882 resultados para propagação de ondas
Deocélia Vianna apresentou por um curto período, de 1952 a 1953, uma atração radiofônica intitulada Madame Danjou, que consistia em um programa de consultório sentimental, para o qual as ouvintes encaminhavam suas dúvidas através de cartas. Para as mulheres, o hábito de escrever cartas e diários não representou, ao longo dos anos, apenas uma peculiaridade feminina, e sim a possibilidade de expressão. Assim, em nossa análise sobre as demandas encaminhadas ao programa Madame Danjou, buscamos identificar elementos que nos permitam qualificar tanto as missivistas quanto a própria radialista como integrantes de um contexto específico, sem, no entanto, ignorar suas particularidades. Para tanto, consideramos o programa radiofônico como espaço de reflexão e sociabilidade para esses agentes sociais, devido ao fluxo de perguntas e respostas que o caracteriza. Antes, porém, não podemos perder de vista a trajetória particular de Deocélia Vianna, bem como as especificidades desse tipo de programa para compreendermos a outra ponta do diálogo que se estabelece: os conselhos. Também privilegiaremos a sua dimensão normatizadora, visto que tais conselhos eram direcionados para a remediação de conflitos do âmbito privado, via a adequação de determinados comportamentos.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a proposta de Educação Ambiental (EA) Ondas que te quero mar, desenvolvida pelo Núcleo de Educação e Monitoramento Ambiental, na cidade do Rio Grande/RS, para a Rede Pública de Ensino Municipal, articulado com as trajetórias de vida de seus autores, onde procuro demonstrar essa conexão no quefazer metodológico dessa proposta. As reflexões aqui expostas baseiam-se em referenciais teóricos sobre Educação, Educação Ambiental e Pesquisa Social, sendo a maioria produzida no âmbito da América Latina e, particularmente, no Brasil. São enfatizadas, nessa dissertação, várias categorias emergentes do campo ambiental e da educação enquanto áreas do conhecimento. Destaco uma compreensão da categoria identidade e do movimento ambientalista em uma perspectiva não reducionista, mas múltipla. Dentre os meus principais referenciais teóricos, encontram-se: Leonardo Boff, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão, Isabel Carvalho, Enrique Leff, Paulo Freire e Alberto Melucci. Fiz a escolha metodológica de realizar um estudo de caso, servindo-me de elementos que se referem ao método biográfico, a fim de trabalhar devidamente as informações obtidas ao longo do processo de pesquisa, procurando sempre realizar um diálogo com a fundamentação teórica adotada. Procuro discutir a metodologia Ondas conectando-a com as trajetórias dos sujeitos da pesquisa e aclarando suas principais categorias com base nos autores estudados. Para tanto, analiso o documento referência do programa de Educação Ambiental do NEMA, destacando a sua concepção de EA. E, por fim, concluo tecendo uma breve listagem das principais aprendizagens percebidas ao final do trabalho de produção desta minha dissertação de mestrado.
O tema turbiditos tem causado muita controvérsia nos últimos anos. A nosso ver, isto ocorre principalmente devido à diminuição das pesquisas sobre os mecanismos que envolvem a iniciação, o transporte e a deposição deste tipo de rocha. A proposta deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial da simulação física de correntes de turbidez em prever e explicar feições sedimentares em seus depósitos. Foi escolhido como protótipo um sistema turbidítico antigo situado na margem oriental brasileira. A geometria complexa do protótipo foi simplificada para construção do modelo nas instalações do Pavilhão Fluvial do Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas. Foram desenvolvidos doze ensaios onde as observações realizadas sofisticaram-se a partir dos conhecimentos adquiridos nas etapas anteriores. Como resultado dos experimentos identificaram-se novos aspectos geométricos e dinâmicos das correntes de densidade não-conservativas e suas conseqüências na sedimentação. Constatou-se um caráter ondulatório no fluxo, que teve sua origem associada à geração de ondas internas às correntes associadas ao desprendimento de vórtices a partir da cabeça da corrente e sua propagação ao longo da porção superior da corrente. Esta dinâmica implica mudanças na taxa de sedimentação ou mesmo erosão pela corrente, associadas a variações da amplitude e freqüência daquelas ondas. Na cabeça da corrente, verificou-se uma distribuição homogênea de sedimento em suspensão desde a base até o topo da corrente. No corpo ela se divide em duas camadas, uma basal com maior concentração de sedimentos e outra, superior marcada pela expansão do fluxo. Nas quebras de declive do modelo, que ocorrem no meio do canal e no ponto em que a corrente perde o confinamento, foram observadas acelerações localizadas no fluxo. Dentre os parâmetros analisados nos experimentos, constatou-se que a vazão de alimentação tem grande influência nas características dos depósitos. De um modo geral, um aumento da vazão implica um deslocamento do pico deposicional no sentido da corrente e um aumento no conteúdo de frações mais grossas. Constatou-se, nos sedimentos depositados no canal, uma distribuição seqüenciada de formas de leito, que varia entre ripples de crista reta e ripples lingüóides. Reconheceu-se uma correlação entre a amplitude e o comprimento nestas formas de leito. Identificou-se em todos os casos em que houve o extravasamento da corrente a formação de ripples na lateral do canal com cristas lineares que indicam uma direção do fluxo próxima à que ocorre no canal. Foram desenvolvidos depósitos alongados no sentido do fluxo na área onde a corrente perde o confinamento. Observou-se uma grande similaridade entre os depósitos gerados nos experimentos e aqueles identificados em sistemas turbidíticos atuais e do registro geológico, tanto em afloramentos como em dados de subsuperfície.
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In recent decades have seen a sharp growth in the study area of nanoscience and nanotechnology and is included in this area, the study of nanocomposites with self-cleaning properties. Since titanium dioxide (TiO2) has high photocatalytic activity and also antimicrobial, self-cleaning surfaces in your application has been explored. In this study a comparison was made between two synthesis routes to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method assisted by microwave. And after analysis of XRD and SEM was considered the best material for use in nanocomposites. It was deposited nanocomposite film of poly (dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) with 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by the spraying method. The nanocomposite was diluted with hexane and the suspension was deposited onto glass substrate, followed by curing in an oven with forced air circulation. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite impregnated with methylene blue was evaluated by UV- vis spectroscopy from the intensity variation of absorption main peak at 660nm with time of exposure to the UV chamber. Changes in the contact angle and microhardness were analyzed before and after UV aging test. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the chemical structure of the PDMS matrix was evaluated by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).The results indicated that the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the coating PDMS gave high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of methylene blue, an important characteristic for the development of self-cleaning coatings
Innumerable studies have focused been reported on the sleep spindles (SS), Sharp Vertex Waves (SVW) and REM, NREM Sleep as indicators interpreting EEG patterns in children. However, Frequency and Amplitud Gradient (FAG) is rarely cited sleep parameter in children,that occurs during NREM Sleep. It was first described by Slater and Torres, in 1979, but has not been routinely evaluated in EEG reports. The aim of this study was to assess the absence of SS, SVW and FAG, as an indication of neurological compromise in children. The sample consisted of 1014 EEGs of children referred to the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), from January 1997 to March 2003, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years old, obtained in spontaneous sleep or induced by choral hydrate. The study was transversal and analytical, in which, visual analysis of EEG traces was perfumed individually and independently by two electroencephalographers without prior knowledge of the EEG study or neurological findings. After EEG selection, the investigators analyzed the medical reports in order to define and correlate neurological pattern was classified according to the presence or absence of neurological compromise, as Normal Neurological Pattern (NNP), and Altered Neurological Pattern (ANP) respectively. From the visual analysis of the EEG(s), it was possible to characterize 6 parameters: 1- FAG present (64,1%); 2- FAG absent (35,9%); 3 - normal SS (87,9%); 4 - altered SS s (12,1%); 5 - normal SVW s (95,7%); 6 - altered SVW s (4,3%). The prevalence of well-formed FAG is found in the 3 months to 5 years age group in the children with NNF. FAG was totally absent from the age of 10 years. When comparing the three sleep graphielements, it was observed that SVW and SS were predominant in children with NNF. However, FAG absent was more prevalent in the ANF than in altered SS an SVW. The statistical analysis showed that there is a strong association of FAG absent, with isolated alteration, in ANF patients, in that the prevalence ratio was 6,60. The association becomes stronger when FAG absent + altered SS(s) is considered (RP= 6,68). Chi-square test, corrected by Yates technique, showed a highly significant relation for FAG ρ= 0,00000001, for error X of 5%, or else the 95% confidence interval (ρ<0,05). Thus, the FAG absent were more expressive in ANF patient than altered SS(s) and SVW(s). The association becomes stronger in order to establish a prognostic relation, when the FAG is combined with the SS. The results os this study allow us to affirm that the FAG, when absent at ages ranging from 3 months to 5 years , is an indication of neurological compromise. FAG is an age-dependent EEG parameter and incorporated systematically, in the interpretation criteria of the EEG of children s sleep, not only in the maturational point of view, but also neurological disturbances with encephalic compromise
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The consumption of exotic fruits has been showing accentuated increase and the cultivated area is in expansion, generating demand for adequate culturing techniques. The Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense), with probable origin in India, has a fruit widely known and appreciated in the North and Northeasthern Brazilian states. The Malay apple tree is extremely tall and has a long juvenile period when propagated by seed, making its vegetative multiplication is desirable, to anticipate the productive period and decrease its size, and also to obtain uniform orchards. The experiment was conducted at UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal Campus, using Malay apple herbaceous cuttings subjected to treatments with indol butyric acid (IBA) (0; 1,000; 3,000 and 5,000 mgL(-1)) and cuttings with and without basal incision. The variables analyzed were percentage of survival and rooting of the cuttings, number and mean length of roots per cutting. The experiment was conducted under CRB on a factorial scheme (4 X 2) with 4 replicates constituted by 10 cuttings each. Data were analyzed by Tukey's mean test at 5% probability. The vegetative propagation by rooting of herbaceous cuttings of the Malay apple is possible, however, both IBA treatments and basal incision have not shown significant effect on the analyzed variables.
This study aimed to provide a continuing education towards raising teachers for reflection and effective sexual education within the school environment as a possible route of self-education and training of teachers of elementary school. More specifically aim to facilitate through the Continuing Education to discuss the knowledge of the body and knowledge of human sexuality, presenting them as core knowledge in the integral formation of individuals and promote discussion of a Human-centered education Teaching in a vocational training and human .In this sense, we dialogue with the human teaching preconized by Arroyo (2002, 2004) along with the humanization (hominization) of the individuals through education, under Freire´s perspective of the being more (2003) as well as his ideas, Pineau´s (2003) and Josso´s (2004) about the educational practice understanding as a way to build up the autonomy of the individuals who we intend to educate. We defend the inclusion of the body as an essential learning element according to the principles of corporeity presented by Assman (2001), whose comprehension is that every learning experience has a corporal inscription. Furthermore, the knowledge about human sexuality cannot be excluded from this process since the sexuality is inherent of individuals and is constructed and reconstructed during their existence. Our view of the world and of man is supported by the knowledge of the complexity (Morim, 2004) trying to surpass the mechanist view that sees them through the duality view, fragmenting them. For the discussion and construction of knowledge that search for the confluence of these knowledges about the being and the educational practice, aiming at the individual integral formation starting from the process of self-formation/self-knowledge, we´ve directed our research-action-formation having as compass the theoretical-methodological postulate of the research-action (Barbier, 2002; Morin, 2004; Thiollent, 2004) because it makes the participation of all the involved people in the process of resolution or surpassing of problem solving possible. We´ve used the continuing formation as a way of access for data collection, applying a questionnaire with open questions for the ones involved in the research. Based on the findings it´s been possible to infer that for the teaching formation it is necessary the inclusion of the Human sexuality and corporeity theme, so that the teacher can surpass the biological view of sexuality and also the expansion of the mechanist view of the body. To do so, we suggest that the teaching formation happens supported by the teaching capacitation and formation according to Maturana (2004), bringing teaching knowledges (Tardiff, 2002), which contribute effectively for the responsibility to educate people for life.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Malay Apple [Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry] is an option for the producer as its fruits are attractive and well accepted by the consumer. The difficulty of culture of this species is that the plant is very tall and has a long juvenile period when propagated by seed, making its vegetative propagation necessary to anticipate the productive period and decrease its size. The possibility of vegetative propagation of this species was studied by cutting, layering, and grafting. In the cutting experiment, three doses of indolbutyric acid (IBA) (0, 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 mg L(-1)) were tested in two lengths of herbaceous cuttings (15 and 25 cm). In the layering experiment, two periods of layering (summer and autumn) and four doses of IBA (0, 1,000, 4,000, 7,000, and 10,000 mg kg(-1)) were evaluated. For grafting, the compatibility between S. malaccense and S. jambos (L.) Alston as rootstock was studied with two diameters (0.5 and 0.8 cm) and in two periods (winter and summer), by method of full graft. For cuttings, the percentage of rooting was 20%, independently of the IBA doses, except for 5,000 mg L(-1) that showed negative effect on 15 cm cuttings; layering and grafting were not successful in the studied conditions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)