248 resultados para nostalgia


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«A escrita da história assume também uma dimensão profética e entra ao serviço da afirmação de uma consciência nacionalizante; e, através de uma hermenêutica inteligentemente orientada, os escritores/cartógrafos da nacionalidade formulam as suas críticas em relação ao presente e advertem os contemporâneos, em tom profético, em relação aos riscos do futuro. Mas esta nostalgia não se fecha em si própria. Transforma-se em instrumento de combate, de crítica, abrindo para o sentido da esperança no seu intento de desvelamento e antecipação teleológica.»


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Sabemos todos os que aqui nos encontramos que o “choque do futuro” que é o nosso presente levou muita gente a olhar para o passado.De facto, nesta nossa época de revolução electrónica, das auto-estradas da informação e da desindustrialização, muitos se sentem atraídos com curiosidade e, até, com alguma nostalgia, pelo tempo, pelos vestígios, pelos testemunhos das origens da época industrial que marcou a Europa e o mundo inteiro nos últimos séculos.De resto, o impacto aos níveis pessoal e social que a progressiva automação e as outras aplicações da electrónica vêem causando nos nossos dias e o seu reflexo no plano do imaginário colectivo, não hão-de ser menores, nem muito diferentes do que foram séculos atrás, o impacto causado pelo trabalho das primeiras máquinas ou pela passagem das primeiras composições do caminho de ferro a uma velocidade “estonteante”, quando a sociedade se confrontava ainda com uma tecnologia cujo padrão era a medida do homem.


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El autor recuerda, desde la nostalgia por las ausencias de mayor peso, los contextos de una larga entrevista que él realizara a Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco a fines de la década de los 80 -la cual ha sido ampliamente reseñada con posterioridad. El presente artículo es una semblanza que integra diversas facetas del intelectual Pareja y del hombre que fue, reseña su temperamento y la disciplina que lo impulsaron en su vocación de autodidacta. Finalmente alude a los diversos intereses temáticos de Pareja, que rebasaron los ámbitos de lo literario y lo histórico. La propuesta del autor está marcada por la lucidez, el afecto y la nostalgia, para dar rostro al personaje «de carne y hueso», al sobreviviente del Grupo de Guayaquil que fue Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco.


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El presente trabajo busca indagar en las literaturas latinoamericanas en nuestros tiempos, sobre todo cuando una tendencia posmoderna, de amplia conceptualización desde los países industrializados, instaura la nostalgia y el desencanto como características de narrativas que se observan a sí mismas frene a la realidad y a las representaciones de sujetos y espacios que se han gestado, sobre todo, durante el siglo XX. Por ello, una de las preocupaciones fundamentales del trabajo radica en observar el proceso de revisión epistemológica en la conformación de las representaciones sobre Latinoamérica, su contexto y sus sujetos. Según este marco, he querido abordar dos narrativas distantes entre sí, no tanto en tiempo, sino por su caracterización y postura frente al mundo: por un lado, he abordado las dos últimas novelas de Leonardo Valencia (Guayaquil, 1969), autor que propone la biblioteca como la patria del escritor y se distancia de la categoría de lo “latinoamericano”; y por otro lado, tres obras de Roberto Bolaño (Santiago de Chile, 1953-Barcelona, 2003), cuya obra problematiza las representaciones literarias, históricas y culturales del continente, desde la nostalgia y el desengaño contrapuestos al boom. ¿Cuáles son los resultados de estos dos mundos narrativos frente a los discursos de la historia, los referentes socio-culturales y literarios? Este trabajo es un primer paso hacia la comprensión de la heterogeneidad y de la tendencia posmoderna en nuestros contextos, que cuestiona los relatos totales. Por ello, los tres capítulos de esta tesis esbozan un contexto teórico acerca de la posmodernidad y el contexto latinoamericano, en el que he buscado dialogar con diversos autores e investigadores, como Linda Hutcheon, Fredric Jameson, Bolívar Echeverría, José María Pozuelo Yvancos, Eliseo Diego, Jorge Velasco Mckenzie, Gabriel García Márquez, Alejo Carpentier, entre otros.


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En este artículo se analiza cómo los autores que prevalecen en la defensa de los modelos de gerencia modernos son el producto de la nostalgia por la Ilustración. Presentaremos algunos de los modelos más frecuentes de gerencia moderna y los contrastaremos con el pensamiento de Horkheimer y Adorno quienes aseguran que persiste el debate entre el mito (que quería ser derrotado) y la Ilustración que ha creado sus propios mitos.


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The Maitreyi (Friendship) Express, the rail service between India and Bangladesh that was restarted recently evoked nostalgia and hopes for stronger ties between the two nations. However, it will take more than a rail link to deal with fears of infiltration by Bangladeshi Muslims that is being used in aggressive political rhetoric.


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This article examines utopian gestures and inaugural desires in two films which became symbolic of the Brazilian Film Revival in the late 1990s: Central Station (1998) and Midnight (1999). Both evolve around the idea of an overcrowded or empty centre in a country trapped between past and future, in which the motif of the zero stands for both the announcement and the negation of utopia. The analysis draws parallels between them and new wave films which also elaborate on the idea of the zero, with examples picked from Italian neo-realism, the Brazilian Cinema Novo and the New German Cinema. In Central Station, the ‘point zero’, or the core of the homeland, is retrieved in the archaic backlands, where political issues are resolved in the private sphere and the social drama turns into family melodrama. Midnight, in its turn, recycles Glauber Rocha’s utopian prophecies in the new millennium’s hour zero, when the earthly paradise represented by the sea is re-encountered by the middle-class character, but not by the poor migrant. In both cases, public injustice is compensated by the heroes’ personal achievements, but those do not refer to the real nation, its history or society. Their utopian breadth, based on nostalgia, citation and genre techniques, is of a virtual kind, attune to cinema only.


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As part of a retrospective study of effects of organizational change on interpersonal relations, this paper discusses change talk among Australian employees of an American multinational manufacturing enterprise. Interviewees tended to feel pushed into change, discussing its effects in terms of the difficulties of adolescence and earlier experiences of sudden independence. Over time, what had been a simple and firm us and them division in intergroup relations between management and unions/workers had become more fluid and subtle, and perhaps more mature. Interview data are interpreted and then re-interpreted in terms of theories of team development, nostalgia, and paternalism. It is argued that each interpretation makes differing, but complementary, assumptions about the nature of time. If developmental, progressive assumptions of organizational change are relaxed, further attention can be given to theorizing and researching subtleties in talk of the past.


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We discuss the emergence of the craft movement known as Stitch’nBitch. Prevalent around the globe, particularly among women, this movement organises in local places, such as hotels and cafes, and virtually using the Internet. The women meet to knit, stitch and talk, using new technologies as an enabler and resource exchange. At the same time, their presence can be seen, in part, as a response to social and technological changes, both at work and in wider society. We introduce five themes to assist in the interpretation of this new form of organising, discussing (1) remedial, (2) progressive, (3) resistance, (4) nostalgic, and (5) ironic possibilities and we draw on illustrative interview data to outline possibilities for further research.


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David McCooey's poems combine minimalism and intensity, elegance and emotion. Finely crafted and edged with wit, they offer a kind of unsentimental nostalgia, a passionate irony.


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We discuss the emergence of a new craft movement known as Stitch'nBitch. Prevalent around the globe, particularly among women, this movement is based locally in places such as hotels and cafes, and virtually using the internet. The women meet to knit, stitch and talk. The groups use new technologies as an enabler and resource exchange. At the same time, their presence can be seen, in part, as a negative response to major political, social and technological changes including globalization, terrorism, damage to the environment and the dislocation of the Information Society. We introduce five themes to assist in the development of a research agenda into this new form of material culture, discussing (1) remedial, (2) progressive, (3) resistance, (4) nostalgic and (5) ironic possibilities. Each is considered in terms of their respective foci on community, cyberfeminism, craft, conservation and comment.


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Volunteers have become essential to the delivery of sport events. Megaevents, such as the Olympic Games, rely on a large number of volunteers for the successful running of the event, some of whom travel to volunteer. This study investigates the motives of a group of people who volunteered at the Sydney Olympics as they prepared to travel to volunteer at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Four key motives were identified: (a) nostalgia, (b) camaraderie and friendship, (c) Olympic (i.e., subcultural) connection, and (d) sharing and recognition of expertise. The motives identified distinguish event volunteer tourists from other volunteer tourists and from other event volunteers. It is suggested that the recruitment, retention, and reacquisition of event volunteers will be served by understanding the motives and experiences of repeat event volunteers.


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This essay, through a theorized analysis of Australian popular song lyrics, investigates a range of understandings of “home”, including the exclusions and sacred connotations that inform the term. Against accusations of mere sentimentality or nostalgia regarding a desire for “home” as familiar and comforting and in response to Levinas's related arguments that a desire for home is at the root of splitting “humanity into natives and strangers”, it argues that it is necessary for postcolonial Australia to embrace “homelessness” at the heart of any understanding of “home”.


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In this paper I focus on a neglected aspect of Australian political history, the extent to which Australian governments actually redistributed income. The German sociologist Rudolf Goldscheid argued that 'the budget is the skeleton of the state stripped of all misleading ideologies'. In Australia a party that claimed to represent lower income earners, the Labor Party, was a major political force, but did Labor actually make a difference to the distribution of income across social classes, or did Labor's rhetoric of equity merely serve to incorporate workers into the capitalist system? A quantitative approach to the political history of labour may enable us to escape both nostalgia for old labourism (which the Howard years have encouraged) and a simple and undifferentiated rejection of labourism as a reformist agent of social integration.

This paper incorporates some material from a 2005 paper that examined overall expenditure patterns and taxation patterns across the states and Commonwealth from 1910 to 1940 but it goes beyond the aggregate approach of this paper to consider the extent which the varying patterns of taxation and public expenditure across Australia impacted on different social classes during the 1930s. It is very much a preliminary analysis based on existing compilations of taxation statistics. It is a static analysis and does not consider if nominally redistributive taxation and expenditure patterns might be rendered ineffective by consequent interstate migration.