934 resultados para percussion instrument


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commissioned by Cwmni Dawns Gwylan with funds from the Welsh Arts Council, for Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. Choreographer Lucy Fawcett. (Nick Parkin, percussion)


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Using the Rapid Oscillation in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument at the Dunn Solar Telescope we have found that the spectra of fluctuations of the G-band (cadence 1.05 s) and Ca II K-line (cadence 4.2 s) intensities show correlated fluctuations above white noise out to frequencies beyond 300 mHz and up to 70 mHz, respectively. The noise-corrected G-band spectrum presents a scaling range (Ultra High Frequency “UHF”) for f = 25-100 mHz, with an exponent consistent with the presence of turbulent motions. The UHF power, is concentrated at the locations of magnetic bright points in the intergranular lanes, it is highly intermittent in time and characterized by a positive kurtosis κ. Combining values of G-band and K-line intensities, the UHF power, and κ, reveals two distinct “states” of the internetwork solar atmosphere. State 1, with κ ≍ 6, which includes almost all the data, is characterized by low intensities and low UHF power. State 2, with κ ≍ 3, including a very small fraction of the data, is characterized by high intensities and high UHF power. Superposed epoch analysis shows that for State 1, the K-line intensity presents 3.5 min chromospheric oscillations with maxima occurring 21 s after G-band intensity maxima implying a 150-210 km effective height difference. For State 2, the G-band and K-line intensity maxima are simultaneous, suggesting that in the highly magnetized environment sites of G-band and K-line emission may be spatially close together. Analysis of observations obtained with Hinode/SOT confirm a scaling range in the G-band spectrum up to 53 mHz also consistent with turbulent motions as well as the identification of two distinct states in terms of the H-line intensity and G-band power as functions of G-band intensity.


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This paper describes the design of a frequency selective surface (FSS) which provides transmission of 228 - 230 GHz radiation and rejection from 164 – 191.3 GHz with insertion losses under 0.25 dB for TE wave polarization at 45 incidence. This state-of-the art filter consists of two air spaced freestanding perforated screens, comprising unit cell elements of resonant slots folded for the purpose of miniaturisation to enhance angular stability. The reported geometry enhances the angular stability (45 ± 10) of the FSS beyond what is possible with canonical linear slots and satisfies the stringent electromagnetic performance requirements for signal demultiplexing in the quasi-optical feed train of the Microwave Sounder (MWS) instrument.


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Language experience clearly affects the perception of speech, but little is known about whether these differences in perception extend to non-speech sounds. In this study, we investigated rhythmic perception of non-linguistic sounds in speakers of French and German using a grouping task, in which complexity (variability in sounds, presence of pauses) was manipulated. In this task, participants grouped sequences of auditory chimeras formed from musical instruments. These chimeras mimic the complexity of speech without being speech. We found that, while showing the same overall grouping preferences, the German speakers showed stronger biases than the French speakers in grouping complex sequences. Sound variability reduced all participants' biases, resulting in the French group showing no grouping preference for the most variable sequences, though this reduction was attenuated by musical experience. In sum, this study demonstrates that linguistic experience, musical experience, and complexity affect rhythmic grouping of non-linguistic sounds and suggests that experience with acoustic cues in a meaningful context (language or music) is necessary for developing a robust grouping preference that survives acoustic variability.


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The Trembling Line is a film and multi-channel sound installation exploring the visual and acoustic echoes between decipherable musical gestures and abstract patterning, orchestral swells and extreme high-speed slow-motion close-ups of strings and percussion. It features a score by Leo Grant and a newly devised multichannel audio system by the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. The multi-channel speaker array is devised as an intimate sound spatialisation system in which each element of sound can be pried apart and reconfigured, to create a dynamically disorienting sonic experience. It becomes the inside of a musical instrument, an acoustic envelope or cage of sorts, through which viewers are invited to experience the film and generate cross-sensory connections and counterpoints between the sound and the visuals. Funded by a Leverhulme Artist-in-Residence Award and John Hansard Gallery, with support from ISVR and the Music Department, University of Southampton. The project provided a rare opportunity to work creatively with new cutting edge developments in sound distribution devised by ISVR, devising a new speaker array, a multi- channel surround listening sphere which spatialises the auditory experience. The sphere is currently used by ISVR for outreach and teaching purposes, and has enables future collaborations between music staff and students at Southampton University and staff and ISVR. Exhibitions: Solo exhibition at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (Dec 2015-Jan 2016), across 5 rooms, including a retrospective of five previous film-works and a new series of photographic stills. Public lectures: two within the gallery. Reviews and interviews: Art Monthly, Studio International, The Quietus, The Wire Magazine.


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La réforme du collégial a entraîné un changement pédagogique majeur : la mise en application de l'approche d'élaboration de programme par compétences (APC). En formation, le développement des compétences passe par trois voies obligées : développement intégral de la personne, développement intégré à un milieu et développement centré sur l'élève. Les dimensions cognitive et sociale du développement de la personne sont les deux dimensions dominantes mises de l'avant par notre milieu institutionnel et les milieux socioprofessionnels. Pour notre recherche, nous avons retenu la dimension sociale du développement de la personne et nous avons établi que cette dimension passe par le développement de la compétence à travailler en équipe. En plus d'être exigée tant par notre milieu institutionnel que par les milieux socioprofessionnels, elle représente une difficulté ou du moins un immense défi pour l'enseignement. Alors nous avons posé notre question de recherche : Est-ce que l'utilisation de l'apprentissage coopératif (AC) en tant que stratégie pédagogique favorise le développement de la compétence à travailler en équipe au secteur collégial technique?"--Résumé abrégé par UMI.


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The work described here is part of a research program aiming to increase the sensitivity to disease detection using Doppler ultrasound by reducing the effects to the measurement procedure on the estimation of blood velocity and detection of flow disturbance.


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Sowohl die liquiditäts- als auch die erfolgsorientierte Betrachtungsweise von Zahlungsströmen soll mit dem Begriff der optimalen Liquidität zum Ausdruck kommen. Der Liquiditätsplan stellt ein geeignetes Instrument dar, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu ermöglichen. Neben Ausführungen zu den allgemeinen Grundlagen bietet die Abhandlung von Dr. K. Kairies praxisorientierte Überlegungen für die Einführung und Pflege eines Liquiditätsplanes im Unternehmen.


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Über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte hat sich die Interne Unternehmenskommunikation stets auf durch ökonomische Herausforderungen bedingte organisationale Veränderungen eingestellt und ihre Modelle zur Motivation und Integration von Mitarbeitern den Veränderungen im strategischen und operativen Management angepasst. Ging es in den 70er und 80er Jahren dabei noch um das Herstellen von Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, drehte sich seit den 90er Jahren in der Folge des zunehmenden globalen Wettbewerbs dann alles um das Mitarbeiterengagement.
Dieser Beitrag unternimmt einen Versuch, die Geschichte der Internen Unternehmens-kommunikation in Deutschland zu beleuchten. Dazu wird der Blickwinkel des Kommunikationsmanagements eingenommen, welches die Funktion der generellen Unternehmenskommunikation und damit auch die ihrer Teildisziplin für die Anspruchsgruppe der Mitarbeiter unter betriebswirt-schaftlichen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet und in den Wertschöpfungsprozess eines Unternehmens einordnet.
Es wird gezeigt, dass und wie sich die Interne Unternehmenskommunikation über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte auf durch ökonomische Herausforderungen bedingte organisationale Veränderungen eingestellt und diese unterstützt hat. Die jeweiligen Lösungsansätze der Internen Kommunikation dienten immer dazu, die Mitarbeiter zum Vorteil der Unternehmensführung in das Unternehmensgeschehen zu integrieren.
Und so, wie sich im Laufe der Zeit das strategische und operative Management veränderte, entwickelte sich auch die hier zu beschreibende Disziplin weiter.
Unterdessen ist der Wandel Normalität geworden, doch mehr als jeder dritte Veränderungsprozess kann auch heute noch vor allem durch eine mangelnde Integration der Mitarbeiter als nicht erfolgreich betrachtet werden. Aber mehr denn je ist die kreative Beteiligung der Betroffenen und die Übernahme von Eigenverant-wortung notwendig. Entsprechende Maßnahmen der Internen Unternehmenskommunikation müssen nun aus einem Modell für Mobilisierung erwachsen.
Inzwischen stellen diese Zusammenhänge die Verantwortlichen für die Interne Kommunikation vor große Herausforderungen und erfordern ein hohes Maß an Professionalität, die aber in der Praxis noch längst nicht überall Einzug gehalten hat. So gibt dieser Beitrag auch einen Ausblick auf die aktuell zu erkennenden Unterstützungspotenziale der Internen Unternehmenskommunikation im Wertschöpfungsprozess.


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Concert program for World Percussion Bash, May 28, 2013


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Concert program for Percussion April 23, 1970


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Concert program for University Wind Sinfonietta and University Percussion Ensemble, Dec. 9, 1973


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Concert Program for U.W. Percussion and Steel Drum Ensembles


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There is a widely held view that learning to play a musical instrument is a valuable experience for all children in terms of their personal growth and development. Although there is no statutory obligation for instrumental music provision in Scottish primary schools, there are well-established Instrumental Music Services in Local Education Authorities that have been developed to provide this facility for pupils. This article presents the findings of a study that was aimed at investigating the extent to which the opportunity to undertake instrumental instruction in Scottish primary schools is equitable. The study employed a mixed-methods approach. Data were gathered from 21 Scottish primary schools, a total pupil population of 5122 pupils of whom 323 pupils were receiving instrumental instruction. The analysis involved an investigation of the academic profile of this group, the representation of children with additional support needs (ASN) and the nature of their ASN. A qualitative analysis of policy and guideline documents and interviews with Heads of Instrumental Services, headteachers and instrumental instructors served to explain and illuminate the quantitative data. The findings showed that particular groups of children with ASN were significantly under-represented and offer explanations of the processes by which this occurs.