932 resultados para quantum error correction


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A model is presented that deals with problems of motor control, motor learning, and sensorimotor integration. The equations of motion for a limb are parameterized and used in conjunction with a quantized, multi-dimensional memory organized by state variables. Descriptions of desired trajectories are translated into motor commands which will replicate the specified motions. The initial specification of a movement is free of information regarding the mechanics of the effector system. Learning occurs without the use of error correction when practice data are collected and analyzed.


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We consider the problem of architecting a reliable content delivery system across an overlay network using TCP connections as the transport primitive. We first argue that natural designs based on store-and-forward principles that tightly couple TCP connections at intermediate end-systems impose fundamental performance limitations, such as dragging down all transfer rates in the system to the rate of the slowest receiver. In contrast, the ROMA architecture we propose incorporates the use of loosely coupled TCP connections together with fast forward error correction techniques to deliver a scalable solution that better accommodates a set of heterogeneous receivers. The methods we develop establish chains of TCP connections, whose expected performance we analyze through equation-based methods. We validate our analytical findings and evaluate the performance of our ROMA architecture using a prototype implementation via extensive Internet experimentation across the PlanetLab distributed testbed.


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One-and two-dimensional cellular automata which are known to be fault-tolerant are very complex. On the other hand, only very simple cellular automata have actually been proven to lack fault-tolerance, i.e., to be mixing. The latter either have large noise probability ε or belong to the small family of two-state nearest-neighbor monotonic rules which includes local majority voting. For a certain simple automaton L called the soldiers rule, this problem has intrigued researchers for the last two decades since L is clearly more robust than local voting: in the absence of noise, L eliminates any finite island of perturbation from an initial configuration of all 0's or all 1's. The same holds for a 4-state monotonic variant of L, K, called two-line voting. We will prove that the probabilistic cellular automata Kε and Lε asymptotically lose all information about their initial state when subject to small, strongly biased noise. The mixing property trivially implies that the systems are ergodic. The finite-time information-retaining quality of a mixing system can be represented by its relaxation time Relax(⋅), which measures the time before the onset of significant information loss. This is known to grow as (1/ε)^c for noisy local voting. The impressive error-correction ability of L has prompted some researchers to conjecture that Relax(Lε) = 2^(c/ε). We prove the tight bound 2^(c1log^21/ε) < Relax(Lε) < 2^(c2log^21/ε) for a biased error model. The same holds for Kε. Moreover, the lower bound is independent of the bias assumption. The strong bias assumption makes it possible to apply sparsity/renormalization techniques, the main tools of our investigation, used earlier in the opposite context of proving fault-tolerance.


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Fast forward error correction codes are becoming an important component in bulk content delivery. They fit in naturally with multicast scenarios as a way to deal with losses and are now seeing use in peer to peer networks as a basis for distributing load. In particular, new irregular sparse parity check codes have been developed with provable average linear time performance, a significant improvement over previous codes. In this paper, we present a new heuristic for generating codes with similar performance based on observing a server with an oracle for client state. This heuristic is easy to implement and provides further intuition into the need for an irregular heavy tailed distribution.


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In a probabilistic cellular automaton in which all local transitions have positive probability, the problem of keeping a bit of information for more than a constant number of steps is nontrivial, even in an infinite automaton. Still, there is a solution in 2 dimensions, and this solution can be used to construct a simple 3-dimensional discrete-time universal fault-tolerant cellular automaton. This technique does not help much to solve the following problems: remembering a bit of information in 1 dimension; computing in dimensions lower than 3; computing in any dimension with non-synchronized transitions. Our more complex technique organizes the cells in blocks that perform a reliable simulation of a second (generalized) cellular automaton. The cells of the latter automaton are also organized in blocks, simulating even more reliably a third automaton, etc. Since all this (a possibly infinite hierarchy) is organized in "software", it must be under repair all the time from damage caused by errors. A large part of the problem is essentially self-stabilization recovering from a mess of arbitrary-size and content caused by the faults. The present paper constructs an asynchronous one-dimensional fault-tolerant cellular automaton, with the further feature of "self-organization". The latter means that unless a large amount of input information must be given, the initial configuration can be chosen to be periodical with a small period.


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An increasing number of applications, such as distributed interactive simulation, live auctions, distributed games and collaborative systems, require the network to provide a reliable multicast service. This service enables one sender to reliably transmit data to multiple receivers. Reliability is traditionally achieved by having receivers send negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to request from the sender the retransmission of lost (or missing) data packets. However, this Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) approach results in the well-known NACK implosion problem at the sender. Many reliable multicast protocols have been recently proposed to reduce NACK implosion. But, the message overhead due to NACK requests remains significant. Another approach, based on Forward Error Correction (FEC), requires the sender to encode additional redundant information so that a receiver can independently recover from losses. However, due to the lack of feedback from receivers, it is impossible for the sender to determine how much redundancy is needed. In this paper, we propose a new reliable multicast protocol, called ARM for Adaptive Reliable Multicast. Our protocol integrates ARQ and FEC techniques. The objectives of ARM are (1) reduce the message overhead due to NACK requests, (2) reduce the amount of data transmission, and (3) reduce the time it takes for all receivers to receive the data intact (without loss). During data transmission, the sender periodically informs the receivers of the number of packets that are yet to be transmitted. Based on this information, each receiver predicts whether this amount is enough to recover its losses. Only if it is not enough, that the receiver requests the sender to encode additional redundant packets. Using ns simulations, we show the superiority of our hybrid ARQ-FEC protocol over the well-known Scalable Reliable Multicast (SRM) protocol.


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This article describes two neural network modules that form part of an emerging theory of how adaptive control of goal-directed sensory-motor skills is achieved by humans and other animals. The Vector-Integration-To-Endpoint (VITE) model suggests how synchronous multi-joint trajectories are generated and performed at variable speeds. The Factorization-of-LEngth-and-TEnsion (FLETE) model suggests how outflow movement commands from a VITE model may be performed at variable force levels without a loss of positional accuracy. The invariance of positional control under speed and force rescaling sheds new light upon a familiar strategy of motor skill development: Skill learning begins with performance at low speed and low limb compliance and proceeds to higher speeds and compliances. The VITE model helps to explain many neural and behavioral data about trajectory formation, including data about neural coding within the posterior parietal cortex, motor cortex, and globus pallidus, and behavioral properties such as Woodworth's Law, Fitts Law, peak acceleration as a function of movement amplitude and duration, isotonic arm movement properties before and after arm-deafferentation, central error correction properties of isometric contractions, motor priming without overt action, velocity amplification during target switching, velocity profile invariance across different movement distances, changes in velocity profile asymmetry across different movement durations, staggered onset times for controlling linear trajectories with synchronous offset times, changes in the ratio of maximum to average velocity during discrete versus serial movements, and shared properties of arm and speech articulator movements. The FLETE model provides new insights into how spina-muscular circuits process variable forces without a loss of positional control. These results explicate the size principle of motor neuron recruitment, descending co-contractive compliance signals, Renshaw cells, Ia interneurons, fast automatic reactive control by ascending feedback from muscle spindles, slow adaptive predictive control via cerebellar learning using muscle spindle error signals to train adaptive movement gains, fractured somatotopy in the opponent organization of cerebellar learning, adaptive compensation for variable moment-arms, and force feedback from Golgi tendon organs. More generally, the models provide a computational rationale for the use of nonspecific control signals in volitional control, or "acts of will", and of efference copies and opponent processing in both reactive and adaptive motor control tasks.


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In this thesis a novel transmission format, named Coherent Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CoWDM) for use in high information spectral density optical communication networks is proposed and studied. In chapter I a historical view of fibre optic communication systems as well as an overview of state of the art technology is presented to provide an introduction to the subject area. We see that, in general the aim of modern optical communication system designers is to provide high bandwidth services while reducing the overall cost per transmitted bit of information. In the remainder of the thesis a range of investigations, both of a theoretical and experimental nature are carried out using the CoWDM transmission format. These investigations are designed to consider features of CoWDM such as its dispersion tolerance, compatibility with forward error correction and suitability for use in currently installed long haul networks amongst others. A high bit rate optical test bed constructed at the Tyndall National Institute facilitated most of the experimental work outlined in this thesis and a collaboration with France Telecom enabled long haul transmission experiments using the CoWDM format to be carried out. An amount of research was also carried out on ancillary topics such as optical comb generation, forward error correction and phase stabilisation techniques. The aim of these investigations is to verify the suitability of CoWDM as a cost effective solution for use in both current and future high bit rate optical communication networks


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Error correcting codes are combinatorial objects, designed to enable reliable transmission of digital data over noisy channels. They are ubiquitously used in communication, data storage etc. Error correction allows reconstruction of the original data from received word. The classical decoding algorithms are constrained to output just one codeword. However, in the late 50’s researchers proposed a relaxed error correction model for potentially large error rates known as list decoding. The research presented in this thesis focuses on reducing the computational effort and enhancing the efficiency of decoding algorithms for several codes from algorithmic as well as architectural standpoint. The codes in consideration are linear block codes closely related to Reed Solomon (RS) codes. A high speed low complexity algorithm and architecture are presented for encoding and decoding RS codes based on evaluation. The implementation results show that the hardware resources and the total execution time are significantly reduced as compared to the classical decoder. The evaluation based encoding and decoding schemes are modified and extended for shortened RS codes and software implementation shows substantial reduction in memory footprint at the expense of latency. Hermitian codes can be seen as concatenated RS codes and are much longer than RS codes over the same aphabet. A fast, novel and efficient VLSI architecture for Hermitian codes is proposed based on interpolation decoding. The proposed architecture is proven to have better than Kötter’s decoder for high rate codes. The thesis work also explores a method of constructing optimal codes by computing the subfield subcodes of Generalized Toric (GT) codes that is a natural extension of RS codes over several dimensions. The polynomial generators or evaluation polynomials for subfield-subcodes of GT codes are identified based on which dimension and bound for the minimum distance are computed. The algebraic structure for the polynomials evaluating to subfield is used to simplify the list decoding algorithm for BCH codes. Finally, an efficient and novel approach is proposed for exploiting powerful codes having complex decoding but simple encoding scheme (comparable to RS codes) for multihop wireless sensor network (WSN) applications.


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Bandwidth constriction and datagram loss are prominent issues that affect the perceived quality of streaming video over lossy networks, such as wireless. The use of layered video coding seems attractive as a means to alleviate these issues, but its adoption has been held back in large part by the inherent priority assigned to the critical lower layers and the consequences for quality that result from their loss. The proposed use of forward error correction (FEC) as a solution only further burdens the bandwidth availability and can negate the perceived benefits of increased stream quality. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Layer Distribution (ALD) as a novel scalable media delivery technique that optimises the tradeoff between the streaming bandwidth and error resiliency. ALD is based on the principle of layer distribution, in which the critical stream data is spread amongst all datagrams thus lessening the impact on quality due to network losses. Additionally, ALD provides a parameterised mechanism for dynamic adaptation of the scalable video, while providing increased resilience to the highest quality layers. Our experimental results show that ALD improves the perceived quality and also reduces the bandwidth demand by up to 36% in comparison to the well-known Multiple Description Coding (MDC) technique.


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The equilibrium structure of the hydrogen bonded complex H2O HF has been calculated ab initio using the CCSD(T) method with basis sets up to sextuple- quality with diffuse functions and taking into account the basis set superposition error correction. The calculations carried out confirm the importance of diffuse functions and of counterpoise correction to obtain an accurate geometry. The most important point is that the basis set convergence is extremely slow and, for this reason an accurate ab initio structure requires a very large basis set. Nevertheless, the ab initio structure is significantly different from the experimental r0 and rm structures. Analysis of the basis set convergence and of the approximations used for the determination of the experimental structures indicates that the ab initio structure is expected to be more reliable.


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Previous studies using low frequency (1 Hz) rTMS over the motor and premotor cortex have examined repetitive movements, but focused either on motor aspects of performance such as movement speed, or on variability of the produced intervals. A novel question is whether TMS affects the synchronization of repetitive movements with an external cue (sensorimotor synchronization). In the present study participants synchronized finger taps with the tones of an auditory metronome. The aim of the study was to examine whether motor and premotor cortical inhibition induced by rTMS affects timing aspects of synchronization performance such as the coupling between the tap and the tone and error correction after a metronome perturbation. Metronome sequences included perturbations corresponding to a change in the duration of a single interval (phase shifts) that were either small and below the threshold for conscious perception (10 ms) or large and perceivable (50 ms). Both premotor and motor cortex stimulation induced inhibition, as reflected in a lengthening of the silent period. Neither motor nor premotor cortex rTMS altered error correction after a phase shift. However, motor cortex stimulation made participants tap closer to the tone, yielding a decrease in tap-tone asynchrony. This provides the first neurophysiological demonstration of a dissociation between error correction and tap-tone asynchrony in sensorimotor synchronization. We discuss the results in terms of current theories of timing and error correction.