914 resultados para object-oriented languages
In this paper, we present a formal model of Java concurrency using the Object-Z specification language. This model captures the Java thread synchronization concepts of locking, blocking, waiting and notification. In the model, we take a viewpoints approach, first capturing the role of the objects and threads, and then taking a system view where we capture the way the objects and threads cooperate and communicate. As a simple illustration of how the model can, in general be applied, we use Object-Z inheritance to integrate the model with the classical producer-consumer system to create a specification directly incorporating the Java concurrency constructs.
The Teallach project has adapted model-based user-interface development techniques to the systematic creation of user-interfaces for object-oriented database applications. Model-based approaches aim to provide designers with a more principled approach to user-interface development using a variety of underlying models, and tools which manipulate these models. Here we present the results of the Teallach project, describing the tools developed and the flexible design method supported. Distinctive features of the Teallach system include provision of database-specific constructs, comprehensive facilities for relating the different models, and support for a flexible design method in which models can be constructed and related by designers in different orders and in different ways, to suit their particular design rationales. The system then creates the desired user-interface as an independent, fully functional Java application, with automatically generated help facilities.
Oberon-2 is an object-oriented language with a class structure based on type extension. The runtime structure of Oberon-2 is described and the low-level mechanism for dynamic type checking explained. It is shown that the superior type-safety of the language, when used for programming styles based on heterogeneous, pointer-linked data structures, has an entirely negligible cost in runtime performance.
Mainstream business process modelling techniques promote a design paradigm wherein the activities to be performed within a case, together with their usual execution order, form the backbone of a process model, on top of which other aspects are anchored. This paradigm, while eective in standardised and production-oriented domains, shows some limitations when confronted with processes where case-by-case variations and exceptions are the norm. In this thesis we develop the idea that the eective design of exible process models calls for an alternative modelling paradigm, one in which process models are modularised along key business objects, rather than along activity decompositions. The research follows a design science method, starting from the formulation of a research problem expressed in terms of requirements, and culminating in a set of artifacts that have been devised to satisfy these requirements. The main contributions of the thesis are: (i) a meta-model for object-centric process modelling incorporating constructs for capturing exible processes; (ii) a transformation from this meta-model to an existing activity-centric process modelling language, namely YAWL, showing the relation between object-centric and activity-centric process modelling approaches; and (iii) a Coloured Petri Net that captures the semantics of the proposed meta-model. The meta-model has been evaluated using a framework consisting of a set of work ow patterns. Moreover, the meta-model has been embodied in a modelling tool that has been used to capture two industrial scenarios.
Component software has many benefits, most notably increased software re-use; however, the component software process places heavy burdens on programming language technology, which modern object-oriented programming languages do not address. In particular, software components require specifications that are both sufficiently expressive and sufficiently abstract, and, where possible, these specifications should be checked formally by the programming language. This dissertation presents a programming language called Mentok that provides two novel programming language features enabling improved specification of stateful component roles. Negotiable interfaces are interface types extended with protocols, and allow specification of changing method availability, including some patterns of out-calls and re-entrance. Type layers are extensions to module signatures that allow specification of abstract control flow constraints through the interfaces of a component-based application. Development of Mentok's unique language features included creation of MentokC, the Mentok compiler, and formalization of key properties of Mentok in mini-languages called MentokP and MentokL.
The availability of bridges is crucial to people’s daily life and national economy. Bridge health prediction plays an important role in bridge management because maintenance optimization is implemented based on prediction results of bridge deterioration. Conventional bridge deterioration models can be categorised into two groups, namely condition states models and structural reliability models. Optimal maintenance strategy should be carried out based on both condition states and structural reliability of a bridge. However, none of existing deterioration models considers both condition states and structural reliability. This study thus proposes a Dynamic Objective Oriented Bayesian Network (DOOBN) based method to overcome the limitations of the existing methods. This methodology has the ability to act upon as a flexible unifying tool, which can integrate a variety of approaches and information for better bridge deterioration prediction. Two demonstrative case studies are conducted to preliminarily justify the feasibility of the methodology
Despite being poised as a standard for data exchange for operation and maintenance data, the database heritage of the MIMOSA OSA-EAI is clearly evident from using a relational model at its core. The XML schema (XSD) definitions, which are used for communication between asset management systems, are based on the MIMOSA common relational information schema (CRIS), a relational model, and consequently, many database concepts permeate the communications layer. The adoption of a relational model leads to several deficiencies, and overlooks advances in object-oriented approach for an upcoming version of the specification, and the common conceptual object model (CCOM) sees a transition to fully utilising object-oriented features for the standard. Unified modelling language (UML) is used as a medium for documentation as well as facilitating XSD code generation. This paper details some of the decisions faced in developing the CCOM and provides a glimpse into the future of asset management and data exchange models.
This paper reports on an experiment that was conducted to determine the extent to which group dynamics impacts on the effectiveness of software development teams. The experiment was conducted on software engineering project students at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
The act of computer programming is generally considered to be temporally removed from a computer program's execution. In this paper we discuss the idea of programming as an activity that takes place within the temporal bounds of a real-time computational process and its interactions with the physical world. We ground these ideas within the con- text of livecoding -- a live audiovisual performance practice. We then describe how the development of the programming environment "Impromptu" has addressed our ideas of programming with time and the notion of the programmer as an agent in a cyber-physical system.
Reuse of existing carefully designed and tested software improves the quality of new software systems and reduces their development costs. Object-oriented frameworks provide an established means for software reuse on the levels of both architectural design and concrete implementation. Unfortunately, due to frame-works complexity that typically results from their flexibility and overall abstract nature, there are severe problems in using frameworks. Patterns are generally accepted as a convenient way of documenting frameworks and their reuse interfaces. In this thesis it is argued, however, that mere static documentation is not enough to solve the problems related to framework usage. Instead, proper interactive assistance tools are needed in order to enable system-atic framework-based software production. This thesis shows how patterns that document a framework s reuse interface can be represented as dependency graphs, and how dynamic lists of programming tasks can be generated from those graphs to assist the process of using a framework to build an application. This approach to framework specialization combines the ideas of framework cookbooks and task-oriented user interfaces. Tasks provide assistance in (1) cre-ating new code that complies with the framework reuse interface specification, (2) assuring the consistency between existing code and the specification, and (3) adjusting existing code to meet the terms of the specification. Besides illustrating how task-orientation can be applied in the context of using frameworks, this thesis describes a systematic methodology for modeling any framework reuse interface in terms of software patterns based on dependency graphs. The methodology shows how framework-specific reuse interface specifi-cations can be derived from a library of existing reusable pattern hierarchies. Since the methodology focuses on reusing patterns, it also alleviates the recog-nized problem of framework reuse interface specification becoming complicated and unmanageable for frameworks of realistic size. The ideas and methods proposed in this thesis have been tested through imple-menting a framework specialization tool called JavaFrames. JavaFrames uses role-based patterns that specify a reuse interface of a framework to guide frame-work specialization in a task-oriented manner. This thesis reports the results of cases studies in which JavaFrames and the hierarchical framework reuse inter-face modeling methodology were applied to the Struts web application frame-work and the JHotDraw drawing editor framework.
Javan myötä ohjelmointikielten kääntämisprosessiin on uudelleen esitelty erityisen käsittelyn kohteeksi kelpaava välikieli, tavukoodi. Tavallisesti Java-ohjelmaa suoritettaessa erityinen virtuaalikone lataa tavukoodimuotoisen ohjelman esityksen, jota suoritetaan joko tulkkaamalla tai suoritusaikaisesti suoritusalustan ymmärtämälle kielelle kääntäen. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan välikielen tasolla tapahtuvia optimointimahdollisuuksia. Oliokielten dynaamisen luonteen vuoksi puhtaasti staattinen optimointi on vaikeaa ja siksi usein hedelmätöntä. Tutkielman yhteydessä kuitenkin tunnistettiin mobiiliohjelmointiin soveltuva suljetun maailman oletus, jonka puitteissa tavukoodin tasolla voidaan ohjelmaa parannella turvallisesti. Esimerkkinä tutkielmassa toteutetaan ylimääräisiä rajapintaluokkia poistava optimointi. Koska optimointialgoritmit ovat usein monimutkaisia ja vaikeaselkoisia, tutkitaan työssä myös mahdollisuuksia niiden yksinkertaisempaan esittämiseen. Alunperin Javalla toteutetun luokkahierarkiaa uudelleenjärjestelevän algoritmin esiehtojen tarkastus onnistutaan kuvaamaan ensimmäisen kertaluokan logiikan kaavalla, jolloin esiehtojen tarkastus onnistuu tutkielman puitteissa toteutetulla logiikkakoneella. Logiikkakoneelle kuvataan logiikkakaavojen propositiot Javalla, mutta propositioiden yhdistely tapahtuu ja-konnektiiveja käyttävällä logiikkakielellä. Suorituskyvyltään logiikkakone on joissain tapauksissa Java-toteutusta nopeampi.
Precision, sophistication and economic factors in many areas of scientific research that demand very high magnitude of compute power is the order of the day. Thus advance research in the area of high performance computing is getting inevitable. The basic principle of sharing and collaborative work by geographically separated computers is known by several names such as metacomputing, scalable computing, cluster computing, internet computing and this has today metamorphosed into a new term known as grid computing. This paper gives an overview of grid computing and compares various grid architectures. We show the role that patterns can play in architecting complex systems, and provide a very pragmatic reference to a set of well-engineered patterns that the practicing developer can apply to crafting his or her own specific applications. We are not aware of pattern-oriented approach being applied to develop and deploy a grid. There are many grid frameworks that are built or are in the process of being functional. All these grids differ in some functionality or the other, though the basic principle over which the grids are built is the same. Despite this there are no standard requirements listed for building a grid. The grid being a very complex system, it is mandatory to have a standard Software Architecture Specification (SAS). We attempt to develop the same for use by any grid user or developer. Specifically, we analyze the grid using an object oriented approach and presenting the architecture using UML. This paper will propose the usage of patterns at all levels (analysis. design and architectural) of the grid development.