812 resultados para quantitative online survey


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One hundred and seventy-two subj ects participated in this quantitative, correlational survey which tested Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model in an educational setting. Subjects were Teaching Masters, Chairmen and Deans from an Ontario community college. The data were collected via mailed questionnaire, on all variables of the model. Several reliable, valid instruments were used to test the variables. Data analysis through Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that core job characteristics predicted certain critical psychological states and that these critical psychological states, in turn were able to predict various personal and work outcomes but not absenteeism. The context variable, Satisfaction with Co-workers, was the only consistent moderating variable between core characteristics and critical psychological states; however, individual employee differences did moderate the relationship between critical psychological states and all of the personal and work outcomes except Internal Work Motivation. Two other moderator variables, Satisfaction with Context and Growth Need Strength, demonstrated an ability to predict the outcome General Job Satisfaction. The research suggests that this model may be used for job design and redesign purposes within the community college setting.


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Despite 2 Ontario Ministry of Education policy documents which mandate that regular program effectiveness surveys be completed in secondary school co-op programs, research was either not occurring or data were not being made available. A lack of co-op research also existed at the postsecondary level. The primary reason for this study was to determine the perspectives of current secondary school co-op employers in the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) and to identify any program strengths as well as any areas in which improvement can be made. A secondary aim of the study was to discover the reasons that some employers decline to participate in the co-op program, and why other employers decide to discontinue their co-op partnerships. An online survey was utilized with 2 Likert scales and open-ended questions to solicit responses from the 100 participants. The findings from this study strongly supported previous secondary and postsecondary co-op research. Overall, the HWDSB co-op program was found to be very strong, and employer satisfaction very high. There were, however, areas in which improvement could be made. Although most employers felt supported by institutions and felt that expectations were clearly communicated and were reasonable, there was evidence that many employers perceived a lack of institutional support which included factors such as communication, student placement and fit, and institutional responsiveness. In addition, some employers felt that students were underprepared for the workplace and lacked basic employability skills such as dependability and responsibility.


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This study explored strategies that Brock University undergraduate students value the most for managing anxiety in academia. Although previous literature indicates services and techniques such as academic advising, physical activity, and educator engagement help students, few if any have ranked students’ perceived value of anxiety-management strategies. The researcher recruited 54 undergraduate student participants (primarily from the Department of Community Health Sciences) through online invitation. Participants completed an online survey to rate their previous experience with anxiety-management strategies discussed in the literature. Survey findings identified the 4 most valuable resources students used to manage anxiety in academia: (a) educators who post academic material posted online (e.g., on Sakai) early in the term, (b) physical activity, (c) socialization, and (d) breaking large assignments into smaller portions. Conversely, student participants found disability services, counseling, and medication to be the least valuable resources. Results suggest higher-education facilities should ensure that the most valuable services are readily available to students seeking them. The study contributes to the field by identifying a broad set of strategies that students find highly valuable in their management of academic related anxiety.


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The academic study of place has been generally defined by two distinct and highly refined discourses within outdoor recreation research: place attachment and sense of place. Place attachment generally describes the intensity of the place relationship, whereas sense of place approaches place from a more holistic and intimate orientation. This study bridges these two methodological and theoretical separate areas of place research together by re-conceptualizing the way in which place relationships are viewed within outdoor recreation research. The Psychological Continuum Model is used to extend the language of place attachment to incorporate more of the philosophy of sense of place while attending to the empirical strength and utility of place attachment. This extension results in the term place allegiance being coined to depict the strong and profound relationships outdoor recreationists build with their places of outdoor recreation. Using a concurrent mixed methods research design, this study explored place allegiance via an online survey (n = 437) and thirteen in-depth qualitative interviews with outdoor recreationists. Results indicate that place allegiance can be measured through a multi-dimensional model of place allegiance that incorporates behaviours, importance, resistance, knowledge and symbolic value. In addition, place allegiance was found to be related to an individual's influence on life course and his/her willingness to exhibit preservation and protection tendencies. Place allegiance plays an important role in acknowledging the importance of authentic place relationships in an effort to confront placelessness. Wilderness recreation is an important avenue for outdoor recreationists to build strong place relationships.


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This paper explores how internationalization is understood and experienced in German academic libraries. Its main purpose is to move the discussion of internationalization in academic libraries beyond the boundaries of English-speaking North America by investigating a European perspective. Its secondary purpose is to investigate the role of English in German academic libraries. An online survey and a series of in-person interviews conducted in Germany in April 2015 provided the data for this study. What emerged are a series of stated differences and similarities between North America and Germany informed by the two overarching themes of implicit internationalization and plurilingualism, the ability to switch from one language to another as required.


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Introduction: Biomedical scientists need to choose among hundreds of publicly available bioinformatics applications, tools, and databases. Librarian challenges include raising awareness to valuable resources, as well as providing support in finding and evaluating specific resources. Our objective is to implement an education program in bioinformatics similar to those offered in other North American academic libraries. Description: Our initial target clientele included four research departments of the Faculty of Medicine at Universite´ de Montréal. In January 2010, I attended two departmental meetings and interviewed a few stakeholders in order to propose a basic bioinformatics service: one-to-one consultations and a workshop on NCBI databases. The response was favourable. The workshop was thus offered once a month during the Winter and Fall semesters, and participants were invited to evaluate the workshop via an online survey. In addition, a bioinformatics subject guide was launched on the library’s website in December 2010. Outcomes: One hundred and two participants attended one of the nine NCBI workshops offered in 2010; most were graduate students (74%). The survey’s response rate was 54%. A majority of respondents thought that the bioinformatics resources featured in the workshop were relevant (95%) and that the difficulty level of exercises was appropriate (84%). Respondents also thought that their future information searches would be more efficient (93%) and that the workshop should be integrated in a course (78%). Furthermore, five bioinformatics-related reference questions were answered and two one-to-one consultations with students were performed. Discussion: The success of our bioinformatics service is growing. Future directions include extending the service to other biomedical departments, integrating the workshop in an undergraduate course, promoting the subject guide to other francophone universities, and creating a bioinformatics blog that would feature specific databases, news, and library resources.


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La collaboration est une compétence essentielle que les futurs médecins doivent développer. La détermination des niveaux de compétence est cruciale dans la planification de cet apprentissage. Les échelles descriptives suscitent un intérêt croissant, car elles décrivent en termes qualitatifs les performances attendues. Nous inspirant de la méthodologie mixte de Blais, Laurier, & Rousseau (2009), nous avons construit en cinq étapes une échelle de niveau de compétence de collaboration: 1) formulation d’une liste d’indicateurs situés à quatre niveaux de la formation médicale (préclinique, externat, résidence junior et sénior) par les chercheurs (n= 3) et un groupe d’éducateurs (n=7), leaders pédagogiques possédant une expertise pour la compétence de collaboration; 2) sondage en ligne comprenant quatre questionnaires portant sur les niveaux de 118 indicateurs, auprès d’enseignants cliniciens représentant les différentes spécialités (n=277); 3) analyse, avec le modèle partial credit de Rasch, des réponses aux questionnaires appariés par calibration concurrente; 4) détermination des niveaux des indicateurs par les éducateurs et les chercheurs; et 5) rédaction de l’échelle à partir des indicateurs de chaque niveau. L’analyse itérative des réponses montre une adéquation au modèle de Rasch et répartit les indicateurs sur l’échelle linéaire aux quatre niveaux. Les éducateurs déterminent le niveau des 111 indicateurs retenus en tenant compte des résultats du sondage et de la cohérence avec le curriculum. L’échelle comporte un paragraphe descriptif par niveau, selon trois capacités : 1) participer au fonctionnement d’une équipe; 2) prévenir et gérer les conflits; et 3) planifier, coordonner et dispenser les soins en équipe. Cette échelle rend explicites les comportements collaboratifs attendus à la fin de chaque niveau et est utile à la planification de l’apprentissage et de l’évaluation de cette compétence. La discordance entre les niveaux choisis par les éducateurs et ceux issus de l’analyse des réponses des enseignants cliniciens est principalement due au faible choix de réponse du niveau préclinique par les enseignants et aux problèmes d’adéquation pour les indicateurs décrivant la gestion des conflits. Cette recherche marque une avan- cée dans la compréhension de la compétence de collaboration et démontre l’efficacité de la méthodologie de Blais (2009) dans un contexte de compétence transversale, en sciences de la santé. Cette méthodologie pourrait aider à approfondir les trajectoires de développement d’autres compétences.


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Les manuels d’histoire ont souvent fait l’objet d’analyses concernant leur contenu et leur qualité, mais rarement leurs usages en classe. Cette thèse vise à décrire et analyser comment des enseignants d’histoire du Québec au secondaire utilisent le manuel et toute autre ressource didactique. Le problème consiste à mieux connaître ce qui se passe en classe depuis l’implantation de la réforme curriculaire, en 2001, et comment les conceptions des enseignants influencent leurs pratiques en lien avec l’exercice de la méthode historique. Ce travail décrit des pratiques enseignantes selon leur intervention éducative, les ressources didactiques utilisées et l’activité de l’élève en classe. Pour ce faire, la collecte de données est réalisée au travers d’un sondage en ligne (n= 81), d’observations en classe et d’entrevues (n=8) avec les participants. Les enseignants d’histoire utilisent souvent le manuel, mais leur intervention n’est pas structurée par son contenu ou ses exercices. Les cahiers d’exercices ou le récit de l’enseignant semblent structurer principalement leurs interventions. En fait, leurs conceptions sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en histoire déterminent le plus souvent l’usage du manuel et des autres ressources didactiques d’une manière traditionnelle ou d’une manière qui exerce authentiquement la méthode historique. Afin de décrire ces différents usages, la thèse propose une typologie qui distingue les différentes modalités mises en place afin d’utiliser les ressources didactiques et exercer la méthode historique. Trois principaux types sont énoncés : intensif, extensif et critique. Un quatrième type a été ajouté afin de mieux nuancer les différentes pratiques enseignantes rencontrées : extensif-méthodique. Ce dernier type s’explique par une pratique enseignante qui concilie les types extensif et critique selon les besoins de l’enseignant. La thèse souligne la persistance de pratiques transmissives et magistrocentrées qui limitent un exercice authentique de la méthode historique, alors que le curriculum vise un enseignement constructiviste et que plus de ressources sont disponibles pour les enseignants.


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L’enseignement des sciences et de la technologie (ST) est dans une condition précaire dans les écoles primaires du Québec. Plusieurs recherches ont démontré que les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent aider les enseignants à favoriser les apprentissages des élèves dans certaines matières dont en ST (Baron, 2001; Becta, 2005; Tardif, 1998). D’ailleurs, Linard (2001) maintient que les TIC, dans le domaine des apprentissages, peuvent faciliter l’exécution de plusieurs tâches cognitives telles qu’agir, interagir, s’informer, explorer, échanger, expérimenter, créer, etc. Cette recherche décrit les pratiques d’enseignement en ST d’enseignants Maîtres-TIC (MTIC) lors de l’intégration des TIC. Nous avons opté pour une recherche heuristique à méthodologie mixte. Des enseignants MTIC et des étudiants de quatrième année MTIC ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne. Ensuite, une enseignante a été interviewée pour dresser un portrait plus détaillé des pratiques d’enseignement. À l’aide des données obtenues, nous avons réussi à créer une liste d’avantages de l’intégration des TIC en enseignement des ST ainsi qu’une liste des difficultés liées à cette intégration. Une liste des différentes applications TIC réalisées en enseignement des ST par les enseignants et les étudiants questionnés a aussi été ressortie des données de la recherche. De plus, une liste des avantages de la formation Maître-TIC de l’Université de Montréal a été créée en fonction des données recueillies. Puis, nous précisons quelques apports de cette recherche relatifs aux objectifs de départ et à l’évolution de la formation MTIC.


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Objet : Au Québec, comme dans le reste du Canada, le nombre de professionnels en reprise d’étude est en nette augmentation. Parmi ces professionnels, un certain nombre se trouve en situation de transition professionnelle après plusieurs années de travail. L'objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer quels facteurs influent sur les retours aux études de ces professionnels. Méthode : au total, 625 étudiants adultes de la faculté d’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal ont reçu une invitation à répondre à un sondage en ligne après avoir informé de leur intérêt pour notre étude. Le sondage en ligne a rendu possible la collection de 170 réponses (taux de réponses de 27,2%) à notre questionnaire de 64 questions. Les informations collectées ont permis la création de diverses variables ainsi que d’indices de confiance, de volonté, de temps, d’information qui ont par la suite été recoupés avec les informations dispositionnelles, situationnelles, institutionnelles et démographiques de notre échantillon. Découvertes : Il apparaît que la confiance, la motivation et le temps sont les facteurs ayant le plus d’impact sur le retour aux études de notre échantillon. Implication : Maintenir la motivation et la confiance semble être la clé pour minimiser l'impact de facteurs défavorables sur les professionnels qui décident de retourner à l'école après leur début de carrière. Originalité et intérêt : Peu d'études ont été réalisées sur la participation de ces professionnels en transition à des programmes de formation universitaire, cette étude exploratoire est un premier pas dans la collecte d’information sur une population méconnue.


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Objective: An interprofessional steering committee was created at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine to examine how social media are integrated in medical and health professional education in universities across the globe, and to propose a strategic plan for integrating social media in the Faculty’s various curricula. This presentation will summarize the steering committee’s work and describe the librarian’s contribution. Methods: The Committee’s project leader first conducted a literature search on best practices of social media in medical and health professional curricula. A reference website was then created (mse.med.umontreal.ca) to provide easy access to a large number of the articles and resources reviewed. A steering committee was constituted and 11 meetings were held over a 9-month period. The Committee comprised 18 members and included assistant deans, academic program directors, professors, communication advisors, undergraduate and graduate students and a librarian. An online survey on social media use by students and professors of the Faculty was conducted, ten pilot projects were put forward and a three-year strategic plan was proposed. Results: A total of 1508 students and 565 professors participated in the survey. Results showed that both groups had a strong interest in learning how social media could be integrated in academic and professional activities. Participants reported concern with risks associated with social media use and expressed the need for a Faculty policy and guidelines. The librarian’s contribution to the steering committee included: writing posts on the website’s internal blog, assisting in the design of the survey questionnaires and writing the final report’s survey results chapter. She also proposed two pilot projects: creating a social media learning portal and an altmetrics workshop. Conclusions: Based on the literature review and the survey results, the Committee affirmed the importance of integrating social media in the various study programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Despite the restricted timeline, this interprofessional steering committee was able to carry out its mandate because of the leadership and expertise of each of its members. As the librarian had the most experience with the use of social media in a professional context, her knowledge was instrumental in assisting the project leader in a group mainly composed of social media non-users.


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L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol d’una mostra de 2,137 estudiants de la Universitat de Girona (17-35 anys). S’utilitzà un disseny multimètode integrant la metodologia quantitativa (estudi d’enquesta) amb la metodología qualitativa (grups focals). Un 65% dels joves són consumidors habituals d’alcohol. La influència social de pares, germans i amics és una variable crucial en la iniciació i manteniment del consum d’aquesta droga. El consum habitual és més freqüent entre aquells que van experimentar més precoçment amb la substància. Entre els homes és més habitual el consum massiu, però més dones efectuen consums considerats d’alt risc. Els joves reconeixen algunes repercussions socials de l’abús de l’alcohol però no en perceben per a la salut física. Aquests resultats mostren la necessitat de: endarrerir l’edat de primera experimentació, informar del risc del consum d’alcohol i fomentar un oci nocturn alternatiu i saludable.


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The aim of this research is to know the training of health professionals in health promotion and disease prevention, and to examine its manifestation among the actions and interventions for prevention of tobacco, alcohol or cannabis consumption. The sample includes 225 professionals. The study used a self-made design of quantitative methodology (survey study). The most important results are: the formative limitations in health education and prevention of substance use and the fact that professionals who have received specific training in substance use tap more health education as a prevention tool in their daily activities. It is also noted that 80% of professionals believe they should improve quality training, and 67% quantity, always in relation to the tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use. Generally, the overload care and the lack of time are cited as factors preventing the health education activities. Finally, the study also shows that secondary prevention activities are the most used, while community interventions are underutilized by professionals.


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O papel do professor é crucial numa sociedade, e o sucesso da sua missão depende da sua satisfação no trabalho. Este estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a satisfação no trabalho dos professores do ensino público português não superior. Uma amostra de 637 professores respondeu a um questionário online sobre satisfação no trabalho, valores de trabalho, e stress. Verificou-se que os professores, em média, se encontram insatisfeitos com o seu trabalho; que os do sexo masculino se encontram mais insatisfeitos que os do sexo feminino; que a variação da remuneração dentro da profissão não tem impacto sobre a satisfação no trabalho nos professores; que o stress é o principal preditor da satisfação, tendo um claro impacto negativo; e que tanto os valores intrínsecos de locus de controlo interno como os valores sociais influenciam (positivamente) a satisfação de modo independente.


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Purpose - The role of affective states in consumer behaviour is well established. However, no study to date has empirically examined online affective states as a basis for constructing typologies of internet users and for assessing the invariance of clusters across national cultures. Design/methodology/approach - Four focus groups with internet users were carried out to adapt a set of affective states identified from the literature to the online environment. An online survey was then designed to collect data from internet users in four Western and four East Asian countries. Findings - Based on a cluster analysis, six cross-national market segments are identified and labelled "Positive Online Affectivists", "Offline Affectivists", "On/Off-line Negative Affectivists", "Online Affectivists", "Indistinguishable Affectivists", and "Negative Offline Affectivists". The resulting clusters discriminate on the basis of national culture, gender, working status and perceptions towards online brands. Practical implications - Marketers may use this typology to segment internet users in order to predict their perceptions towards online brands. Also, a standardised approach to e-marketing is not recommended on the basis of affective state-based segmentation. Originality/value - This is the first study proposing affective state-based typologies of internet users using comparable samples from four Western and four East Asian countries.