967 resultados para metodo parametrice operatori parabolici Fokker Planck


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Il metodo Rességuier presenta degli aspetti di grande interesse teorico che implicano un ripensamento dei concetti cardine su cui si basa l’idea di cura e di terapia. Con questo scritto intendo analizzarli per sommi capi in modo tale da approfondire le basi filosofiche su cui tale metodo sembra riposare. Questa analisi ha come obiettivo da una parte un approfondimento del metodo che porti ad una migliore comprensione della sua pratica, dall’altra una riflessione che, partendo dal metodo stesso, vada a interrogarsi sulle idee filosofiche che sono da sempre state alla base della medicina. [...]


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Se trata de un estudio matemático sobre proyecciones octogonales. En el se analizan las diversas posibilidades y variables y se concluye con las posibles soluciones a aplicar al nuevo modelo vectorial.


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Proyectar el método Ramain al campo de los deficientes. 30 sujetos, divididos en dos grupos, normales de 7 y 8 años de edad y subnormales de 6 a 8 años. Explica la historia y situación del método Ramain, expone las bases del mismo, analiza los principios y fundamentos del método, lo que es el ejercicio, el papel del educador y los prolongamientos del método, y después realiza un trabajo experimental aplicando algunos de los ejercicios del método Ramain para confrontar los resultados entre un grupo de sujetos normales y otro de sujetos subnormales. Método Ramain. El grupo de normales realizó los siguientes ejercicios del método Ramain : dibujo copiado, laberinto, dictados mudos, ejercicios de destreza, gráficos musculares y trabajos con alambre. Mientras que al grupo de subnormales se le aplicaron los siguientes : dibujo copiado, trabajo con alambres, ejercicios de destreza y ejercicios gráficos musculares. 1) En el ejercicio de dibujo copiado, el grupo de normales realiza una estructuración aceptable para su edad, aunque hay algunos ejercicios que no llegan a captar ni a encuadrar el dibujo. Mientras que el grupo de subnormales no tiene en cuenta la cuadrícula de la hoja y por tanto la realización del ejercicio no se hace por puntos. La estructuración espacial necesitaría de bastante ejercicio para desarrollarla en lo que se refiere a las medidas que van de punto a punto. 2) En el ejercicio de trabajos con alambres, el grupo de normales lo realizó de forma satisfactoria y los niños lograron doblar el alambre con bastante perfección. Lo cual indica dominio de un útil como es el alambre, apreciación visual y buena transposición de la figura realizada al papel. Mientras que en el grupo de subnormales, se observa más tendencia a cerrar las figuras y a distorsionar los trazos debido al menor dominio de manos para doblar el alambre, la apreciación visual es más inferior que en el grupo normal. 3) En los ejercicios de destreza, el grupo de normales no sigue el espacio de las cuadrículas, los trazos están un poco distorsionados pero se pueden considerar como normales para su edad. En algunos casos no llegan a captar la estructuración del óvalo llegando a juntar los trazos. Mientras que en el grupo de subnormales, los sujetos no llegan a captar la amplitud del trazo, acabando a veces en un simple garabato, no siguen la línea del cuadro y los trazos se montan unos en otros, lo que significa que no tienen un dominio motriz en las manos ni una clara ideas de las distancias entre trazo y trazo. 4) En los ejercicios gráficos, el grupo de normales al utilizar la mano derecha obtiene una mayor fijación del trazo, mayor dominio, rapidez y calidad del mismo y existe una mayor comprensión de hacer el trazo guiándose por la cuadrícula, mientras que con la mano izquierda el trazo se ve más difuso, hay menor dominio en el movimiento psicomotriz al mover el lápiz, y como consecuencia, el trazo se ve menos fijo y con menor calidad que la mano derecha. En el grupo de los subnormales también se aprecia la diferencia entre manos, pero menos que en el grupo normal, pues la mayoría de los de esta muestra tienen igual desarrollo en ambas manos pero no llegan a captar como los normales el relieve exacto del ejercicio. 1) El método Ramain es un método de preformación educativa de base, ya que prepara al individuo para una posterior realización de trabajos o aptitudes. El centro del método es la idea de estructuración recíproca del sujeto y el mundo que le rodea. 2) El método Ramain posibilita una preparación al aprendizaje e intenta conseguir una progresiva conquista de sí mismo. En la realización del ejercicio importa sobre todo el carácter personal de la experiencia. 3) El papel del educador consiste en ayudar al alumno a ponerse en la situación determinada, a facilitar el desarrollo de su experiencia y a estructurarla poco a poco. 4) Simone Ramain, el creador del citado método, ha utilizado una pedagogía que individualiza la educación utilizando la presencia del grupo. 5) El método Ramain puede utilizarse en la reeducación de subnormales, sin olvidar que el cociente intelectual condiciona en gran parte el dominio de los ejercicios.


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The correlated k-distribution (CKD) method is widely used in the radiative transfer schemes of atmospheric models and involves dividing the spectrum into a number of bands and then reordering the gaseous absorption coefficients within each one. The fluxes and heating rates for each band may then be computed by discretizing the reordered spectrum into of order 10 quadrature points per major gas and performing a monochromatic radiation calculation for each point. In this presentation it is shown that for clear-sky longwave calculations, sufficient accuracy for most applications can be achieved without the need for bands: reordering may be performed on the entire longwave spectrum. The resulting full-spectrum correlated k (FSCK) method requires significantly fewer monochromatic calculations than standard CKD to achieve a given accuracy. The concept is first demonstrated by comparing with line-by-line calculations for an atmosphere containing only water vapor, in which it is shown that the accuracy of heating-rate calculations improves approximately in proportion to the square of the number of quadrature points. For more than around 20 points, the root-mean-squared error flattens out at around 0.015 K/day due to the imperfect rank correlation of absorption spectra at different pressures in the profile. The spectral overlap of m different gases is treated by considering an m-dimensional hypercube where each axis corresponds to the reordered spectrum of one of the gases. This hypercube is then divided up into a number of volumes, each approximated by a single quadrature point, such that the total number of quadrature points is slightly fewer than the sum of the number that would be required to treat each of the gases separately. The gaseous absorptions for each quadrature point are optimized such that they minimize a cost function expressing the deviation of the heating rates and fluxes calculated by the FSCK method from line-by-line calculations for a number of training profiles. This approach is validated for atmospheres containing water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone, in which it is found that in the troposphere and most of the stratosphere, heating-rate errors of less than 0.2 K/day can be achieved using a total of 23 quadrature points, decreasing to less than 0.1 K/day for 32 quadrature points. It would be relatively straightforward to extend the method to include other gases.


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The predictability of high impact weather events on multiple time scales is a crucial issue both in scientific and socio-economic terms. In this study, a statistical-dynamical downscaling (SDD) approach is applied to an ensemble of decadal hindcasts obtained with the Max-Planck-Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) to estimate the decadal predictability of peak wind speeds (as a proxy for gusts) over Europe. Yearly initialized decadal ensemble simulations with ten members are investigated for the period 1979–2005. The SDD approach is trained with COSMO-CLM regional climate model simulations and ERA-Interim reanalysis data and applied to the MPI-ESM hindcasts. The simulations for the period 1990–1993, which was characterized by several windstorm clusters, are analyzed in detail. The anomalies of the 95 % peak wind quantile of the MPI-ESM hindcasts are in line with the positive anomalies in reanalysis data for this period. To evaluate both the skill of the decadal predictability system and the added value of the downscaling approach, quantile verification skill scores are calculated for both the MPI-ESM large-scale wind speeds and the SDD simulated regional peak winds. Skill scores are predominantly positive for the decadal predictability system, with the highest values for short lead times and for (peak) wind speeds equal or above the 75 % quantile. This provides evidence that the analyzed hindcasts and the downscaling technique are suitable for estimating wind and peak wind speeds over Central Europe on decadal time scales. The skill scores for SDD simulated peak winds are slightly lower than those for large-scale wind speeds. This behavior can be largely attributed to the fact that peak winds are a proxy for gusts, and thus have a higher variability than wind speeds. The introduced cost-efficient downscaling technique has the advantage of estimating not only wind speeds but also estimates peak winds (a proxy for gusts) and can be easily applied to large ensemble datasets like operational decadal prediction systems.


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As últimas décadas têm apresentado significativas mudanças no cenário intercapitalista mundial. Especialmente após a popularização internacional das filosofias e técnicas japonesas de gestão, partindo do Sistema Toyota de Produção, muitos estudos e metodologias têm sido desenvolvidos na busca da racionalização dos processos produtivos. Basicamente estes estudos foram centrados nas características da indústria de forma, vale dizer, bens de capital e bens duráveis de consumo. Neste sentido, surge um natural questionamento sobre a aplicabilidade destes conceitos e técnicas a outros tipos de processos produtivos, especialmente no caso da indústria de propriedade contínua, muitas vezes identifica da como indústria de transformação (incluindo refino de petróleo, petroquímica, papel e celulose, energia elétrica e outras), pelas características específicas apresentadas pela mesma. Assim, a presente dissertação analisa diferentes metodologias desenvolvidas para a indústria de forma, avaliando a possibilidade de aplicação de seus conceitos à indústria de propriedade contínua. Posteriormente, desenvolve um modelo analítico mais apropriado à realidade e característica deste tipo de indústria. A seguir, baseado nas conclusões do modelo analítico desenvolvido, estabelece os conceitos básicos de um modelo de gestão dos processos produtivos da indústria de propriedade contínua. Finalizando, são apresentadas as conclusões relativas à aplicação das diferentes metodologias, e em especial dos modelos desenvolvidos, à indústria de propriedade de produção contínua.


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Human oxyhaemoglobin A and A2 from normal individuals and oxyhaemoglobin S from patients with sickle cell anaemia and sickle cell trait were studied using Isopropanol/buffer method at 37°C and 40°C. Hb S was less stable than Hb A, whereas Hb A2 was considerably more stable than either. Denaturation of Hb S was dependent on temperature and its concentration. Between the patients with sickle cell trait it was not possible to verify the influence of the concentration probably due to the small range used (from 38% to 44%).


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Examines the historiography of the geographical ideas in Brazil starting from the analysis of Monbeig's work which has two essential elements: the positivist-functionalist discourse, and the ideals of the politic liberalism that are his main preoccupation. The preoccupation of geography as a science is constant in all his discourse. -English summary


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This piece of work focuses the application of a computational method to obtain clinographic maps, by using C.K. Wentworth's method. The developed program to construct the clinographic maps is completely structured in Basic Language and it uses Line PC Micro-Computers. As an exercise for practical application, in this study we defined a certain region, where the topographic base map is that of Brazil, 1:250 000 scale, Marilia contour map, having as the study area the region near the city of Assis (SP). -English summary


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This paper discusses, within the prevaling Brazilian situation, the possibility of applying 'Causal Tree' (CT) method in investigating occupational accidents by safety personnel in the public health services and workers' unions. The method was developed during the seventies in France, for use by plant safety personnel. The authors used this method in Botucatu, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to investigate 40 serious occupational accidents that occurred in industrial plants during the second half of 1993, that had been registered by Social Security. In these cases, the predominance of situations in which the lack of safety measures were identified by inspection indicates that in most instances, the use of CT is unnecessary. However, the authors discuss its use by safety personnel from the public health services and workers' unions to investigate certain accidents to contribute to the knowledge base and help overcome the cultural based guilt which, in Brazil, has turned the victim into the person responsible for the accident.