903 resultados para mental work ability


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This paper examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in four mental health professions, namely clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. Despite the widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and the large quantity of literature on the topic, there is very little empirical evidence in this area. It is not clear whether supervision actually produces a change in clinician behaviour, nor whether it produces benefits in terms of client outcomes. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, to date, we have little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, the paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.


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Stress and burnout for human service workers has received increasing attention over a number of years. It has been suggested that health care professionals may be particularly at risk of stress and burnout because of the amount and type of direct client contact that makes up their work. For workers in the field of mental health, additional stressors are present owing to organisational restructuring and new models of care. Mental health occupational therapists may be vulnerable to stress and burnout owing to the nature of their work, the types of client they see, the changed work environment and professional issues. It is recommended that occupational therapists become aware of the factors contributing to stress and burnout and develop strategies to maintain their wellbeing in the workforce.


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Occupational stress and burnout have been studied extensively in the human services. It has been suggested that healthcare professionals in particular are at risk of stress owing to the caring nature of their work. Articles related to occupational therapy and work-related stress were reviewed in regard to practice in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and Sweden. Although the empirical literature is relatively weak for occupational therapy, it has been argued that occupational therapists in health care share risk factors with other healthcare professionals. These risk factors include repeated exposure to distress and difficult behaviour, prolonged interventions and uncertain outcome. Issues such as professional status, staffing issues and the nature of the profession have been identified as additional risk factors for occupational therapists. However, empirical studies that enable burnout rates of occupational therapists to be compared with those of related occupational groups suggest that this may not be the case. Occupational therapists may in fact be protected from some stress and burnout factors. Further research is recommended to clarify the nature of stress experienced by occupational therapists and to identify both risk and protective factors characteristic of the profession. Copyright © 2001 Whurr Publishers Ltd.


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Stress and burnout for health care professionals have received increasing attention in the literature. Significant administrative, societal and political changes have impacted on the role of workers and the responsibilities they are expected to assume. Most writers suggest that social work is a highly stressful occupation, with stress deriving in particular from role conflict between client advocacy and meeting agency needs. This article reviewed the social work literature with two questions in mind: Are social workers subject to greater stress than other health professionals? What factors contribute to stress and burnout among social workers? We found that most of the literature was either anecdotal or compared social worker stress with general population norms rather than with stress levels of workers in comparable professions. Such empirical research as is available suggests that social workers may experience higher levels of stress and resulting burnout than comparable occupational groups. Factors identified as contributing to stress and burnout included the nature of social work practice, especially tension between philosophy and work demands and the organization of the work environment. There was some evidence that supervision and team support are protective factors.


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The results of two independent surveys of professionals working in government-funded adult community mental health services were examined with a view to considering how psychologists rate their capacities as mental health case managers. Professional competency and personal efficacy self-report profiles for psychologists were compared with those of other professionals in related roles. The results obtained suggested that psychologists identified their strengths as being in traditional practice roles as individual clinicians. Relative to other professions, psychologists reported weaknesses in team and community-focused practice roles. The implications for professional practice and training are discussed.


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Mental health reform in the western developed world has resulted in new models of care and changed work practices for all mental health professionals. Occupational therapists, as with other mental health professionals, have been required to assume new roles and responsibilities. Literature from the United Kingdom has reflected concern about this new way of working. The aim of this exploratory study was to examine the current work practices of and issues faced by Australian mental health occupational therapists. One hundred and forty-eight respondents (74%) answered an occupational therapy practice in mental health questionnaire. The results from this survey suggest that there are two quite distinct groups of occupational therapists working in mental health settings in Australia. One group works as rehabilitation therapists in traditional activity-focused work roles. The other group works as case manager therapists and employs a much broader spectrum of clinical and support roles. The issues facing therapists include the development and maintenance of a clearly defined role, generic case management versus discipline-specific roles, recruitment and retention, the need for research and evidence-based practice, professional standing, and education and professional development. The concerns over the role of occupational therapy in mental health were similar to those in previous British studies. The implications of these findings include a need for education and training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to equip mental health occupational therapists with both discipline-specific and generic skills.


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Are humans alone in their ability to reminisce about the past and imagine the future? Recent evidence suggests that food-storing birds (scrub jays) have access to information about what they have stored where and when. This has raised the possibility of mental time travel (MTT) in animals and sparked similar research with other species. Here we caution that such data do not provide convincing evidence for MTT. Examination of characteristics of human MTT (e.g. non-verbal declaration, generativity, developmental prerequisites) points to other avenues as to how a case for animal MTT could be made. In light of the current lack of evidence, however, we maintain that MTT is a uniquely human characteristic.


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Esta pesquisa de mestrado teve como principal objetivo investigar estratégias de cálculo mental, utilizadas por alunos de uma 5ª série/6º ano do ensino fundamental ao resolver cálculos de adição e subtração. Para atingir este objetivo procuramos responder aos questionamentos: Quais estratégias de cálculo mental, alunos da 5ª série/6º ano empregam na resolução de cálculos de adição e subtração? Que relações existem entre o tipo de cálculo envolvido e a estratégia adotada para resolvê-lo? Para respondermos a essas questões, seguimos uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, configurada como estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico. O trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido em uma turma de 5ª série/6º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da rede estadual de ensino do município de Serra. A pesquisa aconteceu de maio a dezembro de 2013. Oito alunos resolveram uma atividade diagnóstica composta de quatro sequências de cálculos mentais, a saber, fatos fundamentais do número 5, do número 10, do número 20 e do número 100, dentre adições e subtrações próximas a esses resultados. Todos alunos participaram da etapa de entrevistas. Dos oito alunos, foram escolhidos dados de três que participaram de outras etapas da pesquisa. Os registros realizados pelos alunos na etapa de observação da turma, na etapa diagnóstica e na etapa de intervenção didática, as anotações no caderno de campo e algumas gravações em áudio serviram como fontes de coleta de dados. Utilizamos as estratégias identificadas por Beishuizen (1997), Klein e Beishuizen (1998), Thompson (1999, 2000) e Lucangeli et al. (2003), como categorias de análise. Através da análise de dados, constatamos que as escolhas das estratégias de cálculo mental pelos alunos variaram de acordo com o tipo de sequência de cálculos, a operação aritmética (adição ou subtração) e o estado emocional deles durante a atividade. Foi possível identificar o uso de duas estratégias combinadas, o algoritmo mental e estratégias de contagens nos dedos para grande parte dos cálculos. O uso do algoritmo mental mostrou-se um procedimento de grande sobrecarga mental e, em alguns cálculos de adição sem reserva, serviu apenas como apoio à visualização numérica, sendo executado pelo aluno da esquerda para a direita, semelhantemente à estratégia de decomposição numérica. Os dados deste estudo apontam para: (i) a necessidade de se trabalhar fatos numéricos fundamentais de adição e subtração via cálculo mental de maneira sistemática em sala de aula; (ii) a necessidade de se ensinar estratégias autênticas de cálculo mental para que os alunos não se tornem dependentes de estratégias como contagens e algoritmo mental, que são mais difíceis de serem executadas com êxito; (iii) a importância de entrevistar, individualmente, os alunos a fim de compreender e avaliar o desenvolvimento destes em tarefas de cálculo mental.


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Para pesquisar sobre as produções de cuidado pelos trabalhadores da saúde mental na relação cotidiana do trabalho e com os usuários, utilizou-se como ferramentas metodológicas: a cartografia - por considerar os processos descritivos de ‘uma vida’ e as multiplicidades que atravessam os sujeitos - e as narrativas propostas por Walter Benjamin, como forma de contar histórias sobre estes processos que se compõem na produção de cuidado. A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil foi marcada pela crítica aos modos asilares, que eram/são adoecedores e negam os desejos e os direitos das pessoas que passam pela experiência da loucura, internadas ou não. Com o olhar crítico a esse modelo hospitalocêntrico, vários atores antimanicomiais protagonizaram a criação de dispositivos que transversalizam essa forma de cuidado. O cuidado em saúde mental passou por diversas transformações como mostra Foucault (1982), principalmente com a entrada do saber científico que se apropriou do conhecimento e do controle dos corpos para lidar com a loucura, o que proporcionou o isolamento dos loucos. E, hoje, com a Reforma Psiquiátrica, temos o desafio de continuar o movimento de desinstitucionalização das práticas, dos saberes e dos manicômios mentais, que perpassam as relações de trabalho de cuidado por meio de capturas, sensíveis ou não, e que se presentificam nos corpos, nas falas e nas ações. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário que esses processos de rupturas ao modo manicomial se iniciem em nós, para que a produção de subjetividades e novos modos de existência do outro se expandam em suas (re)invenções. Por isso, o trabalho se cria a todo instante, não tendo um modelo único de cuidar na saúde mental. No entanto, é importante salientar que a intervenção seja pautada numa ética estética-política e na produção de autonomia dos sujeitos, para que o trabalho não seja tutelador, mas que permita as afirmações dos desejos dos usuários. As equipes multiprofissionais e transdisciplinares fazem toda a diferença no acolhimento, no acompanhamento e nas intervenções com os usuários, os familiares e os próprios trabalhadores da saúde mental. Como uma forma de dispositivo de trabalho para produzir cuidado, a arte e a cultura são vistas como transformadores dos modos de existência, bem como o lazer e a ocupação dos territórios e da comunidade em que os usuários estão inseridos