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- Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a child's subjectively felt identity and gender are not congruent with her or his biological sex. Because of this, the child suffers clinically significant distress or impairment in social functioning. - The Family Court of Australia has recently received an increasing number of applications seeking authorisation for the provision of hormones to treat gender dysphoria in children. - Some medical procedures and interventions performed on children are of such a grave nature that court authorisation must be obtained to render them lawful. These procedures are referred to as special medical procedures. - Hormonal therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria in children is provided in two stages occurring years apart. Until recently, both stages of treatment were regarded by courts as special medical treatments, meaning court authorisation had to be provided for both stages. - In a significant recent development, courts have drawn a distinction between the two stages of treatment, permitting parents to consent to the first stage. In addition, it has been held that a child who is determined by a court to be Gillick competent can consent to stage 2 treatment. - The new legal developments concerning treatment for gender dysphoria are of ethical, clinical and practical importance to children and their families, and to medical practitioners treating children with gender dysphoria. Medical practitioners should benefit from an understanding of the recent developments in legal principles. This will ensure that they have up-to-date information about the circumstances under which treatment may be conducted with parental consent, and those in which they must seek court authorisation.
...Or how to deal with market commoditisation. Judith Singleton reports on the current pharmacy landscape and how to stand out in a market where everyone else is building on both price and service...
In its report for World Health Day 2008 entitled ‘Protecting Health from Climate Change’, the World Health Organization urged health sectors to lead by example in undertaking sustainability initiatives to protect people from the effects of climate change. This report suggested actions which included ensuring the health sector was involved in key policy making around sustainable development, and also, that it should work towards reducing its carbon footprint through better management of energy use, transport and procurement. However, healthcare professionals need to understand the negative effects on health of unsustainable development in order to accept that they need to change the way they deliver healthcare services...
Health professionals' duty of care includes combating racism in society as well as in health care settings. The Australian Government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and the repeal of section 18C has transfixed national debates on legally defining racial discrimination.1 Under these changes, racial discrimination would no longer include acts that “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” a person based on the person's race, colour or national or ethnic origin and instead be limited to acts that “incite hatred” or “cause fear of physical harm”.2 These proposed changes have been framed in the context of enabling “free speech”, yet, evidence presented in this issue of the Journal shows that they have potential to cause harm. In this issue, Kelaher and colleagues highlight the prevalence of racism as experienced by Indigenous Australians and its deleterious effects on mental health.3 Alarmingly, almost every Aboriginal Victorian participating in this study reported an experience of racism in the preceding 12 months, which included jokes, stereotypes, verbal abuse and exclusionary practices. The experiences of racism reported here neither incited hatred nor caused fear of physical harm, yet resulted in harm such as psychological distress, especially when meted out in our health care system. These findings are a stark reminder that racism is indeed an important health issue, and as health professionals, our duty of care extends to contributing to these broader policy discussions...
On our first day in Kalgoorlie, a local woman in her mid-thirties tells us that ‘Kal wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for mining and prostitution’. In the ensuing days many others would tell us the same thing. More explicitly, in the words of another local resident, ‘The town was founded on brothels. [Without them] the men wouldn’t have been happy and they wouldn’t have got as much gold.’ These two phenomena – mining and prostitution – and their seemingly natural and straightforward connection to each other are also routinely invoked in tourist and popular culture depictions of Kalgoorlie. The Lonely Planet, for example, notes that ‘historically, mineworkers would come straight to town to spend disposable income at Kalgoorlie’s infamous brothels, or at pubs staffed by “skimpies” (scantily clad female bar staff)’.
Objectives To determine the frequency and types of stressful events experienced by urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and to explore the relationship between these experiences and the children’s physical health and parental concerns about their behaviour and learning ability. Design, setting and participants Cross-sectional study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged ≤ 14 years presenting to an urban Indigenous primary health care service in Brisbane for annual child health checks between March 2007 and March 2010. Main outcome measures Parental or carer report of stressful events ever occurring in the family that may have affected the child. Results Of 344 participating children, 175 (51%) had experienced at least one stressful event. Reported events included the death of a family member or close friend (40; 23%), parental divorce or separation (28; 16%), witness to violence or abuse (20; 11%), or incarceration of a family member (7; 4%). These children were more likely to have parents or carers concerned about their behaviour (P < 0.001) and to have a history of ear (P < 0.001) or skin (P = 0.003) infections. Conclusions Children who had experienced stressful events had poorer physical health and more parental concern about behavioural issues than those who had not. Parental disclosure in the primary health care setting of stressful events that have affected the child necessitates appropriate medical, psychological or social interventions to ameliorate both the immediate and potential lifelong negative impact. However, treating the impact of stressful events is insufficient without dealing with the broader political and societal issues that result in a clustering of stressful events in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
Aboriginal protocol usually links the right to tell a story with a declaration of involvement or connection to the story. I am Aboriginal . . . I am a woman, daughter, sister, aunty and wife. I am also a mother to three beautiful children aged 6, 4 and 2 years. To my children at this point in their lives, I am their provider, nurturer, teacher, cook, taxi driver, mediator, stylist, Elder, slave, and expert on all there is to know in the world. Being the centre of the universe to three impressionable young minds is a role that I cherish deeply, and I take the responsibilities of it very seriously. I love the job of parenting. As any parent would agree, it is the most challenging and difficult job of all, but the opportunity to bring a life into the world and shape and mould a little person into a big person brings rewards that no career can.
Many nations are highlighting the need for a renaissance in the mathematical sciences as essential to the well-being of all citizens (e.g., Australian Academy of Science, 2006; 2010; The National Academies, 2009). Indeed, the first recommendation of The National Academies’ Rising Above the Storm (2007) was to vastly improve K–12 science and mathematics education. The subsequent report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm Two Years Later (2009), highlighted again the need to target mathematics and science from the earliest years of schooling: “It takes years or decades to build the capability to have a society that depends on science and technology . . . You need to generate the scientists and engineers, starting in elementary and middle school” (p. 9). Such pleas reflect the rapidly changing nature of problem solving and reasoning needed in today’s world, beyond the classroom. As The National Academies (2009) reported, “Today the problems are more complex than they were in the 1950s, and more global. They’ll require a new educated workforce, one that is more open, collaborative, and cross-disciplinary” (p. 19). The implications for the problem solving experiences we implement in schools are far-reaching. In this chapter, I consider problem solving and modelling in the primary school, beginning with the need to rethink the experiences we provide in the early years. I argue for a greater awareness of the learning potential of young children and the need to provide stimulating learning environments. I then focus on data modelling as a powerful means of advancing children’s statistical reasoning abilities, which they increasingly need as they navigate their data-drenched world.
In recent years, considerable research efforts have been directed to micro-array technologies and their role in providing simultaneous information on expression profiles for thousands of genes. These data, when subjected to clustering and classification procedures, can assist in identifying patterns and providing insight on biological processes. To understand the properties of complex gene expression datasets, graphical representations can be used. Intuitively, the data can be represented in terms of a bipartite graph, with weighted edges corresponding to gene-sample node couples in the dataset. Biologically meaningful subgraphs can be sought, but performance can be influenced both by the search algorithm, and, by the graph-weighting scheme and both merit rigorous investigation. In this paper, we focus on edge-weighting schemes for bipartite graphical representation of gene expression. Two novel methods are presented: the first is based on empirical evidence; the second on a geometric distribution. The schemes are compared for several real datasets, assessing efficiency of performance based on four essential properties: robustness to noise and missing values, discrimination, parameter influence on scheme efficiency and reusability. Recommendations and limitations are briefly discussed. Keywords: Edge-weighting; weighted graphs; gene expression; bi-clustering
Kids Helpline is an Australian 24-hour telephone counselling helpline for children and young people up to the age of 25 years old. The service operates with the core values of empowerment for clients, and the use of child-centred practices, one aspect of which is a non-directive approach highlighted by the avoidance of overt advice giving. Through analysis of a single call to the helpline, this chapter demonstrates how counsellors actively manage and minimise the normative and asymmetric properties of advice in the course if helping clients develop options for change. In doing so we illustrate the practical relevance and enactment of abstract institutional policies and discuss the interactional affordances of institutional constraints on practice.
This research draws on theories of emergence to inform the creation of an artistic and direct visualization. This is an interactive artwork and drawing tool for creative participant experiences. Emergence is characteristically creative and many different models of emergence exist. It is therefore possible to effect creativity through the application of emergence mechanisms from these different disciplines. A review of theories of emergence and examples of visualization in the arts, is provided. An art project led by the author is then discussed in this context. This project, Iterative Intersections, is a collaboration with community artists from Cerebral Palsy League. It has resulted in a number of creative outcomes including the interactive art application, Of me with me. Analytical discussion of this work shows how its construction draws on aspects of experience design, fractal and emergent theory to effect perceptual emergence and creative experience as well as to facilitate self-efficacy.
Many researchers in the field of civil structural health monitoring (SHM) have developed and tested their methods on simple to moderately complex laboratory structures such as beams, plates, frames, and trusses. Fieldwork has also been conducted by many researchers and practitioners on more complex operating bridges. Most laboratory structures do not adequately replicate the complexity of truss bridges. Informed by a brief review of the literature, this paper documents the design and proposed test plan of a structurally complex laboratory bridge model that has been specifically designed for the purpose of SHM research. Preliminary results have been presented in the companion paper.
Numerical investigation of motion and deformation of a single red blood cell in a stenosed capillary
It is generally assumed that influence of the red blood cells (RBCs) is predominant in blood rheology. The healthy RBCs are highly deformable and can thus easily squeeze through the smallest capillaries having internal diameter less than their characteristic size. On the other hand, RBCs infected by malaria or other diseases are stiffer and so less deformable. Thus it is harder for them to flow through the smallest capillaries. Therefore, it is very important to critically and realistically investigate the mechanical behavior of both healthy and infected RBCs which is a current gap in knowledge. The motion and the steady state deformed shape of the RBCs depend on many factors, such as the geometrical parameters of the capillary through which blood flows, the membrane bending stiffness and the mean velocity of the blood flow. In this study, motion and deformation of a single two-dimensional RBC in a stenosed capillary is explored by using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. An elastic spring network is used to model the RBC membrane, while the RBC's inside fluid and outside fluid are treated as SPH particles. The effect of RBC's membrane stiffness (kb), inlet pressure (P) and geometrical parameters of the capillary on the motion and deformation of the RBC is studied. The deformation index, RBC's mean velocity and the cell membrane energy are analyzed when the cell passes through the stenosed capillary. The simulation results demonstrate that the kb, P and the geometrical parameters of the capillary have a significant impact on the RBCs' motion and deformation in the stenosed section.
Neuropathic pain is one of the most difficult medical conditions to treat and although the primary goal is to alleviate pain, many clinicians now recognise that the most appropriate therapeutic goal may be to reduce pain to a more tolerable level.