828 resultados para percepción del consumidor
Esta investigación busca determinar si los procedimientos administrativos y judiciales establecidos en la Ley Orgánica de Defensa del Consumidor permiten que los consumidores puedan acceder a una tutela eficaz de sus derechos como consumidor en la adquisición de bienes o servicios. En un inicio, se identificarán nociones fundamentales de lo que es el derecho del consumidor; su avance histórico a nivel mundial centrándose posteriormente en América Latina, para finalmente explicar su formación y desarrollo en el Ecuador; a continuación se explicarán cúales son los derechos que los justiciables tienen como consumidores, así como cúales son los procesos a los que en las vías administrativas o judiciales tienen la posibilidad de acceder. Se realizará un trabajo de campo e investigativo, que consiste en obtener información en los órganos administrativos (Defensoría del Pueblo) y judicial (Comisarías e Intendencia de Policía Nacional de Quito, Juzgados de Contravenciones y Juzgados de Garantías Penales de Quito) desde el 2005 hasta la fecha, a fin de elaborar una base de datos que permita identificar cuántos procesos de defensa de consumidor se han realizado y se han resuelto en los ámbitos administrativos y judiciales. La investigación realizada determinará si se han establecido sanciones por incumplimiento a los derechos del consumidor por la adquisición de bienes o servicios, en los ámbitos administrativos y judiciales. Finalmente, tendremos como resultado de esta investigación, un aporte de información para los organismos encargados de tutelar los derechos del consumidor, para tomar acciones que permitan a los justiciables acceder a mecanismos adecuados y expeditos que los amparen, cuando por la adquisición de un bien o servicio sus derechos hayan sido vulnerados.
Objective An individual does not always experience the best health and vitality indexes during her/his adolescence. This study evaluated young people's awareness of their oral health and the factors involved in dental maintenance and promotion Material and Method Adolescents (n=493) from the Mirim Foundation in the town of Araçatuba in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were asked to fill in a semi-structured questionnaire. Results 68.4 % of the youngsters interviewed regarded oral health as referring to hygiene and 16.2 % to physical appearance; 53.6 % of the group perceived their oral health to be good and 24 % optimum. 90.1 % indicated oral hygiene when asked how oral health could be ensured; however, only 4.8 % mentioned brushing their tongues. Physical appearance (62.9 %) was one of the main reasons stated as being important for teeth. A statistically significant relationship was observed between perception of regular dental and mouth health and having visited the dentist at least six months beforehand (x2=30.75; p<0.05). Conclusion Even though the youngsters had a general idea regarding their oral health, its maintenance and promotion, better information should be made available regarding such topics and be approached through health education so that these adolescents can have good oral health for the rest of their lives, as well as becoming knowledge multiplying agents for those who do not have access to the same information.
The objective of this study was to evaluate: the profile of the surgeon-dentist that undergoes a course in specialization at the Odontology Faculty of Aracatuba/UNESP, Brazil; if they requested informed consent from the patient and/or their legal representative before the realization of procedures, and if the treatment was decided upon with the patient. It was elaborated, validated and applied in questionnaire form, and the data obtained was analyzed by the program EPI-INFO 3.3 The conclusion was, given that surgeon-dentists still do not obtain any type of document before beginning treatment, a large percentage of them are totally vulnerable if submitted to ethical or legal prosecution and that it is necessary to be aware of this aspect.
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