843 resultados para palveluiden laa-tuvaatimukset (QoS)


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Nel documento vengono principalmente trattati i principali meccanismi per il controllo di flusso per le NoC. Vengono trattati vari schemi di switching, gli stessi schemi associati all'introduzione dei Virtual Channel, alcuni low-level flow control, e due soluzioni per gli end-to-end flow control: Credit Based e CTC (STMicroelectronics). Nel corso della trattazione vengono presentate alcune possibili modifiche a CTC per incrementarne le prestazioni mantenendo la scalabilità che lo contraddistingue: queste sono le "back-to-back request" e "multiple incoming connections". Infine vengono introdotti alcune soluzioni per l'implementazione della qualità di servizio per le reti su chip. Proprio per il supporto al QoS viene introdotto CTTC: una versione di CTC con il supporto alla Time Division Multiplexing su rete Spidergon.


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Nel presente lavoro, partendo dalla definizione di alcuni punti chiavi del concetto di cloud computing, si è insistito molto sulle problematiche relative alle performance degli ambenti cloud, e alle diverse proposte attualmente presenti sul mercato con i relativi limiti. Dopo averle illustrate in modo dettagliato, le diverse proposte sono state tra loro messe a confronto al fine di evidenziare, per ciascuna di essa, tanto gli aspetti positivi quanto i punti di criticità.


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The 5th generation of mobile networking introduces the concept of “Network slicing”, the network will be “sliced” horizontally, each slice will be compliant with different requirements in terms of network parameters such as bandwidth, latency. This technology is built on logical instead of physical resources, relies on virtual network as main concept to retrieve a logical resource. The Network Function Virtualisation provides the concept of logical resources for a virtual network function, enabling the concept virtual network; it relies on the Software Defined Networking as main technology to realize the virtual network as resource, it also define the concept of virtual network infrastructure with all components needed to enable the network slicing requirements. SDN itself uses cloud computing technology to realize the virtual network infrastructure, NFV uses also the virtual computing resources to enable the deployment of virtual network function instead of having custom hardware and software for each network function. The key of network slicing is the differentiation of slice in terms of Quality of Services parameters, which relies on the possibility to enable QoS management in cloud computing environment. The QoS in cloud computing denotes level of performances, reliability and availability offered. QoS is fundamental for cloud users, who expect providers to deliver the advertised quality characteristics, and for cloud providers, who need to find the right tradeoff between QoS levels that has possible to offer and operational costs. While QoS properties has received constant attention before the advent of cloud computing, performance heterogeneity and resource isolation mechanisms of cloud platforms have significantly complicated QoS analysis and deploying, prediction, and assurance. This is prompting several researchers to investigate automated QoS management methods that can leverage the high programmability of hardware and software resources in the cloud.


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Stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) is often associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Oral anticoagulation remains the first-line approach to stroke prevention in such individuals; however, for a considerable proportion of patients, traditional treatment using warfarin is limited by a number of factors, such as the inconvenience of frequent therapeutic monitoring and the risk of haemorrhage. The development of new oral anticoagulants with improved efficacy and safety profiles has provided viable options for oral anticoagulation therapy in patients with nonvalvular (nonrheumatic AF). Nonetheless, in patients who have an increased risk of major haemorrhage, a nonpharmacological approach to antithrombotic therapy remains an attractive alternative. The left atrial appendage (LAA) has been found to be the source of >90% of thrombi in patients with nonvalvular AF; thus, prevention of thrombus formation via transcatheter mechanical LAA occlusion is a novel therapeutic target for stroke prevention in this patient population. In this Review, we present the rationale for LAA occlusion in patients with AF, the available occlusion devices and their clinical evidence to date. We also discuss the roles of various imaging techniques in device implantation and the management strategy for associated procedural complications.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritische Kommentierung der passiven Rolle der Berliner Bürgerwehr angesichts der Verlegung von Truppen in die Hauptstadt in Form einer Strafpredigt der Madame Bullrich an ihren Gatten Ludewig: "Haben se Dir nich versprochen, deß se keen Militär nich in Berlin rinbringen wollen, ohne Dir als Bürjerwehr zu fragen?"


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Auseinandersetzung mit dem Redakteur und Volksredner Held. Vorwurf des Kneifens vor vergleichsweise geringfügigen Problemen und des Plagiats


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The increasing interest in autonomous coordinated driving and in proactive safety services, exploiting the wealth of sensing and computing resources which are gradually permeating the urban and vehicular environments, is making provisioning of high levels of QoS in vehicular networks an urgent issue. At the same time, the spreading model of a smart car, with a wealth of infotainment applications, calls for architectures for vehicular communications capable of supporting traffic with a diverse set of performance requirements. So far efforts focused on enabling a single specific QoS level. But the issues of how to support traffic with tight QoS requirements (no packet loss, and delays inferior to 1ms), and of designing a system capable at the same time of efficiently sustaining such traffic together with traffic from infotainment applications, are still open. In this paper we present the approach taken by the CONTACT project to tackle these issues. The goal of the project is to investigate how a VANET architecture, which integrates content-centric networking, software-defined networking, and context aware floating content schemes, can properly support the very diverse set of applications and services currently envisioned for the vehicular environment.


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The emerging use of real-time 3D-based multimedia applications imposes strict quality of service (QoS) requirements on both access and core networks. These requirements and their impact to provide end-to-end 3D videoconferencing services have been studied within the Spanish-funded VISION project, where different scenarios were implemented showing an agile stereoscopic video call that might be offered to the general public in the near future. In view of the requirements, we designed an integrated access and core converged network architecture which provides the requested QoS to end-to-end IP sessions. Novel functional blocks are proposed to control core optical networks, the functionality of the standard ones is redefined, and the signaling improved to better meet the requirements of future multimedia services. An experimental test-bed to assess the feasibility of the solution was also deployed. In such test-bed, set-up and release of end-to-end sessions meeting specific QoS requirements are shown and the impact of QoS degradation in terms of the user perceived quality degradation is quantified. In addition, scalability results show that the proposed signaling architecture is able to cope with large number of requests introducing almost negligible delay.


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Esta Tesis constituye una contribución a los Modelos y Metodologías para la Estimación de la Calidad Percibida por los Usuarios, o Calidad de Experiencia (QoE), a partir de Parámetros de Calidad y/o Rendimiento de Red y/o Servicio (QoS) en Servicios Multimedia, y específicamente en servicios Triple-Play (3P): servicios de Televisión (TV), Telefonía y Datos ofrecidos por un mismo operador como un paquete único. En particular, se centra en los servicios Triple-Play convergentes (desplegados sobre una Red de Transporte común basada en IP, gestionada por un único operador como un Sistema Autónomo (SA)), y la relación entre la Calidad Percibida por los usuarios de dichos servicios y los parámetros de rendimiento de la Red de Transporte IP subyacente. Específicamente, contribuye a la estimación ‘en línea’ (es decir, durante la prestación del servicio, en tiempo real o casi-real) de dicha calidad. La calidad de experiencia de los usuarios es un factor determinante para el éxito o fracaso de estos servicios, y su adecuada gestión resulta por tanto un elemento crucial para el despliegue exitoso de los mismos. La calidad de experiencia resulta fácil de entender, pero compleja de implementar en sistemas reales, debido principalmente a la dificultad de su modelado, evaluación, y traducción en términos de parámetros de calidad de servicio. Mientras que la calidad de servicio puede medirse, monitorizarse y controlarse fácilmente, la calidad de experiencia es todavía muy difícil de gestionar. Una metodología completa de gestión de la calidad de experiencia debe incluir al menos: monitorización de la experiencia de los usuarios durante el consumo del servicio; adaptación de la provisión de contenidos a las condiciones variables del contexto; predicción del nivel de degradación potencial de la calidad de experiencia; y recuperación de la degradación debida a cambios en el sistema. Para conseguir un control completo de la experiencia de los usuarios finales, todas estas tareas deben ser realizadas durante la prestación del servicio y de forma coordinada. Por lo tanto, la capacidad de medir, estimar y monitorizar la calidad percibida en tiempo casi-real, y relacionarla con las condiciones de servicio de la red, resulta crítica para los proveedores de este tipo de servicios, especialmente en el caso de los más exigentes, tales como la difusión de Televisión sobre IP (IPTV). Para ello se ha seleccionado un modelo ya existente, de tipo matricial, para la estimación de la Calidad Global en servicios complejos a partir de los parámetros de funcionamiento interno de los agentes que proporcionan los servicios. Este modelo, definido en términos de servicios y sus componentes, percepciones de los usuarios, capacidades de los agentes, indicadores de rendimiento y funciones de evaluación, permite estimar la calidad global de un conjunto de servicios convergentes, tal como la perciben uno o más grupos de usuarios. Esto se consigue combinando los resultados de múltiples modelos parciales, tales que cada uno de ellos proporciona la valoración de la calidad percibida para uno de los servicios componentes, obtenida a partir de un conjunto de parámetros de rendimiento y/o Calidad de Servicio de la red de transporte IP convergente. El modelo se basa en la evaluación de las percepciones de los usuarios a partir de Factores de Valoración, calculados a partir de Indicadores de Rendimiento, que se derivan a su vez de Parámetros de Funcionamiento Interno correspondientes a las capacidades de los distintos agentes que intervienen en la prestación de los servicios. El trabajo original incluye la aplicación del modelo a un servicio 3P (datos+voz+vídeo). En este trabajo, sin embargo, el servicio de vídeo (Vídeo bajo Demanda, VoD) se considera poco importante y es finalmente ignorado. En el caso de los usuarios residenciales, el servicio de voz (Voz sobre IP, VoIP) se considera asimismo poco importante y es también ignorado, por lo que el servicio global se reduce finalmente a los servicios de datos (Acceso a Internet y juegos interactivos). Esta simplificación era razonable en su momento, pero la evolución del mercado de servicios convergentes ha hecho que en la actualidad las razones que la justificaban no sean ya aplicables. En esta Tesis, por lo tanto, hemos considerado un servicio ‘Triple-Play’ completo, incluyendo servicios de datos, voz y vídeo. Partiendo de dicho modelo, se ha procedido a actualizar los servicios considerados, eliminando los no relevantes e incluyendo otros no considerados, así como a incluir nuevos elementos (percepciones) para la estimación de la calidad de los servicios; actualizar, extender y/o mejorar los modelos de estimación de los servicios ya incluidos; incluir modelos de estimación para los nuevos servicios y elementos añadidos; desarrollar nuevos modelos de estimación para aquellos servicios o elementos para los que no existen modelos adecuados; y por último, extender, actualizar y/o mejorar los modelos para la estimación de la calidad global. Con todo ello se avanza apreciablemente en la modelización y estimación de la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) en Servicios Multimedia a partir de Parámetros de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) y/o Rendimiento de la Red, y específicamente en la estimación ‘en línea’, en tiempo casi-real, de dicha calidad en servicios Triple-Play convergentes. La presente Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre Calidad de Servicio del grupo de Redes y Servicios de Telecomunicación e Internet, dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).


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Communications Based Train Control Systems require high quality radio data communications for train signaling and control. Actually most of these systems use 2.4GHz band with proprietary radio transceivers and leaky feeder as distribution system. All them demand a high QoS radio network to improve the efficiency of railway networks. We present narrow band, broad band and data correlated measurements taken in Madrid underground with a transmission system at 2.4 GHz in a test network of 2 km length in subway tunnels. The architecture proposed has a strong overlap in between cells to improve reliability and QoS. The radio planning of the network is carefully described and modeled with narrow band and broadband measurements and statistics. The result is a network with 99.7% of packets transmitted correctly and average propagation delay of 20ms. These results fulfill the specifications QoS of CBTC systems.


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The network mobility (NEMO) is proposed to support the mobility management when users move as a whole. In IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), the individual Quality of Service (QoS) control for NEMO results in excessive signaling cost. On the other hand, current QoS schemes have two drawbacks: unawareness of the heterogeneous wireless environment and inefficient utilization of the reserved bandwidth. To solve these problems, we present a novel heterogeneous bandwidth sharing (HBS) scheme for QoS provision under IMS-based NEMO (IMS-NEMO). The HBS scheme selects the most suitable access network for each session and enables the new coming non-real-time sessions to share bandwidth with the Variable Bit Rate (VBR) coded media flows. The modeling and simulation results demonstrate that the HBS can satisfy users' QoS requirement and obtain a more efficient use of the scarce wireless bandwidth.