677 resultados para magic
En 1967, la estudiante de doctorado Jocelyn Bell Burnell, observ o por primera vez la se~nal procedente de un p ulsar. Estos objetos estelares han sido desde entonces intensamente estudiados a todas las longitudes de onda. Debido a su intenso campo magn etico y gravitatorio, los p ulsares se han convertido en uno de los mejores laboratorios para el estudio de la materia en condiciones extremas. Recientemente, la detecci on de emisi on de muy alta energ as (VHE > 100 GeV) del p ulsar del Cangrejo ha obligado a replantearnos nuestras ideas sobre el funcionamiento de estas estrellas, ya que tal emisi on parec a descartada a priori por los modelos te oricos existentes. Estos modelos proponen distintos lugares en las magnetosferas de los p ulsares, y en torno a estas, como origen de la emisi on de muy alta energ a detectada, cada uno con caracter sticas propias en la distribuci on espectrales de energ a y en las curva de luz esperadas. Las observaciones de los p ulsares a muy altas energ as son por lo tanto fundamentales para entender la ubicaci on y los mecanismos de la emisi on y distinguir entre los distintos modelos. Esta tesis trata de la caracterizaci on de la emisi on de muy alta energ a de los p ulsares. Este estudio est a basado en las observaciones de p ulsares con los telescopios MAGIC y Fermi-LAT y en una estimaci on anal tica de la e ciencia de emisi on en rayos X y rayos gamma de los p ulsares en el contexto del modelo del \outer gap" o de \zona externa"...
In this thesis I argue that dominant ways of imagining modernity constitute a modern imaginary that carries with it particular expectations concerning modern places, spaces, emotions, and affects as well as expectations concerning the place of religion and enchantment in the modern world. I argue that this modern imaginary and the expectations it entails works to conceal and trivialize supra-rational beliefs and behaviours in scholarship but also in the lives of individuals. I focus on one particular subset of the supra-rational beliefs and behaviours that modern imaginary conceals and trivializes, namely beliefs and behaviours associated with lucky and protective objects. I also focus on the ways the modern imaginary conceals the presence and prevalence of these objects and the beliefs and behaviours they entail in one particular context, namely Montréal, Québec. I argue that these supra-rational beliefs and behaviours constitute a subjunctive mode for understanding and experiencing daily life and describe how the modern imaginary works to discredit this subjunctive register. Finally, I argue that scholars must begin to recognize and examine this subjunctive mode and the playful engagement with half-belief it involves.
The dramatic negotiations with Greece in the past few months have been a telling reminder of the weaknesses of the euro area. Most of the commentators are of the opinion that if the monetary union is going to be crisis-resistant and stable in the long term, certain very important elements will have to be changed. However, there is little or no agreement when it comes to specifying the "what" and the "how". In particular there are heated debates about the right steps to further integration in the area of fiscal policy. "Fiscal union can create stability only if it includes both credible budgetary rules and some kind of risk sharing", argue Katharina Gnath and Jörg Haas in the latest spotlight europe. However, "whilst it is an important and effective way of stabilizing the euro area, it should not exclude the use of other instruments."
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliographical foot-notes.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: p. 71-72.
Issued for the Rationalist Press Association, Limited.
First edition.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.