981 resultados para opportunistic mating


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Opportunistic networks or OppNets refer to a number of wireless nodes opportunistically communicating with each other in a form of “Store-Carry-Forward”. This occurs when they come into contact with each other without proper network infrastructure. In OppNets there is no end-to-end connection between the source node and the destination node. OppNets grow from a single node (seed) to become large networks by inviting new nodes (helpers) to join the network. Due to these characteristics, OppNets are subject to real routing challenges. In this paper, we have presented an overview of the main available three families of OppNet routing protocols. Further, we have evaluated one protocol from each family (Epidemic, Direct Delivery and PRoPHET) in terms of complexity and scalability. Simulation results show that for small and medium complexity, the three protocols perform better than large complexity. As for scalability, simulation results show that Epidemic and PRoPHET perform better than Direct Delivery in terms of delivery rates and delays, but at a very high cost while Direct Delivery achieved lower delivery rates with a low cost.


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A changing climate is expected to have profound effects on many aspects of ectotherm biology. We report on a decade-long study of free-ranging sand lizards (Lacerta agilis), exposed to an increasing mean mating season temperature and with known operational sex ratios. We assessed year-to-year variation in sexual selection on body size and postcopulatory sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Higher temperature was not linked to strength of sexual selection on body mass, but operational sex ratio (more males) did increase the strength of sexual selection on body size. Elevated temperature increased mating rate and number of sires per clutch with positive effects on offspring fitness. In years when the “quality” of a female's partners was more variable (in standard errors of a male sexual ornament), clutches showed less multiple paternity. This agrees with prior laboratory trials in which females exercised stronger cryptic female choice when male quality varied more. An increased number of sires contributing to within-clutch paternity decreased the risk of having malformed offspring. Ultimately, such variation may contribute to highly dynamic and shifting selection mosaics in the wild, with potential implications for the evolutionary ecology of mating systems and population responses to rapidly changing environmental conditions.


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The gold standard method for measuring population sodium intake is based on a 24 h urine collection carried out in a random population sample. However, because participant burden is high, response rates are typically low with less than one in four agreeing to provide specimens. At this low level of response it is possible that simply asking for volunteers would produce the same results.


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Drosophila buzzatii and D. koepferae coexist in the arid lands of southern South America and exploit different types of cactus as breeding hosts. The former prefers to lay eggs on the rotting pads of prickly pears (genus Opuntia) whereas D. koepferae exhibits greater acceptance for columnar cacti (e. g., Echinopsis terschekii). Here, we demonstrate that the rearing cacti affect male mating success, flies reared in each species' preferred host exhibited enhanced mating success than those raised in secondary hosts. Opuntia sulphurea medium endows D. buzzatii males with greater mating ability while D. koepferae males perform better when flies develop in Echinopsis terschekii. These effects are not mediated through body size, even in D. buzzatii whose body size happens to be affected by the rearing cacti. This scenario, which is consistent with the evolution of host specialization and speciation through sensory drive, emphasizes the importance of habitat isolation in the coexistence of these cactophilic Drosophila. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Opportunistic networks (OppNets) are an interesting topic that are seen to have a promising future. Many protocols have been developed to accommodate the features of OppNets such as frequent partitions, long delays, and no end-to-end path between the source and destination nodes. Embedding security into these protocols is challenging and has taken a lot of attention in research. One of the attacks that OppNets are exposed to is the packet dropping attack, where the malicious node attempts to drop some packets and forwards an incomplete number of packets which results in the distortion of the message. To increase the security levels in OppNets, this paper presents an algorithm developed to detect packet dropping attacks, and finds the malicious node that attempted the attack. The algorithm detects the attack by using an indicative field in the header section of each packet; the indicative field has 3 sub fields - the identification field, the flag field, and the offset field. These 3 fields are used to find if a node receives the complete original number of packets from the previous node. The algorithm will have the advantage of detecting packets dropped by each intermediate node, this helps solve the difficulties of finding malicious nodes by the destination node only.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures and earnings quality proxied by earnings accruals. Specifically, we examine whether CSR disclosures are context-specific, that is, whether companies dominated by powerful stakeholders are obliged to behave in a responsible manner to constrain earnings management, thereby reporting higher-quality earnings to investors. Design/methodology/approach – This paper explores the relationship between CSR disclosures and earnings quality proxied by earnings accruals. Specifically, we examine whether CSR disclosures are context-specific, that is, whether companies dominated by powerful stakeholders are obliged to behave in a responsible manner to constrain earnings management, thereby reporting higher-quality earnings to investors. Findings – Results show that managers in an emerging economy manage earnings when they provide more CSR disclosures. Such earnings management is achieved through income increasing discretionary accruals. Furthermore, companies from export-oriented industries dominated by powerful stakeholders (international buyers) disclosing more CSR activities, provide transparent financial reports through constraining earnings management. Originality/value – The findings of this study are significant for both investors and policymakers. Investors should not take for granted that firms engage in CSR activities, behave ethically and provide transparent financial reports. As we document that firms might manipulate earnings through discretionary accruals and provide less transparent financial reports to shareholders, the credibility of firms’ CSR policies should be assessed with caution. Policies directing at promoting socially responsible practices instead of motivating the desired behaviour, may provide managers with additional incentives to utilise CSR for opportunistic behaviour. Thus, policymakers need to be cautious about this opportunistic behaviour and enhance monitoring to enforce social compliance. Possibly, some guidelines can be introduced to confirm that CSR disclosures are based on actual practice and not just a “green wash” statement to deceive stakeholders.


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Multicast is an important mechanism in modern wireless networks and has attracted significant efforts to improve its performance with different metrics including throughput, delay, energy efficiency, etc. Traditionally, an ideal loss-free channel model is widely used to facilitate routing protocol design. However, the quality of wireless links is affected or even jeopardized resulting in transmission failures by many factors like collisions, fading or the noise of environment. In this paper, we propose a reliable multicast protocol, called CodePipe, with energy-efficiency, high throughput and fairness in lossy wireless networks. Building upon opportunistic routing and random linear network coding, CodePipe can not only eliminate coordination between nodes, but also improve the multicast throughput significantly by exploiting both intra-batch and inter-batch coding opportunities. In particular, four key techniques, namely, LP-based opportunistic routing structure, opportunistic feeding, fast batch moving and inter-batch coding, are proposed to offer significant improvement in throughput, energy-efficiency and fairness.Moreover, we design an efficient online extension of CodePipe such that it can work in a dynamic network where nodes join and leave the network as time progresses. We evaluate CodePipe on ns2 simulator by comparing with other two state-of-art multicast protocols,MORE and Pacifier. Simulation results show that CodePipe significantly outperforms both of them.


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Opportunistic networks or OppNets refer to a number of wireless nodes opportunistically communicating with each other in a form of “Store–Carry–Forward”. This occurs when they come into contact with each other without proper network infrastructure. OppNets use wireless technologies, such as IEEE 802.11, WiMAX, Bluetooth, and other short-range radio communication. In OppNets, there is no end-to-end connection between the source and the destination nodes, and the nodes usually have high mobility, low density, limited power, short radio range, and often subject to different kinds of attacks by malicious nodes. Due to these characteristics and features, OppNets are subject to serious security challenges. OppNets strongly depend on human interaction; therefore, the success of securing such networks is based on trust between people. This survey includes the security approaches in OppNets and techniques used to increase their security levels.


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This article is part of a Special Issue SBN 2014. Photoperiod and the hormonal response it triggers are key determinants of reproductive timing in birds. However, other cues and physiological traits may permit flexibility in the timing of breeding and perhaps facilitate adaptation to global change. Opportunistic breeders are excellent models to study the adaptive significance of this flexibility, especially at the individual level. Here, we sought to quantify whether particular male physiological and behavioral traits were linked to reproductive timing and output in wild-derived zebra finches. We repeatedly assessed male stress-induced corticosterone levels (CORT), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and activity before releasing them into outdoor aviaries and quantifying each pair's breeding timing, investment, and output over a seven-month period. Despite unlimited access to food and water, the colony breeding activity occurred in waves, probably due to interpair social stimulations. Pairs adjusted their inter-clutch interval and clutch size to social and temperature cues, respectively, but only after successful breeding attempts, suggesting a facultative response to external cues. When these effects were controlled for statistically or experimentally, breeding intervals were repeatable within individuals across reproductive attempts. In addition, males' first laying date and total offspring production varied with complex interactions between pre-breeding CORT, BMR and activity levels. These results suggest that no one trait is under selection but that, instead, correlational selection acts on hormone levels, metabolism, and behavior. Together our results suggest that studying inter-individual variation in breeding strategy and their multiple physiological and behavioral underpinnings may greatly improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the evolution of breeding decisions.


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Captive breeding is a high profile management tool used for conserving threatened species. However, the inevitable consequence of generations in captivity is broad scale and often-rapid phenotypic divergence between captive and wild individuals, through environmental differences and genetic processes. Although poorly understood, mate choice preference is one of the changes that may occur in captivity that could have important implications for the reintroduction success of captive-bred animals. We bred wild-caught house mice for three generations to examine mating patterns and reproductive outcomes when these animals were simultaneously released into multiple outdoor enclosures with wild conspecifics. At release, there were significant differences in phenotypic (e.g. body mass) and genetic measures (e.g. Gst and F) between captive-bred and wild adult mice. Furthermore, 83% of offspring produced post-release were of same source parentage, inferring pronounced assortative mating. Our findings suggest that captive breeding may affect mating preferences, with potentially adverse implications for the success of threatened species reintroduction programmes.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense. A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In our previous novel attack (Packet Faking Attack [1]) we presented a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. In this paper, we present an efficient detection mechanism against this type of attack where each node can detect the attack instead of the destination node. Our detection mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. It relies on a very simple yet powerful idea, that is, the packet creation time of each packet. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy, detection rate and good network traffic reduction.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense.A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a novel attack and traceback mechanism against a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. We call this novel attack a Catabolism Attack and we call our novel traceback mechanism against this attack Anabolism Defense. Our novel detection and traceback mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. Each node can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, hash chain techniques. In our defense techniques we have two stages. The first stage is to detect the attack, and the second stage is to find the malicious nodes. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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Vehicular Cyber-Physical System (VCPS) provides CPS services via exploring the sensing, computing and communication capabilities on vehicles. VCPS is deeply influenced by the performance of the underlying vehicular network with intermittent connections, which make existing routing solutions hardly to be applied directly. Epidemic routing, especially the one using random linear network coding, has been studied and proved as an efficient way in the consideration of delivery performance. Much pioneering work has tried to figure out how epidemic routing using network coding (ERNC) performs in VCPS, either by simulation or by analysis. However, none of them has been able to expose the potential of ERNC accurately. In this paper, we present a stochastic analytical framework to study the performance of ERNC in VCPS with intermittent connections. By novelly modeling ERNC in VCPS using a token-bucket model, our framework can provide a much more accurate results than any existing work on the unicast delivery performance analysis of ERNC in VCPS. The correctness of our analytical results has also been confirmed by our extensive simulations.