194 resultados para palpation


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The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is to report a case of GPCG in a 56-year-old white woman presenting a bleeding nodule on palpation, a red color with small whitish ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, a pedicled base 2.0 cm in diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, which presented mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy the microscopic examination of which identified the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative follow-up revealed a favorable cicatricial repair of the operated area with no recurrence after 9 months of monitoring.


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Mucocele is a retention phenomenon from minor salivary gland caused by the excretory ducts rupture. This phenomenon may be caused by local trauma and its location is usually more frequent in the lower lip. Clinically, they appear as nodular lesions and may be exophytic and pedunculated. Histologically, this lesion can be classified as mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucus retention cyst. The treatments described in the literature are total lesion excision, marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser or micromarsupialização. To report a case of mucocele by mucus extravasation developed after a local trauma. A 7 years old Male was attended in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, complaining about the appearance of lesion in the lower lip since 40 days approximately. During clinical oral examination, it was observed that the lesion was pedunculated, nodular, fibrous to palpation, around 2 cm in diameter, similar in color to the surrounding mucosa, smoothly in surface, non-ulcerated and asymptomatic. As treatment, it was chosen the total lesion excision. Histopathology test confirmed the clinical diagnosis of: mucocele. Since mucocele is a frequent lesions in the oral cavity, it is extremely important that the professionals can to recognize this lesion (its pathogenesis and clinical features), to achieve a definitive diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.


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The follow up after endodontic treatment is the most effective tool for evaluating the quality of treatments performed, as well as, it lets to examine the procedures used at different stages of endodontic therapy. Clinical and radiographic findings must be taken into consideration to determine the percentage of endodontic success. Clinical findings include: absence of pain or positive examinations for percussion and palpation, swelling, tooth mobility and fistula. Regarding the radiographic findings it is possible to report absence of periapical radiolucent areas suggestive of periapical lesions and presence of bone cortical. Thus the aim of this study was to perform a bibliographic revision and a discussion about the factors of endodontic treatment follow up.


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Mastits is considered uncommon disease in mares. Streptococcus equi, Staphylococcus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Actinobacillus sp., Nocardia sp. and enterobacterias are major microorganisms involved in equine mammary infections. The disease is commonly related to traumatic lesions in mammary glands and teats. Edema, fibrosis, masses to palpation of glands, and viscous to seropurulent milk are mainly clinical signs observed in affected animals. The diagnosis is based on clinical exam of mammary glands and microbiological culture of the milk. There are no standard to use of indirect exams on diagnosis, including California Mastits Test and Somatic Cell Count. Systemic antimicrobials are recommended in therapy, based on previous “in vitro” susceptibility microbiological test. No specific control measures are indicated in equine mastits. The present study reviewed the mastits in mares, with emphasis to etiology, epidemiology findings, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and control aspects.


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This study describes the occurrence of iatrogenic hydronephrosis in left kidney with compression of the abdominal aorta in persian cat and paralysis of hind limbs. The animal had slight dehydration, pale mucous membranes, cold extremities and cyanotic, absence of bilateral femoral artery pulse, and absence of superficial and deep pain, and presence of a mass of firm consistency with six centimeters in diameter, on abdominal palpation. Performed exploratory celiotomy, there was increased left kidney compressing the abdominal aorta and dilation of the cranial left ureter attached to the uterine horn by means of ligation with nonabsorbable. After nephrectomy, it was observed the restoration of local circulation. The animal died after eight hours.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To identify the frequency of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and its severity in individuals with headache. Study Design: 60 adults divided into three groups of 20 individuals: chronic daily headache (CDH), episodic headache (EH) and a control group without headache (WH). Headache diagnosis was performed according to the criteria of International Headache Society and the signs and symptoms of TMD were achieved by using a clinical exam and an anamnestic questionnaire. The severity of TMD was defined by the temporomandibular index (TMI). Results: The TMD signs and symptoms were always more frequent in individuals with headache, especially report of pain in TMJ area (CDH, n=16; EH, n=12; WH, n=6), pain to palpation on masseter (CDH, n=19; EH, n=16; WH, n=11) which are significantly more frequent in episodic and chronic daily headache. The mean values of temporomandibular and articular index (CDH patients) and muscular index (CDH and EH patients) were statistically higher than in patients of the control group, notably the articular (CDH=0.38; EH=0.25; WH=0.19) and muscular (CDH=0.46; EH=0.51; WH=0.26) indices. Conclusions: These findings allow us to speculate that masticatory and TMJ pain are more common in headache subjects. Besides, it seems that the TMD is more severe in headache patients.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the orofacial complaints and characteristics of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) compared with controls. Study Design. We evaluated 25 patients diagnosed with FS compared with 25 gender-and age-matched controls by using a detailed clinical protocol for orofacial pain diagnosis and dental examination. Results. FS patients had a higher frequency of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), masticatory complaints, pain with mandibular movements, and pain upon palpation of the head and neck area. There were no significant differences related to the dental exam. Conclusions. Orofacial complaints including TMD may be present either as symptoms of FS or as a comorbidity associated with this condition. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with FS is necessary to identify the need for specific treatments for orofacial complaints. Future studies, especially those with longitudinal design, should clarify whether a cause-effect relationship exists between orofacial complaints and fibromyalgia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e29-e34)


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The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of low level laser therapy on subjects with intra-articular temporomandibular disorders (IA-TMD), and to quantify and compare severity of signs and symptoms before, during, and after the laser applications. The sample consisted of 45 subjects randomly divided into three groups (G) of 15 subjects each: G-I: 15 individuals with IA-TMD submitted to an energy dose of 52.5 J/cm(2); G-II: dose of 105.0 J/cm(2); and G-III: placebo group (0 J/cm(2)). In all groups, the applications were performed on condylar points on the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles. Two weekly sessions were held for five weeks, totaling 10 applications. The assessed variables were: mandibular movements and painful symptoms evoked by muscle palpation. These variables were measured before starting the study, then immediately after the first, fifth, and tenth laser application, and finally, 32 days after completing the applications. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences for G-I and G-II at the level of 1% between the doses, as well as between assessments. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of low level laser increased the mean mandibular range of motion and reduced painful symptoms in the groups that received effective treatment, which did not occur in the placebo group.


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The present report describes an 8-year-old gelding presenting with signs of severe abdominal pain. After performing a thorough physical examination, including rectal palpation and additional diagnostic tests, an exploratory laparotomy was recommended. The jejunum was found herniated through the gastrosplenic ligament, and the stomach was severely distended with gas. Given a poor prognosis, the horse was euthanized on the table. At necropsy, the stomach appeared dilated, with an 180 horizontal gastric torsion, from left (lateral) to right (medial), dividing the organ into dorsal and ventral compartments. We believe that the chronic traction exerted by an incarcerated and distended loop of jejunum, in the dorsal aspect of the gastrosplenic ligament, associated with trauma during episodes of intense rolling, enlarged the rent until it ruptured. Because of this rupture, the lateral dorsal aspect of the stomach became unattached, predisposing it to the torsion. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present four cases of headache with variable intensity, located in close proximity to a craniotomy incision which was performed for non-traumatic reasons. Since manual palpation of the scar often triggers pain, and infiltration with local anesthetics reduce or abolish the pain in some patients, we suggest that neuromas or nerve entrapment in the scars, as a result of the surgery, are responsible for headaches. Although local infiltrations or nerve blocks are often used for diagnostic reasons, herein we consider that they are also of therapeutic value. We review the current known pathophysiology of post-craniotomy headaches and present a hypothesis suggesting a greater recognition of the potential contribution of neuroma formation in areas of scars tissue to contribute to this kind of headache.


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Introduction. Physical exercise including pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training seems to improve the sexual function of women with urinary incontinence. This effect in postmenopausal women who are continent has not yet been determined. Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a 3-month physical exercise protocol (PEP) on the sexual function and mood of postmenopausal women. Methods. Thirty-two sedentary, continent, sexually active women who had undergone menopause no more than 5 years earlier and who had follicle stimulating hormone levels of at least 40 mIU/mL were enrolled into this longitudinal study. All women had the ability to contract their PFMs, as assessed by vaginal bimanual palpation. Muscle strength was graded according to the Oxford Modified Grading Scale (OMGS). A PEP was performed under the guidance of a physiotherapist (M. M. F.) twice weekly for 3 months and at home three times per week. All women completed the Sexual Quotient-Female Version (SQ-F) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before and after the PEP. Main Outcome Measures. SQ-F to assess sexual function, HASDS to assess mood, and OMGS to grade pelvic floor muscle strength. Results. Thirty-two women (24 married women, eight women in consensual unions) completed the PEP. Following the PEP, there was a significant increase in OMGS score (2.59 +/- 1.24 vs. 3.40 +/- 1.32, P < 0.0001) and a significant decrease in the number of women suffering from anxiety (P < 0.01), but there was no effect on sexual function. Conclusion. Implementation of our PEP seemed to reduce anxiety and improve pelvic floor muscular strength in sedentary and continent postmenopausal women. However, our PEP did not improve sexual function. Uncontrolled variables, such as participation in a long-term relationship and menopause status, may have affected our results. We suggest that a randomized controlled trial be performed to confirm our results. Lara LAS, Montenegro ML, Franco MM, Abreu DCC, Rosa e Silva ACJS, Ferreira CHJ. Is the sexual satisfaction of postmenopausal women enhanced by physical exercise and pelvic floor muscle training? J Sex Med 2012; 9: 218-223.