930 resultados para interval-valued fuzzy set


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Fundamental reforms in childcare services appear to have eroded traditional
support to the male breadwinner model across European states. There has been a strong debate about the direction of these changes, and the ways in which childcare services can alter the division of labor and promote gender equality. This paper deals with these issues by using fuzzy set ideal-type analysis to assess the conformity of childcare service provisions in European economies to Fraser’s four ideal typical models: male breadwinner, caregiver parity, universal breadwinner, and universal caregiver. We find that there is resilience of traditional gender roles in the majority of European countries, while there are different variants of the universal breadwinner shaping different forms of childcare policies. The more equalitarian universal caregiver model maintains its utopian character.


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This article examines the impact of presidential approval and individual minister profiles on minister turnover. It claims that, in order to prioritize sustainable policy performance and cabinet loyalty, government chiefs protect and remove technocrats, partisans, and outsider ministers conditional on government approval. The study offers an operational definition of minister profiles that relies on fuzzy-set measures of technical expertise and political affiliation, and tests the hypotheses using survival analysis with an original dataset for the Argentine case (1983–2011). The findings show that popular presidents are likely to protect experts more than partisan ministers, but not outsiders.


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Intensive use of Distributed Generation (DG) represents a change in the paradigm of power systems operation making small-scale energy generation and storage decision making relevant for the whole system. This paradigm led to the concept of smart grid for which an efficient management, both in technical and economic terms, should be assured. This paper presents a new approach to solve the economic dispatch in smart grids. The proposed methodology for resource management involves two stages. The first one considers fuzzy set theory to define the natural resources range forecast as well as the load forecast. The second stage uses heuristic optimization to determine the economic dispatch considering the generation forecast, storage management and demand response


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Most of distributed generation and smart grid research works are dedicated to network operation parameters studies, reliability, etc. However, many of these works normally uses traditional test systems, for instance, IEEE test systems. This paper proposes voltage magnitude and reliability studies in presence of fault conditions, considering realistic conditions found in countries like Brazil. The methodology considers a hybrid method of fuzzy set and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzy-probabilistic models and a remedial action algorithm which is based on optimal power flow. To illustrate the application of the proposed method, the paper includes a case study that considers a real 12-bus sub-transmission network.


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This article investigates the determinants of union inclusiveness towards agency workers in Western Europe, using an index which combines unionization rates with dimensions of collective agreements covering agency workers. Using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, we identify two combinations of conditions leading to inclusiveness: the ‘Northern path’ includes high union density, high bargaining coverage and high union authority, and is consistent with the power resources approach. The ‘Southern path’ combines high union authority, high bargaining coverage, statutory regulations of agency work and working-class orientation, showing that ideology rather than institutional incentives shapes union strategies towards the marginal workforce.


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There is a family of well-known external clustering validity indexes to measure the degree of compatibility or similarity between two hard partitions of a given data set, including partitions with different numbers of categories. A unified, fully equivalent set-theoretic formulation for an important class of such indexes was derived and extended to the fuzzy domain in a previous work by the author [Campello, R.J.G.B., 2007. A fuzzy extension of the Rand index and other related indexes for clustering and classification assessment. Pattern Recognition Lett., 28, 833-841]. However, the proposed fuzzy set-theoretic formulation is not valid as a general approach for comparing two fuzzy partitions of data. Instead, it is an approach for comparing a fuzzy partition against a hard referential partition of the data into mutually disjoint categories. In this paper, generalized external indexes for comparing two data partitions with overlapping categories are introduced. These indexes can be used as general measures for comparing two partitions of the same data set into overlapping categories. An important issue that is seldom touched in the literature is also addressed in the paper, namely, how to compare two partitions of different subsamples of data. A number of pedagogical examples and three simulation experiments are presented and analyzed in details. A review of recent related work compiled from the literature is also provided. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The need for monotone approximation of scattered data often arises in many problems of regression, when the monotonicity is semantically important. One such domain is fuzzy set theory, where membership functions and aggregation operators are order preserving. Least squares polynomial splines provide great flexbility when modeling non-linear functions, but may fail to be monotone. Linear restrictions on spline coefficients provide necessary and sufficient conditions for spline monotonicity. The basis for splines is selected in such a way that these restrictions take an especially simple form. The resulting non-negative least squares problem can be solved by a variety of standard proven techniques. Additional interpolation requirements can also be imposed in the same framework. The method is applied to fuzzy systems, where membership functions and aggregation operators are constructed from empirical data.


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This paper investigates the problem of obtaining the weights of the ordered weighted aggregation (OWA) operators from observations. The problem is formulated as a restricted least squares and uniform approximation problems. We take full advantage of the linearity of the problem. In the former case, a well known technique of non-negative least squares is used. In a case of uniform approximation, we employ a recently developed cutting angle method of global optimisation. Both presented methods give results superior to earlier approaches, and do not require complicated nonlinear constructions. Additional restrictions, such as degree of orness of the operator, can be easily introduced


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k-nearest neighbors (kNN) is a popular method for function approximation and classification. One drawback of this method is that the nearest neighbors can be all located on one side of the point in question x. An alternative natural neighbors method is expensive for more than three variables. In this paper we propose the use of the discrete Choquet integral for combining the values of the nearest neighbors so that redundant information is canceled out. We design a fuzzy measure based on location of the nearest neighbors, which favors neighbors located all around x.


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Since the birth of the fuzzy sets theory several extensions have been proposed. For these extensions, different sets of membership functions were considered. Since fuzzy connectives, such as conjunctions, negations and implications, play an important role in the theory and applications of fuzzy logics, these connectives have also been extended. An extension of fuzzy logic, which generalizes the ones considered up to the present, was proposed by Joseph Goguen in 1967. In this extension, the membership values are drawn from arbitrary bounded lattices. The simplest and best studied class of fuzzy implications is the class of (S,N)-implications, and in this chapter we provide an extension of (S,N)-implications in the context of bounded lattice valued fuzzy logic, and we show that several properties of this class are preserved in this more general framework.


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Neste trabalho foram realizadas classificações utilizando-se as bandas 1 a 5 e 7 dos sensores Landsat 5 TM (1987) e Landsat 7 ETM+ (2000). A caracterização espectral dos materiais foi realizada em laboratório utilizando um espectrorradiômetro, e através das bandas 1 a 5 e 7 dos sensores Landsat 5 TM (1987) e Landsat 7 ETM+ (2000). A transformação dos dados multiespectrais de imagens de sensoriamento remoto é uma maneira de reduzir o volume de dados através da identificação de classes de interesse numa imagem digital. No intuito de verificar condições de melhoramento na classificação de alvos urbanos em imagens digitais, identificados por procedimentos já conhecidos, como a classificação pela Máxima Verossimilhança, escolheu-se um classificador baseado na lógica fuzzy. O classificador utilizado foi o Fuzzy Set Membership classification - Fuzclass, que faz parte de um conjunto de classificadores não-rígidos disponíveis no programa Idrisi 32. Uma vez que informações sobre o desempenho de produtos deste classificador em áreas urbanas são escassas, foram conduzidos ensaios de comparação de resultados obtidos por este classificador com a verdade terrestre, representada por uma imagem de alta resolução espacial do satélite QuickBird. As áreas teste selecionadas desta imagem atendem ao critério de inalterância das condições de ocupação para o intervalo temporal considerado A comparação feita, permite concluir que o classificador apresenta limitações na classificação de áreas urbanas devido ao comportamento espectral semelhante dos materiais que fazem parte dessa cobertura. A utilização de uma classe única para identificar áreas impermeáveis foi a solução adotada para contornar este óbice. O emprego de áreas teste possibilitou acertar a escolha do grau de possibilidade de presença da classe no pixel (PPCP). Uma comparação entre os resultados apresentados na classificação de áreas impermeáveis, com base nos classificadores Máxima Verossimilhança e Fuzclass, demonstrou um desempenho melhor do classificador fuzzy, em função do nível de PPCP ajustado durante a análise comparativa Landsat e Quickbird nas áreas teste. Um procedimento alternativo de estimativa de áreas impermeáveis em bacias urbanas é apresentado no final.


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This work presents the application of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) for optimal power flow (OPF) solution. The OPF is modeled as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem, non-convex of large-scale, with continuous and discrete variables. The violated inequality constraints are treated as objective function of the problem. This strategy allows attending the physical and operational restrictions without compromise the quality of the found solutions. The developed MOEA is based on the theory of Pareto and employs a diversity-preserving mechanism to overcome the premature convergence of algorithm and local optimal solutions. Fuzzy set theory is employed to extract the best compromises of the Pareto set. Results for the IEEE-30, RTS-96 and IEEE-354 test systems are presents to validate the efficiency of proposed model and solution technique.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We investigate polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence relation of the form B-n(x) = (x - beta(n))beta(n-1)(x) - alpha(n)xB(n-2)(x), with positive recurrence coefficients alpha(n+1),beta(n) (n = 1, 2,...). We show that the zeros are eigenvalues of a structured Hessenberg matrix and give the left and right eigenvectors of this matrix, from which we deduce Laurent orthogonality and the Gaussian quadrature formula. We analyse in more detail the case where alpha(n) --> alpha and beta(n) --> beta and show that the zeros of beta(n) are dense on an interval and that the support of the Laurent orthogonality measure is equal to this interval and a set which is at most denumerable with accumulation points (if any) at the endpoints of the interval. This result is the Laurent version of Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal polynomials. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).