889 resultados para liquid chromatographic
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) wird zur individuellen Dosiseinstellung genutzt, um die Effizienz der Medikamentenwirkung zu steigern und das Auftreten von Nebenwirkungen zu senken. Für das TDM von Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva besteht allerdings das Problem, dass es mehr als 50 Medikamente gibt. Ein TDM-Labor muss dementsprechend über 50 verschiedene Wirkstoffe und zusätzlich aktive Metaboliten messen. Mit der Flüssigchromatographie (LC oder HPLC) ist die Analyse vieler unterschiedlicher Medikamente möglich. LC mit Säulenschaltung erlaubt eine Automatisierung. Dabei wird Blutserum oder -plasma mit oder ohne vorherige Proteinfällung auf eine Vorsäule aufgetragen. Nach Auswaschen von störenden Matrixbestandteilen werden die Medikamente auf einer nachgeschalteten analytischen Säule getrennt und über Ultraviolettspektroskopie (UV) oder Massenspektrometrie (MS) detektiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, LC-Methoden zu entwickeln, die die Messung möglichst vieler Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva erlaubt und die für die TDM-Routine geeignet ist. Eine mit C8-modifiziertem Kieselgel gefüllte Säule (20 µm 10x4.0 mm I.D.) erwies sich in Vorexperimenten als optimal geeignet bezüglich Extraktionsverhalten, Regenerierbarkeit und Stabilität. Mit einer ersten HPLC-UV-Methode mit Säulenschaltung konnten 20 verschiedene Psychopharmaka einschließlich ihrer Metabolite, also insgesamt 30 verschiedene Substanzen quantitativ erfasst werden. Die Analysenzeit betrug 30 Minuten. Die Vorsäule erlaubte 150 Injektionen, die analytische Säule konnte mit mehr als 300 Plasmainjektionen belastet werden. Abhängig vom Analyten, musste allerdings das Injektionsvolumen, die Flussrate oder die Detektionswellenlänge verändert werden. Die Methode war daher für eine Routineanwendung nur eingeschränkt geeignet. Mit einer zweiten HPLC-UV-Methode konnten 43 verschiedene Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva inklusive Metaboliten nachgewiesen werden. Nach Vorreinigung über C8-Material (10 µm, 10x4 mm I.D.) erfolgte die Trennung auf Hypersil ODS (5 µm Partikelgröße) in der analytischen Säule (250x4.6 mm I.D.) mit 37.5% Acetonitril im analytischen Eluenten. Die optimale Flussrate war 1.5 ml/min und die Detektionswellenlänge 254 nm. In einer Einzelprobe, konnten mit dieser Methode 7 bis 8 unterschiedliche Substanzen gemessen werden. Für die Antipsychotika Clozapin, Olanzapin, Perazin, Quetiapin und Ziprasidon wurde die Methode validiert. Der Variationskoeffizient (VK%) für die Impräzision lag zwischen 0.2 und 6.1%. Im erforderlichen Messbereich war die Methode linear (Korrelationskoeffizienten, R2 zwischen 0.9765 und 0.9816). Die absolute und analytische Wiederfindung lagen zwischen 98 und 118 %. Die für das TDM erforderlichen unteren Nachweisgrenzen wurden erreicht. Für Olanzapin betrug sie 5 ng/ml. Die Methode wurde an Patienten für das TDM getestet. Sie erwies sich für das TDM als sehr gut geeignet. Nach retrospektiver Auswertung von Patientendaten konnte erstmalig ein möglicher therapeutischer Bereich für Quetiapin (40-170 ng/ml) und Ziprasidon (40-130 ng/ml) formuliert werden. Mit einem Massenspektrometer als Detektor war die Messung von acht Neuroleptika und ihren Metaboliten möglich. 12 Substanzen konnten in einem Lauf bestimmt werden: Amisulprid, Clozapin, N-Desmethylclozapin, Clozapin-N-oxid, Haloperidol, Risperidon, 9-Hydroxyrisperidon, Olanzapin, Perazin, N-Desmethylperazin, Quetiapin und Ziprasidon. Nach Vorreinigung mit C8-Material (20 µm 10x4.0 mm I.D.) erfolgte die Trennung auf Synergi MAX-RP C12 (4 µm 150 x 4.6 mm). Die Validierung der HPLC-MS-Methode belegten einen linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Konzentration und Detektorsignal (R2= 0,9974 bis 0.9999). Die Impräzision lag zwischen 0.84 bis 9.78%. Die für das TDM erforderlichen unteren Nachweisgrenzen wurden erreicht. Es gab keine Hinweise auf das Auftreten von Ion Suppression durch Matrixbestandteile. Die absolute und analytische Wiederfindung lag zwischen 89 und 107 %. Es zeigte sich, dass die HPLC-MS-Methode ohne Modifikation erweitert werden kann und anscheinend mehr als 30 verschiedene Psychopharmaka erfasst werden können. Mit den entwickelten flüssigchromatographischen Methoden stehen neue Verfahren für das TDM von Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva zur Verfügung, die es erlauben, mit einer Methode verschiedene Psychopharmaka und ihre aktiven Metabolite zu messen. Damit kann die Behandlung psychiatrischer Patienten insbesondere mit Antipsychotika verbessert werden.
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) umfasst die Messung von Medikamentenspiegeln im Blut und stellt die Ergebnisse in Zusammenhang mit dem klinischen Erscheinungsbild der Patienten. Dabei wird angenommen, dass die Konzentrationen im Blut besser mit der Wirkung korrelieren als die Dosis. Dies gilt auch für Antidepressiva. Voraussetzung für eine Therapiesteuerung durch TDM ist die Verfügbarkeit valider Messmethoden im Labor und die korrekte Anwendung des Verfahrens in der Klinik. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einsatz von TDM für die Depressionsbehandlung zu analysieren und zu verbessern. Im ersten Schritt wurde für das neu zugelassene Antidepressivum Duloxetin eine hochleistungsflüssig-chromatographische (HPLC) Methode mit Säulenschaltung und spektrophotometrischer Detektion etabliert und an Patienten für TDM angewandt. Durch Analyse von 280 Patientenproben wurde herausgefunden, dass Duloxetin-Konzentrationen von 60 bis 120 ng/ml mit gutem klinischen Ansprechen und einem geringen Risiko für Nebenwirkungen einhergingen. Bezüglich seines Interaktionspotentials erwies sich Duloxetin im Vergleich zu anderen Antidepressiva als schwacher Inhibitor des Cytochrom P450 (CYP) Isoenzyms 2D6. Es gab keinen Hinweis auf eine klinische Relevanz. Im zweiten Schritt sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden, mit der möglichst viele unterschiedliche Antidepressiva einschließlich deren Metaboliten messbar sind. Dazu wurde eine flüssigchromatographische Methode (HPLC) mit Ultraviolettspektroskopie (UV) entwickelt, mit der die quantitative Analyse von zehn antidepressiven und zusätzlich zwei antipsychotischen Substanzen innerhalb von 25 Minuten mit ausreichender Präzision und Richtigkeit (beide über 85%) und Sensitivität erlaubte. Durch Säulenschaltung war eine automatisierte Analyse von Blutplasma oder –serum möglich. Störende Matrixbestandteile konnten auf einer Vorsäule ohne vorherige Probenaufbereitung abgetrennt werden. Das kosten- und zeiteffektive Verfahren war eine deutliche Verbesserung für die Bewältigung von Proben im Laboralltag und damit für das TDM von Antidepressiva. Durch Analyse des klinischen Einsatzes von TDM wurden eine Reihe von Anwendungsfehlern identifiziert. Es wurde deshalb versucht, die klinische Anwendung des TDM von Antidepressiva durch die Umstellung von einer weitgehend händischen Dokumentation auf eine elektronische Bearbeitungsweise zu verbessern. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde untersucht, welchen Effekt man mit dieser Intervention erzielen konnte. Dazu wurde eine Labor-EDV eingeführt, mit der der Prozess vom Probeneingang bis zur Mitteilung der Messergebnisse auf die Stationen elektronisch erfolgte und die Anwendung von TDM vor und nach der Umstellung untersucht. Die Umstellung fand bei den behandelnden Ärzten gute Akzeptanz. Die Labor-EDV erlaubte eine kumulative Befundabfrage und eine Darstellung des Behandlungsverlaufs jedes einzelnen Patienten inklusive vorhergehender Klinikaufenthalte. Auf die Qualität der Anwendung von TDM hatte die Implementierung des Systems jedoch nur einen geringen Einfluss. Viele Anforderungen waren vor und nach der Einführung der EDV unverändert fehlerhaft, z.B. wurden häufig Messungen vor Erreichen des Steady State angefordert. Die Geschwindigkeit der Bearbeitung der Proben war im Vergleich zur vorher händischen Ausführung unverändert, ebenso die Qualität der Analysen bezüglich Richtigkeit und Präzision. Ausgesprochene Empfehlungen hinsichtlich der Dosierungsstrategie der angeforderten Substanzen wurden häufig nicht beachtet. Verkürzt wurde allerdings die mittlere Latenz, mit der eine Dosisanpassung nach Mitteilung des Laborbefundes erfolgte. Insgesamt ist es mit dieser Arbeit gelungen, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring von Antidepressiva zu liefern. In der klinischen Anwendung sind allerdings Interventionen notwendig, um Anwendungsfehler beim TDM von Antidepressiva zu minimieren.
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) findet Anwendung in der Therapie mit Immunosuppressiva, Antibiotika, antiretroviraler Medikation, Antikonvulsiva, Antidepressiva und auch Antipsychotika, um die Effizienz zu steigern und das Risiko von Intoxikationen zu reduzieren. Jedoch ist die Anwendung von TDM für Substanzen, die Einsatz finden in der Rückfallprophylaxe, der Substitution oder dem Entzug von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen nicht etabliert. Für diese Arbeit wurde im ersten Schritt eine sensitive Rating-Skala mit 22 Items entwickelt, mit Hilfe derer der theoretische Nutzen von TDM in der Pharmakotherapie von substanzbezogenen Abhängigkeitserkrankungen auf der Basis von pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Medikamente und von Patientencharakteristika evaluiert wurde. Die vorgenommene Einschätzung zeigte für Bupropion, Buprenorphin, Disulfiram (oder einen Metaboliten), Methadon (chirale Bestimmung wenn möglich) und Naltrexon einen potentiellen Nutzen von TDM.rnFür die meisten Medikamente, die zur Behandlung von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen zugelassen sind, fehlen valide Messverfahren für TDM. Im Alltag werden überwiegend Drogen Screening-Tests in Form immunologischer Schnelltests angewendet. Für die Anwendung von TDM wurden in dieser Arbeit chromatographische Verfahren für die Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol, Bupropion und Hydroxybupropion sowie R,S-Methadon und R,S-2-Ethyliden-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidin entwickelt, optimiert und validiert. Es handelt sich dabei HPLC-UV-Methoden mit Säulenschaltung sowie zur Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol zusätzlich eine LC-MS/MS-Methode. Voraussetzung für die Interpretation der Plasmaspiegel ist im Wesentlichen die Kenntnis eines therapeutischen Bereichs. Für Naltrexon und seinen aktiven Metaboliten 6β-Naltrexol konnte eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem auftretenden Craving und der Summenkonzentration gefunden werden. Mittels Receiver-Operation-Characteristics-Kurven-Analyse wurde ein Schwellenwert von 16,6 ng/ml ermittelt, oberhalb dessen mit einem erhöhten Ansprechen gerechnet werden kann. Für Levomethadon wurde bezüglich der Detoxifikationsbehandlung ein Zusammenhang in der prozentualen Reduktion des Plasmaspiegels und den objektiven und subjektiven Entzugssymptomen gefunden. rnDoch nicht nur die Wirkstoffe, sondern auch das Patientenmerkmal substanzbezogene Abhängigkeit wurde charakterisiert, zum einen bezüglich pharmakokinetischer Besonderheiten, zum anderen in Hinsicht auf die Therapietreue (Adhärenz). Für Patienten mit komorbider Substanzabhängigkeit konnte eine verminderte Adhärenz unabhängig von der Hauptdiagnose gezeigt werden. Die Betrachtung des Einflusses von veränderten Leberwerten zeigt für komorbide Patienten eine hohe Korrelation mit dem Metabolisiererstatus, nicht aber für Patienten ohne Substanzabhängigkeit.rnÜbergeordnetes Ziel von TDM ist die Erhöhung der Therapiesicherheit und die Steigerung der Therapieeffizienz. Dies ist jedoch nur möglich, wenn TDM im klinischen Alltag integriert ist und korrekt eingesetzt wird. Obwohl es klare Evidenz für TDM von psychiatrischer Medikation gibt, ist die Diskrepanz zwischen Laborempfehlung und der klinischen Umsetzung hoch. Durch Intensivierung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten und Labor, der Entwicklung von interaktivem TDM (iTDM), konnte die Qualität der Anwendung von TDM verbessert und das Risiko von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen vermindert werden. rnInsgesamt konnte durch die eigenen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass TDM für die medikamentöse Einstellung von Patienten mit Abhängigkeitserkrankung sinnvoll ist und dass optimales TDM eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit erfordert.rn
The biochemical determinants of cytotoxicity of the purine nucleoside analog, 9-(beta)-D-xylofuranosyladenine (xyl-A) were studied in wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells and in nucleoside kinase deficient mutants. It was found that {('3)H}xyl-A was readily phosphorylated to the triphosphate level in both the wild-type and deoxycytidine kinase deficient mutant, but not by the adenosine kinase deficient cells. Values for the apparent Km and Vmax of this uptake process were 43.9 (mu)M and 118.7 nmol/min/10('9) cells, respectively. Cloning procedures indicated that the viability of CHO cells was decreased 90 per cent by a 5-hr incubation with 10 (mu)M xyl-A. However, the toxicity of xyl-A was increased 100-fold by the addition of a nontoxic concentration (10 (mu)M) of the adenosine deaminase inhibitor erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA) to the medium. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis indicated that after 5 hr, the concentration of 9-(beta)-D-xylofuranosyladenine 5'-triphosphate (xyl-ATP) in cells incubated with xyl-A plus EHNA was 2.0 mM, four times greater than in those cells incubated with xyl-A alone. Incubation with xyl-A plus EHNA had no significant effect on the cellular concentrations of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate after 1 hr whereas, treatment with 3'-dexoyadenosine (cordycepin) decreased the concentration of this metabolite. Determinations of the cellular nucleoside triphosphates indicated that under conditions that resulted in an intracellular accumulation of 500 (mu)M xyl-ATP, the endogenous concentrations of neither the ribonucleoside triphosphates nor deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates were significantly different from those of control cells. The ID(,50) for {('3)H}thymidine incorporation into DNA, 105 (mu)M xyl-ATP, was four-fold less than the ID(,50) for {('3)H}uridine incorporation into RNA suggesting that the process of DNA synthesis is more sensitive to the presence of xyl-ATP. When removed from exogenous xyl-A, CHO cells failed to recover their ability to synthesize RNA and DNA, although the intracellular xyl-ATP concentration decreased to less than 35 (mu)M. The selective inhibition of RNA synthesis by 6-azauridine did not prevent the expression of toxicity by xyl-ATP. However, the selective inhibition of DNA synthesis by ara-C significantly spared toxicity in cells that had accumulated an otherwise lethal concentration of xyl-ATP. It is shown that in cells which had accumulated 1.27 mM {('3)H}xyl-ATP, {('3)H}xyl-A was found to terminate cellular RNA chains at a frequency of 1.42 (mu)mol of {('3)H}xyl-A 3' termini per mol of mononucleotide. These results indicate that a general mechanism for the toxicity of xyl-A to CHO cells includes the cellular accumulation of xyl-ATP, which serves as a substrate for RNA synthesizing enzymes and subsequently is incorporated into nascent RNA transcripts as a chain terminator. A specific mechanism involving the premature termination of RNA primers required for the initiation of DNA synthesis is proposed to account for the inhibitory action of xyl-ATP on DNA synthesis. ^
Benzene was studied in its target organ of effect, the bone marrow, with the micronucleus test and metaphase chromosomal analysis. Groups of 5 or 10, male and female CD-1 mice were treated with one or two p.o. or i.p. doses of benzene (440 mg/kg) or toluene (430, 860 or 1720 mg/kg) or both, and sacrificed 30 or 54h after the first dose. Benzene-treated animals were pretreated with phenobarbital (PB), 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC), (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF), SKF-525A, or Aroclor 1254. Toluene showed no clastogenic activity and reduced the clastogenic effect of co-administered benzene. None of the pretreatments protected against benzene clastogenicity. 3MC and (beta)NF greatly promoted benzene myeloclastogenicity. Dose response curves for benzene myeloclastogenicity were much steeper with 3MC induction than without. Micronuclei (MN) were 4-6 times higher by p.o. than i.p. benzene administration. This was not due to bacterial flora since no difference was found between germ-free and conventional males gavaged with benzene. A sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatographic method was developed and used to explore the relation between metabolic profiles of benzene in urine and MN after various pretreatments. Phenol (PH), trans-trans-muconic acid (MA) and hydroquinone (HQ) in the 48h male mouse urine accounted, respectively, for 12.8-22.8, 1.8-4.7 and 1.5-3.7% of the single oral dose of benzene (880, 440 and 220 mg/kg). Catechol (CT) was seen in trace amounts. MA was identified by ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Urinary metabolites--especially MA, HQ, and phenol glucuronide--correlated well with MN and were dependent on both the dose and the metabolism of benzene. Benzene metabolism was most inducible by cytochrome P-448 enzyme inducers, by p.o. > i.p., in males > females, and inhibited by toluene. Ph, CT or HQ administered p.o., 250, 150 and 250 mg/kg, respectively, or at 150 mg/kg x 2 after 3MC pretreatment, failed to reproduce the potent myeloclastogenicity of benzene. In fact, only HQ was mildly clastogenic. ^
Um método rápido utilizando cromatografia liquida (LC) foi desenvolvido para determinação simultânea de 7 pesticidas piretróides (bifentrina, cipermetrina, fenpropatrina, fenvalerato, permetrina, lambda-cialotrina, e deltametrina). Os resíduos são extraídos com acetona e a partição realizada de acordo com o método multi-resíduos DFG-S19, substituindo diclorometano por acetato de etila/ciclohexano (1+1) e purificação usando cromatografia de permeação a gel com uma coluna Biobeads SX3 e acetato de etila/ciclohexano (1+1) como eluente. A separação por LC é realizada com uma coluna LiChrospher 100 RP-18 e acetonitrila/água (8+2) como fase móvel. Os pesticidas são detectados em 212nm. As recuperações dos 7 pesticidas piretróides em amostras de feijão fortificadas em 0,010; 0,100; e 1,000 mg/kg ficaram entre 71-105%. A diferença particular deste método é o limite de quantificação, os quais ficaram entre 0,004-0,011 mg/kg, abaixo de muitos outros métodos de LC descritos na literatura. A cromatografia a gás (GC) com detector de captura de elétrons é mais sensível que a LC, mas o método com LC facilita a identificação dos picos. A GC apresenta muitos picos enquanto a LC apresenta apenas um para a maioria dos piretróides. A análise com LC é uma boa alternativa para a determinação de resíduos de piretróides em feijão. Durante o ano de 2005, um total de 48 amostras de feijão comercializadas na cidade de São Paulo, foram analisadas. Nenhum resíduo de pesticida piretróide foi detectado nas amostras.
Biogenic amines were determined in Australian by-product meals including fish meals, poultry meals, meat meals, feather meals and blood meals. They were extracted with 0.1 mol/L HCl, derivatised with dansyl chloride and analysed using HPLC with UV detection at 254 nm. Median levels of putrescine, cadaverine and histamine were determined in the by-product meals, with the ranges being 13-102 mg/kg, 7-220 mg/kg and 4-570 mg/kg, respectively. High levels of biogenic amines were found particularly in fish meals. The results indicate that further studies are required to determine the maximum limits for biogenic amines in by-product meals that will not impair production when fed to poultry.
The decomposition of drugs in the solid state has been studied using aspirin and salsalate as models. The feasibility of using suspension systems for predicting the stability of these drugs in the solid state has been investigated.. It has been found that such systems are inappropriate in defining the effect of excipients on 'the decomposition of the active drug due to chqnges in the degradation pathway. Using a high performance liquid chromatographic method, magnesium stearate was shown to induce the formation of potentlally immunogenic products in aspirin powders. These products which included salicylsalicylic acid .and acetylsalicyclsalicylic acid were not detected in aspirin suspensions which had undergone the same extent of decomposition. By studying the effect of pH and of added excipients on the rate of decomposition of aspirin in suspension systems, it has been shown that excipients such as magnesium stearate containing magnesium oxide, most probably enhance the decomposition of both aspirin and salsalate by alkalinising the aqueous phase. In the solid state, pH effects produced by excipients appear to be relatively unimportant. Evidence is presented to suggest that the critical parameter is a depression in melting point induced by: the added excipient. Microscopical examination in fact showed the formation of clear liquid layers in aspirin samples containing added magnesium stearate but not in control samples. Kinetic equations which take into account both the diffusive barrier presented by the liquid films and the. geometry of the aspirin crystals were developed. Fitting of the .experimental data to these equations showed good agreement. with the postulated theory. Monitorjng of weight issues during the decomposition of aspirin revealed that in the solid systems studied where the bulk of the decomposition product sublimes, it is possible to estimate the extent of degradation from the residual weight, provided the initial weight is known. The corollary is that in such open systems, monitoring of decomposition products is inadequate for assessing the extent of decomposition. In addition to the magnesium stearate-aspirin system, mapyramine maleate-aspirin mixtures were used to model interactive systems. Work carried out in an attempt to stabilise such systems included microencapsulation and film coating. The protection obtained was dependent on the interactive species used. Gelatin for example appeared to stabilise aspirin against the adverse effects of magnesium stearate but increased its decomposition in the presence of mapyramine maleate.
High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are developed for the simultaneous determination of various salicylates, their p-hydroxy isomers and nicotinic acid esters. The method is sensitive enough to detect trace amounts (~µM/L)of the product generated from cross reactivity between the drugs and the vehicle. The developed method also allows analysis of various topical products containing salicylate and nicotinate esters in their formulations. Applying this method, the degradation profiles of salicylates, nicotinates, p-hydroxy benzoate, o-methoxy benzoate and aspirin prodrugs in alkaline media are determined. The profile for alkyl salicylate degradation is found to be first order (A---? B) When the alcoholic radical is similar to that of the ester. In alcohol having a radical different from that of the ester function, the degradation is found to proceed through competitive transesterification and hydrolysis. The intermediates are identified following synthesis and isolation. The rate and extent of transesterification depends on the proportion of alcohol present in the system. Equations are presented to model the time profiles of reactant and product concentration. The reactions are base catalysed and the predominant pathway involves a concerted solvent attack upon the salicylate anion. Competitive hydrolysis of both ester components also follows this mechanism at moderate pH values but rates increase under strongly alkaline conditions as direct hydroxide attack becomes significant. In contrast, transesterification is independent of base concentration once full ionization is accomplished. The competitive hydrolysis is modelled using equations involving the dielectric constant of the medium. A range of other esters are also shown to undergo base-catalysed transesterification. In non-alcoholic solution phenyl salicylate undergoes a concentration-dependent oligomerisation which yields salsalate among the products. Competitive transesterification and hydrolysis also occur in products for topical use which have vehicles based upon alcohol, glycol or glycol polymers. Such reactions may compromise stability assessments, pharmaceutical integrity and delivery profiles.
Reversed-pahse high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of indomethacin, its decomposition products, ibuprofen and its (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)methyl-, (tetrahydro-2-(2H)pyranyl)methyl- and cyclohexylmethyl esters. The development and application of these HPLC systems were studied. A number of physico-chemical parameters that affect percutaneous absorption were investigated. The pKa values of indomethacin and ibuprofen were determined using the solubility method. Potentiometric titration and the Taft equation were also used for ibuprofen. The incorporation of ethanol or propylene glycol in the solvent resulted in an improvement in the aqueous solubility of these compounds. The partition coefficients were evaluated in order to establish the affinity of these drugs towards the stratum corneum. The stability of indomethacin and of ibuprofen esters were investigated and the effect of temperature and pH on the decomposition rates were studied. The effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the alkaline degradation of indomethacin was also followed. In the presence of alcohol, indomethacin alcoholysis was observed and the kinetics of decomposition were subjected to non-linear regression analysis and the rate constants for the various pathways were quantified. The non-isothermal, sufactant non-isoconcentration and non-isopH degradation of indomethacin were investigated. The analysis of the data was undertaken using NONISO, a BASIC computer program. The degradation profiles obtained from both non-iso and iso-kinetic studies show that there is close concordance in the results. The metabolic biotransformation of ibuprofen esters was followed using esterases from hog liver and rat skin homogenates. The results showed that the esters were very labile under these conditions. The presence of propylene glycol affected the rates of enzymic hydrolysis of the ester. The hydrolysis is modelled using an equation involving the dielectric constant of the medium. The percutaneous absorption of indomethacin and of ibuprofen and its esters was followed from solutions using an in vitro excised human skin model. The absorption profiles followed first order kinetics. The diffusion process was related to their solubility and to the human skin/solvent partition coefficient. The percutaneous absorption of two ibuprofen esters from suspensions in 20% propylene glycol-water were also followed through rat skin with only ibuprofen being detected in the receiver phase. The sensitivity of ibuprofen esters to enzymic hydrolysis compared to the chemical hydrolysis may prove valuable in the formulation of topical delivery systems.
Chronic experimental lung infection in rats was induced by intratracheal inoculation of agar beads containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria were recovered directly without subculture from the lungs of rats at 14 days post-infection and the outer membrane (OM) antigens were studied. The results indicated that bacteria grew under iron-restricted conditions as revealed by the expression of several iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) which could also be observed when the isolate was grown under iron-depleted conditions in laboratory media. The antibody response to P. aeruginosa OM protein antigens was investigated by immunoblotting with serum and lung fluid from infected rats. These fluids contained antibodies to all the major OM proteins, including the IRMPs, and protein H1. Results obtained using immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was the major antigen recognised by antibodies in sera from infected rats. The animal model was used to follow the development of the immune response to P. aeruginosa protein and LPS antigens. Immunoblotting was used to investigate the antigens recognised by antibodies in sequential serum samples. An antibody response to the IRMPs and OM proteins D, E, G and H1 and alao to rough LPS was detected as early as 4 days post-infection. Results obtained using immunoblotting and crossed immunoelectrophoresis techniques indicated that there was a progressive increase in the number of P. aeruginosa antigens recognised by antibodies in these sera. Both iron and magnesium depletion influenced protein H1 production. Antibodies in sera from patients with infections due to P. aeruginosa reacted with this antigen. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis indicated that growth phase and magnesium and iron depletion also affected the amount of LPS fatty acids, produced by P. aeruginosa. The silver stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of P. aeruginosa indicated that the O-antigen and core LPS were both affected by growth phase and specific nutrient depletion.
The influence of iron metabolism, both on the invading bacterial pathogen and in the host is widespread and often appears to be crucial in determining the outcome of an infection. This study involved the investigation of leukaemia, a clinical disease where abnormal availability of iron may play a part in predisposing patients to bacterial infection. The iron status throughout a Gram-negative septicaemia and in 20 random, newly diagnosed leukaemic patients was assessed. The results revealed that the majority of the patients exhibited high serum iron levels and serum transferrin saturation often at 100%, with an inability to reduce the latter to within normal values during an infection episode. The antibody response to P.aeruginosa, E.coli and K.pneumoniae outer membrane protein (OMP) antigens were investigated by immunoblotting with sequential serum samples during infection in the leukaemic host. Antibodies to all the major OMPs, were observed, although recognition of iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) was in many cases weak. Results from the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that in all patients antibody titre in response to infection was poor. Sub-MICs of mitomycin C significantly altered the surface characteristics of P.aeruginosa. The silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of strains PAO1, 6750, M7 and PAJ indicated that core LPS was affected in the presence of mitomycin C. In contrast, the rough strain AK1012 showed no observable differences. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis showed the amount of LPS fatty acids to be unaffected, however, the KDO and carbohydrate content in strains PAO1, 6750 and M7 under Fe+ and Fe- growth conditions were decreased by up to 4-fold in the presence of mitomycin C, indicating perturbed expression of LPS. The cell surface became significantly more hydrophobic in the P.aeruginosa strains, except AK1012 which was comparatively unaffected. The induction of protein G (OprG) in P.aeruginosa was found to be a sensitive indicator of media iron. The data indicated that expression of OprG can be modulated by growth rate/phase, availability of iron and by the presence of ciprofloxacin in the growth medium.
The nasal absorption of larger peptide and protein drugs is generally low. The importance of the mucus layer and enzymic degradation in reducing absorption were investigated. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed to assay a variety of compounds. Pig gastric mucus (PGM) was selected to investigate the importance of the mucus layer. A method of treating and storing PGM was developed and evaluated which was representative of the gel in vivo. The nature of the mucus barrier was evaluated in vitro with three-compartment diffusion cells and a series of compounds with differing physicochemical properties. Mucus retarded the diffusion of all the compounds with molecular weight and charge exerting a marked effect. Binding to mucus was investigated by a centrifugation method. All of the compounds tested were found to bind to mucus with the exception of the negatively charged molecule benzoic acid. The small peptides did not demonstrate greater binding to mucus than any of the other compounds evaluated. The effect of some absorption enhancers upon the rate of diffusion of tryptophan through mucus was determined in vi tro. At the concentrations employed the enhancers EDTA, N-acetylcysteine and taurodeoxycholic acid exerted no effect, whilst taurocholic acid and cholic acid, were found to slightly reduce the rate of diffusion. The intracellular and luminal proteolytic activity of the nose was investigated in the sheep animal model with a nasal mucosal homogenate and a nasal wash preparation respectively and a series of chemically similar peptides. Hydrolysis was also investigated with the proteolytic enzymes carboxypeptidase A, cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase and microsomal leucine aminopeptidase. Sheep nasal mucosa possesses significant peptide hydrolase activity capable of degrading all the substrates tested. Considerable variation in susceptibility was observed. Degradation occurred excl us i ve ly at the pept ide bond between the aromatic amino ac id and glycine, indicating some specificity for aromatic amino acids. Hydrolysis profiles indicated the presence of both aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase enzymes. The specific activity of the microsomal fraction was found to be greater than the cytosolic fraction. Hydrolysis in the nasal wash indicated the presence of either luminal or loosely-bound proteases, which can degrade peptide substrates. The same specificity for aromatic amino acids was observed and aminopeptidase activity demonstrated. The specific activity of the nasal wash was smaller than that of the homogenate.
Background To determine the pharmacokinetics (PK) of a new i.v. formulation of paracetamol (Perfalgan) in children ≤15 yr of age. Methods After obtaining written informed consent, children under 16 yr of age were recruited to this study. Blood samples were obtained at 0, 15, 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after administration of a weight-dependent dose of i.v. paracetamol. Paracetamol concentration was measured using a validated high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with ultraviolet detection method, with a lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) of 900 pg on column and an intra-day coefficient of variation of 14.3% at the LLOQ. Population PK analysis was performed by non-linear mixed-effect modelling using NONMEM. Results One hundred and fifty-nine blood samples from 33 children aged 1.8–15 yr, weight 13.7–56 kg, were analysed. Data were best described by a two-compartment model. Only body weight as a covariate significantly improved the goodness of fit of the model. The final population models for paracetamol clearance (CL), V1 (central volume of distribution), Q (inter-compartmental clearance), and V2 (peripheral volume of distribution) were: 16.51×(WT/70)0.75, 28.4×(WT/70), 11.32×(WT/70)0.75, and 13.26×(WT/70), respectively (CL, Q in litres per hour, WT in kilograms, and V1 and V2 in litres). Conclusions In children aged 1.8–15 yr, the PK parameters for i.v. paracetamol were not influenced directly by age but were by total body weight and, using allometric size scaling, significantly affected the clearances (CL, Q) and volumes of distribution (V1, V2).
Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic methods for the analysis of Haloacetic acids have been developed and compared to conventional direct detection methods. Haloacetic acids commonly found in drinking water, including monochloro-, dichloro-, bromo-, iodo- and trichloroacetic acids- have been studied. The ion pairing agent benzyltributylammonium ion was studied in detail using indirect UV and indirect fluorescence detection. Five different competing ions were evaluated to decrease analysis times and lower the detection limit by this new method. The direct detection method utilized an ammonium sulfate buffer and UV detection yielding a detection limit of 100 ppb. The indirect method developed has the advantage of being able to simultaneously analyze UV and non-UV absorbing ions and molecules but requires long equilibration times and demonstrated lower sensitivity than the direct method. ^