945 resultados para nerve conduction


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of lithium phosphate (Li2O-P2O5) glasses with varying Li2O content has been carried out. Two different P-O distances corresponding to phosphorus coordination with bridging oxygen (BO) and non-bridging oxygen (NBO) were identified in the simulated glasses. NBO-BO interconversion or bond switching was noted, which results in a dynamic equilibration of the tetrahedral phosphate units (P-n, n = 1,3 indicates the number of bridging oxygen atoms in the coordination of phosphorus). The NBO-BO bond switching is mildly activated with an effective activation barrier of 0.03-0.05 eV. Lithium ion jumps do not appear to be strongly coupled to bond switching. But the number of Li+ ions coordinated to an optimum number of NBOs and the number of Li+ ions jumping out of their sites appear to be correlated. Detailed analysis was made of the dynamics of P-n species and new insights have been obtained regarding ion migration in network-modified phosphate glasses.


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Lanthanum doped lead titanate (PLT) thin films were identified as the most potential candidates for the pyroelectric and memory applications. PLT thin films were deposited on Pt coated Si by excimer laser ablation technique. The polarization behavior of PLT thin films has been studied over a temperature range of 300 K to 550 K. A universal power law relation was brought into picture to explain the frequency dependence of ac conductivity. At higher frequency region ac conductivity of PLT thin films become temperature independent. The temperature dependence of ac conductivity and the relaxation time is analyzed in detail. The activation energy obtained from the ac conductivity was attributed to the shallow trap controlled space charge conduction in the bulk of the sample. The impedance analysis for PLT thin films were also performed to get insight of the microscopic parameters, like grain, grain boundary, and film-electrode interface etc. The imaginary component of impedance Z" exhibited different peak maxima at different temperatures. Different types of mechanisms were analyzed in detail to explain the dielectric relaxation behavior in the PLT thin films.


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Electrical conductivity and thermopower are studied in the conducting polymer polypyrrole doped with varying levels of the dopant hexafluoro phosphate (PF6). A single sample is prepared by galvanostatic electrochemical polymerization at -40 degreesC. From this sample, six samples having different dopant levels and correspondingly different conductivity are prepared by dedoping. Low temperature d.c. electrical conductivity measurement shows the metal-insulator transition from fully doped sample to dedoped samples. On the metallic side the data are fitted to the localization-interaction model. In critical regime, it follows the power law. On the insulating side, it is variable range hopping. Thermopower measurements are done in the temperature range 300 K to 20 K. Thermopower is linear for samples on the metallic side and becomes more and more non-linear on the insulating side. It is described using a combination of the linear metallic term and the non-linear hopping term. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mixed ionic and electronic conduction in Zr02-based solid electrolytes was studied.The effect of impurities and second-phase particles on the mixed conduction parameter, P,, was measured for different types of ZrOZ electrolytes. The performance of solid-state sensors incorporating ZrOZ electrolytes is sometimes limited by electronic conduction in ZrOZ, especially at temperatures >I800 K. Methods for eliminating or minimizing errors in measured emf due to electronically driven transport of oxygen anions are discussed. Examples include probes for monitoring oxygen content in liquid steel as well as the newly developed sulfur sensor based on a ZrOz(Ca0) + CaS electrolyte. The use of mixed conducting ZrOZ as a semipermeable membrane or chemically selective sieve for oxygen at high temperatures is discussed. Oxygen transport from liquid iron to CO + C& gas mixtures through a ZrOZ membrane driven by a chemical potential gradient, in the absence of electrical leads or imposed potentials, was experimentally observed.


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Bi-layered Aurivillius compounds prove to be efficient candidates of nonvolatile memories. SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films were deposited by excimer laser ablation at low substrate temperature (400 °C) followed by an ex situ annealing at 750 °C. The polarization hysteresis behavior was confirmed by variation of polarization with the external applied electric field and also verified with capacitance versus voltage characteristics. The measured values of spontaneous and remnant polarizations were, respectively, 9 and 6 μC/cm2 with a coercive field of 90 kV/cm. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factors at 100 kHz were 220 and 0.02, respectively. The frequency analysis of dielectric and ac conduction properties showed a distribution of relaxation times due to the presence of multiple grain boundaries in the films. The values of activation energies from the dissipation factor and grain interior resistance were found to be 0.9 and 1.3 eV, respectively. The deviation in these values was attributed to the energetic conditions of the grain boundaries and bulk grains. The macroscopic relaxation phenomenon is controlled by the higher resistive component in a film, such as grain boundaries at lower temperatures, which was highlighted in the present article in close relation to interior grain relaxation and conduction properties.


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The paper outlines a technique for sensitive measurement of conduction phenomena in liquid dielectrics. The special features of this technique are the simplicity of the electrical system, the inexpensive instrumentation and the high accuracy. Detection, separation and analysis of a random function of current that is superimposed on the prebreakdown direct current forms the basis of this investigation. In this case, prebreakdown direct current is the output data of a test cell with large electrodes immersed in a liquid medium subjected to high direct voltages. Measurement of the probability-distribution function of a random fluctuating component of current provides a method that gives insight into the mechanism of conduction in a liquid medium subjected to high voltages and the processes that are responsible for the existence of the fluctuating component of the current.


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Optically generated spin polarized electrons in bulk n-type Ge samples have been detected by using a radio-frequency modulation technique. Using the Hanle effect in an external magnetic field, the spin lifetime was measured as a function of temperature in the range 90 K to 180 K. The lifetime decreases with increasing temperature from similar to 5 ns at 100 K to similar to 2 ns at 180 K. We show that the temperature dependence is consistent with the Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism R. J. Elliot, Phys. Rev. 96, 266 (1954)]. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772500]


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CdTe thin films of 500 thickness prepared by thermal evaporation technique were analyzed for leakage current and conduction mechanisms. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors were fabricated using these films as a dielectric. These films have many possible applications, such as passivation for infrared diodes that operate at low temperatures (80 K). Direct-current (DC) current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were performed on these films. Furthermore, the films were subjected to thermal cycling from 300 K to 80 K and back to 300 K. Typical minimum leakage currents near zero bias at room temperature varied between 0.9 nA and 0.1 mu A, while low-temperature leakage currents were in the range of 9.5 pA to 0.5 nA, corresponding to resistivity values on the order of 10(8) a''broken vertical bar-cm and 10(10) a''broken vertical bar-cm, respectively. Well-known conduction mechanisms from the literature were utilized for fitting of measured I-V data. Our analysis indicates that the conduction mechanism in general is Ohmic for low fields < 5 x 10(4) V cm(-1), while the conduction mechanism for fields > 6 x 10(4) V cm(-1) is modified Poole-Frenkel (MPF) and Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling at room temperature. At 80 K, Schottky-type conduction dominates. A significant observation is that the film did not show any appreciable degradation in leakage current characteristics due to the thermal cycling.


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Proton-conducting materials are an important component of fuel cells. Development of new types of proton-conducting materials is one of the most important issues in fuel-cell technology. Herein, we present newly developed proton-conducting materials, modularly built porous solids, including coordination polymers (CPs) or metalorganic frameworks (MOFs). The designable and tunable nature of the porous materials allows for fast development in this research field. Design and synthesis of the new types of proton-conducting materials and their unique proton-conduction properties are discussed.


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Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of hot pressed ZrB2 with different amounts of B4C (0-5 wt%) and ZrB2-SiC composites (10-30 vol% SiC) were investigated experimentally over a wide range of temperature (25-1500 degrees C). Both thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity were found to decrease with increase in temperature for all the hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. At around 200 degrees C, thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was found to be composition independent. Thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was also correlated with theoretical predictions of the Maxwell Eucken relation. The dominated mechanisms of heat transport for all hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites at room temperature were confirmed by Wiedemann Franz analysis by using measured electrical conductivity of these materials at room temperature. It was found that electronic thermal conductivity dominated for all monolithic ZrB2 whereas the phonon contribution to thermal conductivity increased with SiC contents for ZrB2-SiC composites.


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Two Pd-6 molecular aggregates (1 and 2), self-sorted via a template-free three-component self-assembly process, represent new examples of discrete architectures exhibiting very high proton conductivity 0.78 x 10(-3) S cm(-1) (1) and 0.22 X 10(-3) S cm(-1) (2)] at 300 K at low relative humidity (B46%) with low activation energy comparable to that of currently used Nafion in fuel cells.


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Hydrated cocrystal of gallic acid-isoniazid displays a single crystal-to-single crystal transformation upon dehydration, resulting in a difference of three orders of magnitude in proton conduction. The conduction pathway is shown to follow the Grotthus mechanism, supported by theoretical (DFT) calculations.


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We examine the role of thermal conduction and magnetic fields in cores of galaxy clusters through global simulations of the intracluster medium (ICM). In particular, we study the influence of thermal conduction, both isotropic and anisotropic, on the condensation of multiphase gas in cluster cores. Previous hydrodynamic simulations have shown that cold gas condenses out of the hot ICM in thermal balance only when the ratio of the cooling time (t(cool)) and the free-fall time (t(ff)) is less than approximate to 10. Since thermal conduction is significant in the ICM and it suppresses local cooling at small scales, it is imperative to include thermal conduction in such studies. We find that anisotropic (along local magnetic field lines) thermal conduction does not influence the condensation criterion for a general magnetic geometry, even if thermal conductivity is large. However, with isotropic thermal conduction cold gas condenses only if conduction is suppressed (by a factor less than or similar to 0.3) with respect to the Spitzer value.


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Systematic investigation on synergetic effects of geometry, length, denticity, and asymmetry of donors was performed through the formation of a series of uncommon Pd-II aggregates by employing the donor in a multicomponent self-assembly of a cis-blocked 90 degrees Pd-II acceptor and a tetratopic donor. Some of these assemblies represent the first examples of these types of structures, and their formation is not anticipated by only taking the geometry of the donor and the acceptor building units into account. Analysis of the crystal packing of the X-ray structure revealed several H bonds between the counteranions (NO3-) and water molecules (OHON). Moreover, H-bonded 3D-networks of water are present in the molecular pockets, which show water-adsorption properties with some variation in water affinity. Interestingly, these complexes exhibit proton conductivity (1.87x10(-5)-6.52x10(-4)Scm(-1)) at 296K and low relative humidity (ca. 46%) with activation energies of 0.29-0.46eV. Moreover, the conductivities further increase with the enhancement of humidity. The ability of these assemblies to exhibit proton-conducting properties under low-humidity conditions makes these materials highly appealing as electrolytes in batteries and in fuel-cell applications.