953 resultados para pelvic floor muscle dysfunction


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During the last century, great improvements have been made in rectal cancer management regarding preoperative staging, pathologic assessment, surgical technique, and multimodal therapies. Surgically, there was a move from a strategy characterized by simple perineal excision to complex procedures performed by means of a laparoscopic approach, and more recently with the aid of robotic systems. Perhaps the most important advance is that rectal cancer is no longer a fatal disease as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. This achievement is definitely due in part to Ernest Mile's contribution regarding lymphatic spread of tumor cells, which helped clarify the natural history of the disease and the proper treatment alternatives. He advocated a combined approach with the rationale to clear "the zone of upward spread." The aim of the present paper is to present a brief review concerning the evolution of rectal cancer surgery, focusing attention on Miles' abdominoperineal excision of the rectum (APR) and its controversies and refinements over time. Although APR has currently been restricted to a small proportion of patients with low rectal cancer, recent propositions to excise the rectum performing a wider perineal and a proper pelvic floor resection have renewed interest on this procedure, confirming that Ernest Miles' original ideas still influence rectal cancer management after more than 100 years.


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Em trabalhos experimentais, o peróxido de hidrogênio revelou-se um promotor da carcinogênese química bucal e em outras mucosas gastrintestinais. O peróxido de hidrogênio representa um cocarcinógeno, pois não inicia sozinho uma neoplasia maligna epitelial, mas pode potencializar outros agentes iniciadores. Na boca, onde atuam vários carcinógenos, a mucosa está, em sua maior parte, desprotegida, pois não tem em sua superfície uma espessa e contínua camada de queratina, como a pele. Em qualquer forma de ação, o peróxido de hidrogênio - o único clareador de dentes - requer técnica que proteja a mucosa e a região cervical do esmalte na junção com o cemento, e dificulte que seja engolido, indo para as partes mais inferiores do trato gastrintestinal. Este trabalho centra-se principalmente na necessidade de convencer pacientes, profissionais e agentes do mercado de que a forma mais correta e segura de clarear dentes está no consultório dos profissionais treinados e conscientes.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von myelomonozytären Zellen, IFN-gamma (Interferon gamma), MyD88 (myeloid differentiation factor 88) und zugrundeliegenden Signalwege in der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Inflammation, Dysfunktion und arteriellen Hypertonie untersucht. Wie bereits veröffentlichte Vordaten aus meiner Arbeitsgruppe zeigten, schützt die Depletion von Lysozym M (LysM)+ myelomonozytären Zellen (Diphteriatoxin-vermittelt in Mäusen, die transgen für den humanen Diphtheriatoxin-Rezeptor sind, LysMiDTR Mäuse) vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und arterieller Hypertonie, und kann durch adoptiven Zelltransfer von Wildtyp Monozyten wiederhergestellt werden. In meiner Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass die Rekonstitution von Monozyten-depletierten LysMiDTR Mäusen mit Wildtyp Monozyten den Phänotyp der vaskulären Dysfunktion wiederherstellen kann, die Rekonstitution mit gp91phox-/y oder Agtr1-/- Monozyten jedoch nicht. Die Hypertonus-mediierenden Effekte dieser infiltrierenden Monozyten scheinen demnach von der intakten ATII und NADPH Oxidase Signalübertragung in diesen Zellen abhängig zu sein. Vermutlich ebenfalls für die Aktivierung der Monozyten funktionell wichtig sind IFN-gamma, produziert durch NK-Zellen, und der Transkriptionsfaktor T-bet (T-box expressed in T cells), exprimiert von NK-Zellen und Monozyten. IFN-gamma-/- Mäuse waren partiell geschützt vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und charakterisiert durch reduzierte Level an Superoxid im Gefäß im Vergleich zu ATII-infundierten Wildtyp Mäusen. IFN-gamma-/- und T-bet defiziente Tbx21-/- Mäuse zeichneten sich ferner durch eine reduzierte ATII-mediierte Rekrutierung von NK1.1+ NK-Zellen, als ein Hautproduzent von IFN-gamma, sowie CD11b+GR-1low Interleukin-12 (IL-12) kompetenten Monozyten aus. Durch Depletions- und adoptive Transferexperimente konnte ich in dieser Arbeit NK-Zellen als essentielle Mitstreiter in der vaskulären Dysfunktion identifizieren und stellte fest, dass T-bet+LysM+ myelomonozytäre Zellen für die NK-Zellrekrutierung in die Gefäßwand und lokale IFN-gamma Produktion benötigt werden. Damit wurde erstmals NK-Zellen eine essentielle Rolle in der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion zugeschrieben. Außerdem wurde der T-bet-IFN-gamma Signalweg und die gegenseitige Monozyten-NK-Zellaktivierung als ein potentielles therapeutisches Ziel in kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen aufgedeckt. Des Weiteren identifizierte ich in meiner Arbeit MyD88 als ein zentrales Signalmolekül in der ATII-getriebenen Inflammation und vaskulären Gefäßschädigung. MyD88 Defizienz reduzierte den ATII-induzierten Anstieg des systolischen Blutdrucks und die endotheliale und glattmuskuläre vaskuläre Dysfunktion. Zusätzlich waren die vaskuläre Superoxid-Bildung sowie die Expressionslevel der NADPH Oxidase, der wichtigsten Quelle für oxidativem Stress im Gefäß, in ATII-infundierten MyD88-/- Mäusen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp reduziert. Mit Hilfe von durchflusszytometrischen Analysen deckte ich zudem auf, dass die ATII-induzierte Einwanderung von CD45+ Leukozyten, insbesondere CD11b+Ly6G-Ly6Chigh inflammatorischen Monozyten in MyD88-/- Mäusen signifikant abgeschwächt war. Diese Resultate wurden durch immunhistochemische Untersuchung von Aortengewebe auf CD68+, F4/80+ und Nox2+ Makrophagen/Phagozyten sowie Expressionsanalysen von Inflammationsmarkern untermauert. Analysen der mRNA Expression in Aortengewebe zeigten ferner eine in Wildtyp Mäusen nach ATII Infusion tendenziell gesteigerte Expression von inflammatorischen Monozytenmakern sowie eine abnehmende Expression von reparativen Monozytenmarken, während dieser Shift zu einem proinflammatorsichen Phänotyp in MyD88-/- blockiert zu sein schien. Dies zeigt eine Rolle von MyD88 in der terminalen Differenzierung von myelomonozytären Zellen an. Um dies weitergehend zu untersuchen und aufzudecken, ob die MyD88 Effekte abhängig sind von Zellen der hämatopoetischen Linie oder Gewebszellen, wurden Knochenmarktransferexperimente durchgeführt. MyD88 Defizienz in Knochenmark-abstammende Zellen reduzierte die ATII-induzierte vaskuläre Dysfunktion und Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit CD45+ Leukozyten und inflammatorischen myelomonozytären Zellen. Die protektiven Effekte der MyD88 Defizienz in der Angiotensin II-induzierten Inflammation konnten nicht auf Signalwege über die Toll-like Rezeptoren TLR2, -7 oder -9 zurückgeführt werden, wie die Untersuchung der vaskulären Reaktivität entsprechender Knockout Mäuse zeigte. Zusammenfassend konnte ich in meiner Arbeit zeigen, dass die Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit Nox2+AT1R+T-bet+MyD88+ myelomonozytären Zellen und die Wechselwirkung und gegenseitige Aktivierung dieser Zellen mit IFN-gamma produzierenden NK-Zellen eine zentrale Bedeutung in der Pathogenese der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion, Inflammation und arteriellen Hypertonie einnehmen.


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Incontinence is a common age-dependent and increasing problem in women that may mainly present as stress incontinence, overactive bladder, mixed incontinence or other forms. A thorough history, gynaecological and neurological examination and urinalysis as initial step will lead to the diagnosis and treatment. If midstream urine is difficult to receive, a catheter urine will be easy to obtain. Further investigations as urodynamics, cystoscopy and ultrasound may be required. As initial step, stress incontinence should be treated with physiotherapy and pelvic floor exercises, if not successful with operations as suburethral slings. Slings have good long-term success rates of approximately 85 % with a low morbidity and can even be inserted under local anaesthetic. The treatment of idiopathic overactive bladder consists of bladder training, a behavioural therapy, and mainly anticholinergics. Anticholinergics may cause side effects particularly in the elderly who are under several medications that may add anticholinergic effects as antidepressants, antibiotics or antihistaminics.


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OBJECTIVE: Marfan syndrome is a systemic connective tissue disorder caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene. It was originally believed that Marfan syndrome results exclusively from the production of abnormal fibrillin-1 that leads to structurally weaker connective tissue when incorporated into the extracellular matrix. This effect seemed to explain many of the clinical features of Marfan syndrome, including aortic root dilatation and acute aortic dissection, which represent the main causes of morbidity and mortality in Marfan syndrome. METHODS: Recent molecular studies, most based on genetically defined mouse models of Marfan syndrome, have challenged this paradigm. These studies established the critical contribution of fibrillin-1 haploinsufficiency and dysregulated transforming growth factor-beta signaling to disease progression. RESULTS: It seems that many manifestations of Marfan syndrome are less related to a primary structural deficiency of the tissues than to altered morphogenetic and homeostatic programs that are induced by altered transforming growth factor-beta signaling. Most important, transforming growth factor-beta antagonism, through transforming growth factor-beta neutralizing antibodies or losartan (an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist), has been shown to prevent and possibly reverse aortic root dilatation, mitral valve prolapse, lung disease, and skeletal muscle dysfunction in a mouse model of Marfan syndrome. CONCLUSION: There are indicators that losartan, a drug widely used to treat arterial hypertension in humans, offers the first potential for primary prevention of clinical manifestations in Marfan syndrome.


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BACKGROUND: An increasing body of evidence suggests a possible role of suburothelial myofibroblasts (MFs) in bladder mechanosensation and in the pathophysiology of detrusor overactivity (DO). OBJECTIVE: To determine whether markers of MFs, including gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) and c-kit have altered immunohistochemical expression in the suburothelium of patients with neurogenic DO (NDO) or idiopathic DO (IDO) and whether this is affected by successful treatment of DO with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNTA). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients with NDO (n=10) or IDO (n=11) were treated in a single-centre, open-label study of intradetrusor BoNTA injections. Control tissue was obtained from 10 patients undergoing pelvic-floor repair procedures who had no overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00662064. INTERVENTIONS: Bladder biopsies performed with flexible cystoscopes were obtained from control subjects and from NDO and IDO patients before BoNTA treatment and at 4 wk and 16 wk after treatment. They were studied with quantitative immunofluorescence using antibodies to connexin 43 (Cx43), vimentin, and c-kit. MEASUREMENTS: Differences in Cx43, vimentin, and c-kit immunoreactivity between control subjects and NDO or IDO patients (primary outcomes). Changes in NDO or IDO, Cx43 immunoreactivity, and c-kit immunoreactivity after BoNTA treatment (secondary outcomes). RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Cx43 immunoreactivity was increased in both IDO and NDO patients compared to controls, but remained unchanged after BoNTA treatment. C-kit immunoreactivity was similar in NDO/IDO patients and controls and remained unchanged after BoNTA treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Increased gap junction formation in the suburothelium has been demonstrated in biopsies from humans with DO. It is hypothesised that this change could have a significant role in the pathogenesis of the detrusor abnormality. Successful treatment of NDO or IDO does not appear to be associated with changes in the expression of Cx43 or c-kit on suburothelial MFs.


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Introducción: Diversos cambios ocurren en el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el embarazo, lo que genera un gran estrés sobre este sistema especialmente durante el tercer trimestre, pudiendo acentuarse en presencia de determinados factores de riesgo. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron, valorar las adaptaciones cardiovasculares producidas por un programa específico de ejercicio físico; su seguridad sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno y los resultados del embarazo; y su eficacia en el control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Material y métodos: El diseño del estudio fue un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. 151 gestantes sanas fueron evaluadas mediante un ecocardiograma y un electrocardiograma en la semana 20 y 34 de gestación. Un total de 89 gestantes participaron en un programa de ejercicio físico (GE) desde el primer hasta el tercer trimestre de embarazo, constituido principalmente por 25-30 minutos de trabajo aeróbico (55-60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva), trabajo de fortalecimiento general y específico, y un trabajo de tonificación del suelo pélvico; desarrollado 3 días a la semana con una duración de 55-60 minutos cada sesión. Las gestantes aleatoriamente asignadas al grupo de control (GC; n=62) permanecieron sedentarias durante el embarazo. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético de investigación clínica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Resultados: Las características basales fueron similares entre ambos grupos. A diferencia del GC, las gestantes del GE evitaron el descenso significativo del gasto cardiaco indexado, entre el 2º y 3ºT de embarazo, y conservaron el patrón geométrico normal del ventrículo izquierdo; mientras que en el GC cambió hacia un patrón de remodelado concéntrico. En la semana 20, las gestantes del GE presentaron valores significativamente menores de frecuencia cardiaca (GC: 79,56±10,76 vs. GE: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), tensión arterial sistólica (GC: 110,19±10,23 vs. GE: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); tensión arterial diastólica (GC: 64,56±7,88 vs. GE: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); tiempo de relajación isovolumétrica (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); y un mayor tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). En la semana 34, el GE presentó valores significativamente superiores de volumen sistólico (GC: 51,13±11,85 vs. GE: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), de llenado temprano del ventrículo izquierdo (E) (GC: 78,38±14,07 vs. GE: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) y de tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 130,35±37,11 vs. GE: 146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusión: La práctica regular de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo puede producir adaptaciones positivas sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo, además de ayudar en el control de sus factores de riesgo, sin alterar la salud materno-fetal. ABSTRACT Background: Several changes occur in the maternal cardiovascular system during pregnancy. These changes produce a considerable stress in this system, especially during the third trimester, which can be increased in presence of some risk factors. The aims of this study were, to assess the maternal cardiac adaptations in a specific exercise program; its safety on the maternal cardiovascular system and pregnancy outcomes; and its effectiveness in the control of cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods: A randomized controlled trial was designed. 151 healthy pregnant women were assessed by an echocardiography and electrocardiography at 20 and 34 weeks of gestation. A total of 89 pregnant women participated in a physical exercise program (EG) from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. It consisted of 25-30 minutes of aerobic conditioning (55-60% of their heart rate reserve), general and specific strength exercises, and a pelvic floor muscles training; 3 times per weeks during 55-60 minutes per session. Pregnant women randomized allocated to the control group (CG) remained sedentary during pregnancy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Difference from the CG, pregnant women from the EG prevented the significant decrease of the cardiac output index, between the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and preserved the normal left ventricular pattern; whereas in the CG shifted to concentric remodeling pattern. At 20 weeks, women in the EG had significant lower heart rate (CG: 79,56±10,76 vs. EG: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), systolic blood pressure (CG: 110,19±10,23 vs. EG: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); diastolic blood pressure (CG: 64,56±7,88 vs. EG: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); isovolumetric relaxation time (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); and a higher deceleration time of E Wave (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). At 34 weeks, the EG had a significant higher stroke volume (CG: 51,13±11,85 vs. EG: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), early filling of left ventricular (E) (CG: 78,38±14,07 vs. EG: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) and deceleration time of E wave (CG: 130,35±37,11 vs. EG:146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusion: Physical regular exercise program during pregnancy may produce positive maternal cardiovascular adaptations during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, it helps to control the cardiovascular risk factors without altering maternal and fetus health.


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A ausência de terapias eficazes para a caquexia permanece como um problema central para o tratamento do câncer no mundo. Em contrapartida, o treinamento de força (i.e. também conhecido como treinamento resistido) tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma estratégia não farmacológica anticatabólica, prevenindo a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética. Entretanto, o papel terapêutico do treinamento de força na caquexia do câncer permanece apenas especulativo. Portanto, nesse estudo avaliamos se o treinamento de força poderia atenuar a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética em um severo modelo de caquexia do câncer em ratos. Para isso, ratos machos da linhagem Wistar foram randomizados em quatro grupos experimentais: 1) ratos sedentários injetados com solução salina na medula óssea (Controle); 2) ratos injetados com solução salina na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Controle + T); 3) ratos sedentários injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea (Tumor); e 4) ratos injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Tumor + T). Foram avaliados a massa e a área de secção transversa da musculatura esquelética, marcadores de disfunção metabólica e do turnover proteico, a função da musculatura esquelética in vivo e ex vivo, o consumo alimentar, o crescimento tumoral e a sobrevida dos grupos experimentais com tumor. O grupo Tumor apresentou atrofia muscular após quinze dias da injeção das células tumorais como pode ser observado pela redução na massa dos músculos Plantaris (- 20,5%) e EDL (-20%). A atrofia no músculo EDL foi confirmada por análises histológicas, demonstrando uma redução de 43,8% na área de secção transversa. Embora o treinamento de força tenha aumentado o conteúdo proteico da lactato desidrogenase e revertido totalmente o conteúdo da forma fosforilada de 4EBP-1 (i.e. repressor da transcrição de mRNA), ele não atuou na morfologia da musculatura esquelética nos animais com tumor. Além disso, o treinamento de força não atenuou a perda de função da musculatura esquelética, a anorexia, o crescimento tumoral ou a taxa de mortalidade. Contudo, a força muscular, avaliada pelo teste de 1RM, apresentou uma correlação negativa com a sobrevida dos animais (p = 0,02), sugerindo que a perda de força prediz a mortalidade nesse modelo experimental de caquexia do câncer. Em suma, a injeção de células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea induz caquexia do câncer em ratos. O treinamento de força não foi eficaz em atenuar a perda de massa e função da musculatura esquelética nesse modelo. Entretanto, a força muscular prediz a sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que novos estudos são necessários para elucidar o possível efeito terapêutico do treinamento de força para atenuar a caquexia do câncer e a progressão tumoral


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Current scientific evidence supports the recommendation to initiate or continue the practice of physical exercise in healthy pregnant women. Group exercise programs have positive effects in improving health and well-being, as well as social support. In order to understand the scientific evidence in this field, and the outcomes in maternal health, it has generated wide interest in exploring the studies carried out with more relevant group exercise programs. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the available evidence on the effectiveness of group exercise programs in improving women’s and newborns health outcomes during pregnancy. Three databases were used to conduct literature searches and strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were employed. Seventeen studies were selected for analysis. All studies were randomized control trials conducted with pregnant women that evaluated the effect of group exercise programs on the health outcomes of mother and newborn. Most studies followed a supervised structured exercise program including a main aerobic part, resistance training, pelvic floor training and stretching and relaxation sections. The significant effects of the programs are related with improved maternal perception of health status, lower maternal weight gain, improved levels of maternal glucose tolerance, improved aerobic fitness and muscular strength, lower frequency of urinary incontinence, improved sick leave due to lumbopelvic pain, fewer cesarean and instrumental deliveries, higher newborn Apgar score and faster postpartum recovery. Exercise and health professionals should advise pregnant women that aerobic group exercise during pregnancy improves a wide range of health outcomes for the women and newborn


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Purpose: This study compared the neuromuscular efficiency (NME) of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles between 20 chronic neck pain patients and 20 asymptomatic controls. Method: Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles as subjects performed sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25 and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The NME was calculated as the ratio between MVC and the corresponding average rectified value of the EMG signal. Ultrasonography was used to measure subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS to ensure that differences did not exist between groups. Results: For both the SCM and AS muscles, NME was shown to be significantly reduced in patients with neck pain at 25% MVC (p < 0.05). Subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS muscles was not different between groups. Conclusions: Reduced NME in the superficial cervical flexor muscles in patients with neck pain may be a measurable altered muscle strategy for dysfunction in other muscles. This aberrant pattern of muscle activation appears to be most evident under conditions of low load. NME, when measured at 25% MVC, may be a useful objective measure for future investigation of muscle dysfunction in patients with neck pain.


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There has been little investigation into whether or not differences exist in the nature of physical impairment associated with neck pain of whiplash and insidious origin. This study examined the neck flexor synergy during performance of the cranio-cervical flexion test, a test targeting the action of the deep neck flexors. Seventy-five volunteer subjects participated in this study and were equally divided between Group 1, asymptomatic control subjects, Group 2, subjects with insidious onset neck pain and Group 3, subjects with neck pain following a whiplash injury. The cranio-cervical flexion test was performed in five progressive stages of increasing cranio-cervical flexion range. Subjects' performance was guided by feedback from a pressure sensor inserted behind the neck which monitored the slight flattening of the cervical lordosis which occurs with the contraction of longus colli. Myoelectric signals (EMG) were detected from the muscles during performance of the test. The results indicated that both the insidious onset neck pain and whiplash groups had higher measures of EMG signal amplitude (normalized root mean square) in the sternocleidomastoid during each stage of the test compared to the control subjects (all P


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Study Design. An experimental study of motor and sensory function and psychological distress in subjects with acute whiplash injury. Objectives. To characterize acute whiplash injury in terms of motor and sensory systems dysfunction and psychological distress and to compare subjects with higher and lesser levels of pain and disability. Summary of Background Data. Motor system dysfunction, sensory hypersensitivity, and psychological distress are present in chronic whiplash associated disorders ( WAD), but little is known of such factors in the acute stage of injury. As higher levels of pain and disability in acute WAD are accepted as signs of poor outcome, further characterization of this group from those with lesser symptoms is important. Materials and Methods. Motor function ( cervical range of movement [ ROM], joint position error [JPE]; activity of the superficial neck flexors [EMG] during a test of craniocervical flexion), quantitative sensory testing ( pressure, thermal pain thresholds, and responses to the brachial plexus provocation test), and psychological distress (GHQ-28, TAMPA, IES) were measured in 80 whiplash subjects ( WAD II or III) within 1 month of injury, as were 20 control subjects. Results. Three subgroups were identified in the cohort using cluster analysis based on the Neck Disability Index: those with mild, moderate, or severe pain and disability. All whiplash groups demonstrated decreased ROM and increased EMG compared with the controls ( all P < 0.01). Only the moderate and severe groups demonstrated greater JPE and generalized hypersensitivity to all sensory tests ( all P < 0.01). The three whiplash subgroups demonstrated evidence of psychological distress, although this was greater in the moderate and severe groups. Measures of psychological distress did not impact on between group differences in motor or sensory tests. Conclusions. Acute whiplash subjects with higher levels of pain and disability were distinguished by sensory hypersensitivity to a variety of stimuli, suggestive of central nervous system sensitization occurring soon after injury. These responses occurred independently of psychological distress. These findings may be important for the differential diagnosis of acute whiplash injury and could be one reason why those with higher initial pain and disability demonstrate a poorer outcome.


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The development of chronic symptoms following whiplash injury is common and contributes substantially to costs associated with this condition. The currently used Quebec Task Force classification system of whiplash associated disorders is primarily based on the severity of signs and symptoms following injury and its usefulness has been questioned. Recent evidence is emerging that demonstrates differences in physical and psychological impairments between individuals who recover from the injury and those who develop persistent pain and disability. Motor dysfunction, local cervical mechanical hyperalgesia and psychological distress are present soon after injury in all whiplash injured persons irrespective of recovery. In contrast those individuals who develop persistent moderate/severe pain and disability show a more complex picture, characterized by additional impairments of widespread sensory hypersensitivity indicative of underlying disturbances in central pain processing as well as acute posttraumatic stress reaction, with these changes present from soon after injury. Based on this heterogeneity a new classification system is proposed that takes into account measurable disturbances in motor, sensory and psychological dysfunction. The implications for the management of this condition are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the efficacy of midline fascial plication of the posterior vaginal wall in women with rectoceles and obstructed defecation. METHODS: Prospective evaluation of 38 consecutive women with symptomatic rectoceles (stage II or greater) and obstructed defecation included pre- and postoperative standardized pelvic floor questions, pelvic organ prolapse quantification measurements, validated bowel function questionnaires, defecating proctogram, and patient satisfaction. Reviews were conducted by nonsurgical coauthors. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 12.5 months (range 2.5-26 months). The subjective success rates were 97% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.83-1.00%) at 12 months and 89% (95% CI 0.55-0.98%) at 24 months. The objective success rates were 87% (95% CI 0.64-0.96%) at 12 months and 79% (95% CI 0.51-0.92%) at 24 months. The average points, Ap and Bp, were significantly reduced from -0.1 (range -2 to 3) and 1.1 (range -1 to 8), preoperatively, to -2.6 (range -3 to -1) and -2.5 (range -3 to 0), postoperatively, respectively (P