947 resultados para parasite antigen
Cell adhesion is crucial to many biological processes, such as inflammatory responses, tumor metastasis and thrombosis formation. Recently a commercial surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based BIAcore biosensor has been extended to determine cell binding mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. How such cell binding is quantitatively governed by kinetic rates and regulating factors, however, has been poorly understood. Here we developed a novel assay to determine the binding kinetics of surface-bound biomolecular interactions using a commercial BIAcore 3000 biosensor. Human red blood cells (RBCs) presenting blood group B antigen and CM5 chip bearing immobilized anti-B monoclonal antibody (mAb) were used to obtain the time courses of response unit, or sensorgrams, when flowing RBCs over the chip surface. A cellular kinetic model was proposed to correlate the sensorgrams with kinetic rates. Impacts of regulating factors, such as cell concentration, flow duration and rate, antibody-presenting level, as well as pH value and osmotic pressure of suspending medium were tested systematically, which imparted the confidence that the approach can be applied to kinetic measurements of cell adhesion mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. These results provided a new insight into quantifying cell binding using a commercial SPR-based BIAcore biosensor.
A parallel plate flow chamber was used to study the interaction force between human IgG (immobilized on a chip surface as ligand) and goat anti-human IgG (immobilized on microspheres surface as receptor). First, it was demonstrated that the binding force between the microspheres and the chip surface came from the bio-specific interaction between the antigen and the antibody. Secondly, it was obtained that the critical shear rate to detach microspheres from the chip surface increases with the ligand surface concentration. Finally, two models to estimate the antigen-antibody bond strength considering bonds' positions were proposed and analyzed.
It is to investigate molecule interactions between antigen and antibody with ellipsometric imaging technique and demonstrate some features and possibilities offered by applications of the technique. Molecule interaction is an important interest for molecule biologist and immunologist. They have used some established methods such as immufluorcence, radioimmunoassay and surface plasma resonance, etc, to study the molecule interaction. At the same time, experimentalists hope to use some updated technique with more direct visual results. Ellipsometric imaging is non-destructive and exhibits a high sensitivity to phase transitions with thin layers. It is capable of imaging local variations in the optical properties such as thickness due to the presence of different surface concentration of molecule or different deposited molecules. If a molecular mono-layer (such as antigen) with bio-activity were deposited on a surface to form a sensing surface and then incubated in a solution with other molecules (such as antibody), a variation of the layer thickness when the molecules on the sensing surface reacted with the others in the solution could be observed with ellipsometric imaging. Every point on the surface was measured at the same time with a high sensitivity to distinguish the variation between mono-layer and molecular complexes. Ellipsometric imaging is based on conventional ellipsometry with charge coupled device (CCD) as detector and images are caught with computer with image processing technique. It has advantages of high sensitivity to thickness variation (resolution in the order of angstrom), big field of view (in square centimeter), high sampling speed (a picture taken within one second), and high lateral resolution (in the order of micrometer). Here it has just shown one application in study of antigen-antibody interaction, and it is possible to observe molecule interaction process with an in-situ technique.
The incidence of four discrete characters of individual sockeye salmon -two genetically inherited proteins (PGM-1*and PGM-2*), freshwater age at migration, and the presence of the brain-tissue parasite Myxobolus arcticus-in weekly samples from two Alaskan fisheries (Noyes Island in 1986 and Sumner Strait in 1987) were used to infer stock composition of the catches based on corresponding character samples from 73 Alaskan and Canadian stocks. Estimated contributions of 13 stock groups, formed on the basis of character similarity of their members, were roughly consistent with expectations from tagging experiments, knowledge of stock magnitudes, and similar assessments from scales. Imprecision of the estimated contributions by the 13 stock groups limited their practical value; but variability was much reduced for combined estimated contributions by two inclusive categories, namely stock groups whose members had either high or low brainparasite prevalence. Noyes Island catches consisted predominantly of unparasitized fish, most of which were probably of Canadian origin. The majority of Sumner Strait catches consisted of parasitized fish, whose freshwater origins may have been in Alaska or Canada. (PDF file contains 27 pages.)
156 p. : graf.
Distinct structures delineating the introns of Simian Virus 40 T-antigen and Adenovirus 2 E1A genes have been discovered. The structures, which are centered around the branch points of the genes inserted in supercoiled double-stranded plasmids, are specifically targeted through photoactivated strand cleavage by the metal complex tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)rhodium(III). The DNA sites that are recognized lack sequence homology but are similar in demarcating functionally important sites on the RNA level. The single-stranded DNA fragments corresponding to the coding strands of the genes were also found to fold into a structure apparently identical to that in the supercoiled genes based on the recognition by the metal complex. Further investigation of different single-stranded DNA fragments with other structural probes, such as another metal complex bis(1,10-phenanthroline)(phenanthrenequinone diimine)rhodium(III), AMT (4'aminomethyl-4,5',8 trimethylpsoralen), restriction enzyme Mse I, and mung bean nuclease, showed that the structures require the sequ ences at both ends of the intron plus the flanking sequences but not the middle of the intron. The two ends form independent helices which interact with each other to form the global tertiary structures. Both of the intron structures share similarities to the structure of the Holliday junction, which is also known to be specifically targeted by the former metal complex. These structures may have arisen from early RNA intron structures and may have been used to facilitate the evolution of genes through exon shuffling by acting as target sites for recombinase enzymes.
During a 2-year survey on the distribution and ecology of mayflies in the upper reaches of the River Wey (a tributary of the River Thames) in Surrey, Spirinella was found in large numbers in the larvae of Ephemera Danica, and in low numbers in larvae of E. ignita and H. lateralis. Samples of E. danica taken from seven other tributaries of the Thames showed that Spirinella is present in most of them and often in high numbers.
As leishmanioses estão entre as mais importantes endemias brasileiras e encontram-se entre as doenças mais negligenciadas no mundo. O arsenal terapêutico disponível é restrito, tóxico, caro e em algumas situações ineficazes, devido ao surgimento de cepas resistentes do parasito. No Brasil são registrados anualmente mais de 20 mil casos de leishmaniose tegumentar e a Leishmania braziliensis é a principal espécie causadora das formas clínicas cutânea e mucosa. Portanto tornam-se importantes estudos que conduzam ao desenvolvimento de novas alternativas terapêuticas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade da pterocarpanoquinona denominada LQB118 sobre Leishmania braziliensis in vitro e in vivo usando hamsters como modelo experimental. O efeito antiparasitário foi avaliado sobre o crescimento in vitro das formas promastigotas e sobre amastigotas intracelulares em macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos. Para avaliar o modo ação in vitro foi investigada a indução de apoptose usando marcação por TUNEL e Anexina V-FITC. O efeito sobre a modulação da ativação de macrófagos murinos foi analisada pela dosagem de óxido nítrico (reagente de Griess) e de citocinas IL-12, TNF-alfa e IL-10 (por ELISA) nos sobrenadantes de macrófagos. In vivo a atividade terapêutica da LQB 118 foi estudada em grupos de hamsters infectados com L.braziliensis na pata, tratados com a LQB118 pelas vias intralesional (100M/3x/semana) ou oral (0,5mg/5x/semana) após 7 dias de infecção durante oito semanas. A ação terapêutica foi analisada através do tamanho da lesão. A resposta imune foi avaliada durante o tratamento, pela resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia (DTH) ao antígeno total de L. braziliensis. A ação da LQB118 in vitro foi dose-dependente tanto na forma promastigota inibindo 45%, 64,7% e 99,95%, quanto nas amastigotas intracelulares 22%, 72% e 81% nas concentrações de 5M, 10M e 20M, respectivamente para ambas as formas evolutivas. A LQB118 foi capaz de induzir a externalização de fosfatidilserina em promastigotas (18,57% das células incubadas por 24 h e em 25,79% de células tratadas por 48h) e também promoveu aumento da fluorescência nas duas formas evolutivas da Leishmania quando comparadas aos controles, demonstrando a indução de fragmentação do DNA do parasito. Esta substância também foi capaz de modular a resposta dos macrófagos infectados por 24 horas aumentando de forma dose-dependente a IL-12 e NO, mantendo constante TNF-α. In vivo, na sétima semana de tratamento, observamos uma redução significativa do tamanho das lesões nos animais tratados com LQB 118 intralesional (p<0, 001) e no grupo tratado pela via oral (p<0,05) quando comparado com o controle. Estes resultados demonstram que a atividade anti-Leishmania da LQB118 é direta sobre o parasito pela indução de morte por apoptose, apresentando também uma ação moduladora da resposta dos macrófagos contribuindo para ação leishmanicida, sem alterar a morfologia da célula hospedeira e que a LQB 118 apresenta uma atividade terapêutica no modelo hamster e pode ser uma importante molécula para o desenvolvimento de um novo fármaco.
This report provides a guide into Category 2 parasites affecting freshwater fish and salmonids. First a brief summary is given of distinctions between parasites of Category 1 and 2. The Guide then provides a list of category 2 parasites, highlighting damage they can cause, species of fish affected, if it can be treated, how widespread the parasite is and how it is transferred.
Atividade do flavonóide quercetina em Leishmania braziliensis usando hamster como modelo de infecção
As leishmanioses estão entre as mais importantes endemias brasileiras e encontram-se entre as doenças mais negligenciadas no mundo. O arsenal terapêutico disponível é restrito, tóxico, caro e em algumas situações ineficazes, devido ao surgimento de cepas resistentes do parasito. No Brasil são registrados anualmente mais de 20 mil casos de leishmaniose tegumentar e a Leishmania braziliensis é a principal espécie causadora das formas clínicas cutânea e mucosa. Estudos prévios mostraram que o flavonóide quercetina tem ação terapêutica pela via oral em camundongos infectados com L. amazonensis. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade do flavonóide quercetina sobre Leishmania braziliensis in vitro e in vivo usando hamsters como modelo experimental. O efeito antiparasitário da quercetina foi avaliado sobre o crescimento in vitro das formas promastigotas e sobre amastigotas intracelulares em macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos e hamsters. O efeito da quercetina sobre macrófagos foi avaliado pela dosagem de óxido nítrico pelo método de Griess nos sobrenadantes das culturas e espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) intracelular através do H2DCFDA. In vivo a atividade terapêutica da quercetina foi estudada em grupos de hamsters infectados com L.braziliensis na pata, tratados com quercetina pela via oral (2mg/ 5X / semana) após 7 dias de infecção durante oito semanas.A ação terapêutica foi analisada através do tamanho da lesão. A resposta imune foi avaliada durante o tratamento, pela resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia (DTH) ao antígeno total de L. braziliensis. A quercetina não apresentou atividade sobre o crescimento de promastigotas em cultura em nenhuma das concentrações testadas. Em amastigotas intracelulares quercetina apresentou ação dose dependente em macrófagos de camundongos e hamsters inibindo 45% e 54% e 25% e 48 %, respectivamente nas concentrações de 50 e 100g/ml após 48h de tratamento. O pré - tratamento dos macrófagos de camundongos e hamsters com quercetina foi capaz de inibir o crescimento de amastigotas intracelulares em 57, 58 e 74% e 49, 50, e 58% respectivamente, nas concentrações de 25, 50 e 100 g/ml, apresentado ação inibitória significativa em todas as concentrações testadas. Não houve alteração na produção de NO pelos macrófagos, entretanto macrófagos pré tratados com a quercetina por 24 horas antes da infecção apresentaram um aumento significativo na produção de EROs, quando comparados aos controles. Macrófagos tratados antes e depois da infecção, apresentaram diminuição da produção de EROs. In vivo, a quercetina foi capaz de controlar o tamanho das lesões a partir da terceira semana de tratamento em relação ao controle não tratado ( P< 0,05). Os animais tratados com quercetina apresentaram maior resposta intradérmica aos antígenos de L. braziliensis. Esses dados mostram que a quercetina tem atividade sobre L. braziliensis, inibindo amastigotas intracelulares in vitro e sendo capaz de controlar o tamanho das lesões em hamsters infectados quando administrada pela via oral.
Antibody orientation and its antigen binding efficiency at interface are of particular interest in many immunoassays and biosensor applications. In this paper, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), neutron reflection (NR), and dual polarization interferometry (DPI) have been used to investigate interfacial assembly of the antibody [mouse monoclonal anti-human prostate-specific antigen (anti-hPSA)] at the silicon oxide/water interface and subsequent antigen binding. It was found that the mass density of antibody adsorbed at the interface increased with solution concentration and adsorption time while the antigen binding efficiency showed a steady decline with increasing antibody amount at the interface over the concentration range studied. The amount of antigen bound to the interfacial immobilized antibody reached a maximum when the surface-adsorbed amount of antibody was around 1.5 mg/m(2). This phenomenon is well interpreted by the interfacial structural packing or crowding. NR revealed that the Y-shaped antibody laid flat on the interface at low surface mass density with a thickness around 40 Å, equivalent to the short axial length of the antibody molecule. The loose packing of the antibody within this range resulted in better antigen binding efficiency, while the subsequent increase of surface-adsorbed amount led to the crowding or overlapping of antibody fragments, hence reducing the antigen binding due to the steric hindrance. In situ studies of antigen binding by both NR and DPI demonstrated that the antigen inserted into the antibody layer rather than forming an additional layer on the top. Stability assaying revealed that the antibody immobilized at the silica surface remained stable and active over the monitoring period of 4 months. These results are useful in forming a general understanding of antibody interfacial behavior and particularly relevant to the control of their activity and stability in biosensor development.