840 resultados para marketing communication and brand story


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Empirical research on discrimination is faced with crucial problems stemming from the specific character of its object of study. In democratic societies the communication of prejudices and other forms of discriminatory behavior is considered socially undesirable and depends on situational factors such as whether a situation is considered private or whether a discriminatory consensus can be assumed. Regular surveys thus can only offer a blurred picture of the phenomenon. But also survey experiments intended to decrease the social desirability bias (SDB) so far failed in systematically implementing situational variables. This paper introduces three experimental approaches to improve the study of discrimination and other topics of social (un-)desirability. First, we argue in favor of cognitive context framing in surveys in order to operationalize the salience of situational norms. Second, factorial surveys offer a way to take situational contexts and substitute behavior into account. And third, choice experiments – a rather new method in sociology – offer a more valid method of measuring behavioral characteristics compared to simple items in surveys. All three approaches – which may be combined – are easy to implement in large-scale surveys. Results of empirical studies demonstrate the fruitfulness of each of these approaches.


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Objective. This study examines post-crisis family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation using the Double ABC-X Model of Family Adaptation in families with a pregnant or postpartum adolescent living at home. ^ Methods. Ninety-eight pregnant and parenting adolescents between ages 14 and 18 years (Group 1 at 20 or more weeks gestation; Group 2 at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum) and their parent(s) completed instruments congruent with the model to measure family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation. Descriptive family data was obtained. Mother-daughter data was analyzed for differences between subjects and within subjects using paired t-tests. Correlational analysis was used to examine relationships among variables. ^ Results. More than 90% of families were Hispanic. There were no significant differences between mother and daughter mean scores for family stress or communication. Adolescent coping was not significantly correlated to family coping at any interval. Adolescent family adaptation scores were significantly lower than mothers' scores at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Mean individual ratings of family variables did not differ significantly between delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis showed that stress, coping, and communication significantly influenced adaptation for mothers and daughters at all three intervals. The relative contributions of the three independent variables exhibited different patterns for mothers and daughters. Parent-adolescent communication accounted for most of the variability in adaptation for daughters at all three intervals. Daughters' family stress ratings were significant for adaptability (p = .01) during the pregnancy and for cohesion (p = .03) at delivery. Adolescent coping (p = .03) was significant for cohesion at 8 weeks postpartum. Family stress was a significant influence at all three intervals for mothers' ratings of family adaptation. Parent-adolescent communication was significant for mother's perception of both family cohesion (p < .001) and adaptability (p < .001) at delivery and 8 weeks, but not during pregnancy. ^ Conclusions. Mothers' and daughters' ratings of family processes were similar regarding family stress and communication, but were significantly different for family adaptation. Adolescent coping may not reflect family coping. Family communication is a powerful component in family functioning and may be an important focus for interventions with adolescents and parents. ^


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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand the perceived effects of patient-dental staff communication and cultural diversity on the utilization of dental services in the U.S. by Saudi Arabian students who live in the U.S. and enrolled into the King Abdullah Scholarship program. Methods: The study design was an analytical cross-sectional study. Data for this study was obtained from the Saudi Dental Servicers Utilization Survey, a voluntary internet survey available online for one month through Facebook. Ordered logistic regression analyses and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to measure the relationships between patient-dental staff communication and cultural diversity on the utilization of dental services. Results: Eight hundred and forty-seven responses were analyzed for this study. Overall, the majority of Saudi students reported having excellent communication experience with dental providers in the U.S. More than 58% of respondents reported at least one regular dental visit last year. Factors that influenced the use of regular dental care were: dentist's explanation of treatment plan, response of dental staff to patient's needs, respectful and polite dental staff, dental staff kindness, availability of up-to-date equipment, and overall communication with dentist. However, the utilization of emergency dental care was not associated with any measurement of patient-dental provider communication. Overall future utilization of dental care is associated with all aspects of patient-dental staff communication measured in this survey. Furthermore, more utilization of regular dental care was related to respondent's perception of the importance of trustworthiness dental staff and the importance of a dentist's reputation was only marginally associated. Respondent's perception of dentist's reputation was associated with more use of emergency dental services. Respondents are more likely to anticipate using dental care in the future if they perceived trustworthiness dental staff, and the dentist's reputation as influencing factors to their usage of dental services. Conclusions: Patient-dental staff communication was partially associated with utilization of regular dental care, not associated with utilization of emergency dental care, and broadly associated with anticipated future utilization of dental care. In addition, trustworthy dental staff, and a dentist's reputation were considered to be strong influencing factors towards utilization of dental services.^


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Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura


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Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura


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Tras liderar la investigación e indización de la información por cerca de una década, el motor de búsqueda Google se ha convertido en un sistema económico que influye nuestro mundo contemporáneo, contribuyendo grandemente a la transformación de nuestro mundo en un único globo virtual. En años recientes, Google ha comenzado a ofrecer a los usuarios globales aplicaciones o software que son usados para nuestra herencia cultural. Este software se resalta aquí en su potencial, desde un punto de vista económico, cultural y turístico. Tratamos de describir lo más importante del software de Google (como Google Maps, Google Street View, Google Earth, Google SketchUp, Google Books y Google Art Project), con el mayor y más evidente impacto en los sectores culturales y turísticos. Este ensayo muestra la digitalización y promoción de la herencia cultural italiana en Google, a través de sus programas informáticos (por ejemplo, Google Street View que ha llevado al uso de vistas tridimensionales remotas de algunos de los más importantes monumentos y sitios arqueológicos de Italia; el uso de Google SketchUp ha llevado al diseño de reconstrucción tridimensional del histórico centro de la ciudad de L'Aquila, devastada luego del terremoto de abril de 2009 y nunca reconstruida), y a través de diversos programas asociados específicos con el Ministerio Italiano de Cultura


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Creating a rice marketing system has been one of the central policy issues in Myanmar's move to a market economy since the end of the 1980s. Two liberalizations of rice marketing were implemented in 1987 and 2003. This paper examines the essential aspects of the liberalizations and the subsequent transformation of Myanmar's rice marketing sector. It attempts to bring into clearer focus the rationale of the government's rice marketing reforms which is to maintain a stable supply of rice at a low price to consumers. Under this rationale, however, the state rice marketing sector continued to lose efficiency while the private sector was allowed to develop on condition that it did not jeopardize the rationale of stable supply at low price. The paper concludes that the prospect for the future development of the private rice marketing sector is dim since a change in the rice market's rationale is unlikely. Private rice exporting is unlikely to be permitted, while the domestic market is approaching the saturation point. Thus, there is little momentum for the private rice sector to undertake any substantial expansion of investment.


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Millennium Development Goals point out the necessity of actively promoting maternal-child health care status, especially in underserved areas. This article details the development actions carried out between 2008 and 2011 in some rural communities of Nicaragua with the aim to provide a low-cost tele-health communication service. The service is managed by the health care center of Cusmapa, which leads the program and maintains a communication link between its health staff and the health brigades of 26 distant communities. Local agents can use the system to report urgent maternal-child health care episodes to be assessed through WiMAX-WiFi voice and data communications attended by two physicians and six nurses located at the health care center. The health and nutritional status of the maternal-child population can be monitored to prevent diseases, subnutrition, and deaths. The action approach assumes the fundamentals of appropriate technology and looks for community- based, sustainable, replicable, and scalable solutions to ensure future deployments according to the strategies of the United Nations.


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The aim of this study was to identify Spanish stakeholders’ views on the relationship between childhood obesity and the marketing and advertising of food and beverages aimed at children in Spain, as well as on the corresponding of regulations. We performed a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with Stakeholders/Key Informants (KI) from 13 organisations: experts (2), consumer advocates (1), public health advocates (2), food manufacturers (2), advertising advocates (1), government representatives (1), child/family/school advocates (2) and media (1). The variables studied were Prevalence of childhood obesity and its relationship to marketing/advertising and Regulation of marketing. In order to identify the most relevant arguments (pearls) in the discourses, a blind independent analysis by four members of the research team was performed. We found that the prevalence of childhood obesity was perceived to be higher than the European average. Self-regulation was identified as the main form of marketing control. Only food manufacturers and advertising agencies considered voluntary action and supervisory procedures to be effective. The other stakeholders advocated state control through legislation and non-state actions such as external assessment and sanctions. Despite the divergence of opinion between stakeholders, there was agreement on the need to improve supervision and to ensure compliance with current self-regulatory codes in Spain.


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One million signatures from at least seven European Member States: Fulfilling the conditions of the European Citizens’ Initiative requires a communication campaign, which manages to reach and touch the citizens, as well as to encourage them to act. This empirical study analyses, which methods in this regard are successful or rather counterproductive. It comes to the conclusion that a variety of factors are decisive, and that these factors can differ in their manifestation – such as the availability of financial resources, the emotional potential of the issue or a sophisticated network of supporters.