416 resultados para myocardium


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Introduction : La prévention de la mort de cellules cardiaques contractiles suite à un épisode d'infarctus du myocarde représente le plus grand défi dans la récupération de la fonction cardiaque. On a démontré à maintes reprises que l'ocytocine (OT), l'hormone bien connue pour ses rôles dans le comportement social et reproductif et couramment utilisée dans l’induction de l’accouchement, diminue la taille de l'infarctus et améliore la récupération fonctionnelle du myocarde blessé. Les mécanismes de cette protection ne sont pas totalement compris. Objectif : Étudier les effets d'un traitement avec de l'ocytocine sur des cardiomyocytes isolés en utilisant un modèle in vitro qui simule les conditions d'un infarctus du myocarde. Méthodes : La lignée cellulaire myoblastique H9c2 a été utilisée comme modèle de cardiomyocyte. Pour simuler le dommage d'ischémie-reperfusion (IR), les cellules ont été placées dans un tampon ischémique et incubées dans une chambre anoxique pendant 2 heures. La reperfusion a été accomplie par la restauration du milieu de culture régulier dans des conditions normales d'oxygène. L'OT a été administrée en présence ou en absence d'inhibiteurs de kinases connues pour être impliquées dans la cardioprotection. La mortalité cellulaire a été évaluée par TUNEL et l'activité mitochondriale par la production de formazan pendant 1 à 4 heures de reperfusion. La microscopie confocale a servie pour localiser les structures cellulaires. Résultats : Le modèle expérimental de l'IR dans les cellules H9c2 a été caractérisé par une diminution dans la production de formazan (aux alentours de 50 à 70 % du groupe témoin, p < 0.001) et par l'augmentation du nombre de noyaux TUNEL-positif (11.7 ± 4.5% contre 1.3 ± 0.7% pour le contrôle). L'addition de l'OT (10-7 a 10-9 M) au commencement de la reperfusion a inversé les effets de l'IR jusqu'aux niveaux du contrôle (p < 0.001). L'effet protecteur de l'OT a été abrogé par : i) un antagoniste de l'OT ; ii) le knockdown de l'expression du récepteur à l'OT induit par le siRNA ; iii) la wortmannin, l'inhibiteur de phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases ; iv) KT5823, l'inhibiteur de la protéine kinase dépendante du cGMP (PKG); v) l'ODQ, un inhibiteur du guanylate cyclase (GC) soluble, et A71915, un antagoniste du GC membranaire. L'analyse confocale des cellules traitées avec OT a révélé la translocation du récepteur à l'OT et la forme phosphorylée de l'Akt (Thr 308, p-Akt) dans le noyau et dans les mitochondries. Conclusions : L'OT protège directement la viabilité des cardiomyocytes, lorsqu'elle est administrée au début de la reperfusion, par le déclenchement de la signalisation du PI3K, la phosphorylation de l'Akt et son trafic cellulaire. La cytoprotection médiée par l'OT implique la production de cGMP par les deux formes de GC.


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La maladie cardiaque ischémique, la plus commune des maladies qui affectent le cœur, est encore aujourd’hui une importante cause de décès dans les pays industrialisés. Une réponse cardio-métabolique inflammatoire à un changement aigu initié par une modification du métabolisme énergétique du cœur ischémique est accentuée après que l’apport en oxygène ait été rétabli. Parmi les altérations délétères dans le myocarde qui en résultent, sont inclus l’accumulation d’acides gras non estérifiés (AGNE) ainsi que leur oxydation au détriment de l’utilisation du glucose, ce qui amplifie la génération d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS). Les tissus en périphérie du cœur tel que le tissu adipeux peuvent affecter l’étendue des blessures au myocarde par la relâche en circulation de substances bioactives comme les AGNE et l’adiponectine. Le CD36 est le principal facilitateur de l’entrée d’AGNE dans le cœur et les adipocytes et constitue une importante cible métabolique spécialement lors d’un stress d’ischémie-reperfusion (I/R). Il a été rapporté précédemment par notre groupe qu’un ligand synthétique et sélectif envers le CD36 exerce un effet protecteur puissant sur le système vasculaire. Cependant, aucune étude in vivo n’a rapporté d’effet cardioprotecteur de ligands sélectifs envers le CD36. Ainsi, ce projet visait à évaluer le rôle et possiblement l’effet cardioprotecteur de ligands sélectifs du récepteur CD36 sur la blessure au myocarde en I/R. Des souris CD36+/+ et CD36-/- ont été traitées quotidiennement avec le EP 80317, le CP-3(iv) ou le véhicule pendant 14 jours avant de subir la ligature temporaire de l’artère coronaire antérieure descendante gauche (LAD). Notre première étude a montré que le EP 80317 exerce un effet cardioprotecteur puissant tel que montré par la réduction de la surface des lésions et l’amélioration de la fonction cardiaque in vivo suivant la blessure au myocarde en I/R. De plus, le EP 80317 a réduit l’internalisation totale d’AGNE dans le myocarde, mesurée in vivo par l’imagerie métabolique cardiaque, en accord avec la diminution du niveau circulant d’AGNE. Une réduction de la lipolyse révélée par une perfusion de radiotraceur de palmitate et une augmentation du niveau d’expression de gènes adipogéniques et anti-lipolytiques appuient davantage l’effet du EP 80317 dans la prévention de la mobilisation délétère d’acides gras du tissu adipeux. Notre deuxième étude a investigué le mécanisme cardioprotecteur d’une nouvelle génération de ligands dotés d’une plus grande affinité de liaison envers le CD36. Cette étude a montré que le CP-3(iv) est aussi pourvu d’un puissant effet cardioprotecteur comme le montre la réduction de la taille de l’infarctus et l’amélioration de la fonction cardiaque post-I/R du myocarde qui est fonction d’une signalisation métabolique et anti-oxydante de l’adiponectine. En effet, l’augmentation des principales voies de signalisation régulant la sécrétion de l’adiponectine et des gènes antioxydants a été démontrée dans le tissu adipeux suivant l’I/R du myocarde et un traitement avec le CP-3(iv). L’activation de la protéine kinase B ou Akt dans le myocarde avec la diminution de la génération de ROS et de la signalisation de mort cellulaire appuient davantage le rôle cardioprotecteur du CP-3(iv) dans l’I/R du myocarde. En conclusion, le travail présenté dans cette thèse soutient qu’une signalisation du CD36 par le EP 80317 et le CP-3(iv) pourrait s’avérer être une nouvelle approche thérapeutique dans le traitement de la maladie cardiaque ischémique. Ces ligands synthétiques sélectifs envers le CD36 provoquent un effet salutaire sur le myocarde ischémique par le biais d’une amélioration du profil métabolique dans les premières heures de la reperfusion. Le EP 80317 réduit le niveau délétère d’AGNE et leur internalisation dans le cœur en situation d’excès, tandis que le CP-3(iv) augmente le niveau bénéfique d’adiponectine et son effet cardioprotecteur.


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Plusieurs études montrent que les acides gras (AG) oméga-3 sont bénéfiques pour la santé cardiovasculaire. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire a montré que l’administration des acides gras oméga-3 réduit la taille de l'infarctus du myocarde (IM). Cependant, la question demeure de savoir si les deux principaux acides gras oméga-3 à longue chaîne, l'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) possèdent la même efficacité à réduire la taille de l'infarctus. Le but de ce projet sera de déterminer l’efficacité relative de chacun de ces acides gras oméga-3 à protéger le cœur dans un modèle d’ischémie/reperfusion et d’étudier certaines voies de cardioprotection. Des rats mâles adultes Sprague-Dawley ont été nourris pendant 14 jours avec une diète comprenant l'un: 1- aucun AG oméga-3; 2- 5 g d'EPA / kg de nourriture; 3- 5 g de DHA / kg de nourriture; 4- 2,5 g de chaque oméga-3 AG / kg de nourriture; 5- 5 g chaque AG oméga-3 / kg de nourriture. Par la suite, les animaux ont été soumis à une ischémie pendant 40 minutes, causée par l'occlusion de l'artère coronaire gauche descendante. Au bout de 24 heures de reperfusion, la taille de l'infarctus est déterminée. Dans un sous-groupe d'animaux, l'activité d’Akt et des caspase-3 sont mesurées dans la région ischémique après 30 minutes de reperfusion. Finalement, à 15 minutes de reperfusion, l'ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité mitochondriale mPTP est déterminée dans un autre sous-groupe. Les résultats indiquent que les diètes EPA ou DHA réduisent de manière significative la taille de l'infarctus par rapport à la diète sans AG oméga-3, tandis que la combinaison de deux acides gras oméga-3 n'a pas montré de diminution de la taille de l'infarctus. L'activité de la caspase-3 est réduite pour le groupe DHA puis, l'activité d'Akt est augmentée avec les diètes EPA et DHA seules. Finalement, en présence d’une diète enrichie uniquement de DHA, l'ouverture des mPTP est retardée comparativement aux autres diètes.


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This paper attempts to develop an improved tool, which would read two dimensional(2D) cardiac MRI images and compute areas and volume of the scar tissue. Here the computation would be done on the cardiac MR images to quantify the extent of damage inflicted by myocardial infarction on the cardiac muscle (myocardium) using Interpolation


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BACKGROUND: Mammalian cardiac myocytes withdraw from the cell cycle during post-natal development, resulting in a non-proliferating, fully differentiated adult phenotype that is unable to repair damage to the myocardium, such as occurs following a myocardial infarction. We and others previously have shown that forced expression of certain cell cycle molecules in adult cardiac myocytes can promote cell cycle progression and division in these cells. The mitotic serine/threonine kinase, Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1), is known to phosphorylate and activate a number of mitotic targets, including Cdc2/Cyclin B1, and to promote cell division. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The mammalian Plk family are all differentially regulated during the development of rat cardiac myocytes, with Plk1 showing the most dramatic decrease in both mRNA, protein and activity in the adult. We determined the potential of Plk1 to induce cell cycle progression and division in cultured rat cardiac myocytes. A persistent and progressive loss of Plk1 expression was observed during myocyte development that correlated with the withdrawal of adult rat cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle. Interestingly, when Plk1 was over-expressed in cardiac myocytes by adenovirus infection, it was not able to promote cell cycle progression, as determined by cell number and percent binucleation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that, in contrast to Cdc2/Cyclin B1 over-expression, the forced expression of Plk1 in adult cardiac myocytes is not sufficient to induce cell division and myocardial repair.


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Objectives: Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family, plays a key role in skeletal muscle myogenesis by limiting hyperplastic and hypertrophic muscle growth. In cardiac muscle, myostatin has been shown to limit agonist-induced cardiac hypertrophic growth. However, its role in cardiac hyperplastic growth remains undetermined. The aim of this study was to characterise the expression of myostatin in developing myocardium, determine its effect on cardiomyocyte proliferation, and explore the signalling mechanisms affected by myostatin in dividing cardiomyocytes. Methods: We used quantitative PCR and Western blotting to study the expression of myostatin in cardiomyocytes isolated from rat myocardium at different developmental ages. We. determined the effect of recombinant myostatin on proliferation and cell viability in dividing cardiomyocytes in culture. We analysed myostatin's effect on cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression by flow cytometry and used Western blotting to explore the signalling mechanisms involved. Results: Myostatin is expressed differentially in cardiomyocytes during cardiac development such that increasing expression correlated with a low cardiomyocyte proliferation index. Proliferating foetal cardiomyocytes, from embryos at 18 days of gestation, expressed low levels of myostatin mRNA and protein, whereas isolated cardiomyocytes from postnatal day 10 hearts, wherein the majority of cardiomyocytes have lost their ability to proliferate, displayed a 6-fold increase in myostatin expression. Our in vitro studies demonstrated that myostatin inhibited proliferation of dividing foetal and neonatal cardiomyocytes. Flow cytometric analysis showed that this inhibition occurs mainly via a block in the G1-S phase transition of the cardiomyocyte cell cycle. Western blot analysis showed that part of the mechanism underpinning the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation by myostatin involves phosphorylation of SMAD2 and altered expressions of the cell cycle proteins p21 and CDK2. Conclusions: We conclude that myostatin is an inhibitor of cardiomyocyte proliferation with the potential to limit cardiomyocyte hyperplastic growth by altering cardiac cell cycle progression. (c) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Repair of the mature mammalian myocardium following injury is impaired by the inability of the majority of cardiomyocytes to undergo cell division. We show that overexpression of the cyclin B1-CDC2 (cell division cycle 2 kinase) complex re-initiates cell division in adult cardiomyocytes. Thus strategies targeting the cyclin B1-CDC2 complex might re-initiate cell division in mature cardiomyocytes in vivo and facilitate myocardial regeneration following injury.


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Coronary artery disease is one of the most common heart pathologies. Restriction of blood flow to the heart by atherosclerotic lesions, leading to angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, damages the heart, resulting in impaired cardiac function. Damaged myocardium is replaced by scar tissue since surviving cardiomyocytes are unable to proliferate to replace lost heart tissue. Although narrowing of the coronary arteries can be treated successfully using coronary revascularisation procedures, re-occlusion of the treated vessels remains a significant clinical problem. Cell cycle control mechanisms are key in both the impaired cardiac repair by surviving cardiomyocytes and re-narrowing of treated vessels by maladaptive proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Strategies targeting the cell cycle machinery in the heart and vasculature offer promise both for the improvement of cardiac repair following MI and the prevention of restenosis and bypass graft failure following revascularisation procedures.


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Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is synthesised as an inactive precursor protein; this is cleaved to produce the mature peptide and a latency associated protein (LAP), which remains associated with the mature peptide until activation by LAP degradation. Isoform specific antibodies raised against the LAPs for TGF-β2and -β3were used to determine the myocardial levels of LAP (activatable TGF-β) and full length precursor (inactive TGF-β) forms during post-natal development in the rat. TGF-β2was present predominantly as the precursor in 2 day old myocardium. There was an age-dependent shift from precursor protein to LAP between 2 and 28 days. A corresponding increase in the level of mature (activatable) TGF-β2was found. TGF-β3was detected in significant quantities only as LAP. However, a four-fold increase in the expression of TGF-β3LAP was observed between 2 and 28 days. The substantial increases in activatable forms of TGF-β2and -β3that occur in myocardium during the first 28 days of life in the rat support a role for these proteins in post-natal cardiac development.


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We examined Na+–H+exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium and its correlation with sarcolemmal NHE activity in isolated ventricular myocytes, during postnatal development in the rat. The expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA did not change in ventricular myocardium between 2 and 42 days after birth. Therefore, at seven time points within that age range, GAPDH expression was used to normalize NHE-1 mRNA levels, as determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis. There was a progressive five-fold reduction in NHE-1 mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium from 2 days to 42 days of age. As an index of NHE activity, acid efflux rates (JH) were determined in single neonatal (2–4-day-old) and adult (42-day-old) ventricular myocytes (n=16/group) loaded with the pH fluoroprobe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1. In HEPES-buffered medium, basal intracellular pH (pHi) was similar at 7.28±0.02 in neonatal and 7.31±0.02 in adult myocytes, but intrinsic buffering power was lower in the former age group. The rate at which pHirecovered from a similar acid load was significantly greater in neonatal than in adult myocytes (0.36±0.07v0.16±0.02 pH units/min at pHi=6.8). This was reflected by a significantly greaterJH(22±4v9±1 pmol/cm2/s at pHi=6.8), indicating greater sarcolemmal NHE activity in neonatal myocytes. The concomitant reductions in tissue NHE-1 mRNA expression and sarcolemmal NHE activity suggest that myocardial NHE-1 is subject to regulation at the mRNA level during postnatal development.


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Objective Myocardial repair following injury in mammals is restricted such that damaged areas are replaced by scar tissue, impairing cardiac function. MRL mice exhibit exceptional regenerative healing in an ear punch wound model. Some myocardial repair with restoration of heart function has also been reported following cryoinjury. Increased cardiomyocyte proliferation and a foetal liver stem cell population were implicated. We investigated molecular mechanisms facilitating myocardial repair in MRL mice to identify potential therapeutic targets in non-regenerative species. Methods Expressions of specific cell-cycle regulators that might account for regeneration (CDKs 1, 2, 4 and 6; cyclins A, E, D1 and B1; p21, p27 and E2F5) were compared by immunoblotting in MRL and control C57BL/6 ventricles during development. Flow cytometry was used to investigate stem cell populations in livers from foetal mice, and infarct sizes were compared in coronary artery-ligated and sham-treated MRL and C57BL/6 adult mice. Key findings No differences in the expressions of cell cycle regulators were observed between the two strains. Expressions of CD34+Sca1+ckit-, CD34+Sca1+ckit+ and CD34+Sca1-ckit+ increased in livers from C57BL/6 vs MRL mice. No differences were observed in infarct sizes, levels of fibrosis, Ki67 staining or cardiac function between MRL and C57BL/6 mice. Conclusions No intrinsic differences were observed in cell cycle control molecules or stem cell populations between MRL and control C57BL mouse hearts. Pathophysiologically relevant ischaemic injury is not repaired more efficiently in MRL myocardium, questioning the use of the MRL mouse as a reliable model for cardiac regeneration in response to pathophysiologically relevant forms of injury.


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Adaptor proteins play an important role in signaling pathways by providing a platform on which many other proteins can interact. Malfunction or mislocalization of these proteins may play a role in the development of disease. Lipoma preferred partner (LPP) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling adaptor protein. Previous work shows that LPP plays a role in the function of smooth muscle cells and in atherosclerosis. In this study we wanted to determine whether LPP has a role in the myocardium. LPP expression increased by 56% in hearts from pressure overload aortic-banded rats (p < 0.05 n = 4), but not after myocardial infarction, suggesting hemodynamic load regulates its expression. In vitro, LPP expression was 87% higher in cardiac fibroblasts than myocytes (p < 0.05 n = 3). LPP expression was downregulated in the absence of the actin cytoskeleton but not when microtubules were disassembled. We mechanically stretched cardiac fibroblasts using the Flexcell 4000 for 48 h (1 Hz, 5% maximum strain), which decreased total LPP total expression and membrane localization in subcellular fractions (p < 0.05, n = 5). However, L-NAME, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly upregulated LPP expression. These findings suggest that LPP is regulated by a complex interplay between NO and mechanical cues and may play a role in heart failure induced by increased hemodynamic load.


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Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3, of which there are two isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta) was originally characterized in the context of regulation of glycogen metabolism, though it is now known to regulate many other cellular processes. Phosphorylation of GSK3alpha(Ser21) and GSK3beta(Ser9) inhibits their activity. In the heart, emphasis has been placed particularly on GSK3beta, rather than GSK3alpha. Importantly, catalytically-active GSK3 generally restrains gene expression and, in the heart, catalytically-active GSK3 has been implicated in anti-hypertrophic signalling. Inhibition of GSK3 results in changes in the activities of transcription and translation factors in the heart and promotes hypertrophic responses, and it is generally assumed that signal transduction from hypertrophic stimuli to GSK3 passes primarily through protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt). However, recent data suggest that the situation is far more complex. We review evidence pertaining to the role of GSK3 in the myocardium and discuss effects of genetic manipulation of GSK3 activity in vivo. We also discuss the signalling pathways potentially regulating GSK3 activity and propose that, depending on the stimulus, phosphorylation of GSK3 is independent of PKB/Akt. Potential GSK3 substrates studied in relation to myocardial hypertrophy include nuclear factors of activated T cells, beta-catenin, GATA4, myocardin, CREB, and eukaryotic initiation factor 2Bvarepsilon. These and other transcription factor substrates putatively important in the heart are considered. We discuss whether cardiac pathologies could be treated by therapeutic intervention at the GSK3 level but conclude that any intervention would be premature without greater understanding of the precise role of GSK3 in cardiac processes.


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BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) is secreted from bone marrow cells, which have been shown to improve systolic function after myocardial infarction (MI) in a clinical trial. FGF9 promotes cardiac vascularization during embryonic development but is only weakly expressed in the adult heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used a tetracycline-responsive binary transgene system based on the α-myosin heavy chain promoter to test whether conditional expression of FGF9 in the adult myocardium supports adaptation after MI. In sham-operated mice, transgenic FGF9 stimulated left ventricular hypertrophy with microvessel expansion and preserved systolic and diastolic function. After coronary artery ligation, transgenic FGF9 enhanced hypertrophy of the noninfarcted left ventricular myocardium with increased microvessel density, reduced interstitial fibrosis, attenuated fetal gene expression, and improved systolic function. Heart failure mortality after MI was markedly reduced by transgenic FGF9, whereas rupture rates were not affected. Adenoviral FGF9 gene transfer after MI similarly promoted left ventricular hypertrophy with improved systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality. Mechanistically, FGF9 stimulated proliferation and network formation of endothelial cells but induced no direct hypertrophic effects in neonatal or adult rat cardiomyocytes in vitro. FGF9-stimulated endothelial cell supernatants, however, induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via paracrine release of bone morphogenetic protein 6. In accord with this observation, expression of bone morphogenetic protein 6 and phosphorylation of its downstream targets SMAD1/5 were increased in the myocardium of FGF9 transgenic mice. CONCLUSIONS: Conditional expression of FGF9 promotes myocardial vascularization and hypertrophy with enhanced systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality after MI. These observations suggest a previously unrecognized therapeutic potential for FGF9 after MI.


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Doxorubicin is effective against breast cancer, but its major side effect is cardiotoxicity. The aim of this study was to determine whether the efficacy of doxorubicin on cancer cells could be increased in combination with PPARγ agonists or chrono-optimization by exploiting the diurnal cycle. We determined cell toxicity using MCF-7 cancer cells, neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts in this study. Doxorubicin damages the contractile filaments of cardiac myocytes and affects cardiac fibroblasts by significantly inhibiting collagen production and proliferation at the level of the cell cycle. Cyclin D1 protein levels decreased significantly following doxorubicin treatment indicative of a G1 /S arrest. PPARγ agonists with doxorubicin increased the toxicity to MCF-7 cancer cells without affecting cardiac cells. Rosiglitazone and ciglitazone both enhanced anti-cancer activity when combined with doxorubicin (e.g. 50% cell death for doxorubicin at 0.1 μM compared to 80% cell death when combined with rosiglitazone). Thus, the therapeutic dose of doxorubicin could be reduced by 20-fold through combination with the PPARγ agonists, thereby reducing adverse effects on the heart. The presence of melatonin also significantly increased doxorubicin toxicity, in cardiac fibroblasts (1 μM melatonin) but not in MCF-7 cells. Our data show, for the first time, that circadian rhythms play an important role in doxorubicin toxicity in the myocardium; doxorubicin should be administered mid-morning, when circulating levels of melatonin are low, and in combination with rosiglitazone to increase therapeutic efficacy in cancer cells while reducing the toxic effects on the heart.