954 resultados para marina mercante


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Entrevista al filósofo José Antonio Marina en la que se tratan diversos aspectos de la educación en valores.


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Programa emitido el 5 de enero de 1996


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Publicación del programa de 'Biología marina y aprovechamiento de los animales del mar' para el curso preuniversitario de 1958-59, con el fin de desarrollar, en líneas generales, los cuestionarios oficiales y de orientar al profesorado para el seguimiento de las instrucciones metodológicas de la Orden de 2 de octubre por la Dirección General de Enseñanza Media.


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Se transcribe el tema XVIII, 'Dirección General de Pesca Marítima Enseñanzas Profesionales. Centros Científicos. Organismos Internacionales' de la asignatura Biología Marina y aprovechamiento de los animales del mar.


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Traducción y comentario del poema XVII de Baquílides, maestro menor de la lírica coral griega antigua del s. I. a.C..


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Se analiza el estado actual de las distintas tecnologías energéticas. Se parte de la idea de que las energías son renovables y que la Unión Europea está aumentando su dependencia de energías extranjeras, lo cual podría causar problemas geopolíticos en el futuro. Las energías analizadas son: energía geotérmica, energía solar térmica, energía fotovoltaica, energía eólica, la biomasa y la energía de corrientes marinas. Se realiza una análisis de la dependencia energética derivados de las actividades de la acuicultura y se presentan diversas alternativas que permitan el mejor aprovechamiento energético. Finalmente, se detalla un experimento de utilización de energías alternativas para actividades de acuicultura.


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Resumen tomado de la revista. Este artículo pertenece al monográfico: La sociología de la educación: balance y perspectivas


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Por Decreto de fecha 15 de junio de 1942 se crea el Instituto Hist??rico de Marina, dependiente del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient??ficas en el Patronato 'Marcelino Men??ndez y Pelayo' cuyos fines son la investigaci??n de la historia de las actividades y ciencias mar??timas.


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Se presenta una visión global del tráfico ilegal de migrantes ecuatorianos que tienen como destino los Estados Unidos de América. Se incluyen los puntos de salida y las rutas que utilizan los coyotes para transportar a los migrantes desde las costas ecuatorianas hacia diferentes puertos en Centroamérica, principalmente a Guatemala, para continuar por tierra hacia México, por lo que se expone la normativa guatemalteca en la materia y se analiza la legislación mexicana aplicable a migrantes irregulares, considerando que el Ecuador es el primer país, luego de los centroamericanos, con mayor número de deportados desde México. En este contexto se estudia las funciones de control, así como las labores de prevención de la marina ecuatoriana en aguas jurisdiccionales. Finalmente se proporcionan estadísticas relativas a embarcaciones capturadas por la marina, y migrantes ecuatorianos deportados desde México y Guatemala.


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Meiofauna from Avicennia marina leaf litter in a temperate mangrove forest was enumerated, and the nematode assemblages compared on the bases of leaf colour (used as a guide to leaf age) and shore horizon where samples were collected. Twenty-one putative nematode species were collected from 48 leaf litter samples. Univariate analyses indicated that neither the colour of the leaf nor the shore horizon significantly affected abundance of nematodes. However, of the four (222) treatment groups, rarefaction curves revealed highest diversity on brown leaves from under the shade of the tree canopy (H'=0.751-0.126 SE, n=17). Species diversity of leaf litter nematodes was lower in this temperate mangrove system than reported from tropical mangrove studies. ANOSIM tests confirmed a significant effect of shore horizon on nematode assemblages. The dominant feeding group among nematodes was non-selective deposit feeders (7/21 species, but 77% of all nematodes). Epigrowth grazers were represented by 8/21 species of nematodes, but only 19% of the total number. Excised leaves became skeletonised by about 15 weeks. Shorter temporal scales of life cycles of nematodes compared with leaf degradation, and the dynamic nature of epibiontic assemblages, probably explain the similar assemblage structure on yellow and brown leaves.


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The White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. Numbers of these storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands have declined considerably since early last century. White-faced Storm Petrels were recorded on Mud Islands from early September 2002 until mid-March 2003 when the last chicks fledged. Eggs were laid from late October to early December, with chicks hatching in the later half of December. The mean incubation period was 51.7 days (± 3.2 days (s.d.), range = 38–53, n = 13), and may have been extended by periods of egg neglect. The mean nestling period was 54.8 days (± 4.4 days (s.d.), range 50–70, n = 21). Chick growth is described. Hatching success was 54% and fledging success was 77.8%, with overall breeding success being 42%. Burrow densities were found to be influenced by plant species, vegetation height and soil moisture. The position of the burrow within the colony was shown to influence breeding success, with those nearer the edge of the storm petrel colony, closer to the marsh, and further from a colony of Australian White (Threskiornis molucca) and Straw-necked (T. spinicollis) Ibis recording higher success.


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Habitat loss and modification is a major factor driving reductions of seabird populations. The white-faced storm petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. The numbers of storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands and South Channel Fort have declined considerably, possibly a result of the significant vegetation changes, together with increases in local populations of other species of birds, most notably, silver gulls (Larus novaehollandiae). On Mud Islands the breeding area available to the storm petrels appears to be limited by the recent arrival of the Australian white ibis (Threskoirnis molucca), and straw-necked ibis (T. spinicollis) which now breed on the islands in large numbers (approximately 15,000 pairs). The impact of these changes on the storm petrels is poorly understood. The current status of storm petrels at Tullaberga Island is unknown. This study estimated the size of the breeding population at all three sites by determining burrow densities, and a burrow-scope was used to determine occupancy. Burrow density was found to be related to vegetation type and other habitat factors. This study has highlighted important information on the breeding habitat of the white-faced storm petrel and the implications for management are discussed.