949 resultados para pollen ontogeny
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Caesalpinia echinata and C ferrea var. ferrea have different seed behaviours and seed and fruit types. Comparison of the seed ontogeny and anatomy partly explained the differences in seed behaviour between these two species of Brazilian legumes; some differences were also related to fruit development. The seed coat in C. ferrea consisted of two layers of osteosclereids, as well as macrosclereids and fibres, to form a typical legume seed coat, whereas C. echinata had only macrosclereids and fibres. In C. echinata, the developing seed coat had paracytic stomata, a feature rarely found in legume seeds. These seed coat features may account for the low longevity of C. echinata seeds. The embryogeny was similar in both species, with no differences in the relationship between embryo growth and seed growth. The seeds of both species behaved as typical endospermic seeds, despite their different morphological classification (exendospermic orthodox seeds were described for C. echinata and endospermic orthodox seeds for C. ferrea). Embryo growth in C. ferrea accelerated when the sclerenchyma of the pericarp was developing, whereas embryonic growth in C. echinata was associated with the conclusion of spine and secretory reservoir development in the pericarp. Other features observed included an endothelial layer that secreted mucilage in both species, a nucellar summit, which grew up into the micropyle, and a placental obturator that connected the ovarian tissue to the ovule in C. ferrea. (C) 2004 the Linnean Society of London.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
SDS electrophoresis of midgut proteins from two Trigonini species with different feeding habits shows many similarities and the absence of unique protein in the necrophagous stingless bee Trigona hypogea, suggesting that biochemical adaptation to necrophagy, in this bee, occurs more in the qualitative than in quantitative level. Workers of different ages display some variations in the midgut protein pattern, suggesting that it is important to know the age in studies regarding to bee digestion.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O rendimento e a qualidade de sementes de abóbora podem ser aprimorados por uma densidade populacional de plantas adequada, além da quantidade de pólen, que influi na qualidade da polinização e fertilização. Para este estudo, aplicaram-se nove tratamentos, que resultaram da combinação fatorial de três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,8 x 0,3; 0,8 x 0,6 e 0,8 x 0,9 m) com duas quantidades de pólen (50% de uma antera e uma antera inteira) e a polinização natural por insetos. Foram avaliados parâmetros de produção de frutos e sementes, além da qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições e dez plantas úteis por amostragem. O aumento do espaçamento entre plantas elevou o número médio de frutos maduros e a produção de sementes por planta. A produtividade de sementes foi diretamente proporcional à quantidade de pólen usada durante a polinização. Já o fator espaçamento entre plantas não afetou a produção de sementes por área. A maior quantidade de pólen resultou em uma maior produção de sementes por planta e por área. A polinização manual, com a utilização de uma antera inteira, não diferiu da polinização natural com insetos, tanto para rendimento como para a qualidade de sementes.
Palms of the Syagrus genus have several natural hybrids in Brazil. They are widely cultivated around the world as ornamental palm. S. romanzoffiana is the parental of natural hybrids with other Syagrus species that are potentially useful as palm cultivated for heart of palm production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pollen grains viability got from plants grown in the Experimental Nursery of the FCAVJ/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Pollen grains were sampled from inflorescence in three occasions: in the right day of anthesis, one day before and one day after anthesis. For each day, the inflorescence was subdivided in epical, medium and basal portions where pollen grains were collected. The results shown that: a) for S. coronata there was no statistical differences in pollen viability (pollen viability average = 92.89%); b) for S. romanzoffiana the average pollen viability was 87.27%, 87.47% e 86.85% before, during and after the anthesis, respectively. The basal portion pollen grains had lower viability (85.19% - p<0.01) than those from the medium (88.17%) and the apical (88.46%) portion of the inflorescence. These results shown that both species have no problems with pollen viability and can be used as parental of hybrids with other Syagrus species.
The origin of bees was marked by the change from the use of animal of vegetal protein to feed the larvae. The advantages of this change and the existence of some necrophagous species among the bees is discussed regarding to the poor digestibility of pollen.
Aphantochilus rogersi is an ant-mimicking spider that preys exclusively on cephalotine ants. The spiders oviposit in close proximity to nests of the model ant Zacryptocerus pusillus, and emergent spiderlings tend to remain in the vicinity of natal egg sacs. Females of A. rogersi actively defend their egg sacs against approaching workers of Z. pusillus, but the latter may sometimes destroy the eggs. Feeding specialization on these ants is confirmed by more than 300 observations of young and adult A. rogersi carrying ant corpses in the held. Although A. rogersi possesses several behavioural traits which may reduce the risk of being injured by ants during subjugation, field and laboratory observations showed that social defence by Z. pusillus may cause mutilation to the spiders. Tests in captivity revealed an ontogenetic change in the prey-capture techniques employed by A. rogersi. Early-instar spiderlings can apparently only seize the ant's petiole tightly if they are able to approach the ant from the front. As the ant is paralysed, the spiderling positions itself vertically in relation to the substratum. Larger spiders, on the other hand, attack ants most frequently from behind, and seem better equipped to seize the ant's petiole firmly with their larger chelicerae. Owing to their greater strength, late-instar spiders are able to Lift the struggling ant aloft. The selection of a suitable oviposition site, the mother's ability to defend herself and the eggs from nearby ants, and the capacity to capture and subdue ants safely from emergence to maturity, are regarded as crucial traits inherent in the mimetic and feeding specialization by A. rogersi.