916 resultados para potassium organotrifluoroborate salts


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The use of potassium (K) rock powder can be an alternative for K supply of crops. Thus, to reduce K fertilizer imports from abroad, possibilities of extracting this nutrient from Brazilian rocks are being studied. The objective was to evaluate the effect of phonolite rock powder (F2) as K source (Ekosil®) on the air-dried fruit yield, nutrition and macronutrient export of Arabica coffee. The experiment was carried out on a dystroferric Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox), in Piraju, São Paulo State, Brazil, in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 growing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, in a factorial 2 × 3 + 1 arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of two K sources (KCl - 58 % of K2O and F2 - 8.42 % K2O) and three rates ½-, 1-, and 2-fold the K2O rate recommended for coffee, i.e., 75, 150, and 300 kg ha-1 of K2O), plus a control (without K application). Potassium supply increased coffee yield, regardless of the source. Application of source F2 increased coffee yield similarly to KCl at the recommended K rate for coffee (150 kg ha-1 K2O), proving efficient as K supply for coffee. Potassium application increased macronutrient export in coffee, especially in the growing season with higher yield.


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Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a tree species native to the subtropical regions of South America, and is found in Brazil predominantly in the southern region. Despite the historical importance in this region, so far, studies on crop nutrition to improve yields are scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of potassium rates on K soil availability, and the yield and nutritional status of yerba mate. The experiment was conducted in São Mateus do Sul, State of Paraná, on a Humox soil, where K2O rates of 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 kg ha-1 were tested on 7-year-old plantations. The experiment was harvested 24 months after installation by removing approximately 95 % of the canopy that had sprouted from the previous harvest. The soil was evaluated for K availability in the layers 0-10, 0-20, 10-20, and 20-40 cm. The plant parts leaf fresh matter (LM), twigs (TW), thick branches (BR) and commercial yerba mate (COYM), i.e., LM+TW, were analyzed. In addition, the relationship between fresh matter/dry matter (FM/DM) and K concentration in LM, AG and BR were evaluated. The fertilization increased K availability in all evaluated soil layers, indicating good mobility of the nutrient even at low rates. Yerba mate responded positively to increasing K2O rates with higher yields of all harvested components. The crop proved K-demanding, with a maximum COYM yield of 28.5 t ha-1, when 72 mg dm-3 K was available in the 0-20 cm layer. Yerba mate in the plant production stage requires soil K availability at medium to high level; in clayey soil with low K availability, a rate of 300 kg ha-1 K2O should be applied at 24 month intervals to obtain high yields. A leaf K concentration of 16.0 g ha-1 is suitable for yerba mate in the growth stage.


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Potassium participates in the essential processes in plant physiology, however, the effects of K sources on plant metabolism have been little studied. Also, in certain cases, K sources and concentrations may cause undesirable effects, e.g., soil salinization. The objective was to evaluate the effect of K sources and levels on the enzyme activity of the antioxidant system and protein content in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) leaves and to determine the most suitable K sources for these physiological characteristics. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, in a 2 × 4 factorial design, consisting of two K sources (KCl and K2SO4) and rates (250, 500, 750, and 1000 kg ha-1 K2O), with four replications. The following variables were evaluated: plant height, number of leaves per plant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and leaf protein content. There was an increase in CAT activity with increasing K levels until 30 days after transplanting (DAT), when K2SO4 was applied and until 60 DAT, when KCl was used; after this period, the enzyme activity decreased under both sources. The activity of SOD increased in the presence of KCl, but was reduced with the application of K2SO4. For both K sources, increasing rates reduced the protein content and number of leaves per plant, and this reduction was greater under KCl application. Thus it was concluded that KCl tends more strongly to salinize the soil than K2SO4. Both for KCl and for K2SO4, the increasing rates adversely affected the activities of CAT and SOD and the levels of leaf protein in eggplant. The potential of KCl to reduce the enzyme activity of SOD and CAT, leaf protein content and plant growth of eggplant was stronger than that of K2SO4.


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ABSTRACT The economic exploitation of macaw palm [Acrocomia aculeate(Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.] is currently in transition, from extractivism to agricultural cultivation, thus requiring studies on the fertilization of the crop. This study evaluated the response of three genotypes of macaw palm to increasing rates of nitrogen and potassium, grown in the field until the 2nd year and to establish reference contents of mineral nutrients in the leaf. The experiment was a split-plot randomized block design with five main treatments (N and K rates) and three secondary treatments (genotypes), with three replications, each plot containing three plants. Plant height, leaf number, vigor, and nutrient contents in leaf tissues were evaluated at the end of 2nd year of cultivation. Differential responses were observed among genotypes, indicating that some genotypes are more efficient in the use of mineral inputs. There was a differentiated and positive response to increasing side-dressed N and K rates in the vegetative development of macaw genotypes until the 2nd year of field cultivation, indicating variability in the species in terms of nutrient use efficiency. The N and K fertilization rate corresponding to 360 g N + 480 g K2O per plant, in four split applications over the two years of cultivation, was insufficient to induce maximum vegetative development in the three macaw genotypes. There was no variation in macro- and micronutrient contents in leaf dry matter of the three macaw genotypes.


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ABSTRACT Organic acids present in organic matter and, or, exudates by microorganisms and plants can increase the liberation of potassium present in minerals. The objective of this study was to characterize the residue from ornamental rocks and evaluate the release of K from these residues after the application of organic acids. The experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions and followed a 2 × 3 × 5 factorial design with three replicates. The studied factors were: two organic acids (citric acid and malic acid), three ornamental rock residues (R1, R2 and R3) and five organic acid rates (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mmol L-1). After agitation, K concentrations were determined in the equilibrium solution. Successive extractions were performed (1, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days after the start of the experiment). The organic acids used (citric and malic) promoted the release of up to 4.86 and 4.34 % of the total K contained in the residue, respectively, reinforcing the role of organic acids in the weathering of minerals and in providing K to the soil. The K quantities were, on average, 6.1 % higher when extracted with citric acid compared to malic acid.


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ABSTRACT Information on fertilizer management for cotton in narrow-row cropping system is scarce; therefore, studies are needed to improve nutrient stewardship for such systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nitrogen and potassium application on yield and fiber quality of cotton under a narrow-row system. A field trial was carried out for three years, where the treatments were set up in an incomplete factorial arrangement [(4 × 4) + 1] under a randomized block design, with four N rates (20, 40, 60, and 80 kg ha-1), four K2O rates (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1), and one control (no N or K2O), for a total of 17 treatments, with four replicates. Urea and potassium chloride were applied on the soil surface 20 days after crop emergence. Varieties used were FMT 701 (2009/2010 and 2010/2011) and FMT 709 (2011/2012). Cotton yield and fiber quality parameters were measured. In the narrow-row cropping system, cotton lint yield was positively affected by N and K application. Cotton yield in relation to K applications was not dependent on N rates. Potassium application increased the micronaire index and fiber resistance, whereas high N rates reduced fiber resistance.


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High mortality in newborn babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is principally due to persistent pulmonary hypertension. ATP-dependent potassium (K(ATP)) channels might modulate pulmonary vascular tone. We have assessed the effects of Pinacidil, a K(ATP) channel opener, and glibenclamide (GLI), a K(ATP) channel blocker, in near full-term lambs with and without CDH. In vivo, pulmonary hemodynamics were assessed by means of pressure and blood flow catheters. In vitro, we used isolated pulmonary vessels and immunohistochemistry to detect the presence of K(ATP) channels in pulmonary tissue. In vivo, pinacidil (2 mg) significantly reduced pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in both controls and CDH animals. GLI (30 mg) significantly increased pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and PVR in control animals only. In vitro, pinacidil (10 microM) relaxed, precontracted arteries from lambs with and without CDH. GLI (10(-5) microM) did not raise the basal tone of vessels. We conclude that activation of K(ATP) channels could be of interest to reduce pulmonary vascular tone in fetal lambs with CDH, a condition often associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.


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Conferència impartida a l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna en motiu de de les jornades "Atossico incisione e la sua introduzione in istruzione superiore", del 25 al 27 de gener del 2011 a Bologna


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Selostus: Natrium- ja kaliumlannoituksen vaikutus timotein ravintoarvoon


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The influence of K2O (0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha-1) at varying rates of N application (0, 30, 60 kg ha-1) at planting, on panicle blast (Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc.) was studied in a field experiment conducted during three consecutive years with the upland rice cultivar Douradão. Panicle blast severity decreased with increasing rates of potassium in the absence of nitrogen (N0). The relationship between panicle blast and K rates was quadratic at 30 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. Significant response to K fertilization was not obtained at 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen in relation to panicle blast severity.


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With the objective of studying the effect of increasing phosphorus and potassium doses on the agronomical and technological characteristics of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), cultivar IAC 20, an experiment was carried out during 1994/95 on a Red-Dark Latossol at the Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Oeste (CPAO) in Ponta Porã, MS, Brazil. A randomized bloch design was used in a 3 x 5 factorial arrangement with four replications. The doses were 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of P2O5, applied as triple superphosphate, and 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1 of K2O as KCl. The K2O doses used had a significant influence on the seed cotton yield, plant height and weight of 100 seeds and of bolls.


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An experiment was conducted to determine the fruit size, mineral composition and quality of trickle-irrigated tomatoes as affected by potassium fertilizer rates. Six potassium (K) rates were applied as KCl, corresponding to 0, 48.4, 118.6, 188.8, 259.0 and 399.4 kg ha-1, with four replicates, following a randomized block design. Quadratic responses to K rates were observed for double extra large (diameter > 60 mm), extra large (56 to 60 mm) and large (52 to 56 mm) fruit yields. Maximum yields of these classes were achieved with K rates of 116, 190 and 233 kg ha-1, respectively. Fruit dry matter, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium contents were not affected by K rates, but nitrate and K contents showed significant increments as K rates were increased. Vitamin C, total soluble solids, lycopene and beta-carotene contents in the fruits were not affected by K rates. Increments in the K rate lowered the fruit pH and increased total acids content.


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Santa Clara was grown on a silt clay soil with 46 mg dm-3 Mehlich 1 extractable K, to evaluate the effects of trickle-applied K rates on fruit yield and to establish K critical concentrations in soil and in plant petioles. Six potassium rates (0, 48, 119, 189, 259 and 400 kg ha-1 K) were applied in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Soil and plant K critical levels were determined at two plant growth stages (at the beginning of the second and fourth cluster flowering). Total, marketable and weighted yields increased with K rates, reaching their maximum of 86.4, 73.4, and 54.9 ton ha-1 at 198, 194, and 125 kg ha-1 K , respectively. At the first soil sampling date K critical concentrations in the soil associated with K rates for maximum marketable and weighted yields were 92 and 68 mg dm-3, respectively. Potassium critical concentrations in the dry matter of the petioles sampled by the beginning of the second and fourth cluster flowering time, associated with maximum weighted yield, were 10.30 and 7.30 dag kg-1, respectively.


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Tiivistelmä: Kuusen neulasanalyyttinen kaliumravitsemuksen arviointi eri vuodenaikoina