961 resultados para opto-kinetic nystagmus


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The fabrication of functional materials via grain growth engineering implicitly relies on altering the mobilities of grain boundaries (GBs) by applying external fields. Although computer simulations have alluded to kinetic roughening as a potential mechanism for modifying GB mobilities, its implications for grain growth have remained largely unexplored owing to difficulties in bridging the widely separated length and time scales. Here, by imaging GB particle dynamics as well as grain network evolution under shear, we present direct evidence for kinetic roughening of GBs and unravel its connection to grain growth in driven colloidal polycrystals. The capillary fluctuation method allows us to quantitatively extract shear-dependent effective mobilities. Remarkably, our experiments reveal that for sufficiently large strains, GBs with normals parallel to shear undergo preferential kinetic roughening, resulting in anisotropic enhancement of effective mobilities and hence directional grain growth. Single-particle level analysis shows that the mobility anisotropy emerges from strain-induced directional enhancement of activated particle hops normal to the GB plane. We expect our results to influence materials fabrication strategies for atomic and block copolymeric polycrystals as well.


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This paper presents computational work on the biogas early phase combustion in spark ignition (SI) engines using detailed chemical kinetics. Specifically, the early phase combustion is studied to assess the effect of various ignition parameters such as spark plug location, spark energy, and number of spark plugs. An integrated version of the KIVA-3V and CHEMKIN codes was developed and used for the simulations utilizing detailed kinetics involving 325 reactions and 53 species The results show that location of the spark plug and local flow field play an important role. A central plug configuration, which is associated with higher local flow velocities in the vicinity of the spark plug, showed faster initial combustion. Although a dual plug configuration shows the highest rate of fuel consumption, it is comparable to the rate exhibited by the central plug case. The radical species important in the initiation of combustion are identified, and their concentrations are monitored during the early phase of combustion. The concentration of these radicals is also observed to correlate very well with the above-mentioned trend.Thus, the role of these radicals in promoting faster combustion has been clearly established. It is also observed that the minimum ignition energy required to initiate a self-sustained flame depends on the flow field condition in the vicinity of the spark plug.Increasing the methane content in the biogas has shown improved combustion.


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Proofreading/editing in protein synthesis is essential for accurate translation of information from the genetic code. In this article we present a theoretical investigation of efficiency of a kinetic proofreading mechanism that employs hydrolysis of the wrong substrate as the discriminatory step in enzyme catalytic reactions. We consider aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile) which is a crucial step in protein synthesis and for which experimental results are now available. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ methods of stochastic simulation algorithm to obtain time dependent concentrations of different substances involved in the reaction and their rates of formation. We obtain the rates of product formation and ATP hydrolysis for both correct and wrong substrates (isoleucine and valine in our case, respectively), in single molecular enzyme as well as ensemble enzyme kinetics. The present theoretical scheme correctly reproduces (i) the amplitude of the discrimination factor in the overall rates between isoleucine and valine which is obtained as (1.8x10(2)).(4.33x10(2)) = 7.8x10(4), (ii) the rates of ATP hydrolysis for both Ile and Val at different substrate concentrations in the aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile). The present study shows a non-michaelis type dependence of rate of reaction on tRNA(Ile) concentration in case of valine. The overall editing in steady state is found to be independent of amino acid concentration. Interestingly, the computed ATP hydrolysis rate for valine at high substrate concentration is same as the rate of formation of Ile-tRNA(Ile) whereas at intermediate substrate concentration the ATP hydrolysis rate is relatively low. We find that the presence of additional editing domain in class I editing enzyme makes the kinetic proofreading more efficient through enhanced hydrolysis of wrong product at the editing CP1 domain.


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Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) play a major role in carbon cycle and can be utilized as a source of carbon and energy by bacteria. Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase (StTdcD) catalyzes reversible transfer of the gamma-phosphate of ATP to propionate during L-threonine degradation to propionate. Kinetic analysis revealed that StTdcD possesses broad ligand specificity and could be activated by various SCFAs (propionate > acetate approximate to butyrate), nucleotides (ATP approximate to GTP > CTP approximate to TTP; dATP > dGTP > dCTP) and metal ions (Mg2+ approximate to Mn2+ > Co2+). Inhibition of StTdcD by tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates such as citrate, succinate, alpha-ketoglutarate and malate suggests that the enzyme could be under plausible feedback regulation. Crystal structures of StTdcD bound to PO4 (phosphate), AMP, ATP, Ap4 (adenosine tetraphosphate), GMP, GDP, GTP, CMP and CTP revealed that binding of nucleotide mainly involves hydrophobic interactions with the base moiety and could account for the broad biochemical specificity observed between the enzyme and nucleotides. Modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies suggest Ala88 to be an important residue involved in determining the rate of catalysis with SCFA substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations on monomeric and dimeric forms of StTdcD revealed plausible open and closed states, and also suggested role for dimerization in stabilizing segment 235-290 involved in interfacial interactions and ligand binding. Observation of an ethylene glycol molecule bound sufficiently close to the gamma-phosphate in StTdcD complexes with triphosphate nucleotides supports direct in-line phosphoryl transfer. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study demonstrates a simple protocol for the preparation of one dimensional (1D) oxidized titanium carbide nanowires and their opto-electronic properties. The oxidized titanium carbide nanowires (Ox-TiC-NW) are prepared from TiC nanowires (TiC-NW) that are in turn synthesized from micron sized TiC particles using the solvothermal technique. The Ox-TiC-NW is characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Thermal oxidation of TiC-NW yields carbon doped TiO2-NW (C-TiO2-NW), a simple methodology to obtain 1D C-TiO2-NW. Temperature dependent Raman spectra reveal characteristic bands for TiO2-NW. Electrical characterization of individual C-TiO2-NW is performed by fabricating a device structure using the focused ion beam deposition technique. The opto-electronic properties of individual C-TiO2-NW demonstrate visible light activity and the parameters obtained from photoconductivity measurements reveal very good sensitivity. This methodology opens up the possibility of using C-TiO2-NW in electronic and opto-electronic device applications.


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Stone-Wales (SW) defects in materials having hexagonal lattice are the most common topological defects that affect the electronic and mechanical properties. Using first principles density functional theory based calculations, we study the formation energy and kinetic barrier of SW-defect in infinite and finite sheets of silicene. The formation energies as well as the barriers in both the cases are significantly lower than those of graphene. Furthermore, compared with the infinite sheets, the energy barriers and formation energies are lower for finite sheets. However, due to low barriers these defects are expected to heal out of the finite sheets. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL), an enzyme involved in purine biosynthesis, has been recognized as a drug target against microbial infections. In the present study, ASL from Mycobacteriumsmegmatis (MsASL) and Mycobacteriumtuberculosis (MtbASL) were cloned, purified and crystallized. The X-ray crystal structure of MsASL was determined at a resolution of 2.16 angstrom. It is the first report of an apo-ASL structure with a partially ordered active site C3 loop. Diffracting crystals of MtbASL could not be obtained and a model for its structure was derived using MsASL as a template. These structures suggest that His149 and either Lys285 or Ser279 of MsASL are the residues most likely to function as the catalytic acid and base, respectively. Most of the active site residues were found to be conserved, with the exception of Ser148 and Gly319 of MsASL. Ser148 is structurally equivalent to a threonine in most other ASLs. Gly319 is replaced by an arginine residue in most ASLs. The two enzymes were catalytically much less active compared to ASLs from other organisms. Arg319Gly substitution and reduced flexibility of the C3 loop might account for the low catalytic activity of mycobacterial ASLs. The low activity is consistent with the slow growth rate of Mycobacteria and their high GC containing genomes, as well as their dependence on other salvage pathways for the supply of purine nucleotides. Structured digital abstract andby()


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Lime–fly ash reactions play a key role in improving the mechanical strength and tailoring the permeability characteristics of compacted fly ash. Activation of fly ash–lime pozzolanic reactions should accelerate the rate of strength development and possibly mobilize higher compressive strengths, facilitating improved engineering performance of fly ash amended materials. This paper makes an assessment of activation of lime–fly ash reactions by curing compacted fly ash–lime specimens at ambient (25°C) and at elevated temperature (80°C). The kinetics of fly ash–lime reactions are examined by monitoring the reacted lime as a function of curing period and temperature. The influence of variations in fly ash/lime content and dry density on the compressive strength developed by specimens at both temperatures is evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters for the fly ash–lime reactions have also been examined. Experimental results showed that curing at 80°C for 24 h accelerated fly ash–lime reactions such that it caused the steam cured (SC) specimens to evelop 1.21–2.44 fold larger strengths than room-temperature cured (RTC) specimens cured at 25°C for 28 days. Analysis of thermodynamic parameters indicated that the fly ash–lime reactions are thermodynamically favored at fly ash contents of 50–70% and lime additions of 16–20%, and the reactions are endothermic in nature. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000482. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Two mechanisms - factor independent and dependent termination - ensure the completion of RNA synthesis in eubacteria. Factor-dependent mechanism relies on the Rho protein to terminate transcription by interacting with RNA polymerase. Although well studied in Escherichia coli, the properties of the Rho homologs from most bacteria are not known. The rho gene is unusually large in genus Mycobacterium and other members of actinobacteria, having,150 additional residues towards the amino terminal end. We describe the distinct properties of Rho from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an NTPase with a preference for purine nucleoside triphosphates with kinetic properties different from E. coli homolog and an ability to use various RNA substrates. The N-terminal subdomain of MtbRho can bind to RNA by itself, and appears to contribute to the interaction of the termination factor with RNAs. Furthermore, the interaction with RNA induces changes in conformation and oligomerization of MtbRho.


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In our earlier communication we proposed a simple fragility determining function, (NBO]/(VmTg)-T-3), which we have now used to analyze several glass systems using available thermal data. A comparison with similar fragility determining function, Delta C-p/C-p(1), introduced by Chryssikos et al. in their investigation of lithium borate glasses has also been performed and found to be more convenient quantity for discussing fragilities. We now propose a new function which uses both Delta C-p and Delta T and which gives a numerical fragility parameter, F whose value lies between 0 and 1 for glass forming liquids. F can be calculated through the use of measured thermal parameters Delta C-p, C-p(1), T-g and T-m. Use of the new fragility values in reduced viscosity equation reproduces the whole range of viscosity curves of the Angell plot. The reduced viscosity equation can be directly compared with the Adam-Gibbs viscosity equation and a heat capacity function can be formulated which reproduces satisfactorily the Delta C-p versus In(T-r) curves and hence the configurational entropy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In our earlier communication we proposed a simple fragility determining function, (NBO]/(VmTg)-T-3), which we have now used to analyze several glass systems using available thermal data. A comparison with similar fragility determining function, Delta C-p/C-p(1), introduced by Chryssikos et al. in their investigation of lithium borate glasses has also been performed and found to be more convenient quantity for discussing fragilities. We now propose a new function which uses both Delta C-p and Delta T and which gives a numerical fragility parameter, F whose value lies between 0 and 1 for glass forming liquids. F can be calculated through the use of measured thermal parameters Delta C-p, C-p(1), T-g and T-m. Use of the new fragility values in reduced viscosity equation reproduces the whole range of viscosity curves of the Angell plot. The reduced viscosity equation can be directly compared with the Adam-Gibbs viscosity equation and a heat capacity function can be formulated which reproduces satisfactorily the Delta C-p versus In(T-r) curves and hence the configurational entropy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rapid granular flows are far-from-equilibrium-driven dissipative systems where the interaction between the particles dissipates energy, and so a continuous supply of energy is required to agitate the particles and facilitate the rearrangement required for the flow. This is in contrast to flows of molecular fluids, which are usually close to equilibrium, where the molecules are agitated by thermal fluctuations. Sheared granular flows form a class of flows where the energy required for agitating the particles in the flowing state is provided by the mean shear. These flows have been studied using the methods of kinetic theory of gases, where the particles are treated in a manner similar to molecules in a molecular gas, and the interactions between particles are treated as instantaneous energy-dissipating binary collisions. The validity of the assumptions underlying kinetic theory, and their applicability to the idealistic case of dilute sheared granular flows are first discussed. The successes and challenges for applying kinetic theory for realistic dense sheared granular flows are then summarised. (C) 2014 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The effect of doping trace amounts of noblemetals (Pt) on the gas sensing properties of chromium oxide thin films, is studied. The sensors are fabricated by depositing chromium oxide films on a glass substrate using a modified spray pyrolysis technique and characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The films are porous and nanocrystalline with an average crystallite size of similar to 30 nm. The typical p-type conductivity arises due to the presence of Cr vacancies, formed as a result of Cr non-stoichiometry, which is found to vary upon Pt doping. In order to analyze the effect of doping on the gas sensing properties, we have adopted a kinetic response analysis approach, which is based on Langmuir Adsorption isotherm (LA) theory. The sensor response is analyzed with equations obtained from LA theory and time constants as well as energies of adsorption-desorption are evaluated. It is seen that, Pt doping lowers the Schottky barrier height of the metal oxide semiconductor sensor from 222 meV to 172 meV. Subsequently the reduction in adsorption and desorption energies led to enhancement in sensor response and improvement in the kinetics of the sensor response i.e. the response time as well as recovery times of the sensor.


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Tin oxide nanoparticles are synthesized using solution combustion technique and tin oxide - carbon composite thick films are fabricated with amorphous carbon as well as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and porosity measurements show that the as-synthesized nanoparticles are having rutile phase with average crystallite size similar to 7 nm and similar to 95 m(2)/g surface area. The difference between morphologies of the carbon doped and CNT doped SnO2 thick films, are characterized using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The adsorption-desorption kinetics and transient response curves are analyzed using Langmuir isotherm curve fittings and modeled using power law of semiconductor gas sensors. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by combustion synthesis using different fuels glycine (G), ODH (O) and urea (U). Morphological changes of the materials were observed by using different fuels. The prepared catalysts were characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, TEM, BET and DRIFTS analysis. All compounds showed 100% conversion of CO below 175C. The prepared catalysts exhibited very high stability and conversions did not decrease even after 50 h of continuous operation. The oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of materials was measured by H-2-TPR analysis. Co3O4-O is having high OSC among the synthesized catalysts. The activation energies of these catalysts were found to be in the range of 42.3-64.8 kJ mol(-1). With DRIFTS analysis, the surface carbonates, superoxide anions, adsorbed CO, O-2 species on the catalyst surface were found and this information was used to develop a detailed reaction pathway. A kinetic model was developed with the help of proposed mechanism and used to fit the data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.