155 resultados para paleomagnetism


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Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic measurements of basalt specimens from DSDP Hole 504B, associated with the Costa Rica Rift, have a mean natural remanence intensity (Jn) between 5 and 10 x 10**-3 gauss, consistent with the presence of a magnetized layer that is 0.5 to 1 km thick, which produces the observed magnetic anomalies. A mean Koenigsberger ratio (Qn) greater than 10 indicates that the remanence dominates the magnetic signal of the drilled section. The susceptibility (x) increases with depth, and the median demagnetizing field (MDF) decreases with increasing depth in Hole 504B, congruent with the downhole increase in the relative abundance of massive flow units. Hole 504B is composed of at least 12 units with distinct stable average inclinations (Is), which probably represent extrusion at times of different geomagnetic field directions and possibly also the effects of faulting. The thickness of basalt associated with these inclination units varies from less than 9 meters to possibly as much as 160 meters. Two relatively thick magnetic units (40 m and 45 m, separated by 100 m) have anomalously high Is values of -53° and -63°, in contrast with the near zero inclinations expected for the equatorial latitude of Site 504. For this reason and because the average inclination of all the magnetic units is skewed to a negative value, it might be that the entire section at Hole 504B was tilted by approximately 30°.


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Downhole magnetic field measurements were conducted in Hole 504B on the Costa Rica Ridge during ODP Leg 111. Three magnetic groups within oceanic basement at this site are tentatively defined, based on the interval mean values of the downhole magnetic field. Statistical analyses show that there are significant differences in the inclinations of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) among the three magnetic groups. Although this could be caused by various factors, we explain the inclination difference among the three groups by simple tectonic displacements of basement by faulting after its formation, about 5.9 Ma ago. Based on the intensities of NRM and inclinations measured in the basement core samples drilled in Hole 504B on DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83 and ODP Leg 111, the investigated section of basement formation can be divided into three or four magnetic zones that parallel the zones defined by the downhole magnetic field, alteration, and lithology. Downhole magnetic field and paleomagnetic data generally correlate positively, in spite of some discrepancies. The magnetic susceptibility values of the core samples were used to derive the insitu NRM from the downhole magnetic field data.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 191, ~100 m of mid-Cretaceous igneous crust was cored at Site 1179 (41.08°N, 159.96°E), located within magnetic Anomaly M8 on the abyssal plain of the northwest Pacific Ocean near Shatsky Rise. Paleomagnetic data from this section are significant because they can constrain the mid-Cretaceous Pacific plate paleolatitude and paleomagnetic pole, both of which can be used to infer tectonic drift and other geodynamic processes. In this study, we analyzed the paleomagnetism of 122 samples from 40 flows in the Site 1179 basalt section. Comparison of inclination data among flows implies 13 independent measurements of the paleomagnetic field. Assuming a reversed magnetic polarity because of the site location within Anomaly M8, the data give a mean paleocolatitude of 88.1° ± 6.8° (corresponding to a paleolatitude of 1.9°N). The paleocolatitude is consistent with other mid-Cretaceous Pacific paleomagnetic data that indicate ~39° northward drift of the western Pacific plate since mid-Cretaceous time. Comparison of observed between-flow colatitude variance with that expected from secular variation data suggests that secular variation may not have been completely averaged with the 13 independent groups sampled at Site 1179. Colatitude scatter in the section is markedly less in the deepest 33 m of the hole, indicating a shift from rapidly erupted flows in the bottom ~33 m of the section to more slowly emplaced flows above.


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Measurements of natural remanent magnetization (NRM), initial susceptibility (K), anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility (Xfd), and viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) are reported from volcanic rocks recovered during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. The results indicate a significant difference between the basalts drilled in the Yamato Basin (Site 794 and 797) and in the Japan Basin (Site 795). The Koenigsberger ratios (Q) show very low values in the Yamato Basin attesting that the remanence is not dominant over the induced magnetization. This evidence could explain why no magnetic anomaly pattern has been recognized in this basin. Experiments of VRM acquisition and decay show that both the processes are multistage with the acquisition process proceeding more rapidly and deviates more from a log (t) law than the corresponding decay. The sediments interlayered with the basalts in the acoustic basement of the Yamato Basin show processes of remagnetization related to the emplacement of the dikes. Temperatures of heating between 200° and 250°C were estimated from the different unblocking temperatures of the two components of magnetization.


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