966 resultados para nickel foam


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Are evaporation of graphite with Fe, Co and Ni yields two distinct types of metal nanoparticles, wrapped in graphitic layers and highly resistant to oxidation. Electron microscopy shows that the metal particles (10-40 nm) in the stub region are encapsulated in carbon onions, the particles in the soot being considerably smaller (2-15 nm). The metal particles in the soot are either ferromagnetic with lowered Curie temperatures or superparamagnetic.


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Five- and six-membered rings result from the chelation of nickel(II) by the dibasic tridentate Schiff base ligand, o-vanillin thiosemicarbazone(o-VTSC), a new chelate prepared and characterized. The structural results are discussed in the light of spectroscopic and other data.


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An electrochemically impregnated sintered-nickel porous electrode with a capacity of 225 +/- 10 mAh per g of active material has been developed. This capacity is comparable with any state-of-the-art nickel hydroxide electrode reported in the literature, such as the stabilized alpha-nickel hydroxides that contain aluminium, iron and other trivalent cations. A technical update on various types of nickel positive electrodes is given.


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Tn the current set of investigations foam sandwich panels and some components of an aircraft comprising of two layer Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic(GFRP) face sheets of thickness 1mm each with polyurethene foam as filler of thickness 8mm were examined for detection of debonds and defects. Known defects were introduced in the panels in the form of teflon insert, full foam removal,half foam removal and edge delamination by inserting a teflon and removing it after curing. Two such panels were subjected to acoustic impact and analysis was carried out in both time and frequency domains. These panels were ultrasonically scanned to obtain C-SCAN images as reference to evaluate Acoustic Impact Test (AIT) results. In addition both Fokker bond testing and AIT(woodpecker) were carried out on the same panels and also some critical joints on the actual component. The results obtained from these tests are presented and discussed in this paper.


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By employing EXAFS and magnetic measurements, it is shown that nanoparticles of nickel along with those of NiO are incorporated between the layers of a-zirconium phosphate (ZrP) by the thermal decomposition of nickel acetate intercalated in ZrP. The nickel nanoparticles are superparamagnetic. Hydrogen reduction produces small ferromagnetic nickel particles, most of which appear to be outside the interlayer space of ZrP.


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The paper reports the failure features observed in low mass repeatedly (pendulum) impacted glass epoxy composites with and without the mid section having either 2-layers or 3-layers of flexible foam. Features such as through width and inclined cracks as well as adhering of foam observed in the experiments are explained. The significance of the foam material in modifying the impact response of the composite is stressed.


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The internal resistance of a stabilized alpha-nickel hydroxide electrode is found to be lower than that of a beta-nickel hydroxide electrode as shown from studies of the open-circuit potential-time transients at all states-of-charge. Nevertheless, the self-discharge rates of the former is higher. Gasometric studies reveal that the charging efficiency of the alpha-nickel hydroxide electrode is higher than that of the beta-nickel hydroxide electrode.


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Gas-phase controlled absorption of ammonia in foams made of solutions of sulphuric acid has been studied experimentally. Effects of gas-phase concentration of ammonia and type of surfactant on the performance of the foam-bed reactor are investigated. Gas-phase controlled absorption from a spherical bubble is anaylzed using the asymptotic value of Sherwood number (Sh = 6.58), for both negligible as well as significant changes in the volume of the bubble. The experimental data are shown to be in good agreement with the single-stage model of the foam-bed reactor using these asymptotic sub-models, as well as the diffusion-in-sphere analysis available in literature. Influence of effective diffusivity on the time dependence of fractional gas absorption has been found to be unimportant for foam columns with large times of contact. The asymptotic sub-models have been compared and use of the rigid-sphere asymptotic sub-model is recommended for foam columns of practical relevence.


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A novel phase of nickel hydroxide with an average interlayer spacing 5.4-5.6 Angstrom has been synthesized which is neither ct nor beta type but is an interstratification of both. It ages to the beta form in strong alkali. These observations have implications on the dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism suggested for the alpha-->beta transformation of nickel hydroxide.


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A phenomenological model has been developed for predicting separation factors obtained in concentrating protein solutions using batch-foam columns. The model considers the adsorption of surface active proteins onto the air-water interface of bubbles, and drainage of liquid from the foam, which are the two predominant processes responsible for separation in foam columns. The model has been verified with data collected on casein and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions, for which adsorption isotherms are available in the literature. It has been found that an increase in liquid pool height above the gas distributor and the time allowed for drainage result in a better separation. Further, taller foam columns yield poorer separation at constant time of drainage. The model successfully predicts the observed results. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A reversible pressure-induced phase transition in lanthanum nickel ferrate (LaNi0.5Fe0.5O3) manifests itself in the infrared spectrum of the transition metal-oxygen stretching (nu(TM-O)) modes by the emergence of new peaks at pressures greater than similar to 1.4 x 10(9) Pa. Analogies to this transition are made by considering charge transfer in dilanthanum cuprate (La2CuO4) and its modification by partial substitution of copper ions by chromium ions.


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foam, either stacked together as three layers (MC) or inserted at three different positions (3L) while arranging the stacking sequence during the fabrication of glass fiber-epoxy composites, form the subject of investigation. This stacking variation resulted in a different interfacial area between these foam materials and the glass-epoxy regions in the laminates. This area in designed to be maximum for the 3L variety. The energy of impact being high enough to cause development of the crack in the samples, how the change in interfacial area affects the traverse of the crack front and the failure feature of the laminated composite are reported in the form of photomacrographs in this work. The results point to significant changes for the impact data, like for instance the peak load attained by the different samples, through thickness crack propagation and tensile fracture features on the non-impacted end for the plain variety, separation about the mid-zone for the MC laminates and two or more layer separations for the 3L variety. The separation for the foam-bearing systems occur invariably at the interface and here again one of the (two identical) interfaces only is chosen for the separation.


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The effect on the macroscopic compressive failure features of introduction of two flexible foam layers, either together at mid-region or separately at two locations that are away from the midregion, into a glass-epoxy (G-E) system is studied in this work. In this experimental approach an attempt to look at the possible influence the foam/G-E interface region has on the way the materials respond to compressive loading is made by involving an analyses of macrofractographic features. While foam-free samples fail by extensive ear formation and separation nearer to the mid-region, the foam bearing ones display pronounced interface separation. The positioning of the foam sheet(s) has a bearing on the failure features.


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Sandwich structures, especially those with honeycomb and grid structures as the core material, are very commonly employed in aircraft structures. There is an increasing use of closed-pore rigid syntactic foams as core materials in sandwich constructions because they possess a number of favourable properties. The syntactic foams, owing to their structure and formation, behave differently under compression compared to other traditionally used core materials. In the present study, therefore, syntactic foam core sandwich constructions are evaluated for their behaviour under compression in both edgewise and flatwise orientations. Further, the work characterises the relative performance of two sets of sandwich materials, one containing glass-epoxy and the other, glass/carbon hybrid-epoxy skins. As non-standard geometry test specimens were involved, only a comparative evaluation was contemplated in this approach. The experiments indicate that the nature of the reinforcement fabric in the skin has a bearing on the test results in edgewise orientation. Thus, the tendency towards initiation of vertical crack in the central plane of the core material, which is a typical fracture event in this kind of material, was found to occur after a delay for the specimens containing the glass fabric in the skin. Attempts are made to establish the correlation between observations made on the test specimen visually during the course of testing and the post-compression microscopic examinations of the fracture features.