914 resultados para machine learning algorithms


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Species` potential distribution modelling consists of building a representation of the fundamental ecological requirements of a species from biotic and abiotic conditions where the species is known to occur. Such models can be valuable tools to understand the biogeography of species and to support the prediction of its presence/absence considering a particular environment scenario. This paper investigates the use of different supervised machine learning techniques to model the potential distribution of 35 plant species from Latin America. Each technique was able to extract a different representation of the relations between the environmental conditions and the distribution profile of the species. The experimental results highlight the good performance of random trees classifiers, indicating this particular technique as a promising candidate for modelling species` potential distribution. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The main purpose of this thesis project is to prediction of symptom severity and cause in data from test battery of the Parkinson’s disease patient, which is based on data mining. The collection of the data is from test battery on a hand in computer. We use the Chi-Square method and check which variables are important and which are not important. Then we apply different data mining techniques on our normalize data and check which technique or method gives good results.The implementation of this thesis is in WEKA. We normalize our data and then apply different methods on this data. The methods which we used are Naïve Bayes, CART and KNN. We draw the Bland Altman and Spearman’s Correlation for checking the final results and prediction of data. The Bland Altman tells how the percentage of our confident level in this data is correct and Spearman’s Correlation tells us our relationship is strong. On the basis of results and analysis we see all three methods give nearly same results. But if we see our CART (J48 Decision Tree) it gives good result of under predicted and over predicted values that’s lies between -2 to +2. The correlation between the Actual and Predicted values is 0,794in CART. Cause gives the better percentage classification result then disability because it can use two classes.


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At first blush, user modeling appears to be a prime candidate for straightforward application of standard machine learning techniques. Observations of the user's behavior can provide training examples that a machine learning system can use to form a model designed to predict future actions. However, user modeling poses a number of challenges for machine learning that have hindered its application in user modeling, including: the need for large data sets; the need for labeled data; concept drift; and computational complexity. This paper examines each of these issues and reviews approaches to resolving them.


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Spam is commonly defined as unsolicited email messages and the goal of spam categorization is to distinguish between spam and legitimate email messages. Many researchers have been trying to separate spam from legitimate emails using machine learning algorithms based on statistical learning methods. In this paper, an innovative and intelligent spam filtering model has been proposed based on support vector machine (SVM). This model combines both linear and nonlinear SVM techniques where linear SVM performs better for text based spam classification that share similar characteristics. The proposed model considers both text and image based email messages for classification by selecting an appropriate kernel function for information transformation.


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Developing successful navigation and mapping strategies is an essential part of autonomous robot research. However, hardware limitations often make for inaccurate systems. This project serves to investigate efficient alternatives to mapping an environment, by first creating a mobile robot, and then applying machine learning to the robot and controlling systems to increase the robustness of the robot system. My mapping system consists of a semi-autonomous robot drone in communication with a stationary Linux computer system. There are learning systems running on both the robot and the more powerful Linux system. The first stage of this project was devoted to designing and building an inexpensive robot. Utilizing my prior experience from independent studies in robotics, I designed a small mobile robot that was well suited for simple navigation and mapping research. When the major components of the robot base were designed, I began to implement my design. This involved physically constructing the base of the robot, as well as researching and acquiring components such as sensors. Implementing the more complex sensors became a time-consuming task, involving much research and assistance from a variety of sources. A concurrent stage of the project involved researching and experimenting with different types of machine learning systems. I finally settled on using neural networks as the machine learning system to incorporate into my project. Neural nets can be thought of as a structure of interconnected nodes, through which information filters. The type of neural net that I chose to use is a type that requires a known set of data that serves to train the net to produce the desired output. Neural nets are particularly well suited for use with robotic systems as they can handle cases that lie at the extreme edges of the training set, such as may be produced by "noisy" sensor data. Through experimenting with available neural net code, I became familiar with the code and its function, and modified it to be more generic and reusable for multiple applications of neural nets.


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Zero-day or unknown malware are created using code obfuscation techniques that can modify the parent code to produce offspring copies which have the same functionality but with different signatures. Current techniques reported in literature lack the capability of detecting zero-day malware with the required accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we have proposed and evaluated a novel method of employing several data mining techniques to detect and classify zero-day malware with high levels of accuracy and efficiency based on the frequency of Windows API calls. This paper describes the methodology employed for the collection of large data sets to train the classifiers, and analyses the performance results of the various data mining algorithms adopted for the study using a fully automated tool developed in this research to conduct the various experimental investigations and evaluation. Through the performance results of these algorithms from our experimental analysis, we are able to evaluate and discuss the advantages of one data mining algorithm over the other for accurately detecting zero-day malware successfully. The data mining framework employed in this research learns through analysing the behavior of existing malicious and benign codes in large datasets. We have employed robust classifiers, namely Naïve Bayes (NB) Algorithm, k−Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Algorithm, Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) Algorithm with 4 differents kernels (SMO - Normalized PolyKernel, SMO – PolyKernel, SMO – Puk, and SMO- Radial Basis Function (RBF)), Backpropagation Neural Networks Algorithm, and J48 decision tree and have evaluated their performance. Overall, the automated data mining system implemented for this study has achieved high true positive (TP) rate of more than 98.5%, and low false positive (FP) rate of less than 0.025, which has not been achieved in literature so far. This is much higher than the required commercial acceptance level indicating that our novel technique is a major leap forward in detecting zero-day malware. This paper also offers future directions for researchers in exploring different aspects of obfuscations that are affecting the IT world today.


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This paper presents an application of machine learning to the problem of classifying patients with glaucoma into one of two classes:stable and progressive glaucoma. The novelty of the work is the use of new features for the data analysis combined with machine learning techniques to classify the medical data. The paper describes the new features and the results of using decision trees to separate stable and progressive cases. Furthermore, we show the results of using an incremental learning algorithm for tracking stable and progressive cases over time. In both cases we used a dataset of progressive and stable glaucoma patients obtained from a glaucoma clinic.


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Graph matching is an important class of methods in pattern recognition. Typically, a graph representing an unknown pattern is matched with a database of models. If the database of model graphs is large, an additional factor in induced into the overall complexity of the matching process. Various techniques for reducing the influence of this additional factor have been described in the literature. In this paper we propose to extract simple features from a graph and use them to eliminate candidate graphs from the database. The most powerful set of features and a decision tree useful for candidate elimination are found by means of the C4.5 algorithm, which was originally proposed for inductive learning of classication rules. Experimental results are reported demonstrating that effcient candidate elimination can be achieved by the proposed procedure.