897 resultados para product design optimality
Beyond product design, if the notion of product `lifecycle design' enforces the consideration of requirements from all the lifecycle phases of products, design for sustainability enforces the consideration of lifecycle design in the context of the lifecycles of other products, processes, institutions and their design. Consequently, sustainability requirements that need to be met by design are very diverse. In this article, we portray the nature of design process to address sustainability requirements. This is done taking an example of designing a urban household organic waste management system that requires less water and reclaims the nutrients.
Conceptual Design Phase is the most critical for design decisions and their impact on the Environment. It is also a phase of many `unknowns' making it flexible and allowing exploration of many solutions. Thus, it is a challenge to determine the most Environmentally-benign Solution or Concept to be translated in to a `good' product. The SAPPhIRE Model captures the various levels of abstractions present in Conceptual Design by Outcomes and defines a Solution-variant as a set of verifiable and quantifiable Outcomes. The Causality explains the propagation of Environmental Impact across Outcomes at varying levels of abstraction, suggesting that the Environmental Impact of an Outcome at a certain level can be represented as a collation of Environmental Impact information of all the Outcomes at each of its subsequent lower levels of abstraction. Thus a ball-park impact value can be associated with the higher-levels of abstraction, thereby supporting design decisions taken earlier on in Conceptual Design directing towards Environmentally-benign Design.
A Circular Economy (CE) values material, technical or biological, as nutrient. CE thinking seeks to accelerate the conversion of technical nutrient cycles along the lines of biological nutrient cycles by re-designing systems till the scale of the economy. Though the notion of products being technical nutrient exists, its situation as an outcome of design intent is not contextually made. One objective of this article is to situate design and nutrient cycles of the earth system as and within natural cycles. This situation emphasizes the mechanism by which design affects nutrient availability to vital earth systems and draws attention to the functions that nutrients afford and serve by default before being embodied in products by human intent. The first principle of CE seeks to eliminate waste and re-purpose nutrients with minimal energy. Towards this, the historic trend of perceiving waste is drawn and Gestalts identified to arrive at the concept of tenancy and inform design. Tenancy is defined as the duration for which the nutrient embodied serves some purpose. Identifying the 6R scenarios as nutrient re-purposing functions, corresponding design strategies are stated.
This paper intends to provide an overview of the rich legacy of models and theories that have emerged in the last fifty years of the relatively young discipline of design research, and identifies some of the major areas of further research. It addresses the following questions: What are the major theories and models of design? How are design theory and model defined, and what is their purpose? What are the criteria they must satisfy to be considered a design theory or model? How should a theory or model of design be evaluated or validated? What are the major directions for further research?
This report presents work from the first nine month of a project investigating design methodologies and selection tools to promote innovations in sports equipment. Particular consideration is given to product design improvements and new market adoption of advanced materials and processes. Our aim is to couple appropriately similar technologies so as to provide a method of transfer between sports equipment designs. We would like to make barriers between isolated sports equipment markets more transparent without releasing proprietary information. A brief history of sports equipment design is included; issues particularly relevant to material and process technologies are outlined for sports equipment. A start has been made on a software program to express most of this information in a concise and accessible format. The methodology is reviewed with some industrial case studies. There is a need for further research to extend and address the design issues raised in this document; a suggested research programme is attached.
A presente pesquisa Design de jornal impresso: a relação entre formato e usabilidade tem como principal objetivo reforçar a importância do envolvimento do usuário no design de produtos, através da compreensão da influência que o formato definido pelo tamanho das páginas e organização dos cadernos exerce sobre a usabilidade do jornal impresso. São apresentados os aspectos tecnológicos e econômicos relacionados a esse produto e verificado a influência exercida por eles sobre o formato. É feito um mapeamento sobre os principais aspectos do design de jornais e sobre os diferentes formatos de jornais, suas origens e sua relevância para o design de jornais. Busca-se mapear o formato dos jornais em diferentes mercados e os possíveis impactos das mudanças de formato na circulação, no conteúdo e na publicidade dos jornais impressos. Faz-se uma revisão do panorama atual dos jornais eletrônicos e suas possíveis interferências nos hábitos de leitura. Revisa-se a bibliografia referente à usabilidade, concentrando-se na metodologia de design de documentos e sua aplicabilidade para testes de usabilidade em jornais impressos. Por fim, descreve-se a pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas com especialistas em design de jornais, de observações sistemáticas em gráficas de jornal e sobre o mercado de jornais impressos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e de testes de usabilidade aplicados a jornais. Conclui-se que, considerando o público participante dos testes profissionais que trabalham com impressão de jornais , apenas o aspecto do formato relacionado à organização dos cadernos parece exercer influência sobre a usabilidade dos jornais.
Interest is growing around the application of lean techniques to new product introduction (NPI). Although a relatively emergent topic compared with the application of 'lean' within the factory, since 2000 there has been an exponential rise in the literature on this subject. However, much of this work focuses on describing and extolling the virtues of the 'Toyota approach' to design. Therefore, by way of a stock take for the UK, the present authors' research has set out to understand how well lean product design practices have been adopted by leading manufacturers. This has been achieved by carrying out in-depth case studies with three carefully selected manufacturers of complex engineered products. This paper describes these studies, the detailed results and subsequent findings, and concludes that both the awareness and adoption of practices is generally embryonic and far removed from the theory advocated in the literature. © IMechE 2007.
Successful inclusive product design requires knowledge about the capabilities, needs and aspirations of potential users and should cater for the different scenarios in which people will use products, systems and services. This should include: the individual at home; in the workplace; for businesses, and for products in these contexts. It needs to reflect the development of theory, tools and techniques as research moves on. And it must also to draw in wider psychological, social, and economic considerations in order to gain a more accurate understanding of users' interactions with products and technology. However, recent research suggests that although a number of national disability surveys have been carried out, no such knowledge currently exists as information to support the design of products, systems and services for heterogeneous users. This paper outlines the strategy behind specific inclusive design research that is aimed at creating the foundations for measuring inclusion in product designs. A key outcome of this future research will be specifying and operationalising capability, and psychological, social and economic context measures for inclusive design. This paper proposes a framework for capturing such information, describes an early pilot study, and makes recommendations for better practice.
The paper describes a new approach to artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in design. This approach argues that AI can be seen as 'text', or in other words as a medium for the communication of design knowledge and information between designers. This paper will apply these ideas to reinterpreting an existing knowledge-based system (KBS) design tool, that is, CADET - a product design evaluation tool. The paper will discuss the authorial issues, amongst others, involved in the development of AI and KBS design tools by adopting this new approach. Consequently, the designers' rights and responsibilities will be better understood as the knowledge medium, through its concern with authorship, returns control to users rather than attributing the system with agent status. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Customer feedback is normally fed into product design and engineering via quality surveys and therefore mainly comprises negative comments: complaints about things gone wrong. Whilst eradication of such problems will result in a feeling of satisfaction in existing customers, it will not instil the sense of delight required to attract conquest buyers. CUPID's aim is to conceive and evaluate ideas to stimulate product desirability through the provision of delightful features and execution. By definition, surprise and delight features cannot be foreseen, so we have to understand sensory appeal and, therefore, the "hidden" voice of the customer. Copyright © 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
The latest buzz phrase to enter the world of design research is “Design Thinking”. But is this anything new and does it really have any practical or theoretical relevance to the design world? Many sceptics believe the term has more to do with business strategy and little to do with the complex process of designing products, services and systems. Moreover, many view the term as misleading and a cheap attempt to piggyback the world of business management onto design. This paper seeks to ask is design thinking anything new? Several authors have explicitly or implicitly articulated the term “Design Thinking” before, such as Peter Rowe’s seminal book “Design Thinking” [1] first published in 1987 and Herbert Simon’s “The Sciences of the Artificial” [2] first published in 1969. In Tim Brown’s “Change by Design” [3], design thinking is thought of as a system of three overlapping spaces rather than a sequence of orderly steps namely inspiration – the problem or opportunity that motivates the search for solutions; ideation – the process of generating, developing and testing ideas; and implementation – the path that leads from the design studio, lab and factory to the market. This paper seeks to examine and critically analyse the tenets of this new design thinking manifesto set against three case studies of modern design practice. As such, the paper will compare design thinking theory with the reality of design in practice.