416 resultados para premonitory urge
Neste trabalho apresenta-se o resultado de uma pesquisa pormenorizada sobre as plantas medicinais e aromáticas que se desenvolvem no arquipélago de Cabo Verde, apoiada na bibliografia actualmente disponível sobre o assunto. Indicam-se as famílias, nomes científicos e vernáculos, e distribuição no arquipélago, bem como os respectivos princípios activos, propriedades terapêuticas e as partes das plantas utilizadas na medicina popular tradicional. Foram identificados 157 táxones, pertencentes a 68 famílias, com interesse medicinal e aromático conhecido. Estas plantas são maioritariamente alóctones, introduzidas, subespontâneas, naturalizadas ou cultivadas. Cabo Verde, devido a diversos condicionalismos, nomeadamente, situação geográfica, humidade e altitude das diferentes ilhas, é rico em espécies endémicas com interesse medicinal mas cujas potencialidades são ainda pouco conhecidas. Neste estudo foram localizados 27 táxones com interesse medicinal, distribuídos por 21 famílias. Conclui-se que é necessário proceder a mais estudos sobre os endemismos, de forma a melhor avaliar o seu potencial interesse como plantas medicinais e aromáticas. No âmbito da medicina tradicional, urge realizar os seguintes estudos: (1) etnobotânicos; (2) composição química dos vários órgãos das plantas referidas com interesse, sobretudo, para combater as patologias para as quais ainda não foi encontrada resolução satisfatória; (3) distribuição geográfica e habitat precisos das plantas; (4) avaliação e experimentação do seu possível cultivo, de forma a evitar a extinção ou erosão genética motivada pela sua colheita excessiva; (5) propriedades terapêuticas; (6) toxicológicos, a fim de se conhecer os doseamentos eficientes e seguros e as respectivas contra-indicações.
O presente trabalho, de carácter científico, visa analisar a percepção dos alunos da Escola Secundária “Cónego Jacinto” em relação à disciplina de Matemática. Trata-se de uma disciplina que tem atingindo índices preocupantes em todos os níveis de ensino em Cabo Verde. Perante tal situação, a preocupação dos professores e entidades responsáveis é cada vez mais maior e, a abordagem para a sua resolução tem reflectido sobre como os alunos aprendem e não como são ensinados, ou seja, centra-se no novo paradigma educacional que deixa de estar centrado no ensino para ser direccionado na aprendizagem. Alguns especialistas da área da Psicologia Educacional referem que diversos factores cognitivos e afectivos interagem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de conteúdos escolares, determinando o desempenho dos alunos nas várias disciplinas, dentre estas, a Matemática. Muitos autores estudam as influências de percepções e expectativas do professor sobre o desempenho académico de seus alunos, preferencialmente na disciplina da Matemática. Para os especialistas das Ciências da Educação, a Matemática tem vindo a deslocar a sua ênfase das capacidades elementares (definições e procedimentos de cálculo), para o pensamento crítico, raciocínio, resolução de problemas e investigações. Neste trabalho, após a revisão bibliográfica e a breve caracterização da Escola Secundária “Cónego Jacinto”, fizemos um estudo empírico baseado no inquérito por questionário dirigido aos alunos e entrevistas para os professores da referida Escola no sentido de analisar as opiniões sobre a percepção que nos permitam fundamentar os objectivos e as hipóteses de investigação. Para os procedimentos de tratamento e análise de dados, utilizámos o programa estatístico SPSS (Statístical Package for Social Science). Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a existência de percepção negativa por parte dos alunos da Escola Secundária “Cónego Jacinto” em relação à disciplina de Matemática e que todos os docentes têm a consciência dessa percepção. Todos os professores entrevistados consideram que a deficiente preparação de base e a organização curricular estão na base desse problema, e urge a introdução de medidas correctivas. Muitos professores consideram que há necessidade de um maior diálogo entre a comunidade educativa, visto que os objectivos e paradigmas educacionais não são apenas de natureza cognitiva, mas também afectiva e social.
Um olhar antropológico sobre as relações sociais em dois microcosmos etnográficos – um bairro e um centro de saúde – revela as limitações de encarar a pobreza material como o único critério para compreender os processos de sofrimento social. De forma a explorar como o sofrimento social pode ser vivenciado através das identificações e das pertenças, a identidade étnica e a identidade profissional são examinadas como exemplos da identidade social em geral. A relação dialética entre a identidade social e a identidade pessoal demonstra como o poder não está depositado nas pessoas, mas depende das suas relações sociais. Dado que o exercício de poder não pode ser garantido pelo simples estatuto de uma determinada categoria social, urge procurar vivências e subjetividades nas fissuras das categorias, distinguindo entre uma categoria de prática e uma categoria de análise, de forma a alargar o horizonte sobre a natureza dos processos de sofrimento social.
O VIH/SIDA é, sem dúvida, uma das questões que marcam a actualidade das diversas sociedades, nomeadamente, em países africanos, onde as taxas de incidência desta doença são enormes, pelo que urge encontrar estratégias para o combate a este flagelo.
O presente trabalho inscreve-se no âmbito de um estudo científico realizado para a conclusão do curso de Licenciatura em Serviço Social realizado na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde e visa analisar a contribuição do GAIOCV na inclusão educativa das crianças e adolescentes da cidade da Praia. A problemática da inclusão social constitui hoje um tema de investigação por parte de vários países e instituições. Em Cabo Verde, o Gabinete de Apoio Integrado aos Órfãos e Crianças Vulneráveis (GAIOCV) é uma instituição de utilidade pública, de âmbito nacional e com fins de solidariedade humana educacional, em todo o país. O seu objectivo maior é reforçar as condições para uma melhor integração social dos indivíduos e grupos vulneráveis. Para a realização desta investigação, foram aplicados os métodos quantitativo e exploratório através da utilização de dois inquéritos por questionário dirigidos a uma amostra de 36 beneficiários do GAIOCV e outra de 35 pais/encarregados de educação desses beneficiários, complementados com entrevistas aplicadas a três profissionais do GAIOCV. O estudo incidiu sobre o caso na cidade da Praia e, por este motivo, recorreu-se à técnica do estudo de caso. A amostragem foi probabilística e o método de selecção foi aleatória simples. O tratamento e a análise dos dados foram efectuados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), versão 21, tendo produzidos e interpretados os resultados das tabelas, dos gráficos e dos testes estatísticos. Os resultados deste estudo revelam que o GAIOCV tem enfrentado várias dificuldades no seu funcionamento e, que urge resolver questões relacionadas com o espaço próprio, equipamentos adequados, segurança e disponibilidade das animadoras. Todos os sujeitos desta pesquisa reconhecem os esforços envidados pelo GAIOCV para ultrapassar essas dificuldades bem como as políticas públicas implementadas por vários governos desde a independência. Não obstante, é líquido e unanime que o GAIOCV tem contribuído significativamente para a inclusão educativa das crianças e adolescentes na cidade da Praia.
Thanks to a powerful intellectual weapon, paradox, Oscar Wilde also discovers the dark side of both Classicism and Hellenism. An accurate analysis of his works from the point of view of the Classical Tradition shows an Oscar Wilde who is quite different from the usual Philhellenic one and, above all, from the Platonic one. The aim of this article is to approach a theme which has been hardly studied by classical philologists, that is, anti-classicism and anti-hellenism as an intellectual urge.
Many studies have already paid attention to what is called the "serious films" by Woody Allen and, among them, it is also worth mentioning the one written by the very Pau Gilabert Barberà (2006), which is devoted to the Sophistic legacy underlying in his opinion the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors. On this occasion, his aim is to analyse the fluctuating sight of the American director with regard to the Greek tragedy. Indeed, Gilabert is convinced that, only in this way, it is possible to reveal the true Allen¿s sympathy with the tragic spirit of the Greeks, as well as to understand his urge to present that ancient literary genre as a paradigm with the help of which one can evaluate the greatness and misery of our contemporary world.
The cave by José Saramago has as a certain reference the image of the cave of book VII of Plato's Republic and, however, Saramago is not an idealistic or metaphysical writer. This article, taking advantage of the applicability with which Plato endowed his image, defends the urge to be open to the messages sent by the earth, by matter, the urge not to become prisoners in the golden caves of the Western society and, finally, the urge to find our freedom in Nature, phýsis, and not far or beyond, metá, it.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent chronic condition. It causes discomfort in the lower limbs with an urge to move the legs and sometimes paresthesias. It's frequently associated with sleep and mood disorders causing a significant impact on quality of life. There are four clinical criteria to diagnose it. Treatment includes management of reversible factors and if needed symptomatic treatment. Depending on symptoms severity, non-drug measures can be tried. First-line medication treatment should be dopaminergic agonists. Second-line treatments include, anticonvulsivants (gabapentine), benzodiazepine (clonazepam) or opioids based on predominant symptoms. Difficult cases should be referred to a specialist.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is predominantly characterized by a progressive loss of motor function. While autonomic dysfunction has been described in ALS, little is known about the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and intestinal dysfunction. We investigated disease severity, LUTS and intestinal dysfunction in 43 patients with ALS attending our outpatient department applying the ALS functional rating scale, the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire, the Urinary Distress Inventory and the Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score. Results were compared to the German population of a cross-sectional study assessing LUTS in the healthy population, the EPIC study. Results showed that urinary incontinence was increased in patients with ALS aged ≥ 60 years compared to the EPIC cohort (female: 50%/19% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.026; male: 36%/11% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.002). No difference was seen at 40-59 years of age. Urge incontinence was the predominant presentation (73% of symptoms). A high symptom burden was stated (ICIQ-SF quality of life subscore 5.5/10). Intake of muscle relaxants and anticholinergics was associated with both urinary incontinence and severity of symptoms. Furthermore, a high prevalence of constipation (46%), but not stool incontinence (9%), was noted. In conclusion, the increased prevalence of urge incontinence and high symptom burden imply that in patients with ALS, LUTS should be increasingly investigated for.
Expanding on research first presented in the Iowa Board of Parole FY99 Annual Report, this report presents recidivism data on offenders released from Iowa prisons during State FY1996 (July 1, 1995 – June 30, 1996). The figures presented here differ from those included in last year’s report due to four changes in the study. First, this year’s research includes data on those released from work release facilities, who were inadvertently omitted last year. In addition, the current figures include an additional year of tracking, as a second round of “rapsheets” was obtained to detect recidivism occurring within the last year.2 Also enhancing this year’s report is the availability of national recidivism data through the Interstate Identification Index (III). Further, while last year’s data looked only at the first new offense following release, this year’s study examines the most serious new conviction, resulting in higher felony recidivism rates. One note of caution should be voiced concerning the use of out-of-state records. A review of these records suggests very incomplete disposition reporting in III from some other states. In examining these records, it was not unusual to find a string of serious arrests with no dispositions noted. It was tempting in these situations to conclude that there must have been a conviction at some point, but we have resisted that urge when presenting figures on new convictions. This report is not intended to be an all-encompassing review of recidivism. Rather, it is meant to provide an illustration of the types of recidivism data available on prison releases in Iowa. Readers interested in other analyses of the data are urged to contact CJJP with suggestions and requests.
Despite advances in the medical and surgical treatment of Head and Neck (HN) squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), long term survival has remained unchanged in the last 20 years. The obvious limitations of traditional therapeutic options strongly urge the development of novel therapeutic approaches. The molecular cloning of tumor antigens recognized by T lymphocytes in recent years has provided targets for specific immunotherapy. In this regard, frequent expression of Cancer Testis Antigens (CTA) has been repeatedly observed among HN tumors. We analyzed CTA expression in 46 HNSCC patients and found that MAGE-A3 and/or -A4 CTA were positive in over 70% of samples, regardless of the anatomical site of primary tumors in the upper aerodigestive tract. Still, immune responses against these CTA in HNSCC patients have not yet been investigated in detail. In this study we assessed the responsiveness of HNSCC patient's lymphocytes against overlapping peptides spanning the entire MAGE-A3 and -A4 proteins. After depletion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, and following three rounds of in vitro stimulation with pools of overlapping peptides, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HNSCC patients were screened by IFN-g and TNF-a intracellular cytokine staining for reactivity against MAGE-A3 or -A4 derived peptides. Cytokine secreting CD4+ T cells, specific for several peptides, were detected in 7/7 patients. In contrast, only 2/5 PBMC from healthy donors showed weak T cell responses against 2 peptides. CD4+ T cells specific for one epitope MAGE-A3(281-295), previously described as an HLA-DR11 restricted epitope naturally processed and presented by dendritic cells and tumor cells, were detected in two patients. MAGE-A3(161-175) specific CD4+ T cells were found in one patient. Six MAGE-A3 and -A4 new epitopes are being characterized. Together, these data suggest that naturally acquired CD4+ T cell responses against CT antigens occur in vivo in HNSCC patients, providing a rational basis for the use of the identified peptides in vaccination protocols.
Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems
The omega-loop gastric bypass (OLGBP), also called "mini-gastric bypass" or "single-anastomosis" gastric bypass is a form of gastric bypass where a long, narrow gastric pouch is created and anastomosed to the jejunum about 200- 250 cm from the angle of Treitz in an omega loop fashion, thereby avoiding a jejuno-jejunostomy.Proponents of the OLGBP claim that it is a safer and simpler operation than the traditional Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), easier to teach, that gives the same results in terms of weight loss than the RYGBP. One randomized study comparing the two techniques showed similar results after five years.The OLGBP is criticized because it creates an anastomosis between the gastric pouch and the jejunum where a large amount of biliopancreatic juices travel, thereby creating a situation where reflux of the latter into the stomach and distal esophagus is likely to develop. Such a situation has clearly been associated, in several animal studies, with an increased incidence of gastric cancer, especially at or close to the gastro-jejunostomy, and with an increased risk of lower esophageal cancer. In clinical practice, omega-loop gastrojejunostomies such as those used for reconstruction after gastric resection for benign disease or distal gastric cancer have been associated with the so called classical anastomotic cancer, linked to biliary reflux into the stomach, despite the fact that epidemiological studies about this do not show uniform results. Although no evidence at the present time links OLGBP to an increased risk of gastric cancer in the human, this possibility raises a concern among many bariatric surgeons, especially in the view that bariatric surgery is performed in relatively young patients with a long life expectancy, hence prone to develop cancer if indeed the risk is increased. Another arguments used against the OLGBP is that the jejuno-jejunostomy in the traditional RYGBP is easy to perform and associated with virtually no complication.Supporters of the OLGBP claim that the liquid that refluxes into the stomach after their procedure is not pure bile and pancreatic juice, but a combination of those with jejunal secretions, and that the latter is not as harmful. We would urge the proponents of the OLGBP to undertake the necessary animal studies to show that their assumption is indeed true before the procedure is performed widely, possibly leading to the development of hundreds of late gastric or esophageal carcinoma in the bariatric population. In the meantime, we strongly believe that RYGBP should remain the gold standard in gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity.
This inventory of transit services in Iowa covers urban transit, intercity passenger bus carriers and charter operators, taxicab operations, rural transit services and special services, and includes the results of questionnaire and interview surveys, and the resulting recommendations. The recommendations urge a centralized source of data and expertise, a public information program, the utilization of federal aid, the continuance of existing transit services with no dimunition of service level, the establishment of new services in communities of over 20,000 population, the sponsorship of demonstrations in communities with populations of 10,000 to 20,000, and the development and improvement of rural transit service. Based on state and local community experience, recommendations are made concerning revenue sources to support transit in Iowa, and four alternative state transit assistance programs are presented.