786 resultados para machine learning, decision tree, concept drift, ensemble learning, classication, random forest


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Different types of proteins exist with diverse functions that are essential for living organisms. An important class of proteins is represented by transmembrane proteins which are specifically designed to be inserted into biological membranes and devised to perform very important functions in the cell such as cell communication and active transport across the membrane. Transmembrane β-barrels (TMBBs) are a sub-class of membrane proteins largely under-represented in structure databases because of the extreme difficulty in experimental structure determination. For this reason, computational tools that are able to predict the structure of TMBBs are needed. In this thesis, two computational problems related to TMBBs were addressed: the detection of TMBBs in large datasets of proteins and the prediction of the topology of TMBB proteins. Firstly, a method for TMBB detection was presented based on a novel neural network framework for variable-length sequence classification. The proposed approach was validated on a non-redundant dataset of proteins. Furthermore, we carried-out genome-wide detection using the entire Escherichia coli proteome. In both experiments, the method significantly outperformed other existing state-of-the-art approaches, reaching very high PPV (92%) and MCC (0.82). Secondly, a method was also introduced for TMBB topology prediction. The proposed approach is based on grammatical modelling and probabilistic discriminative models for sequence data labeling. The method was evaluated using a newly generated dataset of 38 TMBB proteins obtained from high-resolution data in the PDB. Results have shown that the model is able to correctly predict topologies of 25 out of 38 protein chains in the dataset. When tested on previously released datasets, the performances of the proposed approach were measured as comparable or superior to the current state-of-the-art of TMBB topology prediction.


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Questo elaborato ha come scopo quello di analizzare ed esaminare una patologia oggetto di attiva ricerca scientifica, la sindrome dell’arto fantasma o phantom limb pain: tracciando la storia delle terapie più utilizzate per la sua attenuazione, si è giunti ad analizzarne lo stato dell’arte. Consapevoli che la sindrome dell’arto fantasma costituisce, oltre che un disturbo per chi la prova, uno strumento assai utile per l’analisi delle attività nervose del segmento corporeo superstite (moncone), si è svolta un’attività al centro Inail di Vigorso di Budrio finalizzata a rilevare segnali elettrici provenienti dai monconi superiori dei pazienti che hanno subito un’amputazione. Avendo preliminarmente trattato l’argomento “Machine learning” per raggiungere una maggiore consapevolezza delle potenzialità dell’apprendimento automatico, si sono analizzate la attività neuronali dei pazienti mentre questi muovevano il loro arto fantasma per riuscire a settare nuove tipologie di protesi mobili in base ai segnali ricevuti dal moncone.


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Obiettivo della tesi è analizzare e testare i principali approcci di Machine Learning applicabili in contesti semantici, partendo da algoritmi di Statistical Relational Learning, quali Relational Probability Trees, Relational Bayesian Classifiers e Relational Dependency Networks, per poi passare ad approcci basati su fattorizzazione tensori, in particolare CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, Tucker e RESCAL.


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In CMS è stato lanciato un progetto di Data Analytics e, all’interno di esso, un’attività specifica pilota che mira a sfruttare tecniche di Machine Learning per predire la popolarità dei dataset di CMS. Si tratta di un’osservabile molto delicata, la cui eventuale predizione premetterebbe a CMS di costruire modelli di data placement più intelligenti, ampie ottimizzazioni nell’uso dello storage a tutti i livelli Tiers, e formerebbe la base per l’introduzione di un solito sistema di data management dinamico e adattivo. Questa tesi descrive il lavoro fatto sfruttando un nuovo prototipo pilota chiamato DCAFPilot, interamente scritto in python, per affrontare questa sfida.


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In questa tesi sono stati introdotti e studiati i Big Data, dando particolare importanza al mondo NoSQL, approfondendo MongoDB, e al mondo del Machine Learning, approfondendo PredictionIO. Successivamente è stata sviluppata un'applicazione attraverso l'utilizzo di tecnologie web, nodejs, node-webkit e le tecnologie approfondite prima. L'applicazione utilizza l'interpolazione polinomiale per predirre il prezzo di un bene salvato nello storico presente su MongoDB. Attraverso PredictionIO, essa analizza il comportamento degli altri utenti consigliando dei prodotti per l'acquisto. Infine è stata effetuata un'analisi dei risultati dell'errore prodotto dall'interpolazione.


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Abstract Radiation metabolomics employing mass spectral technologies represents a plausible means of high-throughput minimally invasive radiation biodosimetry. A simplified metabolomics protocol is described that employs ubiquitous gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and open source software including random forests machine learning algorithm to uncover latent biomarkers of 3 Gy gamma radiation in rats. Urine was collected from six male Wistar rats and six sham-irradiated controls for 7 days, 4 prior to irradiation and 3 after irradiation. Water and food consumption, urine volume, body weight, and sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphate and urea excretion showed major effects from exposure to gamma radiation. The metabolomics protocol uncovered several urinary metabolites that were significantly up-regulated (glyoxylate, threonate, thymine, uracil, p-cresol) and down-regulated (citrate, 2-oxoglutarate, adipate, pimelate, suberate, azelaate) as a result of radiation exposure. Thymine and uracil were shown to derive largely from thymidine and 2'-deoxyuridine, which are known radiation biomarkers in the mouse. The radiation metabolomic phenotype in rats appeared to derive from oxidative stress and effects on kidney function. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is a promising platform on which to develop the field of radiation metabolomics further and to assist in the design of instrumentation for use in detecting biological consequences of environmental radiation release.


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This paper addresses an investigation with machine learning (ML) classification techniques to assist in the problem of flash flood now casting. We have been attempting to build a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to collect measurements from a river located in an urban area. The machine learning classification methods were investigated with the aim of allowing flash flood now casting, which in turn allows the WSN to give alerts to the local population. We have evaluated several types of ML taking account of the different now casting stages (i.e. Number of future time steps to forecast). We have also evaluated different data representation to be used as input of the ML techniques. The results show that different data representation can lead to results significantly better for different stages of now casting.


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Finite element (FE) analysis is an important computational tool in biomechanics. However, its adoption into clinical practice has been hampered by its computational complexity and required high technical competences for clinicians. In this paper we propose a supervised learning approach to predict the outcome of the FE analysis. We demonstrate our approach on clinical CT and X-ray femur images for FE predictions ( FEP), with features extracted, respectively, from a statistical shape model and from 2D-based morphometric and density information. Using leave-one-out experiments and sensitivity analysis, comprising a database of 89 clinical cases, our method is capable of predicting the distribution of stress values for a walking loading condition with an average correlation coefficient of 0.984 and 0.976, for CT and X-ray images, respectively. These findings suggest that supervised learning approaches have the potential to leverage the clinical integration of mechanical simulations for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.


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This paper discusses a novel hybrid approach for text categorization that combines a machine learning algorithm, which provides a base model trained with a labeled corpus, with a rule-based expert system, which is used to improve the results provided by the previous classifier, by filtering false positives and dealing with false negatives. The main advantage is that the system can be easily fine-tuned by adding specific rules for those noisy or conflicting categories that have not been successfully trained. We also describe an implementation based on k-Nearest Neighbor and a simple rule language to express lists of positive, negative and relevant (multiword) terms appearing in the input text. The system is evaluated in several scenarios, including the popular Reuters-21578 news corpus for comparison to other approaches, and categorization using IPTC metadata, EUROVOC thesaurus and others. Results show that this approach achieves a precision that is comparable to top ranked methods, with the added value that it does not require a demanding human expert workload to train


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—Microarray-based global gene expression profiling, with the use of sophisticated statistical algorithms is providing new insights into the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. We have applied a novel statistical technique for gene selection based on machine learning approaches to analyze microarray expression data gathered from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS), two autoimmune diseases of unknown genetic origin that share many common features. The methodology included a combination of three data discretization policies, a consensus gene selection method, and a multivariate correlation measurement. A set of 150 genes was found to discriminate SLE and PAPS patients from healthy individuals. Statistical validations demonstrate the relevance of this gene set from an univariate and multivariate perspective. Moreover, functional characterization of these genes identified an interferon-regulated gene signature, consistent with previous reports. It also revealed the existence of other regulatory pathways, including those regulated by PTEN, TNF, and BCL-2, which are altered in SLE and PAPS. Remarkably, a significant number of these genes carry E2F binding motifs in their promoters, projecting a role for E2F in the regulation of autoimmunity.


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This work explores the automatic recognition of physical activity intensity patterns from multi-axial accelerometry and heart rate signals. Data collection was carried out in free-living conditions and in three controlled gymnasium circuits, for a total amount of 179.80 h of data divided into: sedentary situations (65.5%), light-to-moderate activity (17.6%) and vigorous exercise (16.9%). The proposed machine learning algorithms comprise the following steps: time-domain feature definition, standardization and PCA projection, unsupervised clustering (by k-means and GMM) and a HMM to account for long-term temporal trends. Performance was evaluated by 30 runs of a 10-fold cross-validation. Both k-means and GMM-based approaches yielded high overall accuracy (86.97% and 85.03%, respectively) and, given the imbalance of the dataset, meritorious F-measures (up to 77.88%) for non-sedentary cases. Classification errors tended to be concentrated around transients, what constrains their practical impact. Hence, we consider our proposal to be suitable for 24 h-based monitoring of physical activity in ambulatory scenarios and a first step towards intensity-specific energy expenditure estimators


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Pragmatism is the leading motivation of regularization. We can understand regularization as a modification of the maximum-likelihood estimator so that a reasonable answer could be given in an unstable or ill-posed situation. To mention some typical examples, this happens when fitting parametric or non-parametric models with more parameters than data or when estimating large covariance matrices. Regularization is usually used, in addition, to improve the bias-variance tradeoff of an estimation. Then, the definition of regularization is quite general, and, although the introduction of a penalty is probably the most popular type, it is just one out of multiple forms of regularization. In this dissertation, we focus on the applications of regularization for obtaining sparse or parsimonious representations, where only a subset of the inputs is used. A particular form of regularization, L1-regularization, plays a key role for reaching sparsity. Most of the contributions presented here revolve around L1-regularization, although other forms of regularization are explored (also pursuing sparsity in some sense). In addition to present a compact review of L1-regularization and its applications in statistical and machine learning, we devise methodology for regression, supervised classification and structure induction of graphical models. Within the regression paradigm, we focus on kernel smoothing learning, proposing techniques for kernel design that are suitable for high dimensional settings and sparse regression functions. We also present an application of regularized regression techniques for modeling the response of biological neurons. Supervised classification advances deal, on the one hand, with the application of regularization for obtaining a na¨ıve Bayes classifier and, on the other hand, with a novel algorithm for brain-computer interface design that uses group regularization in an efficient manner. Finally, we present a heuristic for inducing structures of Gaussian Bayesian networks using L1-regularization as a filter. El pragmatismo es la principal motivación de la regularización. Podemos entender la regularización como una modificación del estimador de máxima verosimilitud, de tal manera que se pueda dar una respuesta cuando la configuración del problema es inestable. A modo de ejemplo, podemos mencionar el ajuste de modelos paramétricos o no paramétricos cuando hay más parámetros que casos en el conjunto de datos, o la estimación de grandes matrices de covarianzas. Se suele recurrir a la regularización, además, para mejorar el compromiso sesgo-varianza en una estimación. Por tanto, la definición de regularización es muy general y, aunque la introducción de una función de penalización es probablemente el método más popular, éste es sólo uno de entre varias posibilidades. En esta tesis se ha trabajado en aplicaciones de regularización para obtener representaciones dispersas, donde sólo se usa un subconjunto de las entradas. En particular, la regularización L1 juega un papel clave en la búsqueda de dicha dispersión. La mayor parte de las contribuciones presentadas en la tesis giran alrededor de la regularización L1, aunque también se exploran otras formas de regularización (que igualmente persiguen un modelo disperso). Además de presentar una revisión de la regularización L1 y sus aplicaciones en estadística y aprendizaje de máquina, se ha desarrollado metodología para regresión, clasificación supervisada y aprendizaje de estructura en modelos gráficos. Dentro de la regresión, se ha trabajado principalmente en métodos de regresión local, proponiendo técnicas de diseño del kernel que sean adecuadas a configuraciones de alta dimensionalidad y funciones de regresión dispersas. También se presenta una aplicación de las técnicas de regresión regularizada para modelar la respuesta de neuronas reales. Los avances en clasificación supervisada tratan, por una parte, con el uso de regularización para obtener un clasificador naive Bayes y, por otra parte, con el desarrollo de un algoritmo que usa regularización por grupos de una manera eficiente y que se ha aplicado al diseño de interfaces cerebromáquina. Finalmente, se presenta una heurística para inducir la estructura de redes Bayesianas Gaussianas usando regularización L1 a modo de filtro.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical Trials (CTs) are essential for bridging the gap between experimental research on new drugs and their clinical application. Just like CTs for traditional drugs and biologics have helped accelerate the translation of biomedical findings into medical practice, CTs for nanodrugs and nanodevices could advance novel nanomaterials as agents for diagnosis and therapy. Although there is publicly available information about nanomedicine-related CTs, the online archiving of this information is carried out without adhering to criteria that discriminate between studies involving nanomaterials or nanotechnology-based processes (nano), and CTs that do not involve nanotechnology (non-nano). Finding out whether nanodrugs and nanodevices were involved in a study from CT summaries alone is a challenging task. At the time of writing, CTs archived in the well-known online registry ClinicalTrials.gov are not easily told apart as to whether they are nano or non-nano CTs-even when performed by domain experts, due to the lack of both a common definition for nanotechnology and of standards for reporting nanomedical experiments and results. METHODS: We propose a supervised learning approach for classifying CT summaries from ClinicalTrials.gov according to whether they fall into the nano or the non-nano categories. Our method involves several stages: i) extraction and manual annotation of CTs as nano vs. non-nano, ii) pre-processing and automatic classification, and iii) performance evaluation using several state-of-the-art classifiers under different transformations of the original dataset. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the best automated classifier closely matches that of experts (AUC over 0.95), suggesting that it is feasible to automatically detect the presence of nanotechnology products in CT summaries with a high degree of accuracy. This can significantly speed up the process of finding whether reports on ClinicalTrials.gov might be relevant to a particular nanoparticle or nanodevice, which is essential to discover any precedents for nanotoxicity events or advantages for targeted drug therapy.


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Services in smart environments pursue to increase the quality of people?s lives. The most important issues when developing this kind of environments is testing and validating such services. These tasks usually imply high costs and annoying or unfeasible real-world testing. In such cases, artificial societies may be used to simulate the smart environment (i.e. physical environment, equipment and humans). With this aim, the CHROMUBE methodology guides test engineers when modeling human beings. Such models reproduce behaviors which are highly similar to the real ones. Originally, these models are based on automata whose transitions are governed by random variables. Automaton?s structure and the probability distribution functions of each random variable are determined by a manual test and error process. In this paper, it is presented an alternative extension of this methodology which avoids the said manual process. It is based on learning human behavior patterns automatically from sensor data by using machine learning techniques. The presented approach has been tested on a real scenario, where this extension has given highly accurate human behavior models,