148 resultados para microbic invaders


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Do alien invasive species exhibit life history characteristics that are similar to those of native species that have become pests in their continent of origin? We compared eucalypt specialists that have become pests in Australian plantations (natives) to those that have established overseas (aliens) using 13 life history traits and found that although traits that support rapid population build-up were shared, overall, aliens and native colonisers differed significantly. Distance from source (New Zealand vs. other) had no significant effect, but species that established more than 50 years ago exhibited different life history traits from those that established within the last 50 years, possibly because of more effective quarantine. Native and alien eucalypt insect invaders differed predominantly in traits that facilitate long-distance movement (pathway traits), compared to traits that facilitate establishment and spread. Aliens had longer adult flight seasons, were smaller and more closely host-associated (cryptic eggs and larvae), had lower incidence of diapause (i.e. were more seasonally plastic) and more generations per year than natives. Thus, studies of species invasive within their country of origin can shed light on alien invasions.


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The analysis of system calls is one method employed by anomaly detection systems to recognise malicious code execution. Similarities can be drawn between this process and the behaviour of certain cells belonging to the human immune system, and can be applied to construct an artificial immune system. A recently developed hypothesis in immunology, the Danger Theory, states that our immune system responds to the presence of intruders through sensing molecules belonging to those invaders, plus signals generated by the host indicating danger and damage. We propose the incorporation of this concept into a responsive intrusion detection system, where behavioural information of the system and running processes is combined with information regarding individual system calls.


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Dendritic cells are antigen presenting cells that provide a vital link between the innate and adaptive immune system, providing the initial detection of pathogenic invaders. Research into this family of cells has revealed that they perform information fusion which directs immune responses. We have derived a Dendritic Cell Algorithm based on the functionality of these cells, by modelling the biological signals and differentiation pathways to build a control mechanism for an artificial immune system. We present algorithmic details in addition to experimental results, when the algorithm was applied to anomaly detection for the detection of port scans. The results show the Dendritic Cell Algorithm is successful at detecting port scans.


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The analysis of system calls is one method employed by anomaly detection systems to recognise malicious code execution. Similarities can be drawn between this process and the behaviour of certain cells belonging to the human immune system, and can be applied to construct an artificial immune system. A recently developed hypothesis in immunology, the Danger Theory, states that our immune system responds to the presence of intruders through sensing molecules belonging to those invaders, plus signals generated by the host indicating danger and damage. We propose the incorporation of this concept into a responsive intrusion detection system, where behavioural information of the system and running processes is combined with information regarding individual system calls.


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Abstract We present ideas about creating a next generation Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on the latest immunological theories. The central challenge with computer security is determining the difference between normal and potentially harmful activity. For half a century, developers have protected their systems by coding rules that identify and block specific events. However, the nature of current and future threats in conjunction with ever larger IT systems urgently requires the development of automated and adaptive defensive tools. A promising solution is emerging in the form of Artificial Immune Systems (AIS): The Human Immune System (HIS) can detect and defend against harmful and previously unseen invaders, so can we not build a similar Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for our computers? Presumably, those systems would then have the same beneficial properties as HIS like error tolerance, adaptation and self-monitoring. Current AIS have been successful on test systems, but the algorithms rely on self-nonself discrimination, as stipulated in classical immunology. However, immunologist are increasingly finding fault with traditional self-nonself thinking and a new 'Danger Theory' (DT) is emerging. This new theory suggests that the immune system reacts to threats based on the correlation of various (danger) signals and it provides a method of 'grounding' the immune response, i.e. linking it directly to the attacker. Little is currently understood of the precise nature and correlation of these signals and the theory is a topic of hot debate. It is the aim of this research to investigate this correlation and to translate the DT into the realms of computer security, thereby creating AIS that are no longer limited by self-nonself discrimination. It should be noted that we do not intend to defend this controversial theory per se, although as a deliverable this project will add to the body of knowledge in this area. Rather we are interested in its merits for scaling up AIS applications by overcoming self-nonself discrimination problems.


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We present ideas about creating a next generation Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on the latest immunological theories. The central challenge with computer security is determining the difference between normal and potentially harmful activity. For half a century, developers have protected their systems by coding rules that identify and block specific events. However, the nature of current and future threats in conjunction with ever larger IT systems urgently requires the development of automated and adaptive defensive tools. A promising solution is emerging in the form of Artificial Immune Systems (AIS): The Human Immune System (HIS) can detect and defend against harmful and previously unseen invaders, so can we not build a similar Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for our computers? Presumably, those systems would then have the same beneficial properties as HIS like error tolerance, adaptation and self-monitoring. Current AIS have been successful on test systems, but the algorithms rely on self-nonself discrimination, as stipulated in classical immunology. However, immunologist are increasingly finding fault with traditional self-nonself thinking and a new ‘Danger Theory’ (DT) is emerging. This new theory suggests that the immune system reacts to threats based on the correlation of various (danger) signals and it provides a method of ‘grounding’ the immune response, i.e. linking it directly to the attacker. Little is currently understood of the precise nature and correlation of these signals and the theory is a topic of hot debate. It is the aim of this research to investigate this correlation and to translate the DT into the realms of computer security, thereby creating AIS that are no longer limited by self-nonself discrimination. It should be noted that we do not intend to defend this controversial theory per se, although as a deliverable this project will add to the body of knowledge in this area. Rather we are interested in its merits for scaling up AIS applications by overcoming self-nonself discrimination problems.


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The process of biological invasion exposes a species to novel pressures, in terms of both the environments it encounters and the evolutionary consequences of range expansion. Several invaders have been shown to exhibit rapid evolutionary changes in response to those pressures, thus providing robust opportunities to clarify the processes at work during rapid phenotypic transitions. The accelerating pace of invasion of cane toads (Rhinella marina) in tropical Australia during its 80-year history has been well characterized at the phenotypic level, including common-garden experiments that demonstrate heritability of several dispersal-relevant traits. Individuals from the invasion front (and their progeny) show distinctive changes in morphology, physiology and behaviour that, in combination, result in far more rapid dispersal than is true of conspecifics from long-colonized areas. The extensive body of work on cane toad ecology enables us to place into context studies of the genetic basis of these traits. Our analyses of differential gene expression from toads from both ends of this invasion-history transect reveal substantial upregulation of many genes, notably those involved in metabolism and cellular repair. Clearly, then, the dramatically rapid phenotypic evolution of cane toads in Australia has been accompanied by substantial shifts in gene expression, suggesting that this system is well suited to investigating the genetic underpinnings of invasiveness.


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Understanding the mechanisms that afford invasive species their ecological success as important agents of global change is key to addressing their biodiversity impacts. Species invasions that occur on small islands are especially detrimental and suggest that invaders intensify their ecological impacts by exploiting novel ecological functions. However, it remains unknown whether such strong impacts are also a consequence of an invader's indirect effect (e.g. causing physiological stress or reproductive failure) on island species. Therefore, it is valuable to quantify the physiological mechanisms through which invasive species can exert indirect effects on the performance, and ultimately the fitness of island endemics. In this study, we investigated whether the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) caused indirect competitive impacts on the endemic Fijian ground frog (Platymantis vitiana) on the small (60 ha) Viwa Island, Fiji. We used large (4 × 10 000 m2), natural and replicated enclosures to monitor ground frog stress hormone levels, reproductive hormone cycle, body condition, breeding and survival in the presence/absence of the cane toad. We conducted monthly sampling to analyse annual patterns in testosterone for males, estradiol and progesterone for females, corticosterone for both sexes and body condition of ground frogs in replicated enclosures or natural habitats with high/low cane toad densities. We also measured survival and reproductive success of ground frogs in enclosures. Results showed that in both enclosures and natural habitats with high cane toad densities, ground frogs had a significant reduction in body condition, increased urinary corticosterone metabolites and suppressed sex steroid metabolites. Most importantly, annual field surveys showed significant reduction in ground frog reproductive success (fewer eggs were laid in enclosures with toads present); however, survival was not severely reduced. Our study clearly demonstrated that on small islands, invasive species may exploit broader ecological roles with strong indirect effects that amplify their impacts beyond those seen on continents. Overall, the effects of cane toad competition had the capacity to strongly reduce ground frog reproductive success. We strongly advocate management actions that either minimize invasion or limit the strength of invasive-native species interactions (e.g. through habitat conservation) to prevent further extinctions on islands.


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Biological invasions are acknowledged among the main drivers of global changes in biodiversity. Despite compelling evidence of species interactions being strongly regulated by environmental conditions, there is a dearth of studies investi-gating how the effects of non-native species vary among areas exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Focusing on marine macroalgae, we performed a meta-analysis to test whether and how the direction and magnitude of their effects on resident communities and species varies in relation to cumulative anthropogenic impact levels. The relationship between human impact levels and non-native species impact intensity emerged only for a reduced subset of the response variables examined. Yet, there was a trend for the effects of non-native species on community biomass and abundance and on species abundance to become less negative at heavily impacted sites. By contrast, the magnitude of negative effects of seaweed on community evenness tended to increase with human impact levels. The hypothesis of decreasing severity of invader’ impacts along a gradient of habitat degradation was also tested experimentally at a regional scale by comparing the effects of the removal of non-native alga,
Caulerpa cylindracea, on resident assemblages among rocky reefs exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Assemblages at urban and pristine site did not differ when invaded, but did so when C. cylindracea was removed. Our results suggest that, despite the generally weak relationship between human impacts levels and non-native species impacts, more negative impacts can be expected in less stressful environments (i.e. less degraded or pristine sites), where competitive interactions are presumably the driving force structuring resident communities. Implementing strategies for controlling the establishment of non-native seaweeds should be, thus, considered a priority for preserving biodiversity in relatively pristine areas. On the other hand, control of invaders at degraded sites could be warranted to lessen their role as propagule sources


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Biological invasions often occur through expansion of satellite populations that become established at 'invasion hubs'. Invasion hubs can result from random dispersal events, but frequently arise when invading individuals actively choose habitats using cues that signify high-quality environments where the fitness consequences are positive. Theoretical studies suggest that targeted control at invasion hubs can effectively suppress the populations and impacts of invaders. In arid Australia, small dams that provide water for livestock function as invasion hubs by providing an invasive vertebrate, the cane toad Rhinella marina, with refuge from extreme aridity during the annual dry season. Toads are attracted to dams and use them as stepping stone habitats from which they disperse during rainy periods. Here, we ask whether sustained control of this invasive vertebrate can be achieved by converting invasion hubs into ecological traps. We did this by manipulating invasion hub habitats to induce a mismatch between toads' habitat preference and the fitness consequences of their habitat choice to cause high mortality. We constructed fences to exclude toads from dams and maintained these fences for 1 year. This period encompassed periods of dry and wet seasonal climatic conditions. Our manipulation did not alter the attractive cues for invading toads which died en masse while attempting to settle at fenced dams that prevented toads from reaching water. Toad populations at the fenced dams were suppressed by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared to unfenced controls and procedural controls. Toad populations remained suppressed for a year after exclusion. By excluding toads from dams, we converted invasion hubs into ecological traps and effectively thwarted the reinvasion of cane toads. Our research suggests that water exclusion devices could be used to prevent toad invasion or to control cane toad populations in arid landscapes colonized by toads. Synthesis and applications. Our study demonstrates that sustained control of invader populations can be achieved by restricting their access to invasion hubs. Control of invasive species via elimination of invasion hubs could be conducted reactively, to control established populations of invaders, or conducted strategically, by rendering invasion hubs unsuitable for colonization ahead of the invasion front to prevent further population spread.


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The difficulty in teasing apart the effects of biological invasions from those of otheranthropogenic perturbations has hampered our understanding of the mechanismsunderpinning the global biodiversity crisis. The recent elaboration of global-scalemaps of cumulative human impacts provides a unique opportunity to assess howthe impact of invaders varies among areas exposed to different anthropogenicactivities. A recent meta-analysis has shown that the effects of invasive seaweeds onnative biota tend to be more negative in relatively pristine than in human-impactedenvironments. Here, we tested this hypothesis through the experimental removalof the invasive green seaweed, Caulerpa cylindracea, from rocky reefs across theMediterranean Sea. More specifically, we assessed which out of land-based andsea-based cumulative impact scores was a better predictor of the direction andmagnitude of the effects of this seaweed on extant and recovering native assemblages.Approximately 15 months after the start of the experiment, the removal ofC. cylindracea from extant assemblages enhanced the cover of canopy-formingmacroalgae at relatively pristine sites. This did not, however, result in major changesin total cover or species richness of native assemblages. Preventing C. cylindraceare-invasion of cleared plots at pristine sites promoted the recovery of canopyformingand encrusting macroalgae and hampered that of algal turfs, ultimatelyresulting in increased species richness. These effects weakened progressively withincreasing levels of land-based human impacts and, indeed, shifted in sign at theupper end of the gradient investigated. Thus, at sites exposed to intense disturbancefrom land-based human activities, the removal of C. cylindracea fostered the coverof algal turfs and decreased that of encrusting algae, with no net effect on speciesrichness. Our results suggests that competition from C. cylindracea is an importantdeterminant of benthic assemblage diversity in pristine environments, but less so inspecies-poor assemblages found at sites exposed to intense disturbance from landbasedhuman activities, where either adverse physical factors or lack of propagulesmay constrain the number of potential native colonizers. Implementing measures toreduce the establishment and spread of C. cylindracea in areas little impacted byland-based human activities should be considered a priority for preserving thebiodiversity of Mediterranean shallow rocky reefs.


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Research on invasion biology has been largely dominated by studies on the ecological effects of invasion events, although recently, evolutionary processes have been shown to be important to invasion success. This is largely attributed to novel genomic tools that provide new opportunities to unravel the natural history, taxonomy, and invasion pathways of invasive species, as well as the genetic basis of adaptive traits that allow them to expand within and beyond their native range. Despite these advances and the growing literature of genomic research on terrestrial pests, these tools have not been widely applied to marine invasive species. This is in part due to the perception that high levels of dispersal and connectivity in many invasive marine species can limit the opportunity for local adaptation. However, there is growing evidence that even in species with high dispersal potential, significant site-specific adaptation can occur. We review how these “omic” tools provide unprecedented opportunities to characterise the role of adaptive variation, physiological tolerance, and epigenetic processes in determining the success of marine invaders. Yet, rapid range expansion in invasions can confound the analysis of genomic data, so we also review how data should be properly analysed and carefully interpreted under such circumstances. Although there are a limited number of studies pioneering this research in marine systems, this review highlights how future studies can be designed to integrate ecological and evolutionary information. Such datasets will be imperative for the effective management of marine pests.


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ResumenEstudia el proceso que condujo a la consagración de Atlacatl el cacique indígena que lideró la resistencia de los habitantes de Cuscatlán frente a los invasores españoles, como héroe nacional, hacia fines de la década de 1920AbstractThe author studies the process which led to the elevations of Atlacatl, the indigenous chieftain who lead the resistance of the inhabitants of Cuscatlán against the spanish invaders, to the status of national hero towards the en of the 1920s