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The stress regime in a cutting (slope) is complex, with different principle stresses acting in different directions along the potential failure plane. For example, stresses may be primarily in extension near the toe and in compression near the crest of a slope. Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive failure which usually starts at the toe of the slope. Softening and the development of rupture surfaces have been observed in the field and are well documented for London Clays. However, this failure mechanism is yet to be established for glacial tills. To better understand the progressive failure mechanism, this paper discusses a series of laboratory tests conducted on reconstituted glacial till samples from Northern Ireland. Initial observations indicate that, a soil with insitu stress states between 80-90% of peak strength may undergo significant viscoplastic straining as a result of the combination of pore-pressure cycling and elevated stress level.
Stiffness values in geotechnical structures can range over many orders of magnitude for relatively small operational strains. The typical strain levels where soil stiffness changes most dramatically is in the range 0.01-0.1%, however soils do not exhibit linear stress-strain behaviour at small strains. Knowledge of the in situ stiffness at small strain is important in geotechnical numerical modelling and design. The stress-strain regime of cut slopes is complex, as we have different principle stress directions at different positions along the potential failure plane. For example, loading may be primarily in extension near the toe of the slope, while compressive loading is predominant at the crest of a slope. Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive failure and subsequent strain softening, in which progressive yielding propagates from the toe towards the crest of the slope over time. In order to gain a better understanding of the rate of softening it would be advantageous to measure changes in small strain stiffness in the field.
Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive deformation caused by creep and fatigue that usually begins at the toe of the slope. The progressive deformation leads to strength reduction with time at constant stress (or called softening) and could be accelerated by fluctuation of groundwater level associated with more extreme rainfall events predicted through climate change. The purpose of this paper is to assess the mechanism of progressive deformation due to creep and fatigue using element testing on samples of till. The samples were subjected to fully drained loading and the deviator stresses were held constant at various percentages of peak failure stress, while the pore water pressure was kept static or dynamic (fluctuating ±5 kPa) over a period of time. The results have shown that the samples experienced significant deformation even at a higher factor of safety (i.e. the failure deviator stress/deviator stress at which the pore water pressure was fluctuated) under pore water pressure dynamics.
Die Weltwirtschaftskrise des Jahres 1929 beendete ein „goldenes Zeitalter“. Sie veränderte nachhaltig die internationale Völkergemeinschaft, unter anderem in Bezug auf den Welthandel, die Finanzströme und die Arbeitslosigkeit. Die Auswirkungen unserer heutigen Krise scheinen vergleichbar, die Ausgangslage, Ursachen und Verantwortung sind jedoch grundverschieden.
Kein Lehrbuch und keine Vorlesung haben uns auf diese Krisenform vorbereitet. Auch liegen keine wirtschaftspolitischen Erfahrungen vor, die als Grundlage zur Bewältigung einer Krise in dieser Dimension dienen könnten. Aber wir können– obgleich die Krise andauert – schon heute beobachten, dass die Konsequenzen anders ausfallen und zu langfristigen, einschneidenden Veränderungen führen.
Mit unserer Fachveranstaltung bieten wir Erklärungsansätze und diskutieren über Verantwortung und Konsequenzen. Drei Beiträge führen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven in das Thema ein.
On connaît le manque de données permettant de s'assurer que les prestations prises en charge par la LAMal sont adéquates, efficaces et économiques. L'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a décidé de proposer et faire valider quelques nouveaux indicateurs. Le but du présent article est de présenter les projets qui vont être mis en oeuvre entre l'été 2008 et 2011. [Intertitres] Identification des maladies. Episodes ambulatoires. Mesure de l'impact des soins sur l'état de santé. Prévention. Etablissement de profils de pratique médicaux. Hospitalisations potentiellement évitables. Calendrier et coût des projets.
1 kartta kahdessa osassa :, vär. ;, 53,3 x 44,1 cm, lehti 59 x 48 cm
1 kartasto ([35] s., [24] karttalehteä (7 taitettuina)) : 24 karttaa, vär. ; 56 cm
1 kartta kahdessa osassa :, vär. ;, 43 x 37 cm, 1:2000000
1 kartta kahdessa osassa :, vär. ;, 44 x 37 cm, 1:2000000
Kartan esitystekniikka: maastokartta