with magnetic field exposure remains unsolved. There are only few findings pointing towards an association between magnetic field exposure and Parkinson's disease. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiological evidence for an association between occupational exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields and the risk of dementia has increased during the last five years. The impact of potential confounders should be evaluated in further studies.
This article is a systematic review of whether everyday exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) causes symptoms, and whether some individuals are able to detect low-level RF-EMF (below the ICNIRP [International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection] guidelines). Peer-reviewed articles published before August 2007 were identified by means of a systematic literature search. Meta-analytic techniques were used to pool the results from studies investigating the ability to discriminate active from sham RF-EMF exposure. RF-EMF discrimination was investigated in seven studies including a total of 182 self-declared electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS) individuals and 332 non-EHS individuals. The pooled correct field detection rate was 4.2% better than expected by chance (95% CI: -2.1 to 10.5). There was no evidence that EHS individuals could detect presence or absence of RF-EMF better than other persons. There was little evidence that short-term exposure to a mobile phone or base station causes symptoms based on the results of eight randomized trials investigating 194 EHS and 346 non-EHS individuals in a laboratory. Some of the trials provided evidence for the occurrence of nocebo effects. In population based studies an association between symptoms and exposure to RF-EMF in the everyday environment was repeatedly observed. This review showed that the large majority of individuals who claims to be able to detect low level RF-EMF are not able to do so under double-blind conditions. If such individuals exist, they represent a small minority and have not been identified yet. The available observational studies do not allow differentiating between biophysical from EMF and nocebo effects.
Individual monitoring regulations in Switzerland are based on the ICRP60 recommendations. The annual limit of 20 mSv for the effective dose applies to the sum of external and internal radiation. External radiation is monitored monthly or quarterly with TLD, DIS or CR-39 dosemeters by 10 approved external dosimetry services and reported as H(p)(10) and H(p)(0.07). Internal monitoring is done in two steps. At the workplace, simple screening measurements are done frequently in order to recognise a possible incorporation. If a nuclide dependent activity threshold is exceeded then one of the seven approved dosimetry services for internal radiation does an incorporation measurement to assess the committed effective dose E(50). The dosimetry services report all the measured or assessed dose values to the employer and to the National Dose Registry. The employer records the annually accumulated dose values into the individual dose certificate of the occupationally exposed person, both the external dose H(p)(10) and the internal dose E(50) as well as the total effective dose E = H(p)(10)+E(50). Based on the national dose registry an annual report on the dosimetry in Switzerland is published which contains the statistics for the total effective dose, as well as separate statistics for external and internal exposure.
The objectives of this systematic review are to summarise the current literature on socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk of childhood leukaemia, to highlight methodological problems and formulate recommendations for future research. Starting from the systematic review of Poole et al. (Socioeconomic status and childhood leukaemia: a review. Int. J. Epidemiol. 2006;35(2):370-384.), an electronic literature search was performed covering August 2002-April 2008. It showed that (1) the results are heterogeneous, with no clear evidence to support a relation between SES and childhood leukaemia; (2) a number of factors, most importantly selection bias, might explain inconsistencies between studies; (3) there is some support for an association between SES at birth (rather than later in childhood) and childhood leukaemia and (4) if there are any associations, these are weak, limited to the most extreme SES groups (the 10-20% most or least deprived). This makes it unlikely that they would act as strong confounders in research addressing associations between other exposures and childhood leukaemia. Future research should minimise case and control selection bias, distinguish between different SES measures and leukaemia subtypes and consider timing of exposures and cancer outcomes.
Recent findings related to childhood leukaemia incidence near nuclear installations have raised questions which can be answered neither by current knowledge on radiation risk nor by other established risk factors. In 2012, a workshop was organised on this topic with two objectives: (a) review of results and discussion of methodological limitations of studies near nuclear installations; (b) identification of directions for future research into the causes and pathogenesis of childhood leukaemia. The workshop gathered 42 participants from different disciplines, extending widely outside of the radiation protection field. Regarding the proximity of nuclear installations, the need for continuous surveillance of childhood leukaemia incidence was highlighted, including a better characterisation of the local population. The creation of collaborative working groups was recommended for consistency in methodologies and the possibility of combining data for future analyses. Regarding the causes of childhood leukaemia, major fields of research were discussed (environmental risk factors, genetics, infections, immunity, stem cells, experimental research). The need for multidisciplinary collaboration in developing research activities was underlined, including the prevalence of potential predisposition markers and investigating further the infectious aetiology hypothesis. Animal studies and genetic/epigenetic approaches appear of great interest. Routes for future research were pointed out.
In 2011, the first consensus conference on guidelines for the use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was convened by the Swiss Society of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (SGDMFR). This conference covered topics of oral and maxillofacial surgery, temporomandibular joint dysfunctions and disorders, and orthodontics. In 2014, a second consensus conference was convened on guidelines for the use of CBCT in endodontics, periodontology, reconstructive dentistry and pediatric dentistry. The guidelines are intended for all dentists in order to facilitate the decision as to when the use of CBCT is justified. As a rule, the use of CBCT is considered restrictive, since radiation protection reasons do not allow its routine use. CBCT should therefore be reserved for complex cases where its application can be expected to provide further information that is relevant to the choice of therapy. In periodontology, sufficient information is usually available from clinical examination and periapical radiographs; in endodontics alternative methods can often be used instead of CBCT; and for implant patients undergoing reconstructive dentistry, CT is of interest for the workflow from implant planning to the superstructure. For pediatric dentistry no application of CBCT is seen for caries diagnosis.
Las irradiaciones médicas constituyen la contribución más importante a la exposición humana a radiaciones ionizantes de origen artificial. Las estadísticas mundiales indican una tendencia creciente en el número anual de estas prácticas en función del desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes, de la aplicación de nuevos fármacos marcados con diversos isótopos y de avances en los tratamientos antineoplásicos. Debido a esta amplia difusión, la Protección Radiológica (PR) se ha convertido en un tema relevante para las sociedades científicas y los organismos reguladores. En este sentido, la mayor parte de los países europeos ha implementado planes de acción para la protección radiológica del paciente. Un ejemplo de ello lo constituye la guía PR/116 elaborada por la Comisión Europea en el año 2000, que recomienda la implementación de un curso en PR en las escuelas de Medicina y Odontología. En consecuencia, el propósito general de esta investigación fue describir y analizar críticamente la situación actual de la enseñanza de contenidos referidos al uso de las radiaciones ionizantes en la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Los principales resultados muestran que no existe una obligación curricular que presente entre sus contenidos mínimos la enseñanza de la PR, como tampoco de conocimientos básicos de Física de la radiación. Además, tanto la PR como los temas ambientales relativos al uso de radiaciones ionizantes en Medicina no se desarrollan según lo recomendado por Organismos Internacionales especializados. Teniendo en cuenta que muchos métodos de diagnóstico por imágenes utilizan radiaciones ionizantes, se sugiere la inclusión de esta temática en el plan de estudio de la carrera de Medicina. El objetivo es incorporar la cultura de la radioprotección en la formación del futuro profesional y, en consecuencia, reducir la ejecución de prácticas injustificadas que atentan contra la salud individual y ambiental.