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Paleoclimate reconstruction from Miocene macroflora in Kazakhstan compiled from various publications
25 datasets (13 fossil leaf and pollen assemblages, 12 quantitative palaeoclimatic datasets) are provided in order to analyse Early Miocene palaeoclimate in Kazakhstan. The rich fossil record in Kazakhstan documents that during the Oligocene and Early Miocene this area in Central Eurasia was densely forested with warm-temperate deciduous trees and shrubs of the so-called "Turgayan flora". 29 fossil floras from 13 localities have been selected for a quantitative analysis of the Aquitanian (early Early Miocene) climate situation in Kazakhstan. The assessed mean annual temperatures generally place around 15 °C, while values of mean annual precipitation are of about 1000 mm. In combination with several other climate parameters estimated (temperatures of warmest and coldest months, precipitation rates of wettest, driest and warmest months), these data reflect uniform climatic conditions over several thousands of square kilometres. Data of temperature parameters show slight spatial differentiations, with generally cooler mean annual temperatures and higher seasonality (i.e. warmer summers and colder winters) in the north-eastern part of the study area compared with the south-western area around Lake Aral. As compared with palaeoclimate estimates for the European and East Asian Aquitanian, the central part of the Eurasian continent reveals evident signals of higher seasonality and slightly increased continentality.
The EBV-encoded latent membrane proteins (LMP1 and LMP2), which are expressed in various EBV-associated malignancies have been proposed as a potential target for CTL-based therapy. However, the precursor frequency for LMP-specific CTL is generally low, and immunotherapy based on these antigens is often compromised by the poor immunogenicity and potential threat from their oncogenic potential. Here we have developed a replication-incompetent adenoviral vaccine that encodes multiple HLA class I-restricted CTL epitopes from LMP1 and LMP2 as a polyepitope. Immunization with this polyepitope vaccine consistently generated strong LMP-specific CTL responses in HLA A2/K-b mice, which can be readily detected by both ex vivo and in vivo T-cell assays. Furthermore, a human CTL response to LMP antigens can be rapidly expanded after stimulation with this recombinant polyepitope vector. These expanded T cells displayed strong lysis of autologous target cells sensitized with LMP1 and/or LMP2 CTL epitopes. More importantly, this adenoviral vaccine was also successfully used to reverse the outgrowth of LMP1-expressing tumors in HLA A2/K-b mice. These studies demonstrate that a replication-incompetent adenovirus polyepitope vaccine is an excellent tool for the induction of a protective CTL response directed toward multiple LMP CTL epitopes restricted through common HLA class I alleles prevalent in different ethnic groups where EBV-associated malignancies are endemic.
Infection of humans with the West Nile flavivirus principally occurs via tick and mosquito bites. Here, we document the expression of antigen processing and presentation molecules in West Nile virus (WNV)-infected human skin fibroblast (HFF) cells. Using a new Flavivirus-specific antibody, 4G4, we have analyzed cell surface human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression on virus-infected cells at a single cell level. Using this approach, we show that West Nile Virus infection alters surface HLA expression on both infected HFF and neighboring uninfected HFF cells. Interestingly, increased surface HLA evident on infected HFF cultures is almost entirely due to virus-induced interferon (IFN)alpha/beta because IFNalpha/beta-neutralizing antibodies completely prevent increased surface HLA expression. In contrast, RT-PCR analysis indicates that WNV infection results in increased mRNAs for HLA-A, -B, and -C genes, and HLA-associated molecules low molecular weight polypeptide-2 (LMP-2) and transporter associated with antigen presentation-1 (TAP-1), but induction of these mRNAs is not diminished in HFF cells cultured with IFNalpha/beta-neutralizing antibodies. Taken together, these data support the idea that that both cytokine-dependent and cytokine-independent mechanisms account for WNV-induced HLA expression in human skin fibroblasts. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), the malignant Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells constitute only 0.5% of 10% of the diseased tissue. The surrounding cellular infiltrate is enriched with T cells that are hypothesized to modulate antitumor immunity. We show that a marker of regulatory T cells, LAG-3, is strongly expressed on infiltrating lymphocytes present in proximity to HRS cells. Circulating regulatory T cells (CD4(+) CD25(hi) CD45 ROhi, CD4(+) CTLA4(hi), and CD4(+) LAG-3(hi)) were elevated in HL patients with active disease when compared with remission. Longitudinal profiling of EBV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses in 94 HL patients revealed a selective loss of interferon-gamma expression by CD8(+) T cells specific for latent membrane proteins 1 and 2 (LMP1/2), irrespective of EBV tissue status. Intratumoral LAG-3 expression was associated with EBV tissue positivity, whereas FOXP3 was linked with neither LAG-3 nor EBV tissue status. The level of LAG-3 and FOXP3 expression on the tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes was coincident with impairment of LMP1/2-specific T-cell function. In vitro pre-exposure of peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells to HRS cell line supernatant significantly increased the expansion of regulatory T cells and suppressed LMP-specific T-cell responses. Deletion of CD4(+) LAG-3(+) T cells enhanced LMP-specific reactivity. These findings indicate a pivotal role for regulatory T cells and LAG-3 in the suppression of EBV-specific cell-mediated immunity in HL.
One goal of comparative immunology is to derive inferences about evolutionary pathways in the development of immune-defense systems. Almost 700 million years ago, a major divergence occurred in the phylogeny of animals, spitting all descendants into either the protostome or deuterostome (includes vertebrates) lineages. Genes have evolved independently along these lineages for that amount of time. Cnidarians originated before that divergence event, and can hold clues as to which immune response genes are homologous to both lineages. This work uses the gorgonian coral, Swiftia exserta, for two major reasons: (1) because of their phylogenetic position, corals are an important animal model in studies concerning the phylogeny of immune-response genes, and (2) nothing is known about the genes controlling immunocompetence in corals. The work described here has important implications in both innate and adaptive immunity. ^ The vertebrate complement system is a major component of innate immunity. C3 is a critical component of the three pathways of complement. Because of its opsonic properties, a C3-like protein is expected to have evolved early. However, currently available data suggests that complement-like components are unique to the deuterostome lineage. This work describes the cloning and characterization of a C3-like gene from S. exserta. The deduced polypeptide sequence reveals conservation of multiple, functionally critical, sites while sharing physiochemical and structural properties with the complement components C3/C4/C5. ^ Antigen processing, via intracellular enzymatic proteasomes, is a major requirement of vertebrate adaptive immunity. These organelles have a catalytic core, through which pass intracellular proteins for degradation into peptides presentable to the immune system. LMP 7 is one component of the paralogous “immuno-proteasome”. LMP 7 is a paralog of the ubiquitous LMP X, but is restricted to vertebrates. While LMP 7 is absent in the coral, this work describes a coral LMP X gene. Phylogenetic analyses, along with hydropathy profiling of a critical portion of the invertebrate and vertebrate paralogous genes, suggests that some invertebrates have two diverging LMP X genes. In some cases, one LMP X protein shares characteristics with vertebrate LMP 7. This work presents new evidence for how the LMP X and 7 genes evolved. ^
Con el propósito de evaluar la influencia del número de hileras en la mazorca de progenitores maternos (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) sobre variables asociadas al rendimiento, estimar grados de asociación fenotípica entre rasgos y su variabilidad genética, se estableció un experimento de campo en bloques completos al azar (BCA) con cuatro réplicas, en la Finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la UNA, en época de postrera del 2014. Las variables analizadas fueron: Longitud de la mazorca (LM), diámetro de la mazorca (DM) , número de granos por hilera (NGH), peso de 100 granos (P100G), numero de hileras por mazorca ( NHM),peso de la mazorca (PM),peso en grano por mazorca (PGM), mediante los procedimientos de SAS, con estadísticos descriptivos, correlaciones de Pearson y análisis de varianza con regresión de los caracteres maternos sobre los de progenie. Los tratamientos que presentaron promedios más altos para LMp, DMp, NHMp, PMp, PGMp fueron los de 14 y 18 hileras. El tratamiento con 16 hileras mostró la más alta variación fenotípica (CV). Las correlaciones fenotípicas de progenies más destacadas fueron: PMp con PGMp y DMp; PMp con NGHp; DMp con PGMp; PMp con NGHp; NGHp con PGMp; y LMp con PMp, todas ellas positivas y altamente significativas. Las correlaciones fenotípicas entre variables de la progenie con progenitor materno más notorias fueron LM, con NHM y P100G. Del análisis de varianza, el factor NHMm fue altamente significativo para LMp y NHMp y en menor grado para DMp y P100Gp. Se estimaron niveles de variabilidad genética importante en rasgos como LMp, NHMp y NGHp, con valores de heredabilidad entre 0.36 y 0.46, los cuales son muy promisorios para programas de mejoramiento genético participativo.
Non-B DNA structures like R-loops and G-quadruplexes play a pivotal role in several cellular vital processes like DNA transcription regulation. Misregulation of said non-canonical DNA structures can often lead to genome instability, DNA damage, and, eventually, to the activation of an innate immune response. For such reasons they have been studied as adjuvants in anticancer therapies. Here we studied drugs targeting R-loops (Top1 poisons) and G4s (hydrazone derivatives) in order to observe their effects in terms of DNA damage induction and, subsequently, activation of innate immune response. We studied how non-cytotoxic doses of ampthotecin and LMP-776 impact on genome instability, are capable to induce DNA damage and micronuclei, and, eventually lead to an innate immune gene response via the cGAS/STING pathway. G-quadruplexes are another ubiquitous, non-canonical DNA structure, more abundant in telomeric regions, demonstrating a marked relation with the impairment of telomerase and the regulation of DNA replication and transcription. Furthermore, we investigated the properties of new-synthesized molecules belonging to the highly promising class of hydrazone derivatives, in terms of cytotoxicity, ability to stabilize G4-structures, induce DNA damage, and activate interferon-B production. Both Top1 poisons and G4-stabilizers possess several features that can be very useful in clinical applications, in light of their ability to stimulate innate immune response factors and exert a certain cell-killing power, plus they offer a broad and diverse range of treatment options in order to face a variety of patient treatment needs. It is for these very reasons that it is of uttermost importance that further studies are conducted on these compounds, in order to synthesize new and increasingly powerful and flexible ones, with fewer side effects to customize therapies on specific cancers’ and patients’ features.