278 resultados para racing


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Workplace practices form an overarching social determinant of health for Victorian jockeys and their families. This research highlights the importance of riding opportunity, coping with risk and danger, and the gratification associated with the lifestyle to be key characteristics that impact on jockey family health for the better or worse.


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Female athletes may demonstrate a poor ability to quantify portion sizes and educational sessions using food models do not always improve accuracy. Female cyclists with the highest body fat do not report the highest energy intakes during 70 days of training and racing. Training loads can influence reported daily energy intake.


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In this paper, we investigate the use of a wavelet transform-based analysis of audio tracks accompanying videos for the problem of automatic program genre detection. We compare the classification performance based on wavelet-based audio features to that using conventional features derived from Fourier and time analysis for the task of discriminating TV programs such as news, commercials, music shows, concerts, motor racing games, and animated cartoons. Three different classifiers namely the Decision Trees, SVMs, and k-Nearest Neighbours are studied to analyse the reliability of the performance of our wavelet features based approach. Further, we investigate the issue of an appropriate duration of an audio clip to be analyzed for this automatic genre determination. Our experimental results show that features derived from the wavelet transform of the audio signal can very well separate the six video genres studied. It is also found that there is no significant difference in performance with varying audio clip durations across the classifiers.


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Aim The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in running mechanics that occur when highly trained runners run barefoot and in a minimalist shoe, and specifically if running in a minimalist shoe replicates barefoot running.

Methods Ground reaction force data and kinematics were collected from 22 highly trained runners during overground running while barefoot and in three shod conditions (minimalist shoe, racing flat and the athlete's regular shoe). Three-dimensional net joint moments and subsequent net powers and work were computed using Newton-Euler inverse dynamics. Joint kinematic and kinetic variables were statistically compared between barefoot and shod conditions using a multivariate analysis of variance for repeated measures and standardised mean differences calculated.

Results There were significant differences between barefoot and shod conditions for kinematic and kinetic variables at the knee and ankle, with no differences between shod conditions. Barefoot running demonstrated less knee flexion during midstance, an 11% decrease in the peak internal knee extension and abduction moments and a 24% decrease in negative work done at the knee compared with shod conditions. The ankle demonstrated less dorsiflexion at initial contact, a 14% increase in peak power generation and a 19% increase in the positive work done during barefoot running compared with shod conditions.

Conclusions Barefoot running was different to all shod conditions. Barefoot running changes the amount of work done at the knee and ankle joints and this may have therapeutic and performance implications for runners.


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This short piece looks at the life of a murderer, George Blunderfield (alias Arthur Oldring), who was hanged in Melbourne in 1918. Melburnians, or visitors to the city, may have seen his image on the wall at the Old Melbourne Gaol. Blunderfield's life started out normally
enough, and then descended into horrific crime. His story includes bicycle racing, escape from an island prison, and then recruitment for service with the Australian Imperial Forces in wartime Victoria. In the last years of his life, Blunderfield wreaked havoc from the western to the eastern coasts of Australia. This in turn had a dramatic effect on his immediate family, which is also detailed here. This story draws on the archives at PROV as well as on State Records Office of Western Australia material, with help from Ms Jean
Bellamy, a distant relative of George Blunderfield.


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Demographic characteristics associated with gambling participation and problem gambling severity were investigated in a stratified random survey in Tasmania, Australia. Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted in March 2011 resulting in a representative sample of 4,303 Tasmanian residents aged 18 years or older. Overall, 64.8 % of Tasmanian adults reported participating in some form of gambling in the previous 12 months. The most common forms of gambling were lotteries (46.5 %), keno (24.3 %), instant scratch tickets (24.3 %), and electronic gaming machines (20.5 %). Gambling severity rates were estimated at non-gambling (34.8 %), non-problem gambling (57.4 %), low risk gambling (5.3 %), moderate risk (1.8 %), and problem gambling (.7 %). Compared to Tasmanian gamblers as a whole significantly higher annual participation rates were reported by couples with no children, those in full time paid employment, and people who did not complete secondary school. Compared to Tasmanian gamblers as a whole significantly higher gambling frequencies were reported by males, people aged 65 or older, and people who were on pensions or were unable to work. Compared to Tasmanian gamblers as a whole significantly higher gambling expenditure was reported by males. The highest average expenditure was for horse and greyhound racing ($AUD 1,556), double the next highest gambling activity electronic gaming machines ($AUD 767). Compared to Tasmanian gamblers as a whole problem gamblers were significantly younger, in paid employment, reported lower incomes, and were born in Australia. Although gambling participation rates appear to be falling, problem gambling severity rates remain stable. These changes appear to reflect a maturing gambling market and the need for population specific harm minimisation strategies. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Young drivers aged between 16 and 25 are consistently over-represented in fatal crash statistics and are more likely than older drivers to be involved in a range of intentional risky driving behaviours, such as drink driving, speeding, drag racing, and tailgating. This paper reports the fndings of a systematic search of published peer-reviewed literature, identifying the association between age and the characteristics of risky drivers, as well as interventions that have been developed to improve their safety. The results suggest that it is young males who are predominantly involved in unsafe driving and that these drivers are generally high in reward sensitivity, have antisocial peers, and believe that they are not dangerous drivers. Further to this, deterrence-based interventions have shown limited efectiveness for the specifc category of 'hoon' drivers, suggesting the need for targeted interventions across a multitude of domains. Efective intervention requires an understanding of the antecedents of dangerous driving behaviour, and it is concluded that interventions might be most efective when targeted towards these identifed criminogenic needs.


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Produção intelectual e desenvolvimento tecnológico podem diferenciar países e regiões no processo de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. No caso do Brasil, observa-se o papel energético do etanol combustível para veículos motorizados leves como um resultado importante do avanço tecnológico do país, que vai além da aptidão agroclimática. A contínua busca pela especialização tecnológica verticalizada do setor sucroenergético poderia levar o Brasil a uma posição, se não autônoma, mais confortável, não só de produtor de matéria-prima, mas de processos agregadores de valor no que diz respeito aos processos de produção de etanol de segunda geração, produzido a partir de biomassa lignocelulósica. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar os esforços de P&D que resultaram em Depósitos e Publicações de patentes em órgãos oficiais como o United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), o European Patent Office (EPO), e o Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), no tema etanol de segunda geração. Ainda, verifica-se se esses esforços impactam no poder concorrencial de países e firmas depositantes de patentes. Além das coletas e observações dos dados dos órgãos acima mencionados, foram calculados para os dados de depósitos e publicações de patentes no tema bioetanol lignocelulósico os índices de Herfindahl Hirschman (HHI) e a razão de concentração (Concentration Ratio) CR4, tradicionalmente utilizados para que órgãos reguladores de defesa do consumidor autorizem fusões e aquisições entre participantes de um determinado mercado. Esse método permite a observação do grau de competitividade entre as firmas depositantes de patentes no tema e a possível tendência sobre a detenção do controle em futuro próximo e a corrida para venda de royalties dos processos desenvolvidos em diferentes áreas tecnológicas para incrementar a produção industrial de etanol avançado. Os resultados indicam uma concentração elevada dos esforços de pesquisa, medidos pelos depósitos de patentes, referentes a etanol de segunda geração, em um número muito reduzido de empresas norte-americanas, quando analisada a base de dados dos EUA. O sucesso desses esforços, mensurados pela publicação de patentes, contudo, não se mostra concentrado nem nos EUA nem na União Europeia. No caso do Brasil, ainda não são encontradas publicações de patentes no tema Lignocellulosic Bioethanol, bem como apenas uma empresa brasileira possui uma patente publicada nos Estados Unidos. Esses resultados sugerem que investimentos em pesquisa científica no Brasil podem produzir mais artigos publicados e titulação acadêmica/científica que propriamente o registro de patentes em órgãos especializados em qualificar a invenção de métodos, processos ou fórmulas, dentro e fora do país. Isso pode significar tanto baixo esforço em pesquisa no assunto quanto à perda pelo autor e/ou sua instituição da oportunidade de ter seu esforço de pesquisa recompensado por meio de royalties, como compensação pela criatividade, dedicação intelectual e de recursos econômicos. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para o debate a respeito da crescente necessidade de produção e abastecimento de fontes renováveis de energia, como o biocombustível etanol avançado à base do derivado bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, a custos mais competitivos como matéria-prima adicional e para produção incremental de etanol em futuro próximo. As conclusões do estudo indicam a necessidade do aumento na produção de conhecimento aplicado e em esforços para garantir sua propriedade intelectual, permitindo o retorno patrimonial com royalties.


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Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate physical characteristics and to examine association between somatotype and performance in collegiate runners of 100 m and 400 m. Methods: The sample, male runners (n=39) competing at the regional level in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, had height, body mass, skinfolds, limb circumference and skeletal breadths measured. Then, the somatotype was calculated by Health-Carter method. Races (100 m and 400 m) were held to assess athletic performance. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the total sample, as well as for the 100 m and 400 m groups, and established four subgroups, named quartiles. For analysis between groups of runners (100 m x 400 m) was used Student's t test for independent samples. To examine the relationship between the race times and anthropometric variables, was used the Pearson correlation test. The somatotype dispersion distance and somatotype spatial distance were calculated among subgroups. One-way analysis of variance, the Wilcoxon test followed of Tukey post test, and correlation analysis were used with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Somatotype with mesomorphy and ectomorphy dominance was exhibited by 100 m and 400 m athletes. Endomorphy was low in both groups, especially in 400m runners, who had more elongated body types than 100 m runners. When separately compared by athletic performance quartile, 100 m sprinters of better qualifications (G100-G1) had somatotype with dominant mesomorphy, whereas 400 m runners had somatotype with dominant ectomorphy. A significant correlation (r = -0.55, p=0.008) between calf circumference and 100 m race times was observed showing the importance of muscularity, whereas a significant correlation was found between height and 400 m race times (r = -0.53, p=0.02) showing the importance of linearity. Conclusion: Runners of 100 and 400 may show differences in physical characteristics, depending on the level of athletic performance. Anthropometric periodic evaluations may help in the training process of these athletes. However, more specific assessment parameters should be taken into account, because somatotype by itself has not power to predict whether an individual will succeed in racing speed


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The study of caffeine in racing horses has been of growing concern in veterinary sports medicine since the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) stated that it has no valid therapeutic use in racehorses. We examined the kinetic alterations in the urinary excretion and salivary secretion of caffeine in seven horses subjected to urinary acidification using ascorbic acid because this procedure can simulate the acidosis that follows anaerobic exercise. They participated in two treatment groups: the control group (SG) received 500 ml of saline and then 2.0 mg kg(-1) caffeine i.v. 30 min later; and the acidified group (AG) was subjected to urinary acidification with ascorbic acid at a dose of 0.5 g kg(-1) i.v. and then 2.0. mg kg(-1) caffeine i.v. 30 min later. Samples were collected 30 min before caffeine administration, immediately before caffeine administration (time zero) and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h afterwards. The samples were assayed by gas chromatography. The mean urinary pH for SG was 8.2, but for AG it was as low as 5.9 at 4 h, extending acidosis for up to 8 h. The kinetic curves for the two groups were similar for urinary excretion and salivary secretion. Differences occurred only in peak excretion and peak secretion in SG obtained at 1 h and 30 min, respectively, and in AG at 2 h and 1 h, respectively. This could be explained, in part, to the diuresis in AG compared with SG, resulting in less concentrated urine in the former group. The large difference between the pK(a) of caffeine and the pH of the medium may be responsible for the similar pharmacokinetics observed for the two groups. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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On the basis of information provided by the Brazilian Association of Race Horse Breeders, we analysed the racing performance of 947 Thoroughbred horses in races held from 1985 to 1992. The performance was evaluated using the best, time of the animals. The variance component was obtained by the derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood method, and the model used contained fixed effects of the racing month and year, sex, race track, track condition, animal age, number of competitors in race, and distance, and the random animal effect. The low heritability estimate obtained (0.12) indicates that selection based on animal phenotypic value must induce small genetic changes in this trail.


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This study was designed to compare embryo recovery rates and pregnancy rates of athletic and breeding Quarter Horse mares in a tropical warm climate. Thirty-nine barrel racing mares in training and 135 breeding mares as control donors were included. During the training period, the ambient temperature ranged from 31 degrees C to 36 degrees C and the average humidity from 70% to 90%. After the detection of a 35-mm follicle by ultrasound, ovulation was induced with 1 mg of deslorelin acetate (i.m), and insemination was performed 24 hours later with cooled and fresh semen from different fertile stallions. Embryos were collected on day 8 postovulation. The body temperature (rectal) was evaluated from eight athletic donor mares randomly selected from the same studied group. A total of 138 and 657 embryo collections were carried out on training and breeding mares, respectively, with a total of 105 (76%) and 466 (71%) embryos collected (P > .05). Similarly, no differences (P > .05) were observed for the pregnancy rates on day 15 (82/105, 78% vs. 370/466,79%), and day 40 (73/105, 69% vs. 328/466,70%) between the training and breeding donor mares. Just after training, the body temperature increased to an average of 39.4 degrees C and the respiratory rate from 14.5 to 35.3 breaths per minute. The results of the present study showed that embryo production from appropriately trained donor mares in good condition were similar to non-athletic broodmares. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Não é difícil observar a importância das corridas de velocidade para o cenário esportivo mundial. Entretanto, do stádion, disputado pelos gregos nos Jogos Olímpicos da Grécia Antiga, aos atuais 100 metros rasos, foram várias as modificações. Não por outro motivo, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi registrar as modificações que ocorreram no sistema de partida das corridas de velocidade ao longo dos tempos. Essa pesquisa teórica, caracterizada como uma pesquisa bibliográfica, concentrou-se na coleta de dados provenientes de livros, artigos, imagens e websites relacionados aos 100 metros rasos. Dentre as modificações identificadas merecem destaque as que ocorreram no sistema de partida e que incluem o bloco de partida utilizado pelos atletas na atualidade, sem o qual, talvez, não se tivesse chegado ao incrível recorde mundial dos 100 metros rasos de 9s58.


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for racing performance traits in Quarter Horses in Brazil. The data (provided by the Sorocaba Jockey Club) came from 3 Brazilian hippodromes in 1994-2003, with 11875 observations of race time and 7775 of the speed index (Sl), distributed in 2403 and 2169 races, respectively. The variance components were estimated by the MTGSAM program, under animal models including the random additive genetic effect, random permanent environmental effect, and the fixed effects of sex, age and race. Heritabilities for race time and the SI, for the 3 distances studied (301, 365 and 402 in), varied from 0.26 to 0.41 and from 0. 14 to 0. 19, respectively, whereas repeatabilities varied from 0.36 to 0.68 (time) and from 0.27 to 0.42 (SI) and the genetic correlations from 0.90 to 0.97 (time) and from 0.67 to 0.73 (SI).