965 resultados para multinational enterprises


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One of the key factors behind the growth in global trade in recent decades is an increase in intermediate input as a result of the development of vertical production networks (Feensta, 1998). It is widely recognized that the formation of production networks is due to the expansion of multinational enterprises' (MNEs) activities. MNEs have been differentiated into two types according to their production structure: horizontal and vertical foreign direct investment (FDI). In this paper, we extend the model presented by Zhang and Markusen (1999) to include horizontal and vertical FDI in a model with traded intermediates, using numerical general equilibrium analysis. The simulation results show that horizontal MNEs are more likely to exist when countries are similar in size and in relative factor endowments. Vertical MNEs are more likely to exist when countries differ in relative factor endowments, and trade costs are positive. From the results of the simulation, lower trade costs of final goods and differences in factor intensity are conditions for attracting vertical MNEs.


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Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) from developing countries is increasing. In the research on FDI, it has been considered that only competitive and productive firms can invest in foreign countries. However, since the differences in competitiveness and productivity between multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developed and developing countries have not been explicitly investigated, we cannot say whether MNEs from developing countries can or cannot survive in competition with MNEs from developed countries as well as against competitive and productive indigenous firms in host countries. To examine the activities of MNEs from developing countries, this study investigates Chinese firms in South Africa. It reveals that in order to compensate for the weak brand recognition of Chinese products and to expand sales, Chinese firms have mainly been making products that are sold under the brand names of indigenous South African firms. Chinese firms have expanded their business in South Africa relying on the business resources of indigenous firms in the host country. This indicates that business with indigenous firms is significant for MNEs from developing countries in boosting competitiveness.


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This paper uses firm-level data to examine the impact of chemical safety regulations imposed by importing countries such as RoHS and REACH on the production costs and export performance of firms in Malaysia and Vietnam. We find that in addition to the initial setup costs for compliance, EU RoHS and REACH implementation causes firms to incur additional variable production costs by requiring additional labor and capital expenditures of around 12% of the variable costs, respectively. We also find that compliance with RoHS and REACH significantly increases the probability of export. Furthermore, we find that compliance with EU RoHS and REACH helps firms to penetrate into a greater variety of countries. Also, we find that multinational enterprises and firms participating in global value chains generally exhibit better export performance and their costs rise less steeply.


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This paper examines the duration of intermediate goods imports and its determinants for Japanese affiliates in China. Our estimations, using a unique parent-affiliate-transaction matched panel dataset for a discrete-time hazard model over the 2000–2006 period, reveal that products with a higher upstreamness index, differentiated goods, and goods traded under processing trade are less likely to be substituted with local procurement. Firms located in more agglomerated regions with more foreign affiliates tend to shorten the duration of imports from the home country. For parent-firm characteristics, multinational enterprises that have many foreign affiliates or longer foreign production experience import intermediate goods for a longer duration.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar un modelo de gestión de responsabilidad social sustentado en estándares internacionales para las empresas del sector petrolero venezolano. Esta investigación no se suscribe a un modelo epistémico en particular, como forma parcializada de ver la realidad. Por el contrario, se realizó un abordaje holístico de la investigación, entendiendo el evento de estudio, la gestión de la responsabilidad social, como un evento integrado por distintas visiones de la relación empresa – sociedad. La holística se refiere a una tendencia que permite entender la realidad desde el punto de vista de las múltiples interacciones que la caracterizan. Corresponde a una actitud integradora como también a una teoría explicativa que se orienta hacia una comprensión contextual de los procesos, de los protagonistas y de los eventos. Desde la concepción holística se determinó que la investigación es de tipo proyectiva. Este tipo de investigación propone soluciones a una situación determinada a partir de un proceso de indagación. Implica describir, comparar, explicar y proponer alternativas de cambios, lo que da lugar a los estadios de investigación. En cuanto al diseño de la investigación, aplicando el ciclo holístico, se tiene un diseño que es univariable, transeccional contemporáneo y de fuente mixta. Univariable, porque se enfoca en la gestión de responsabilidad social. Transeccional contemporáneo, porque el evento se estudia en la actualidad y se realiza una sola medición de los datos. De fuente mixta, porque en los estadios descriptivo y explicativo se aplica un diseño de campo, al recolectar los datos directamente en las empresas objeto de estudio, mientras que para los estadios analítico y comparativo se aplica un diseño documental. Las técnicas de recolección de la información estuvieron constituidas por fuentes primarias provenientes de la observación directa, la revisión documental y la aplicación de un cuestionario estructurado tipo escala Likert. El análisis de los datos comprendió el análisis estadístico descriptivo, la estimación de la fiabilidad y el análisis de coeficientes de correlación y análisis de ruta, a través del software estadístico SPSS v.19.0 y AMOS v.20. En los estadios descriptivo y explicativo se estudió la gestión de la responsabilidad social en las empresas del sector petrolero. Los resultados indicaron que las empresas del sector petrolero actúan bajo los lineamientos trazados en el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional y de acuerdo con las políticas, directrices, planes y estrategias para el sector de los hidrocarburos, dictadas por el Ministerio de Energía y Petróleo. También incluyen el compromiso social y la política ambiental en su filosofía de gestión. Tienen en su estructura organizacional una gerencia de desarrollo social que gestiona la responsabilidad social. Las actividades de inversión social se presentan poco estructuradas y en ocasiones se improvisan ya que atienden a los lineamientos políticos del Estado y no a una política interna de sostenibilidad del negocio petrolero. En cuanto a la integralidad de la gestión las empresas no consideran la responsabilidad social en todas las áreas, por lo que deben ampliar su concepción de una gestión responsable, redefiniendo estructuras, estrategias y procesos, con una orientación hacia una gestión sustentable. En cuanto a los estadios analítico y comparativo aplicados al estudio de las guías y estándares internacionales de responsabilidad social, se determinó que en términos de la integralidad de la gestión las iniciativas que destacan son: en cuanto a los principios, las directrices para empresas multinacionales según la OCDE y el Libro Verde de la Unión Europea. En relación con las guías de implementación y control, el Global Reporting Initiative y la norma ISO 26000. Y en cuanto a los sistemas de gestión el Sistema de Gestión Ética y Responsable (SGE 21) y el Sistema de Gestión de Responsabilidad Social IQNET SR10. Finalmente se diseñó una estructura para la gestión integral de responsabilidad social basada en los estándares internacionales y en el concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Por tanto abarca el desarrollo social, el equilibrio ecológico y el crecimiento económico, lo que permite un desarrollo sinérgico. La originalidad del enfoque consistió en la comprensión de la investigación desde una concepción holística, que permitió la integración de las teorías que tratan el tema de la responsabilidad social a través de un abordaje estructurado. ABSTRACT The present research aims to design a model of social responsibility management underpinned by international standards for companies in the Venezuelan oil sector. This research is not framed in a particular epistemic model as a biased way of looking at reality. Instead, a holistic approach to the research was conducted, understanding the event under study, the management of social responsibility as an event composed of different views of the relationship between corporation and society. The term holistic refers to a trend in understanding the reality from the point of view of the multiple interactions that characterize it. It corresponds to an integrative as well as an explanatory theory that is oriented towards a contextual understanding of the processes, of the participants and of the events. From the holistic conception it was determined that this research is of a projective type. The research proposes solutions to a given situation from a process of inquiry. It implies describing, comparing, explaining and proposing alternative changes, which results in the different research stages. Regarding the research design, applying the holistic cycle, an univariate, contemporary cross-sectional and mixed source design is obtained. It is univariate, because it focuses on the management of social responsibility. It is contemporary cross-sectional, because the event is studied in the present time and a single measurement of data is performed. It relies on mixed source, because in the descriptive and explanatory stages a field design is applied when collecting data directly from the companies under study, while for the analytical and comparative stages applies a documentary design is applied. The data collection techniques were constituted by primary sources from direct observation, document review and the implementation of a structured Likert scale questionnaire. The data analysis comprised descriptive statistical analysis, reliability estimates and analysis of correlation and the path analysis through the SPSS v.19.0 and AMOS V.20 statistical software. In the descriptive and explanatory stages social responsibility management in the oil sector companies was studied. The results indicated that the oil companies operate under the guidelines outlined in the National Development Plan and in accordance with the policies, guidelines, plans and strategies for the hydrocarbons sector, issued by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. They also include the social commitment and the environmental policy in their management philosophy. They have in their organizational structure a social development management which deals with social responsibility. Corporate social investment is presented poorly structured and is sometimes improvised since they follow the policy guidelines of the state and not the internal sustainability policy of the oil business. As for the integrity of management companies they do not consider social responsibility in all areas, so they need to expand their conception of responsible management, redefining structures, strategies and processes, with a focus on sustainable management. As for the analytical and comparative stages applied to the study of international guidelines and standards of social responsibility, it was determined that, in terms of the comprehensiveness of management, the initiatives that stand out are the following: With respect to principles, the guidelines for multinational enterprises as indicated by OECD and the Green Paper of the European Union. Regarding the implementation and control guides, the Global Reporting Initiative and the ISO 26000 standard are relevant. And as for management systems the Ethics and Responsible Management System (SGE 21) and the IQNet SR10 Social responsibility management system have to be considered. Finally a framework for the comprehensive management of social responsibility based on international standards and the concept of sustainable development was designed. Hence, social development, ecological balance and economic growth are included allowing therefore a synergistic development. The originality of this approach is the understanding of research in a holistic way, which allows the integration of theories that address the issue of social responsibility through a structured approximation.


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Innovation and internationalization in services are key drivers of structural transformation, productivity growth and overall economic performance in Latin America. The services sector accounts for two thirds of the region’s GDP and provides over 60% of its employment. These shares are higher than in other developing regions, but still lower than in countries with higher levels of per capita income. The spread of information and communication technologies in Latin America over the past three decades has vastly enhanced both the tradability of services and the sector’s propensity to innovate. Long considered unrelated processes, both internationalization and innovation are today widely recognized as key and complementary sources of firm-level competitiveness and human capital enhancement. The advent of many novel types of business and consumer services is furthermore a key factor in the rising insertion of Latin American firms in regional and global value chains and transnational production networks, which are now the predominant form of organization of international production and trade. This volume explores three different levels of interaction between internationalization and innovation in the services sector in Latin America. Part I analyses the role of services in manufacturing and other sectors’ global value chains from a theoretical perspective, drawing on the experiences of Brazil and Mexico. Part II reviews innovation and internationalization policies and their effects on the performance of the services sector. Part III presents a series of case studies on innovation and internationalization linkages in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico. The book concludes that, in order for Latin American countries and firms to upgrade into services value chains, public and private initiatives must generate a host of regional public goods —enhanced investment climates, supply of skills, greater access to finance, improved protection of intellectual property, better value appropriation, enhanced efforts at standardization and quality certification— to strengthen the links between innovation and internationalization.


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This, the sixty-eighth edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, which corresponds to the year 2016, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic performance in 2015 and analyses trends in the first half of 2016, as well as the outlook for the rest of the year. It examines the external and internal factors influencing the region’s economic performance and highlights some of the macroeconomic policy challenges that have arisen in an external context of weak growth and high levels of uncertainty. Part II analyses the challenges that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face at the domestic and international levels in mobilizing financing for development. On the domestic front, slower growth and tighter fiscal restrictions pose significant challenges for the mobilization of resources. Externally, the classification of many of the region’s countries in the middle-income category limits their access to concessional external financing or international support. Part III of this publication may be accessed on the web page of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (www.eclac.org). It contains the notes relating to the economic performance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015 and the first half of 2016, together with their respective statistical annexes. The cut-off date for updating the statistical information in this publication was 30 June 2016.


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China attracted a record of US$52.7×109 in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the year 2002, surpassing the United States to become the world’s largest FDI recipient. China’s success in attracting FDI has received significant attention from academics. Several theoretical approaches have been developed to explain the determinants of FDI in China. However, it seems to be ignored that China has also become a growing provider of significant FDI to the rest the world. According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)’s 2004 report, as a developing country, replacing Japan, China has made the list of the expected top five home countries worldwide for the first time in terms of geographical coverage (2004–2005). Vietnam is second largest market and another emerging transition tiger in Southeast Asia. Both China and Vietnam were and are experiencing transitions from centrally planned economy to free market economy. This paper, therefore, attempts to explore the development of Chinese investment in Vietnam, analysing the main motives for, and characteristics of, Chinese Multinational Enterprises’ (MNEs) investment in Vietnam.


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Multinational enterprises are seen as vehicles for the international transfer of investment capital, protecting and increasing profits by transferring ownership advantages across national boundaries. As such, the argument often follows that foreign direct investment then exacerbates the monopoly problem in host countries, by increasing concentration and facilitating collusion. This paper however reveals the reverse, that inward investment into the U.K. acts to reduce concentration at the industry level, by increasing competitive pressures on domestic industry.


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There is a growing literature explaining foreign direct investment flows in terms of 'technology sourcing', whereby multinational firms invest in certain locations not to exploit their firm-specific assets in the host environment, but to access technology that is generated by host country firms. However, it is far from clear whether the literature has found significant evidence of such activity beyond a few isolated examples. This paper extends this work by allowing for the possibility of multinational enterprises (MNEs) sourcing technology not only from host country firms but also from each other within a host economy. The paper demonstrates that MNEs in the UK do indeed appropriate spillovers both from indigenous firms and from other foreign investors, but that there are also significant competition effects that act to reduce productivity in certain industries. The paper also explores which countries' affiliates gain most from technology sourcing in the UK, and which generate the greatest spillovers within the foreign-owned sector. © Scottish Economic Society 2005.


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Recent theoretical work points to the possibility of foreign direct investment motivated not by 'ownership' advantages which may be exploited by a multinational enterprise but by the desire to access the superior technology of a host nation through direct investment. To be successful, technology sourcing foreign direct investment hinges crucially on the existence of domestic-to-foreign technological externalities within the host country. We test empirically for the existence of such 'reverse spillover' effects for a panel of UK manufacturing industries. The results demonstrate that technology generated by the domestic sector spills over to foreign multinational enterprises, but that this effect is restricted to relatively research and development intensive sectors. There is also evidence that these spillover effects are affected by the spatial concentration of industry, and that learning-by-doing effects are restricted to sectors in which technology sourcing is unlikely to be a motivating influence.


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This paper presents differences in firm-level total factor productivity (TFP) across 22 manufacturing and 17 service industries in Germany over the period 1995–2004. It is an attempt to study whether and to what extent foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) are more productive relative to German firms. As well as distinguishing between foreign and domestic firms, we also distinguish between German MNEs and domestic firms that do not have any foreign presence. Controlling for endogeneity through semi-parametric techniques, our findings indicate considerable heterogeneity in firm performance across types of firms. The foreign/domestic distinction is not as clear cut as has been suggested elsewhere; multinationality is important in explaining productivity differences rather than foreignness.


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The majority of the literature about CBM is American in origin, and (inter alia) notes that there were differing uses of similar technology, indicating that context has an important role to play in the use of CBM. The literature maps the psychological effects of CBM in considerable detail, but only two published studies examine the context of CBM. These grounded results provide scant support for any systematic, quantitative, large scale analysis of computer based monitoring in the UK context. This thesis thus aims to systemically examine the context of CBM using discourse analysis. Forty four interviewees were theoretically sampled using a structured sample technique in four organizations. All were national or multinational enterprises. The interviews were semi structured in nature and divided into three sections. The first addressed the respondents' thoughts and perceptions about CBM, the second elicited talk about the departmental context (focusing the management - worker relationship), and the final section addressed the organizational context. The cases demonstrated variation in the use of CBM, measured according to the criteria of Westin (1987, 1988) and according to the interpretive repertoires used by the respondents in each case. Seven analytical categories of talk emerged from the data: three at the organizational level and four at the departmental level of analysis. Discourse analysis revealed two discrete interpretive repertories - the procedural and the substantive repertoires - in respondents' talk whose main variation occurred at the departmental level of analysis. Furthermore, patterns were found in the use of these repertories within cases and between categories. Between the cases, variation in the use of the repertories matched the between case variation according to the criteria of Westin. It would thus appear that the source of variation in the use of CBM lies in its context, more specifically in the relative emphasis of humanistic, interpersonal and idiosyncratic values within the management worker relationship.


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In the last few decades, the world has witnessed an enormous growth in the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI). The global stock of FDI reached US$ 7.5 trillion in 2003 and accounted for 11% of world Gross Domestic Product, up from 7% in 1990. The sales of multinational enterprises at around US$ 19 trillion were more than double the level of world exports. Substantial FDI inflows went into transition countries. Inflows into one of the region's largest recipient, the Russian Federation, almost doubled, enabling Russia to become one of the five top FDI destinations in 2005-2006. FDI inflows in Russia have increased almost threefold from 13.6% in 2003 to 35% in 2007. In 2003, these flows were twice greater than those into China; whilst in 2007 they were six times larger. Russia's FDI inflows were also about 2.5 times greater than those of Brazil. Efficient government institutions are argued by many economists to foster FDI and growth as a result. However, the magnitude of this effect has yet to be measured. This thesis takes a Political Economy approach to explore, empirically, the potential impact of malfunctioning governmental institutions, proxied by three indices of perceived corruption, on FDI stocks accumulation/distribution within Russia over the period of 2002-2004. Using a regional data-set it concentrates on three areas relating to FDI. Firstly, it considers the significance, the size and the sign of the impact of perceived corruption on accumulation of FDI stocks within Russia. Secondly, it quantifies the impact of perceived corruption on the volume of FDI stocks simultaneously estimating the impact of the investment in public capital such as telecommunications and transportation networks on FDI in the presence of corruption. In particular, it addresses the question whether more corrupt regions in Russia are also those that could have accumulated more of FDI stocks, and investigates whether those 'more corrupt' regions would have had lower level of public capital investment. Finally, it examines whether decentralisation increases or decreases corruption and whether a larger extent of decentralisation has a positive or negative impact on FDI (stocks). The results of three studies are as follows. Firstly, along with market potential, corruption is found to be one of the key factors in explaining FDI distribution within Russia between 2002 and 2004. Secondly, corruption on average is found to be related to FDI positively suggesting that it may act as speed money: to save their time foreign direct investors might be willing to bribe the regional authorities so to move in front of the bureaucratic lines. Thirdly, although when corruption is controlled for, the impact of the latter on unobservable FDI is found to be on average positive, no association between FDI and public investment is observed with the only exception of transportation infrastructure (i.e., railway). The results might suggest therefore that it is possible that not only regions with high levels of perceived corruption attract more FDI but also that expansions in public capital investments are not accompanied by an increase of the volume of FDI (stocks) in regions with high levels of corruption. This casts some doubt on the productivity of the investment in public capital in these regions as it might be that bureaucrats may prefer to use these infrastructural projects for rent extraction. Finally, we find decentralisation to have a significant and positive impact on both FDI stock accumulation and corruption, suggesting that local governments may spend more on public goods to make the area more attractive to foreign investors but at the same time they may be interested into extracting rents from foreign investors. These results support the idea that the regulation of FDI is associated with and facilitated by a larger public sector, which distorts competition and introduces opportunities for rent-seeking by particular economic and political factors.


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This thesis discusses and assesses the resources available to Asian entrepreneurs in the West Midlands' clothing industry and how they are used by these small businessmen in order to address opportunities in the market economy within the constraints imposed. The fashion industry is volatile and is dependent upon flexible firms which can respond quickly to shortrun production schedules. Small firms are best able to respond to this market environment. Production of jeans presents an interesting departure from the mainstream fashion industry. It is traditionally gared towards longrun production schedules where multinational enterprises have artificially diversified the market, promoting the 'right' brand name and have established control of the upper end of the market, whilst imports from Newly Developing Countries have catered for cheap copies at the lower end of the market. In recent years, a fashion element to jeans has emerged, thus opening a market gap for U.K. manufacturers to respond in the same way as for other fashion articles. A large immigrant population, previously serving the now declining factories and foundries of the West Midlands but, through redundancy, no longer a part of this employment sector, has ~5ponded to economic constraints and market opportunities by drawing on ethnic network resources for competitive access to labour, finance and contacts, to attack the emergent market gap. Two models of these Asian entrepreneurs are developed. One being somecne who has professionally and actively tackled the market gap and become established. These entrepreneurs are usually educated and have personal experience in business and were amongst the first to perceive opportunities to enter the industry, actively utilising their ethnicity as a resource upon which to draw for favorable access to cheap, flexible labour and capital. The second model is composed of later entrants to jeans manufacturing. They have less formal education and experience and have been pushed into self-employment by constraints of unemployment. Their ethnicity is passively used as a resource. They are more likely confined to the marginal activity of 'cut make and trim' and have little opportunity to increase profit margins, become estalished or expand.