850 resultados para internet-based treatment
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa alueellisen jäteyhtiön Kymenlaakson Jäte Oy:n mahdollisuuksia rakeistaa ja termisesti kuivata mekaanisesti kuivattua mädätysjäännöstä sekä mahdollisuuksia toimittaa termisesti kuivattua materiaalia energiahyötykäyttöön. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös kokemuksia lattialämmityksen käyttämisestä mädätysjäännöksen kuivaukseen. Tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin erilaisiin rakeistus- ja kuivausmenetelmiin sekä termisen kuivurin valintaan vaikuttaviin asioihin. Kuvaukset perustuvat kirjallisuudesta ja internetistä saatuihin tietoihin. Tekniikkakuvausten pohjalta lähdettiin kyselemään tarjouksia termisiä kuivauslaitteistoja myyviltä yrityksiltä. Tarjoukset pyydettiin kuiva-ainepitoisuuden muutokselle 30 %:sta 90 %:iin ja oletettiin, että kuivaukseen on käytettävissä lämpöä viideltä kaatopaikkakaasua käyttävältä mikroturbiinilta. Tutkimuksen aikana saatiin tarjous kuudelta yritykseltä. Saadut tarjoukset esiteltiin tiivistetysti raportissa ja kokonaisuudessaan ne sisällytettiin Kymenlaakson Jäte Oy:n laajempaan raporttiin, joka ei ole julkinen. Yritykset antoivat hyvin erilaisia tietoja siitä, mitä tarjoukseen sisältyy, joten tarjoukset eivät olleet suoraan vertailukelpoisia. Tarjouksista myös havaittiin, että jos Mäkikylän biokaasulaitokselta vastaanotettaisiin enimmäismäärä (19 500 t/a) mädätysjäännöstä, mikroturbiineilta saatava lämpömäärä ei riittäisi kuivaamaan kaikkea mädätysjäännöstä 90 % kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen. Tutkimuksen aikana huomattiin myös, että sitovan tarjouksen saamiseksi mädätysjäännös tulee toimittaa testattavaksi, jolloin saadaan vahvistus kuivausmenetelmän soveltuvuudesta kyseiselle materiaalille. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, minkälaisia kokemuksia löytyy lattialämmityksen käyttämisestä kuivaukseen niin Suomesta kuin maailmalta ja voiko menetelmää käyttää mädätysjäännöksen kuivaukseen. Kyseistä menetelmää on käytetty tehostamaan aurinkokuivausta, joten tutkimuksen aikana perehdyttiin erityisesti aurinkokuivaukseen liittyviin tieteellisiin artikkeleihin. Lattialämmityksen käytöstä löytyi niin heikkouksia kuin vahvuuksia. Suomessa aurinkokuivauksen ja lattialämmityksen yhdistelmä ei ole kuitenkaan päätynyt laajaan käyttöön ja syynä voidaan nähdä muun muassa kylmät ja pimeät vuodenajat sekä suuri pinta-alan tarve. Tutkimusraportissa selvitettiin lisäksi polttolaitosten edustajien kiinnostusta ja rajoituksia ottaa vastaan termisesti kuivattua mädätysjäännöstä. Tutkimuksen aikana otettiin yhteyttä alle 100 km etäisyydellä Kymenlaakson Jäte Oy:stä sijaitsevien jätteenpolttoluvan omaavien yritysten edustajiin. Saatuja vastauksia käsiteltiin tiivistetysti raportissa ja vastaukset sisällytettiin kokonaisuudessaan Kymenlaakson Jäte Oy:n laajempaan raporttiin, joka ei ole julkinen. Puhelinhaastattelujen pohjalta nähtiin, että yrityksillä on kiinnostusta materiaalia kohtaan, mutta samalla vastauksiin vaikuttavat mädätysjäännöksen analyysitulokset. Poltto-ominaisuuksiin liittyvät analyysit tullaan toteuttamaan vuoden 2012 aikana. Laitoksilla oli myös vaihtelevia rajoituksia materiaalia kohtaan, mutta analyysituloksista riippuen materiaalia voidaan hyödyntää energiana tuhansia tai jopa kymmeniä tuhansia tonneja vuodessa alle 100 km etäisyydellä Kymenlaakson Jäte Oy:stä.
This exploratory, descriptive action research study is based on a survey of a sample of convenience consisting of 172 college and university marketing students, and 5 professors who were experienced in teaching in an internet based environment. The students that were surveyed were studying e-commerce and international business in 3^^ and 4*'' year classes at a leading imiversity in Ontario and e-commerce in 5^ semester classes at a leading college. These classes were taught using a hybrid teaching style with the contribution of a large website that contained pertinent text and audio material. Hybrid teaching employs web based course materials (some in the form of Learning Objects) to deliver curriculimi material both during the attended lectures and also for students accessing the course web page outside of class hours. The survey was in the form on an online questionnaire. The research questions explored in this study were: 1. What factors influence the students' ability to access and learn from web based course content? 2. How likely are the students to use selected elements of internet based curriculum for learning academic content? 3. What is the preferred physical environment to facilitate learning in a hybrid environment? 4. How effective are selected teaching/learning strategies in a hybrid environment? The findings of this study suggest that students are very interested in being part of the learning process by contributing to a course web site. Specifically, students are interested in audio content being one of the formats of online course material, and have an interest in being part of the creation of small audio clips to be used in class.
Research indicates that Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD; DSM-IV-TR, American Psychiatric Association, 2000) is the second most frequent disorder to coincide with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; Leyfer et aI., 2006). Excessive collecting and hoarding are also frequently reported in children with ASD (Berjerot, 2007). Although functional analysis (Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, & Richman, 1982/1994) has successfully identified maintaining variables for repetitive behaviours such as of bizarre vocalizations (e.g., Wilder, Masuda, O'Connor, & Baham, 2001), tics (e.g., Scotti, Schulman, & Hojnacki, 1994), and habit disorders (e.g., Woods & Miltenberger, 1996), extant literature ofOCD and functional analysis methodology is scarce (May et aI., 2008). The current studies utilized functional analysis methodology to identify the types of operant functions associated with the OCD-related hoarding behaviour of a child with ASD and examined the efficacy of function-based intervention. Results supported hypotheses of automatic and socially mediated positive reinforcement. A corresponding function-based treatment plan incorporated antecedent strategies and differential reinforcement (Deitz, 1977; Lindberg, Iwata, Kahng, and DeLeon, 1999; Reynolds, 1961). Reductions in problem behaviour were evidenced through use of a multiple baseline across behaviours design and maintained during two-month follow-up. Decreases in symptom severity were also discerned through subjective measures of treatment effectiveness.
Online Anonymity and the Kantian Publicity Principle: Can the Internet Solve the Paradox of Tyranny?
Immanuel Kant’s publicity maxim states that other-regarding actions are wrong if their maxim is not compatible with their being made public. This has the effect of forbidding dissent or rebellion against tyranny, since rebels cannot make their intentions and plans public. However, new internet technologies offer public speech from behind the “shield” of anonymity, allowing dissent to be public but preventing reprisals from tyrants. This thesis examines not only this possibility, but the value of internet-based discursive spaces for politics, their viability as a mode for political communication, and their implications for Classical and Enlightenment approaches to politics and intellectual virtue. Anonymous internet communications favour logos-based reasoning and discourse, which, in the liberal-democratic tradition, is preferable to phronesis and its attendant elitism and chauvinism. These technologies can open new vistas for liberal-democratic politics.
Quiconque aujourd’hui souhaitant profiter des avantages commerciaux d’Internet risque de faire face à une réalité juridique complexe. Qui peut rendre jugement d’un conflit né d’Internet ? Comment faire reconnaître un jugement rendu dans un autre pays ? Ces questions soulèvent beaucoup d’intérêt pour les juristes du cyberespace auqle l’auteur tente de répondre. Par des exemples concrets, notamment l’affaire Yahoo! et celle de Gutnick, l’auteur analyse également les relations entre Internet et le droit international privé. On voit donc les tendances qui se dégagent concernant les actes de dommage, la responsabilité et les victimes sur les réseaux et de quelle façon les cours internationales entendent les régler.
The present study aimed at comparing social representations structures concerning data collection procedures: through internet forms, diffused in the WWW, and through conventional paper and pencil questionnaire methods. overall 893 individuals participated in the research, 58% of whom were female. A total of 217 questionnaires about the social representation on football (soccer) and 218 about the representation on aging were answered by Brazilian university students in classrooms. Electronic versions of the same instrument were diffused through an internet forum linked to the same university. There were 238 answers for the football questionnaire and 230 for the aging one. The instrument asked participants to indicate five words or expressions related to one of the social objects. Sample characteristics and structural analyses were carried out separately for the two data collection procedures. data indicated that internet-based research allows for higher sample diversity, but it is essential to guarantee the adoption of measures that can select only desired participants. Results also pointed out the need to take into account the nature of the social object to be investigated through internet research on representations, seeking to avoid self-selection effects, which can bias results, as it seems to have happened with the football social object.
The recommended treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) incorporating exposure and response prevention (ERP), which is effective for approximately 50% of patients. However, there has been little advance in treatment outcomes since the introduction of ERP in 1979. It has been suggested that some progress can be made in treating contamination obsessions and washing compulsions by addressing feelings of dirtiness and contamination that arise without physical contact with a tangible contaminant. To date, the treatment of these “mental contamination” fears in OCD has not been systematically explored. This paper reports on a case series of 12 participants with OCD who received 10 to 20 sessions of a CBT-based treatment for mental contamination. At the end of treatment, 7 participants no longer met the diagnostic criteria for OCD and mental contamination and these gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.
Background: The high prevalence of physical inactivity worldwide calls for innovative and more effective ways to promote physical activity (PA). There are limited objective data on the effectiveness of Web-based personalized feedback on increasing PA in adults. Objective: It is hypothesized that providing personalized advice based on PA measured objectively alongside diet, phenotype, or genotype information would lead to larger and more sustained changes in PA, compared with nonpersonalized advice. Methods: A total of 1607 adults in seven European countries were randomized to either a control group (nonpersonalized advice, Level 0, L0) or to one of three personalized groups receiving personalized advice via the Internet based on current PA plus diet (Level 1, L1), PA plus diet and phenotype (Level 2, L2), or PA plus diet, phenotype, and genotype (Level 3, L3). PA was measured for 6 months using triaxial accelerometers, and self-reported using the Baecke questionnaire. Outcomes were objective and self-reported PA after 3 and 6 months. Results: While 1270 participants (85.81% of 1480 actual starters) completed the 6-month trial, 1233 (83.31%) self-reported PA at both baseline and month 6, but only 730 (49.32%) had sufficient objective PA data at both time points. For the total cohort after 6 months, a greater improvement in self-reported total PA (P=.02) and PA during leisure (nonsport) (P=.03) was observed in personalized groups compared with the control group. For individuals advised to increase PA, we also observed greater improvements in those two self-reported indices (P=.006 and P=.008, respectively) with increased personalization of the advice (L2 and L3 vs L1). However, there were no significant differences in accelerometer results between personalized and control groups, and no significant effect of adding phenotypic or genotypic information to the tailored feedback at month 3 or 6. After 6 months, there were small but significant improvements in the objectively measured physical activity level (P<.05), moderate PA (P<.01), and sedentary time (P<.001) for individuals advised to increase PA, but these changes were similar across all groups. Conclusions: Different levels of personalization produced similar small changes in objective PA. We found no evidence that personalized advice is more effective than conventional “one size fits all” guidelines to promote changes in PA in our Web-based intervention when PA was measured objectively. Based on self-reports, PA increased to a greater extent with more personalized advice. Thus, it is crucial to measure PA objectively in any PA intervention study.
Internet research methods in nursing science are less developed than in other sciences. We choose to present an approach to conducting nursing research on an internet-based forum. This paper presents LiLEDDA, a six-step forum-based netnographic research method for nursing science. The steps consist of: 1. Literature review and identification of the research question(s); 2. Locating the field(s) online; 3. Ethical considerations; 4. Data gathering; 5. Data analysis and interpretation; and 6. Abstractions and trustworthiness. Traditional research approaches are limiting when studying non-normative and non-mainstream life-worlds and their cultures. We argue that it is timely to develop more up-to-date research methods and study designs applicable to nursing science that reflect social developments and human living conditions that tend to be increasingly online-based.
Reader-Response Criticism and the Internet: A Methodological Discussion This article explores connections between Internet-based research and reader-response criticism, aiming to critically discuss the methodologies used in this particular field of research. First, the history of reader-response studies is briefly presented, with reference to theorists such as Richards, Rosenblatt, Robbe-Grillet, Iser and Jauss. It is noted that, for the past 15 years, people have utilised the Internet as a basis for the discussion of literary and reading-related topics. Researchers in this field may access reviews and commentaries on open web-based venues such as personal homepages, blogs and online forums (i.e. message boards and discussion sites). The material available on these sites is interesting because of its "spontaneous" nature; that is, such material has been formulated and uploaded without the interference of the researcher. The article presents one concrete example of an Internet-based reader-response study, discussing a number of pros and cons of the chosen methodology– including some important ethical considerations that arise when the researcher’s corpus is composed of material taken from the Internet. One of the conclusions of the paper is that many aspects of the general public’s web-based responses to literature are yet to be explored by the research community.
The aim of this study is to investigate, under the perspective of the investor, the determinant factors for the success of the stock brokerage process over the Web, through financial portals in the Brazilian Internet. This study is based on a theoretical framework which shows the evolution of the electronic commerce all over the world, and, specially, in Brazil; analyses the role of intermediation, desintermediation and reintermediation in the electronic commerce; stresses the differences between the traditional stocks brokerage process and the one made possible by the Internet; and, finally, describes the profile of the investors which operates their investments in the financial markets over the Web.The conclusions of this study are obtained based on a field study, conducted with Brazilian investors that operate using Internet based financial portals for the intermediation of their stock operations. The findings obtained where analyzed under the perspective brought by the theoretical reference framework, and, based on this approach, the critical aspects for the success of stock brokerage over the Internet, under the vision of the investor, could be deducted and discussed.
O crescimento do papel da tecnologia nas interações entre empresa clientes, bem como do número de serviços baseados em tecnologia, vem alterando bruscamente as relações interpessoais e, em algumas instâncias, eliminando-as por completo. Por outro lado, tecnologia vem possibilitando, de forma drástica, aumento no número de encontros entre os consumidores e as empresas, que faz crescer importância do tema. presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar insatisfação dos consumidores no atendimento, através da decepção sofrida, abordada quando esta ocorre em dois níveis de interação destes com as empresas de serviços, descrevendo comparando estas ocorrências no atendimento pessoal impessoal neste último, através das novas tecnologias disponibilizadas pelas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Os dados analisados foram coletados através de uma netnografia, ou etnografia na internet, adaptada ao estudo de comunidades online, uma nova metodologia em pesquisa qualitativa que tem por finalidade estudar as culturas comunidades que estão surgindo através das comunicações via computador, conforme proposto por Kozinets (2002). Através da análise de conteúdo dos relatos, buscou-se analisar os antecedentes conseqüentes da insatisfação decepção dos consumidores, analisando-os, descrevendo-os comparando-os. Conclui-se que as falhas são maior fonte de insatisfação para ambos os tipos de consumidores, além de outras similaridades observadas; que os consumidores que buscam atendimento pessoal exigem um tratamento mais caloroso; aqueles que buscam atendimento via novas tecnologias são menos tolerantes às falhas; que ambos recorrem meios diferentes daquele que foi fonte da decepção na tentativa de resolver seus problemas.
Background Men who have sex with men (MSM) remain the group most at risk of acquiring HIV infection in Britain. HIV prevalence appears to vary widely between MSM from different ethnic minority groups in this country for reasons that are not fully understood. The aim of the MESH project was to examine in detail the sexual health of ethnic minority MSM living in Britain. Methods/Design The main objectives of the MESH project were to explore among ethnic minority MSM living in Britain: (i) sexual risk behaviour and HIV prevalence; (ii) their experience of stigma and discrimination; (iii) disclosure of sexuality; (iv) use of, and satisfaction with sexual health services; (v) the extent to which sexual health services (for treatment and prevention) are aware of the needs of ethnic minority MSM. The research was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in four national samples: (i) ethnic minority MSM living in Britain; (ii) a comparison group of white British MSM living in Britain; (iii) NHS sexual health clinic staff in 15 British towns and cities with significant ethnic minority communities and; (iv) sexual health promotion/HIV prevention service providers. We also recruited men from two "key migrant" groups living in Britain: MSM born in Central or Eastern Europe and MSM born in Central or South America. Internet-based quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. Ethnic minority MSM were recruited through advertisements on websites, in community venues, via informal networks and in sexual health clinics. White and "key migrant" MSM were recruited mostly through Gaydar, one of the most popular dating sites used by gay men in Britain. MSM who agreed to take part completed a questionnaire online. Ethnic minority MSM who completed the online questionnaire were asked if they would be willing to take part in an online qualitative interview using email. Service providers were identified through the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) CHAPS partnerships. Staff who agreed to take part were asked to complete a questionnaire online. The online survey was completed by 1241 ethnic minority MSM, 416 men born in South and Central America or Central and Eastern Europe, and 13,717 white British MSM; 67 ethnic minority MSM took part in the online qualitative interview. In addition 364 people working in sexual health clinics and 124 health promotion workers from around Britain completed an online questionnaire. Discussion The findings from this study will improve our understanding of the sexual health and needs of ethnic minority MSM in Britain.
Psychiatric care for severe and persistent mentally ill individuals has considerably changed over the last three decades. Striving for improvement in services provision for these patients has led to the emergence of various specialized community services, suited housing and supported work offers. Moreover, community-based treatment is also offered during acute episodes of mental illness. At the same time a range of evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches targeting treatment needs of people with severe mental illness were developed in a process independent of the rise of community psychiatry. At present, however, a sufficient level of coordination of psychiatric services and integration of evidence-based psychological treatment into psychiatric care has not been achieved. Thus, these issues represent important steps in the further development.This paper discusses recent developments in psychiatric care of people with severe mental illness and reviews the evidence-based psychotherapy approaches suited to fit the needs of patient-centered integrated care.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Sleep disturbances are prevalent but often overlooked or underestimated. We suspected that sleep disorders might be particularly common among pharmacy customers, and that they could benefit from counselling. Therefore, we described the prevalence and severity of symptoms associated with sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers, and estimated the need for counselling and treatment. METHODS: In 804 Swiss pharmacies (49% of all community pharmacies) clients were invited to complete the Stanford Sleep Disorders Questionnaire (SDQ), and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (EPW). The SDQ was designed to classify symptoms of sleep and wakefulness into the four most prevalent disorders: sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS), insomnia in psychiatric disorders (PSY), periodic leg movement disorders/restless legs (RLS) and narcolepsy (NAR). Data were entered into an internet-linked database for analysis by an expert system as a basis for immediate counselling by the pharmacist. RESULTS: Of 4901 participants, 3238 (66.1%) were female, and 1663 (33.9%) were male. The mean age (SD) of females and males was 52.4 (18.05), and 55.1 (17.10) years, respectively. The percentages of female and male individuals above cut-off of SDQ subscales were 11.4% and 19.8% for sleep apnoea, 40.9% and 38.7% for psychiatric sleep disorders, 59.3% and 46.8% for restless legs, and 10.4% and 9.4% for narcolepsy respectively. The prevalence of an Epworth Sleepiness Scale score >11 was 16.5% in females, and 23.9% in males. Reliability assessed by Cronbach's alpha was 0.65 to 0.78 for SDQ subscales, and for the Epworth score. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms of sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers were highly prevalent. The SDQ and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score had a satisfactory reliability to be useful for identification of pharmacy customers who might benefit from information and counselling while visiting pharmacies. The internet-based system proved to be a helpful tool for the pharmacist when counselling his customers in terms of diagnostic classification and severity of symptoms associated with the sleeping and waking state.