141 resultados para mortgages


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The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs publishes an annual mortgage log report as a requirement of the South Carolina Mortgage Lending Act, which became effective on January 1, 2010. The mortgage log report analyzes the following data, concerning all mortgage loan applications taken: the borrower’s credit score, term of the loan, annual percentage rate, type of rate, and appraised value of the property. The mortgage log report also analyzes data required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, including the following information: the loan type, property type, purpose of the loan, owner/occupancy status, loan amount, action taken, reason for denial, property location, gross annual income, purchaser of the loan, rate spread, HOEPA status, and lien status as well as the applicant and co-applicant’s race, ethnicity, and gender.


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The first signs of a collapse in the U.S. mortgages market have proven to be more than the tip of the iceberg of unclear practices and financial products that leaded to the current economic crisis. In present-day time, when survey efforts and financial reforms are taking place, it sounds reasonable to explore the impact of the financial crisis on the Canadian economy, as it has been decidedly different from the American experience. It seems that Canadian financial systems have been largely distant from much of the financial storm. This document maintains that Canadian economic resistance is mainly attributable to a more conservative controlling environment, which minimized much of the questionable performance that drove out the world to the edge of financial crisis. Though it is not an exhaustive revision, this paper outlines the impacts of the economic crisis in Canada and highlights the basic factors that contributed to the Canadian experience.


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Los movimientos sociales son uno de los motores del cambio social. Organizaciones como la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) denuncian injusticias y cuestionan la construcción de significados sociales a través del discurso. Impulsan estrategias de automediación para, especialmente a través de las redes sociales, influir en la agenda mediática y el debate público. Mediante un análisis crítico del discurso cualitativo, nuestro objetivo es conocer si la PAH introduce sus temas y encuadres en la agenda mediática. Los resultados demuestran que este movimiento activista logra condicionar de qué se habla y también cómo se habla, obteniendo una cobertura favorable.


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Acquiring a disability in adulthood is associated with a reduction in mental health and access to secure and affordable housing is associated with better mental health. We hypothesised that the association between acquisition of disability and mental health is modified by housing tenure and affordability. We used twelve annual waves of data (2001-2012) (1913 participants, 13,037 observations) from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey. Eligible participants reported at least two consecutive waves of disability preceded by two consecutive waves without disability. Effect measure modification, on the additive scale, was tested in three fixed-effects linear regression models (which remove time-invariant confounding) which included a cross-product term between disability and prior housing circumstances: housing tenure by disability; housing affordability by disability and, in a sub-sample (896 participants 5913 observations) with housing costs, tenure/affordability by disability. The outcome was the continuous mental component summary (MCS) of SF-36. Models adjusted for time-varying confounders. There was statistical evidence that prior housing modified the effect of disability acquisition on mental health. Our findings suggested that those in affordable housing had a -1.7 point deterioration in MCS (95% CI -2.1, -1.3) following disability acquisition and those in unaffordable housing had a -4.2 point reduction (95% CI -5.2, -1.4). Among people with housing costs, the largest declines in MCS were for people with unaffordable mortgages (-5.3, 95% CI -8.8, -1.9) and private renters in unaffordable housing (-4.0, 95% CI -6.3, -1.6), compared to a -1.4 reduction (95% CI -2.1, -0.7) for mortgagors in affordable housing. In sum, we used causally-robust fixed-effects regression and showed that deterioration in mental health following disability acquisition is modified by prior housing circumstance with the largest negative associations found for those in unaffordable housing. Future research should test whether providing secure, affordable housing when people acquire a disability prevents deterioration in mental health.


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One of the ways the South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority fulfills this mission is through the purchase and servicing of mortgage loans. The 2007 Recession resulted in decreased revenues for the department while higher default, foreclosure and bankruptcy rates increased the department's manpower cost. The agency has since acquired different servicing software which complies with current industry regulations and is once again servicing the loans that it purchases. This project is to see if the department could improve any of their overall processes by using existing technologies and software to better utilize the new servicing system while minimizing manual tasks. This paper explores whether the existing Kofax Document Recognition system could improve this process and reduce overall employee time and effort?


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El Camino de Mulas, con excepción de las veredas y trillos precolombinos, fue el primero, y por muchos años el único camino para las comunicaciones interiores y exteriores. El camino fue construido ya en 1601 con el objeto de unir Cartago (en la  oriental de la Depresión Tectónica Central) con Tierra Firme (Panamá), pero también el camino contribuyo a unir Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Por el se transportaban los productos y materias primas hasta la feria de Portobelo y desde esta las mercaderías por el mismo camino hacia las colonias. El tráfico origino importantes ingresos públicos y con ellos fue posible pagar los gastos militares y administrativos de la provincia. Ejemplos de contratos de venta, hipotecas y opciones de compraventa, incluso por parte de eclesiásticos, son presentados en el trabajo. Sin embargo, la supresión de la feria en 1746, determinó la decadencia económica de Panamá, la reducción del tráfico de mulas a lo largo del camino y la subsecuente disminución y, finalmente, la desaparición de los impuestos, todo lo cual puede ser verificado en las cuencas de Tesoro Real de la provincia de Costa Rica.  ABSTRACT The Mule Trail, with exceptions to the Pre-colombian footpaths, was the first, and for many years the only, interior and international communications route. The trail was constructed in 1601 with the object being to link Cartago (in the Eastern Sub-Basin of the Central Tectonic Depression) with Tierra Firme (Panamá) but also the trail contributed in linking Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá because it permitted. The transportation of products and raw materials to the Portobelo fair and also allowed Spanish merchandise to arrive to the colonies. The traffic originated ingresses and with the money it was possible to pay the Administrative and Military debts of the province. Example of sales contracts, mortgages and buying and selling options, even used by the ecclesiastics, are presented in this essay.  Nevertheless, the suppression of the fair in 1746, determined the economic decadence of Panamá, the reduction of mule traffic over the trail and the subsequent diminish and finally disappearance of the accounting of the Royal Treasury of the Province of Costa Rica.