176 resultados para interstrand crosslink


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Filamin is a high molecular weight (2 x 250,000) actin crosslinking protein found in a wide variety of cells and tissues. The most striking feature of filamin is its ability to crosslink F-actin filaments and cause ATP-independent gelation and contraction of F-actin solutions. The gelation of actin filaments by filamin involves binding to actin and crosslinking of the filaments by filamin self-association. In order to understand the role of filamin-actin interactions in the regulation of cytoskeletal assembly, two approaches were used. First, the structural relationship between self-association and actin-binding was examined using proteolytic fragments of filamin. Treatment of filamin with papain generated two major fragments, 90Kd and 180Kd. Upon incubation of the papain digest with F-actin and centrifugation at 100,000 x g, only the 180Kd fragment co-sedimented with F-actin. The binding of the 180Kd fragment, P180, was similar to native filamin in its sensitivity to ionic strength. Analytical gel filtration studies indicated that, unlike native filamin, P180 was monomeric and did not self-associate. Thermolysin treatment of P180 produced a 170Kd fragment, PT170, which no longer bound and co-sedimented with F-actin. These results suggested that filamin contained a discrete actin-binding domain. In order to locate the actin-binding domain, affinity purified antibodies to the papain and thermolysin sensitive regions of filamin were used in conjunction with filamin fragments generated by digestion with S. aureus V8 protease and elastase. The results indicated that the papain and thermolysin cleavage sites were close together, and, most likely, within 10Kd of one another. Taken together, these data suggest that filamin contains a discrete, internal actin-binding domain. The second approach was to use the non-crosslinking fragment P180 to develop a quantitative assay of filamin-actin binding. The binding of ('14)C-carboxyalkylated P180 was examined using the co-sedimentation assay. ('14)C-P180 binding to actin was equivalent to that of unlabelled P180 and exhibited comparable sensitivity of binding to changes in ionic strength. Within 5 min. of incubation the process had reached equilibrium. The specificity of binding was shown by the lack of binding of ('14)C-PT170. The binding of ('14)C-P180 was found to be a reversible and saturable process, with a K(,d) of 2 x 10('-7) M. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) is a multifunctional protein with roles in chromatin structure, transcription, V(D)J recombination, and inflammation. HMGB1 also binds to and bends damaged DNA, but the biological consequence of this interaction is not clearly understood. We have shown previously that HMGB1 binds cooperatively with nucleotide excision repair (NER) damage recognition proteins XPA and RPA to triplex-directed psoralen DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Based on this we hypothesized that HMGB1 is enhancing the repair of DNA lesions, and through this role, is affecting DNA damage-induced mutagenesis and cell survival. Because HMGB1 is also a chromatin protein, we further hypothesized that it is acting to facilitate chromatin remodeling at the site of the DNA damage, to allow access of the repair machinery to the DNA lesion. We demonstrated here that HMGB1 could bind to triplex-directed psoralen ICLs in a complex with NER proteins XPC-RAD23B, XPA and RPA, which occurred in the presence or absence of DNA. Supporting these findings, we demonstrated that HMGB1 enhanced repair of triplex-directed psoralen ICLs (by nucleotide incorporation), as well as removal of UVC irradiation-induced DNA lesions from the genome (by radioimmunoassay). We also explored HMGB1's role in chromatin remodeling upon DNA damage. Immunoblotting demonstrated that, in contrast to HMGB1 proficient cells, cells lacking HMGB1 showed no increase in histone acetylation after UVC irradiation. Additionally, purified HMGB1 protein enhanced chromatin formation in an in vitro chromatin assembly system. However, HMGB1 also has a role in DNA repair in the absence of chromatin, as shown by measuring UVC-induced nucleotide incorporation on a naked substrate. Upon exploration of HMGB1's effect on several cellular outcomes of DNA damage, we found that mammalian cells lacking HMGB1 were hypersensitive to DNA damage induced by psoralen plus UVA irradiation or UVC radiation, showing less survival and increased mutagenesis. These results reveal a new role for HMGB1 in the error-free repair of DNA lesions in a chromosomal context. As strategies targeting HMGB1 are currently in development for treatment of sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, our findings draw attention to potential adverse side effects of anti-HMGB1 therapy in patients with inflammatory diseases. ^


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Glucose and other reducing sugars react with proteins by a nonenzymatic, posttranslational modification process called nonenzymatic glycation. The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on connective tissue and matrix components accounts largely for the increase in collagen crosslinking that accompanies normal aging and which occurs at an accelerated rate in diabetes, leading to an increase in arterial stiffness. A new class of AGE crosslink “breakers” reacts with and cleaves these covalent, AGE-derived protein crosslinks. Treatment of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes with the AGE-breaker ALT-711 for 1–3 weeks reversed the diabetes-induced increase of large artery stiffness as measured by systemic arterial compliance, aortic impedance, and carotid artery compliance and distensibility. These findings will have considerable implications for the treatment of patients with diabetes-related complications and aging.


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Signal transduction through the leukocyte integrins is required for the processes of firm adhesion, activation, and chemotaxis of neutrophils during inflammatory reactions. Neutrophils isolated from knockout mice that are deficient in the expression of p59/61hck (Hck) and p58c-fgr (Fgr), members of the Src-family of protein tyrosine kinases, have been shown to be defective in adhesion mediated activation. Cells from these animals have impaired induction of respiratory burst and granule secretion following plating on surfaces that crosslink β2 and β3 integrins. To determine if the defective function of hck−/−fgr−/− neutrophils observed in vitro also results in impaired inflammatory responses in vivo, we examined responses induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection in these animals. The hck−/−fgr−/− mice showed marked resistance to the lethal effects of high-dose LPS injection despite the fact that high levels of serum tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin 1α were detected. Serum chemistry analysis revealed a marked reduction in liver and renal damage in mutant mice treated with LPS, whereas blood counts showed a marked neutrophilia that was not seen in wild-type animals. Direct examination of liver sections from mutant mice revealed reduced neutrophil migration into the tissue. These data demonstrate that defective integrin signaling in neutrophils, caused by loss of Hck and Fgr tyrosine kinase activity, results in impaired inflammation-dependent tissue injury in vivo.


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We report evidence for proton-driven subunit rotation in membrane-bound FoF1–ATP synthase during oxidative phosphorylation. A βD380C/γC87 crosslinked hybrid F1 having epitope-tagged βD380C subunits (βflag) exclusively in the two noncrosslinked positions was bound to Fo in F1-depleted membranes. After reduction of the β–γ crosslink, a brief exposure to conditions for ATP synthesis followed by reoxidation resulted in a significant amount of βflag appearing in the β–γ crosslinked product. Such a reorientation of γC87 relative to the three β subunits can only occur through subunit rotation. Rotation was inhibited when proton transport through Fo was blocked or when ADP and Pi were omitted. These results establish FoF1 as the second example in nature where proton transport is coupled to subunit rotation.


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The pathognomonic plaques of Alzheimer’s disease are composed primarily of the 39- to 43-aa β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide. Crosslinking of Aβ peptides by tissue transglutaminase (tTg) indicates that Gln15 of one peptide is proximate to Lys16 of another in aggregated Aβ. Here we report how the fibril structure is resolved by mapping interstrand distances in this core region of the Aβ peptide chain with solid-state NMR. Isotopic substitution provides the source points for measuring distances in aggregated Aβ. Peptides containing a single carbonyl 13C label at Gln15, Lys16, Leu17, or Val18 were synthesized and evaluated by NMR dipolar recoupling methods for the measurement of interpeptide distances to a resolution of 0.2 Å. Analysis of these data establish that this central core of Aβ consists of a parallel β-sheet structure in which identical residues on adjacent chains are aligned directly, i.e., in register. Our data, in conjunction with existing structural data, establish that the Aβ fibril is a hydrogen-bonded, parallel β-sheet defining the long axis of the Aβ fibril propagation.


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It is a goal of cancer chemotherapy to achieve the selective killing of tumor cells while minimizing toxicity to normal tissues. We describe the design of selective toxins forming DNA adducts that attract the estrogen receptor (ER), a transcription factor that is overexpressed in many human breast and ovarian tumors. The compounds consist of 4-(3-aminopropyl)-N,N-(2-chloroethyl)-aniline linked to 2-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-indole. The former moiety is a DNA damaging nitrogen mustard and the latter is a ligand for the ER. The connection between these groups was refined to permit DNA adducts formed by the mustard portion of the molecule to present the ligand domain so that it was able to interact efficiently with the ER. By using 16-mers containing specific DNA adducts, it was determined that monoadducts and putative intrastrand crosslinks were preferred targets for the ER over interstrand crosslinks. A series of structurally related 2-phenylindole mustards was prepared, some of which were selectively toxic to the ER-positive breast cancer cell line MCF-7, as compared with the ER(−) negative line MDA-MB231. The ability both to bind to DNA and to interact significantly with the ER were essential to achieve selective lethality toward ER(+) cells. Compounds forming DNA adducts without the ability to bind receptor showed similar toxicities in the two cell lines. Several models could explain the selective toxicity of the mustard–phenylindole compounds toward ER(+) cells. The favored model suggests that a mustard–DNA adduct is shielded by the ER from DNA repair enzymes and hence cells possessing an abundance of the ER selectively retain the adduct and are killed.


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Understanding the structural organization of the genome is particularly relevant in segmented double-stranded RNA viruses, which exhibit endogenous transcription activity. These viruses are molecular machines capable of repeated cycles of transcription within the intact capsid. Rotavirus, a major cause of infantile gastroenteritis, is a prototypical segmented double-stranded RNA virus. From our three-dimensional structural analyses of rotavirus examined under various chemical conditions using electron cryomicroscopy, we show here that the viral genome exhibits a remarkable conformational flexibility by reversibly changing its packaging density. In the presence of ammonium ions at high pH, the genome condenses to a radius of ≈180 Å from ≈220 Å. Upon returning to physiological conditions, the genome re-expands and fully maintains its transcriptional properties. These studies provide further insights into the genome organization and suggest that the observed isometric and concentric nature of the condensation is due to strong interactions between the genome core and the transcription enzymes anchored to the capsid inner surface. The ability of the genome to condense beyond what is normally observed in the native virus indicates that the negative charges on the RNA in the native state may be only partially neutralized. Partial neutralization may be required to maintain appropriate interstrand spacing for templates to move around the enzyme complexes during transcription. Genome condensation was not observed either with increased cation concentrations at normal pH or at high pH without ammonium ions. This finding indicates that the observed genome condensation is a synergistic effect of hydroxyl and ammonium ions involving disruption of protein–RNA interactions that perhaps facilitate further charge neutralization and consequent reduction in the interstrand spacing.


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Subunit rotation within the F1 catalytic sector of the ATP synthase has been well documented, identifying the synthase as the smallest known rotary motor. In the membrane-embedded FO sector, it is thought that proton transport occurs at a rotor/stator interface between the oligomeric ring of c subunits (rotor) and the single-copy a subunit (stator). Here we report evidence for an energy-dependent rotation at this interface. FOF1 was expressed with a pair of substituted cysteines positioned to allow an intersubunit disulfide crosslink between subunit a and a c subunit [aN214C/cM65C; Jiang, W. & Fillingame, R. H. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 6607–6612]. Membranes were treated with N,N′-dicyclohexyl-[14C]carbodiimide to radiolabel the D61 residue on less than 20% of the c subunits. After oxidation to form an a–c crosslink, the c subunit properly aligned to crosslink to subunit a was found to contain very little 14C label relative to other members of the c ring. However, exposure to MgATP before oxidation significantly increased the radiolabel in the a–c crosslink, indicating that a different c subunit was now aligned with subunit a. This increase was not induced by exposure to MgADP/Pi. Furthermore, preincubation with MgADP and azide to inhibit F1 or with high concentrations of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide to label most c subunits prevented the ATP effect. These results provide evidence for an energy-dependent rotation of the c ring relative to subunit a.


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We have studied the ability of the histone (H3-H4)2 tetramer, the central part of the nucleosome of eukaryotic chromatin, to form particles on DNA minicircles of negative and positive superhelicities, and the effect of relaxing these particles with topoisomerase I. The results show that even modest positive torsional stress from the DNA, and in particular that generated by DNA thermal fluctuations, can trigger a major, reversible change in the conformation of the particle. Neither a large excess of naked DNA, nor a crosslink between the two H3s prevented the transition from one form to the other. This suggested that during the transition, the histones neither dissociated from the DNA nor were even significantly reshuffled. Moreover, the particles reconstituted on negatively and positively supercoiled minicircles look similar under electron microscopy. These data agree best with a transition involving a switch of the wrapped DNA from a left- to a right-handed superhelix. It is further proposed, based on the left-handed overall superhelical conformation of the tetramer within the octamer [Arents, G., Burlingame, R. W., Wang, B. C., Love, W. E. & Moudrianakis, E. N. (1991) Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 88, 10148-10152] that this change in DNA topology is mediated by a similar change in the topology of the tetramer itself, which may occur through a rotation (or a localized deformation) of the two H3-H4 dimers about their H3-H3 interface. Potential implications of this model for nucleosome dynamics in vivo are discussed.


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cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin) is a widely used anticancer drug that binds to and crosslinks DNA. The major DNA adduct of the drug results from coordination of two adjacent guanine bases to platinum to form the intrastrand crosslink cis-[Pt(NH3)2[d(GpG)-N7(1), -N7(2)]] (cis-Pt-GG). In the present study, spectroscopic and calorimetric techniques were employed to characterize the influence of this crosslink on the conformation, thermal stability, and energetics of a site-specifically platinated 20-mer DNA duplex. CD spectroscopic and thermal denaturation data revealed that the crosslink alters the structure of the host duplex, consistent with a shift from a B-like to an A-like conformation; lowers its thermal stability by approximately 9 degrees C; and reduces its thermodynamic stability by 6.3 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C, most of which is enthalpic in origin; but it does not alter the two-state melting behavior exhibited by the parent, unmodified duplex, despite the significant crosslink-induced changes noted above. The energetic consequences of the cis-Pt-GG crosslink are discussed in relation to the structural perturbations it induces in DNA and to how these crosslink-induced perturbations might modulate protein binding.


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Bacterial and mammalian mismatch repair systems have been implicated in the cellular response to certain types of DNA damage, and genetic defects in this pathway are known to confer resistance to the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents. Such observations suggest that in addition to their ability to recognize DNA base-pairing errors, members of the MutS family may also respond to genetic lesions produced by DNA damage. We show that the human mismatch recognition activity MutSalpha recognizes several types of DNA lesion including the 1,2-intrastrand d(GpG) crosslink produced by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), as well as base pairs between O6-methylguanine and thymine or cytosine, or between O4-methylthymine and adenine. However, the protein fails to recognize 1,3-intrastrand adduct produced by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) at a d(GpTpG) sequence. These observations imply direct involvement of the mismatch repair system in the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents and suggest that recognition of 1,2-intrastrand cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) adducts by MutSalpha may be involved in the cytotoxic action of this chemotherapeutic agent.


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The method of Matsumoto and Ohta [Matsumoto, K. & Ohta, T. (1992) Chromosoma 102, 60-65; Matsumoto, K. & Ohta, T. (1995) Mutat. Res. 326, 93-98] to induce large numbers of endoreduplicated Chinese hamster ovary cells has now been coupled with the fluorescence-plus-Giemsa method of Perry and Wolff [Perry, P. & Wolff, S. (1974) Nature (London) 251, 156-158] to produce harlequin endoreduplicated chromosomes that after the third round of DNA replication are composed of a chromosome with a light chromatid and a dark chromatid in close apposition to its sister chromosome containing two light chromatids. Unless the pattern is disrupted by sister chromatid exchange (SCE), the dark chromatid is always in the center, so that the order of the chromatids is light-dark light-light. The advent of this method, which permits the observation of SCEs in endoreduplicated cells, makes it possible to determine with great ease in which cell cycle an SCE occurred. This now allows us to approach several vexing questions about the induction of SCEs (genetic damage and its repair) after exposure to various types of mutagenic carcinogens. The present experiments have allowed us to observe how many cell cycles various types of lesions that are induced in DNA by a crosslinking agent, an alkylating agent, or ionizing radiation, and that are responsible for the induction of SCEs, persist before being repaired and thus lose their ability to inflict genetic damage. Other experiments with various types of mutagenic carcinogens and various types of cell lines that have defects in different DNA repair processes, such as mismatch repair, excision repair, crosslink repair, and DNA-strand-break repair, can now be carried out to determine the role of these types of repair in removing specific types of lesions.


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Isologous and heterologous immunoglobulins have been shown to be extremely effective as tolerogenic carriers for nearly 30 years. The efficacy of these proteins is due in part to their long half-life in vivo, as well as their ability to crosslink surface IgM with Fc receptors. The concept of using IgG as a carrier molecule to induce unresponsiveness in the adult immune system has been exploited for simple haptens, such as nucleosides, as well as for peptides. To further evaluate the in vivo potential of these molecules for inducing tolerance to a defined epitope, we have engineered a fusion protein of mouse IgG1 with the immunodominant epitope 12-26 from bacteriophage lambda cI repressor protein. This 15-mer, which contains both a B-cell and T-cell epitope, has been fused in-frame to the N terminus of a mouse heavy chain IgG1 construct, thus creating a "genetic hapten-carrier" system. We describe a novel in vitro and in vivo experimental system for studying the feasibility of engineered tolerogens, consisting of a recombinant flagellin challenge antigen and a murine IgG1 tolerogen, both expressing the lambda repressor epitope 12-26. Herein, we show that peptide-grafted IgG molecules injected i.v., or expressed by transfected, autologous B cells, can efficiently modulate the cellular and humoral immune responses to immunodominant epitopes. This model displays the feasibility of "tailor-designing" immune responses to whole antigens by selecting epitopes for either tolerance or immunity.


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We have used an in vitro selection procedure called crosslinking SELEX (SELEX = systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) to identify RNA sequences that bind with high affinity and crosslink to the Rev protein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A randomized RNA library substituted with the photoreactive chromophore 5-iodouracil was irradiated with monochromatic UV light in the presence of Rev. Those sequences with the ability to photocrosslink to Rev were partitioned from the rest of the RNA pool, amplified, and used for the next round of selection. Rounds of photocrosslinking selection were alternated with rounds of selection for RNA sequences with high affinity to Rev. This iterative, dual-selection method yielded RNA molecules with subnanomolar dissociation constants and high efficiency photocrosslinking to Rev. Some of the RNA molecules isolated by this procedure form a stable complex with Rev that is resistant to denaturing gel electrophoresis in the absence of UV irradiation. In vitro selection of nucleic acids by using modified nucleotides allows the isolation of nucleic acid molecules with potentially limitless chemical capacities to covalently attack a target molecule.