994 resultados para mosquito type specimens


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PURPOSE: To analyze components of the deposits in the corneal flap interface of granular corneal dystrophy type II (GCD II) patients after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS: Four corneal GCD II specimens displaying disease exacerbation after LASIK were analyzed. Three of these specimens included the recipient corneal button after penetrating keratoplasty or deep lamellar keratoplasty for advanced GCD II after LASIK. The fourth specimen, a similar case of GCD II after LASIK, included the amputated corneal flap. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: Corneal stromal deposits in the LASIK flaps of all specimens were stained with 3 anti-transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) antibodies. The deposits displayed bright red color staining with Masson trichrome; however, negative staining was seen with Congo red, suggesting that hyaline is the main component localizing to the TGFBIp deposits rather than amyloid. CONCLUSIONS: Amorphous granular material deposited along the interface of the LASIK flap in GCD II corneas is composed mainly of hyaline deposits.


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Mosquito community composition in dynamic landscapes from the Atlantic Forest biome (Diptera, Culicidae). Considering that some species of Culicidae are vectors of pathogens, both the knowledge of the diversity of the mosquito fauna and how some environment factors influence in it, are important subjects. In order to address the composition of Culicidae species in a forest reserve in southern Atlantic Forest, we compared biotic and abiotic environmental determinants and how they were associated with the occurrence of species between sunset and sunrise. The level of conservation of the area was also considered. The investigation was carried out at Reserva Natural do Morro da Mina, in Antonina, state of Paraná, Brazil. We performed sixteen mosquito collections employing Shannon traps at three-hour intervals, from July 2008 to June 2009. The characterization of the area was determined using ecological indices of diversity, evenness, dominance and similarity. We compared the frequency of specimens with abiotic variables, i.e., temperature, relative humidity and pluviosity. Seven thousand four hundred ten mosquito females were captured. They belong to 48 species of 12 genera. The most abundant genera were Anopheles, Culex, Coquillettidia, Aedes and Runchomyia. Among the species, the most abundant was Anopheles cruzii, the primary vector of Plasmodium spp. in the Atlantic Forest. Results of the analyses showed that the abiotic variables we tested did not influence the occurrence of species, although certain values suggested that there was an optimum range for the occurrence of culicid species. It was possible to detect the presence of species of Culicidae with different epidemiologic profiles and habitat preference.


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Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that in recent decades has become a major international public health concern. Epidemic dengue fever reemerged in Brazil in 1981. Since 1990 more than one dengue virus serotype has been circulating in this tropical country and increasing rates of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been detected every year. Some evidence supports the association between the introduction of a new serotype and/or genotype in a region and the appearance of dengue hemorrhagic fever. In order to study the evolutionary relationships and possible detection of the introduction of new dengue virus genotypes in Brazil in the last years, we analyzed partial nucleotide sequences of 52 Brazilian samples of both dengue type 1 and dengue type 2 isolated from 1988 to 2001 from highly endemic regions. A 240-nucleotide-long sequence from the envelope/nonstructural protein 1 gene junction was used for phylogenetic analysis. After comparing the nucleotide sequences originally obtained in this study to those previously studied by others, and analyzing the phylogenetic trees, we conclude that, after the initial introduction of the currently circulating dengue-1 and dengue-2 genotypes in Brazil, there has been no evidence of introduction of new genotypes since 1988. The increasing number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases seen in Brazil in the last years is probably associated with secondary infections or with the introduction of new serotypes but not with the introduction of new genotypes.


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In this study, finite element analyses and experimental tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength of three different non-load carrying welded joints. The current codes and recommendations do not give explicit instructions how to consider degree of bending in loading and the effect of symmetry in the fatigue assessment of welded joints. The fatigue assessment is done by using effective notch stress method and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Transverse attachment and cover plate joints are analyzed by using 2D plane strain element models in FEMAP/NxNastran and Franc2D software and longitudinal gusset case is analyzed by using solid element models in Abaqus and Abaqus/XFEM software. By means of the evaluated effective notch stress range and stress intensity factor range, the nominal fatigue strength is assessed. Experimental tests consist of the fatigue tests of transverse attachment joints with total amount of 12 specimens. In the tests, the effect of both loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength is studied. Finite element analyses showed that the fatigue strength of asymmetric joint is higher in tensile loading and the fatigue strength of symmetric joint is higher in bending loading in terms of nominal and hot spot stress methods. Linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that bending reduces stress intensity factors when the crack size is relatively large since the normal stress decreases at the crack tip due to the stress gradient. Under tensile loading, experimental tests corresponded with finite element analyzes. Still, the fatigue tested joints subjected to bending showed the bending increased the fatigue strength of non-load carrying welded joints and the fatigue test results did not fully agree with the fatigue assessment. According to the results, it can be concluded that in tensile loading, the symmetry of joint distinctly affects on the fatigue strength. The fatigue life assessment of bending loaded joints is challenging since it depends on whether the crack initiation or propagation is predominant.


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L’histoire naturelle de l’infection anale par le virus du papillome de type 16 (VPH-16) est mal définie pour les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes (HARSAHs) VIH-séropositifs. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer l’association entre la charge épisomale et intégrée du VPH-16 et la progression de la néoplasie intraépithéliale anale (AIN). Les charges épisomales et intégrées du VPH-16 furent mesurées par PCR quantitatif en temps réel sur 665 spécimens anaux obtenus de 135 hommes VPH-16-positifs participant à l’étude prospective HIPVIRG (Human Immunodeficiency and Papilloma VIrus Research Group). Le grade de l’AIN fut déterminé sur des biopsies obtenues lors des anuscopies à haute résolution périodiques. L’intégration du VPH-16 fut confirmée par DIPS-PCR pour démontrer la présence de jonctions virales-cellulaires. La charge épisomale du VPH-16 [ratio de cote (OR) 1.5, intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95%=1.1–2.1], le nombre de types de VPH [OR 1.4 (IC 95%=1.1–1.8)] et le tabagisme actuel [OR 4.8 (IC 95%=1.3–18.6)], mais non la charge intégrée, furent associés aux lésions de haut-grade (AIN-2,3) après ajustement pour l’âge et le décompte des lymphocytes CD4. La charge épisomale du VPH-16 était le seul facteur prédictif de progression de l’AIN de bas-grade (AIN-1) vers l’AIN-2,3 [OR 8.0 (IC 95%=1.2–55.4)]. Les spécimens avec une charge épisomale du VPH-16 élevée étaient moins susceptibles de contenir de l’intégration [OR 0.5 (IC 95%=0.3–0.8)]. L’intégration du VPH-16 fut détectée en absence d’AIN, dans l’AIN-1 et dans l’AIN-2,3. L’analyse des jonctions virales-cellulaires ne permit pas d’identifier un site d’intégration spécifique.


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Ancient DNA (aDNA) research has long depended on the power of PCR to amplify trace amounts of surviving genetic material from preserved specimens. While PCR permits specific loci to be targeted and amplified, in many ways it can be intrinsically unsuited to damaged and degraded aDNA templates. PCR amplification of aDNA can produce highly-skewed distributions with significant contributions from miscoding lesion damage and non-authentic sequence artefacts. As traditional PCR-based approaches have been unable to fully resolve the molecular nature of aDNA damage over many years, we have developed a novel single primer extension (SPEX)-based approach to generate more accurate sequence information. SPEX targets selected template strands at defined loci and can generate a quantifiable redundancy of coverage; providing new insights into the molecular nature of aDNA damage and fragmentation. SPEX sequence data reveals inherent limitations in both traditional and metagenomic PCR-based approaches to aDNA, which can make current damage analyses and correct genotyping of ancient specimens problematic. In contrast to previous aDNA studies, SPEX provides strong quantitative evidence that C U-type base modifications are the sole cause of authentic endogenous damage-derived miscoding lesions. This new approach could allow ancient specimens to be genotyped with unprecedented accuracy.


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Five strains of an unusual Gram-negative, catalase-positive, oxidase-positive, coccobacillus-shaped bacterium isolated from the lungs and heart of pigs with pneumonia and pericarditis were characterized by phenotypic and molecular genetic methods. On the basis of cellular morphology and biochemical criteria, the isolates were tentatively assigned to the family Neisseriaceae, although they did not appear to correspond to any recognized genus or species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the five unidentified strains were phylogenetically highly related to each other and represent a hitherto unknown subline within the family Neisseriaceae. On the basis of both phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from pigs be classified as a novel genus and species within the family Neisseriaceae, for which the name Uruburuella suis gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of U. suis is 1258/02(T) (=CCUG 47806(T) =CECT 5685(T)).


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An exhibition of stencil letters from the 18th century to the present day. Co-curated by Eric Kindel and Fred Smeijers, the exhibition featured a wide selection of stencil letters in the context of historical artefacts, documents and ephemera, including stencil plates and stencilling devices, specimens and catalogues and patent inventions. The exhibition also introduced a series of new stencil fonts designed by Maurice Göldner, Pierre Pané-Farré and Fred Smeijers. The design of each font made reference to and was informed by the historical material.


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To study the impact of Amazonian forest fragmentation on the mosquito fauna, an inventory of Culicidae was conducted in the upland forest research areas of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project located 60 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The culicid community was sampled monthly between February 2002 and May 2003. CDC light traps, flight interception traps, manual aspiration, and net sweeping were used to capture adult specimens along the edges and within forest fragments of different sizes (1, 10, and 100 ha), in second-growth areas surrounding the fragments and around camps. We collected 5,204 specimens, distributed in 18 genera and 160 species level taxa. A list of mosquito taxa is presented with 145 species found in the survey, including seven new records for Brazil, 16 new records for the state of Amazonas, along with the 15 morphotypes that probably represent undescribed species. No exotic species [Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] were found within the sampled areas. Several species collected are potential vectors of Plasmodium causing human malaria and of various arboviruses. The epidemiological and ecological implications of mosquito species found are discussed, and the results are compared with other mosquito inventories from the Amazon region.


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Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia ( 1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, Sao Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on the literature and field data.


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Zaprionus vittiger Coquillett is the type species of the genus Zaprionus Coquillett. However, the species is only known from five old museum specimens collected from South Africa and Malawi. It has often been confused with many other Zaprionus species, especially with Z. spinipilus Chassagnard & McEvey, a widespread species in Africa known from Madagascar, Malawi, Ethiopia and Cameroon. We have recently collected flies from the type localities of both species (South Africa and Madagascar, respectively). This has prompted us to test the taxonomic boundaries of these two nominal species using molecular (the mitochondrial COII and the nuclear Amyrel genes), chromosomal, morphological (internal and external genitalia), and reproductive isolation analyses. The results suggest Z. spinipilus to be a junior synonym to Z. vittiger.


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Philodryas laticeps Werner, 1900 was previously known only from the holotype, which was believed to be lost during the World Wars. We found the holotype to be housed in the Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin and here redescribe it and report on three additional specimens from the collections of the Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo and Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin. We conclude that Philodryas oligolepis Gomes, 1921 and P. affinis Muller, 1928 are junior synonyms of Philodryas laticeps Werner, 1900. All specimens share the presence of a black mucosa surrounding the larynx and trachea in the floor of the mouth and distal rows of middle sized spines disposed in a typical ""V-shaped"" configuration on the asulcate surface of the hemipenial body, two uniquely derived features absent in all other species of the genus Philodryas. Intraspecific variation of external morphology, hemipenes, and coloration are documented.


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The adductor canal is a conical or pyramid-shaped pathway that contains the femoral vessels, saphenous nerve and a varying amount of fibrous tissue. It is involved in adductor canal syndrome, a claudication syndrome involving young individuals. Our objective was to study modifications induced by aging on the connective tissue and to correlate them to the proposed pathophysiological mechanism. The bilateral adductor canals and femoral vessels of four adult and five fetal specimens were removed en bloc and analyzed. Sections 12 mu m thick were obtained and the connective tissue studied with Sirius Red, Verhoeff, Weigert and Azo stains. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photomicrographs of the surfaces of each adductor canal were also analyzed. Findings were homogeneous inside each group. The connective tissue of the canal was continuous with the outer layer of the vessels in both groups. The pattern of concentric, thick collagen type I bundles in fetal specimens was replaced by a diffuse network of compact collagen bundles with several transversal fibers and an impressive content of collagen III fibers. Elastic fibers in adults were not concentrated in the thick bundles but dispersed in line with the transversal fiber system. A dynamic compression mechanism with or without an evident constricting fibrous band has been proposed previously for adductor canal syndrome, possibly involving the connective tissue inside the canal. The vessels may not slide freely during movement. These age-related modifications in normal individuals may represent necessary conditions for this syndrome to develop.


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Kazal-type inhibitors play several important roles in invertebrates, such as anticoagulant, vasodilator and antimicrobial activities. Putative Kazal-type inhibitors were described in several insect transcriptomes. In this paper we characterized for the first time a Kazal unique domain trypsin inhibitor from the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Previously, analyses of sialotranscriptome of A. aegypti showed the potential presence of a Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor, in female salivary glands, carcass and also in whole male, which we named AaTI (A. aegypti trypsin inhibitor). AaTI sequence showed amino acid sequence similarity with insect thrombin inhibitors, serine protease inhibitor from Litopenaeus vannamei hemocytes and tryptase inhibitor from leech Hirudo medicinalis (LDTI). In this work we expressed, purified and characterized the recombinant AaTI (rAaTI). Molecular weight of purified rAaTI was 7 kDa rAaTI presented dissociation constant (K(i)) of 0.15 and 3.8 nM toward trypsin and plasmin, respectively, and it weakly inhibited thrombin amidolytic activity. The rAaTI was also able to prolong prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time. AaTI transcription was confirmed in A. aegypti female salivary gland and gut 3 h and 24 h after blood feeding, suggesting that this molecule can act as anticoagulant during the feeding and digestive processes. Its transcription in larvae and pupae suggested that AaTI may also play other functions during the mosquito`s development. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The recovery and stability of DNA for the detection and genotyping of HPV in UCM-containing specimens, after exposure to denaturing reagents and stored for up to 2 years were evaluated. Samples were collected from 60 women who had cervical cytology specimens harboring cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3. All samples were stored in UCM and had been frozen at -20 degrees C following the addition of the denaturing reagent (sodium hydroxide) and the removal of the aliquot required for Hybrid Capture 2 testing for the identification of HPV DNA. The samples had been stored for 6, 12 and 24 months (20 samples for each storage time). HPV DNA extraction was performed according to a protocol designed specifically and the presence and quality of DNA was confirmed by human P-globin detection using the consensus primers G73 and G74. HPV DNA was amplified using the consensus primers PGMY09 and PGMY11, and reverse line-blot hybridization was used to detect type-specific amplicons for 37 HPV types. The DNA extracted from the denatured specimen was recovered in 57/60 (95%) of the samples. HPV DNA was detected in 56/57 (98%) of the recovered samples. Twenty-six of the 56 samples recovered (48%) were genotyped successfully. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.