239 resultados para laminate


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Interaction of Lamb waves with structural damage can lead to wave mode conversion. In this study, the shear horizontal (SH) wave, from the mode conversion of the fundamental symmetric Lamb wave (S0), was used for quantitative identification of delamination in composite beams, based on advanced signal processing using an inverse approach. SH wave propagation under various delamination conditions in CF/EP beams made of orthotropic plain woven fabrics was simulated, and signal characteristics were extracted in terms of the concept of digital damage fingerprints (DDF). With the aid of an artificial neural algorithm, the relation between the DDF of delamination-scattered SH mode and damage parameters was calibrated, whereby the occurrence, location and size of delamination in the composite beams were assessed. The approach was experimentally validated, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of SH mode for quantitative damage evaluation of composite structures.


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The influence of temperature on the forming behavior of an aluminum/polypropylene/aluminum (APA) sandwich sheet was studied. Shear and tensile tests were performed to determine the mechanical properties of the laminate and the component materials as a function of process temperature. The forming limit diagram (FLD) of the laminate was established for two different temperatures, and its springback behavior was examined in four-point bend and channel bend tests. Cup forming tests were performed at various test temperatures to determine the limiting drawing ratio (LDR) and the tendency for wrinkling at these temperatures. Although there was only a minor influence of temperature on the mechanical properties and the FLD values of the laminate, the bend test results reveal that springback can be reduced by forming at higher temperature. The decreasing strength of the core material with rising process temperature led to an increased tendency of the laminate to wrinkle in the heated cup drawing tests.


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Melding, a novel method for joining composites is examined in this paper. The method uses Quickstep ™ technology to retain partially cured areas of a composite laminate, enabling subsequent bonding operations. The effect of melding on the mechanical properties of the composite has been investigated. Flexural testing of HexPly 914 indicates consistent properties throughout a melded section. Flexural strength values of 1.36±O.03 GPa compared to 1.35±O.03 GPa for a standard laminate were recorded. In order to achieve sufficient bond strength, the portion of the composite to be joined must have a significant proportion of uncured matrix. The ability of Hexply 914 prepreg to retain sufficient bonding potential to form a strong joint was also investigated. HexPly 914 Lap Shear results indicated no significant variation in strength values between co-cured and melded joins, with a recorded
strength value of 15.0±0. 7 MPa.


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A family of simple, displacement-based and shear-flexible triangular and quadrilateral flat plate/shell elements for linear and geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminate composite plates are introduced and summarized in this paper.

The developed elements are based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and von-Karman’s large deflection theory, and total Lagrangian approach is employed to formulate the element for geometrically nonlinear analysis. The deflection and rotation functions of the element boundary are obtained from Timoshenko’s laminated composite beam functions, thus convergence can be ensured theoretically for very thin laminates and shear-locking problem is avoided naturally.

The flat triangular plate/shell element is of 3-node, 18-degree-of-freedom, and the plane displacement interpolation functions of the Allman’s triangular membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom are taken as the in-plane displacements of the element. The flat quadrilateral plate/shell element is of 4-node, 24-degree-of-freedom, and the linear displacement interpolation functions of a quadrilateral plane element with drilling degrees of freedom are taken as the in-plane displacements.

The developed elements are simple in formulation, free from shear-locking, and include conventional engineering degrees of freedom. Numerical examples demonstrate that the elements are convergent, not sensitive to mesh distortion, accurate and efficient for linear and geometric nonlinear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminates.


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A metal/polymer laminate is a new light weight sheet material suitable to replace conventional steel or aluminium sheet in future car designs. In this study the effect of material composition and process conditions on the forming behaviour of metal/polymer laminates in sheet metal forming was investigated by experimental, analytical and numerical methods.


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Tensile tests at high speeds corresponding to automotive crash events were conducted to understand the dynamic properties of rapidly cured woven carbon fiber composites. The High Strain Rate (HSR) experiments were conducted on a servo-hydraulic machine at constant velocities up to a maximum of 25 m/s (82 ft/s). Results from HSR tests were compared with the static results to determine the rate sensitivity of the composite. A high speed camera was used to capture the failure at HSR. The tensile properties of rapidly cured laminate were compared to oven cured laminate to justify its productivity while maintaining the desired properties. The methodology used to achieve constant velocity during HSR tests is discussed in detail. The specimen geometry was specially designed to suit the test rig and to achieve high speeds during tests. All the specimens failed with linear elasticity until sudden brittle fracture. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of the fracture zone were used to identify the failure modes observed at static and high strain rates.


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In this paper, the effect of various aging environments on the painted surface finish of unidirectional carbon fibre composite laminates, manufactured by autoclave and a novel out-of-autoclave technique was investigated. Laminates were exposed to water immersion, 95 % relative humidity and cyclic environments for 552 h and the surface finish was evaluated using visual and wave-scan distinctness of image (DOI) techniques. It was found that the laminate surface finish was dependent on the amount of moisture in the aging test. Minor surface waviness occurred on the laminates exposed to the cyclic test, whereas, surface waviness, print through and DOI values were all significantly higher as the laminates absorbed larger quantities of moisture from the hygrothermal and hydrothermal tests. The water immersion test, which was the most detrimental to the surface finish of the painted laminates, produced dense blistering on the autoclave manufactured laminate surface whereas the out-of-autoclave laminate surface produced only a few. It was found that the out-of-autoclave laminate had high substrate surface roughness which resulted in improved paint adhesion and, therefore, prevented the formation of surface blistering with aging. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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In this article, the effect of hygrothermal aging on the painted surface finish of unidirectional and fabric carbon fibre composite laminates, with and without surfacing film was investigated. The results highlighted the importance of ensuring that the composite surface directly beneath the paint layer is made from a uniform material with a consistent thickness in order to minimise surface defects from occurring during aging. The surfacing film was found to minimise the print through development on the painted unidirectional and twill composite surfaces. However, the surfacing film layer was found to intermingle with the carbon fibre plies during cure, which resulted in an uneven film thickness that caused increased levels of orange peel. The twill laminate painted surface produced high levels of print through and surface waviness that was caused by the large resin rich regions located within the tow intersections at the surface which enlarged due to thermal expansion and swelling of the matrix with hygrothermal aging. It was also noted that the small resin rich regions between the individual carbon fibres on the unidirectional composite surface were sufficiently large to print through the painted surface.


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This work investigated the effect of woven E-glass mass (25 g/m2, 50 g/m2, 85 g/m2, 135 g/m2) on the painted surface finish of various thermoset (EPIKOTETM RIM935, EPIKOTETM 04434, Ultratec LpTM ES300, Ultratec LpTM SPV6035) carbon fibre composite laminates, before and after aging at 95 °C for 168 h. The as-moulded laminate surfaces were evaluated using surface profilometry techniques and the painted and aged surfaces were evaluated using a wave-scan distinctness of image (DOI) instrument. It was found that the 25 g/m2 E-glass surface layer assisted with reducing the roughness of the as-moulded surfaces and the long-term waviness of the painted surfaces due to the increase in resin-richness at the surface. The EPIKOTETM 04434 resin system that contained diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF) epoxy had the least change in long-term waviness with thermal aging due to the rigid fluorene-based backbone in comparison to the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) systems.


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The title of the work, Formica, speaks both to the work’s insect motif – formica is Latin for ant - but also to the 2-dimensional nature of the projection screen – Formica is also a kind of decorative laminate surface. This is Grennan’s second video installation work commissioned specifically for the Kingston Art Centre’s Bridge Space. Following on from the first project - which transformed a dilapidated 3rd story pedestrian corridor into a virtual swimming pool - this work continues to explore the residual meanings of the corridor as a liminal, in-between, or non-space. The new work seeks to again reply aesthetically and poetically to the site’s external setting dominated as it is by the heavy commuter traffic along the Nepean Highway. Scale is central to the work. In Formica, Grennan constructs a scaled-down Perspex replica of the walk-bridge, and with the help of Patrick Honan and Museum Victoria (where Patrick, an entomologist, is head of live exhibits), he populates the corridor with live Bull Ants. The work records these colossal ants as they negotiate the non-space of the corridor and fulfil their metaphorical roles as standardised commuters. With nowhere to go, however, the ants subvert this assigned role and exhibit far more nuanced and individuated behaviour as they investigate, probe, prevaricate, dawdle, or preen idly as though performing some insectile version of Waiting for Godot.


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Laser micro-machining offers a versatile tool for the rapid manufacturing of polymeric microfluidics systems, with a typical turn-around-time in the order of minutes. However, the chaotic nature of the thermal evaporative ablation process can yield a significant number of defects in the surface of the manufactured microchannels, in the form of residual condensed material. In this work we have investigated the use of solvent evaporation by which to not only laminate bond the laser machined structures but to remove a significant number of the defect formed by the condensation of residual polymer. Results are presented of the surface profiling of the bonded channel structures and demonstrations of the bonding of the microchips to produce autonomous capillary microchannels.


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The gradual replacement of conventional materials by the ones called composite materials is becoming a concern about the response of these composites against adverse environmental conditions, such as ultraviolet radiation, high temperature and moist. Also the search for new composite using natural fibers or a blend of it with synthetic fibers as reinforcement has been studied. In this sense, this research begins with a thorough study of microstructural characterization of licuri fiber, as a proposal of alternative reinforcement to polymeric composites. Thus, a study about the development of two composite laminates was done. The first one, involving only the fiber of licuri and the second comprising a hybrid composite based of fiber glass E and the fiber of licuri, in order to know the performance of the fiber when of fiber across the hybridization process. The laminates were made in the form of plates using the tereftálica ortho-polyester resin as matrix. The composite laminate made only by licuri fiber had two reinforcing fabric layers of unidirectional licuri and the hybrid composite had two reinforcing layers of unidirectional licuri fabric and three layers of fiber short glass-E mat. Finally, both laminates was exposed to aging acceleration in order to study the influence of environmental degradation involving the mechanical properties and fracture characteristics thereof. Regarding the mechanical properties of composites, these were determined through uniaxial tensile tests, uniaxial compression and three bending points for both laminates in original state, and uniaxial tensile tests and three bending points after accelerated aging. As regards the study of structural degradation due to aging of the laminates, it was carried out based on microscopic analysis and microstructure, as well as measuring weight loss. The characteristics of the fracture was performed by macroscopic and microscopic (optical and SEM) analysis. In general, the laminated composites based on fiber licuri showed some advantages in their responses to environmental aging. These advantages are observed in the behavior related to stiffness as well as the microstructural degradation and photo-oxidation processes. However, the structural integrity of this laminate was more affected in case the action of uniaxial tensile loads, where it was noted a lower rate of withholding his last resistance property


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This work had as objective tests therapeutic treatments seeking the monogenea eradication in fingerlings Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) servants in cage net in the area of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo. The fingerlings presented an accentuated weigh loss and strong discoloration and through observation of scraped of gills under light microscope were identified a high amount of monogenea. Three treatments were tested in form of baths: T1 (fresh water for 5 minutes); T2 (formalin: 1: 1.000 for 20 minutes) and T3: (formalin: 1:4.000 for 30 minutes). The treatments were appraised through scraped of gills, mounted among you laminate and laminulas and observed to the light microscope. It was observed that in the tested conditions all of the treatments were efficient in the elimination of the monogenea without presenting lethality to the fish. The treatment is recommended T I (take a bath in fresh water for 5 minutes) for the facility in the application and for the absence of use of chemical products.


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The growing demand in the use of composite materials necessitates a better understanding of its behavior related to many conditions of loading and service, as well as under several ways of connections involved in mechanisms of structural projects. Within these project conditions are highlighted the presence of geometrical discontinuities in the area of cross and longitudinal sections of structural elements and environmental conditions of work like UV radiation, moisture, heat, leading to a decrease in final mechanical response of the material. In this sense, this thesis aims to develop studies detailed (experimental and semi-empirical models) the effects caused by the presence of geometric discontinuity, more specifically, a central hole in the longitudinal section (with reduced cross section) and the influence of accelerated environmental aging on the mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of FGRP composite laminates under the action of uniaxial tensile loads. Studies on morphological behavior and structural degradation of composite laminates are performed by macroscopic and microscopic analysis of affected surfaces, in addition to evaluation by the Measurement technique for mass variation (TMVM). The accelerated environmental aging conditions are simulated by aging chamber. To study the simultaneous influence of aging/geometric discontinuity in the mechanical properties of composite laminates, a semiempirical model is proposed and called IE/FCPM Model. For the stress concentration due to the central hole, an analisys by failures criteria were performed by Average-Stress Criterion (ASC) and Point-Stress Criterion (PSC). Two polymeric composite laminates, manufactured industrially were studied: the first is only reinforced by short mats of fiberglass-E (LM) and the second where the reinforced by glass fiber/E comes in the form of bidirectional fabric (LT). In the conception configurations of laminates the anisotropy is crucial to the final mechanical response of the same. Finally, a comparative study of all parameters was performed for a better understanding of the results. How conclusive study, the characteristics of the final fracture of the laminate under all conditions that they were subjected, were analyzed. These analyzes were made at the macroscopic level (scanner) microscope (optical and scanning electron). At the end of the analyzes, it was observed that the degradation process occurs similarly for each composite researched, however, the LM composite compared to composite LT (configurations LT 0/90º and LT ±45º) proved to be more susceptible to loss of mechanical properties in both regarding with the central hole as well to accelerated environmental aging


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The growing demand in the use of composite materials necessitates a better understanding its behavior to many conditions of loading and service, as well as under several ways of connections involved in mechanisms of structural projects. It is know that most of the structural elements are designed with presence of geometric discontinuities (holes, notches, etc) in their longitudinal sections and / or transversals, and that these discontinuities affect the mechanical response of these elements. This work has aims to analyze a study of the mechanical response, when in the presence geometric discontinuity, of polymer matrix composite laminates (orthophthalic polyester) to the uniaxial tensile test. The geometric discontinuity is characterized by the presence of a center hole in the transversal section of the composite. In this study, different kinds of stacking sequences are tested, with and without the presence of the hole, so as to provide better understanding of the mechanical properties. This sense, two laminates were studied: the first is only reinforced by with seven layers short mats of fiberglass-E (CM) and the second where the reinforcement of fiberglass-E comes in the form of bidirectional fabric (CT), with only four layers. The laminate CT has the presence of anisotropy (sense of continuous fibers with respect to the applied load) as the main parameter influencing its mechanical behavior, behavior this, not observed for the CM. In addition to the mechanical properties was also studied the fracture characteristics developed in each composite laminated. The results also showed that the presence of the hole in the transversal section decreased the ultimate strength of laminates and changed the final characteristic of fracture in all kinds of composite laminated studied