913 resultados para input-output interactions


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Communicating the mining industry’s water use is fundamental to maintaining its social license to operate but the majority of corporate reporting schemes list indicators. The Minerals Council of Australia’s Water Accounting Framework was designed to assist the minerals industry obtain consistency in its accounting method and in the definitions of terms used in water reporting. The significance of this paper is that it shows that the framework has been designed to be sufficiently robust to describe any mining/mineral related operation. The Water Accounting Framework was applied across four operations over three countries producing four commodities. The advantages of the framework were then evident through the presentation of the reports. The contextual statement of the framework was able to explain contrasting reuse efficiencies. The Input-Output statements showed that evaporation was a significant loss for most of the operations in the study which highlights a weakness of reporting schemes that focus on discharge volumes. The framework method promotes data reconciliation which proved the presence of flows that two operations in the study had neglected to provide. Whilst there are many advantages of the framework, the major points are that the reporting statements of the framework, when presented together, can better enable the public to understand water interactions at a site-level and allows for valid comparisons between sites, regardless of locale and commodity. With mining being a global industry, these advantages are best realised if there was international adoption of the framework.


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Human activities extract and displace different substances and materials from the earth s crust, thus causing various environmental problems, such as climate change, acidification and eutrophication. As problems have become more complicated, more holistic measures that consider the origins and sources of pollutants have been called for. Industrial ecology is a field of science that forms a comprehensive framework for studying the interactions between the modern technological society and the environment. Industrial ecology considers humans and their technologies to be part of the natural environment, not separate from it. Industrial operations form natural systems that must also function as such within the constraints set by the biosphere. Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a central concept of industrial ecology. Industrial symbiosis studies look at the physical flows of materials and energy in local industrial systems. In an ideal IS, waste material and energy are exchanged by the actors of the system, thereby reducing the consumption of virgin material and energy inputs and the generation of waste and emissions. Companies are seen as part of the chains of suppliers and consumers that resemble those of natural ecosystems. The aim of this study was to analyse the environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis based on pulp and paper production, taking into account life cycle impacts as well. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for quantitatively and systematically evaluating the environmental aspects of a product, technology or service throughout its whole life cycle. Moreover, the Natural Step Sustainability Principles formed a conceptual framework for assessing the environmental performance of the case study symbiosis (Paper I). The environmental performance of the case study symbiosis was compared to four counterfactual reference scenarios in which the actors of the symbiosis operated on their own. The research methods used were process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) (Papers II and III) and hybrid LCA, which combines both process and input-output LCA (Paper IV). The results showed that the environmental impacts caused by the extraction and processing of the materials and the energy used by the symbiosis were considerable. If only the direct emissions and resource use of the symbiosis had been considered, less than half of the total environmental impacts of the system would have been taken into account. When the results were compared with the counterfactual reference scenarios, the net environmental impacts of the symbiosis were smaller than those of the reference scenarios. The reduction in environmental impacts was mainly due to changes in the way energy was produced. However, the results are sensitive to the way the reference scenarios are defined. LCA is a useful tool for assessing the overall environmental performance of industrial symbioses. It is recommended that in addition to the direct effects, the upstream impacts should be taken into account as well when assessing the environmental performance of industrial symbioses. Industrial symbiosis should be seen as part of the process of improving the environmental performance of a system. In some cases, it may be more efficient, from an environmental point of view, to focus on supply chain management instead.  


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In this study we have fabricated eight different liquid-crystal lasers using the same gain medium but different homologues from the bimesogenic series alpha-(2',4-difluorobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-omega-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)alkanes, whereby the number of methylene units in the spacer chain varied from n=5 to n=12. To quantify the performance of these lasers, the threshold energy and the slope efficiency were extracted from the input-output characteristics of each laser. A clear odd-even effect was observed when both the excitation threshold and the slope efficiency were plotted as a function of the number of methylene units in the spacer chain. In all cases, the bimesogen lasers for which n is even exhibit lower threshold energies and higher slope efficiencies than those for which n is odd. These results are then interpreted in terms of the macroscopic physical properties of the liquid-crystalline compounds. In accordance with a previous study [S. M. Morris, A. D. Ford, M. N. Pivnenko, O. Hadeler, and H. J. Coles, Phys. Rev. E. 74, 061709 (2006)], a combination of a large birefringence and high order parameters are found, in the most part, to correlate with low-threshold energy and high slope efficiency. This indicates that the threshold and slope efficiency are dominated by the host macroscopic properties as opposed to intermolecular interactions between the dye and the liquid crystal. However, certain differences in the slope efficiency could not be explained by the birefringence and order parameter values alone. Instead, we find that the slope efficiency is further increased by increasing the elastic constants of the liquid-crystal host so as to decrease the scattering losses incurred by local distortions in the director field under high-energy optical excitation.


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La synthèse d'images dites photoréalistes nécessite d'évaluer numériquement la manière dont la lumière et la matière interagissent physiquement, ce qui, malgré la puissance de calcul impressionnante dont nous bénéficions aujourd'hui et qui ne cesse d'augmenter, est encore bien loin de devenir une tâche triviale pour nos ordinateurs. Ceci est dû en majeure partie à la manière dont nous représentons les objets: afin de reproduire les interactions subtiles qui mènent à la perception du détail, il est nécessaire de modéliser des quantités phénoménales de géométries. Au moment du rendu, cette complexité conduit inexorablement à de lourdes requêtes d'entrées-sorties, qui, couplées à des évaluations d'opérateurs de filtrage complexes, rendent les temps de calcul nécessaires à produire des images sans défaut totalement déraisonnables. Afin de pallier ces limitations sous les contraintes actuelles, il est nécessaire de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière. Dans cette thèse, nous construisons une telle représentation pour la matière dont l'interface correspond à une surface perturbée, une configuration qui se construit généralement via des cartes d'élévations en infographie. Nous dérivons notre représentation dans le contexte de la théorie des microfacettes (conçue à l'origine pour modéliser la réflectance de surfaces rugueuses), que nous présentons d'abord, puis augmentons en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous rendons la théorie applicable à travers plusieurs échelles d'observation en la généralisant aux statistiques de microfacettes décentrées. Dans l'autre, nous dérivons une procédure d'inversion capable de reconstruire les statistiques de microfacettes à partir de réponses de réflexion d'un matériau arbitraire dans les configurations de rétroréflexion. Nous montrons comment cette théorie augmentée peut être exploitée afin de dériver un opérateur général et efficace de rééchantillonnage approximatif de cartes d'élévations qui (a) préserve l'anisotropie du transport de la lumière pour n'importe quelle résolution, (b) peut être appliqué en amont du rendu et stocké dans des MIP maps afin de diminuer drastiquement le nombre de requêtes d'entrées-sorties, et (c) simplifie de manière considérable les opérations de filtrage par pixel, le tout conduisant à des temps de rendu plus courts. Afin de valider et démontrer l'efficacité de notre opérateur, nous synthétisons des images photoréalistes anticrenelées et les comparons à des images de référence. De plus, nous fournissons une implantation C++ complète tout au long de la dissertation afin de faciliter la reproduction des résultats obtenus. Nous concluons avec une discussion portant sur les limitations de notre approche, ainsi que sur les verrous restant à lever afin de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière encore plus générale.


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Both the construction and real estate sectors have been considered vital productive drivers for the economic development of a nation. Multinational economic analyses on these two sectors over a long period enable a better comprehension of their effects and interrelationships. Based on the recently published Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) input-output database at constant prices, this paper compares the real estate and construction sectors of six countries in terms of their shares in gross national product and gross national income. The push and pull effects of these two sectors onto the whole economy are further determined using forward and backward linkage indicators respectively. In addition, the interactions between themselves are formulated in terms of direct and total input parameters. This research provides a numerical approach to examine the economic influences and sectorial correlation of the real estate and construction sectors.


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This thesis provides a unified and comprehensive treatment of the fuzzy neural networks as the intelligent controllers. This work has been motivated by a need to develop the solid control methodologies capable of coping with the complexity, the nonlinearity, the interactions, and the time variance of the processes under control. In addition, the dynamic behavior of such processes is strongly influenced by the disturbances and the noise, and such processes are characterized by a large degree of uncertainty. Therefore, it is important to integrate an intelligent component to increase the control system ability to extract the functional relationships from the process and to change such relationships to improve the control precision, that is, to display the learning and the reasoning abilities. The objective of this thesis was to develop a self-organizing learning controller for above processes by using a combination of the fuzzy logic and the neural networks. An on-line, direct fuzzy neural controller using the process input-output measurement data and the reference model with both structural and parameter tuning has been developed to fulfill the above objective. A number of practical issues were considered. This includes the dynamic construction of the controller in order to alleviate the bias/variance dilemma, the universal approximation property, and the requirements of the locality and the linearity in the parameters. Several important issues in the intelligent control were also considered such as the overall control scheme, the requirement of the persistency of excitation and the bounded learning rates of the controller for the overall closed loop stability. Other important issues considered in this thesis include the dependence of the generalization ability and the optimization methods on the data distribution, and the requirements for the on-line learning and the feedback structure of the controller. Fuzzy inference specific issues such as the influence of the choice of the defuzzification method, T-norm operator and the membership function on the overall performance of the controller were also discussed. In addition, the e-completeness requirement and the use of the fuzzy similarity measure were also investigated. Main emphasis of the thesis has been on the applications to the real-world problems such as the industrial process control. The applicability of the proposed method has been demonstrated through the empirical studies on several real-world control problems of industrial complexity. This includes the temperature and the number-average molecular weight control in the continuous stirred tank polymerization reactor, and the torsional vibration, the eccentricity, the hardness and the thickness control in the cold rolling mills. Compared to the traditional linear controllers and the dynamically constructed neural network, the proposed fuzzy neural controller shows the highest promise as an effective approach to such nonlinear multi-variable control problems with the strong influence of the disturbances and the noise on the dynamic process behavior. In addition, the applicability of the proposed method beyond the strictly control area has also been investigated, in particular to the data mining and the knowledge elicitation. When compared to the decision tree method and the pruned neural network method for the data mining, the proposed fuzzy neural network is able to achieve a comparable accuracy with a more compact set of rules. In addition, the performance of the proposed fuzzy neural network is much better for the classes with the low occurrences in the data set compared to the decision tree method. Thus, the proposed fuzzy neural network may be very useful in situations where the important information is contained in a small fraction of the available data.


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Linkages among different construction markets have attracted great of attention from the construction economist. With notable exceptions, most of this infestation has carried out by using input-output analysis. Interactions among regional construction markets have been discussed in few studies and none of them investigate spatial effects on the regional construction markets. This study employed spatial econometric techniques, spatial autocorrelation and convergence tests, to analysis interactions and linkages among construction price indices in Australian six states and two territories. The empirical results indicate the presence of significant positive spatial correlation between the construction prices in Australian eight construction markets and the degree of dependence decrease sufficiently quickly as the space between units increase. The results of convergence test further present evidence on "ripple effect" in the construction prices in Australian regional markets and the changes in regional construction price would positively influence neighboring states first, and then spread out into others, and then the regional prices converge and reach a long-run equilibrium in the following quarters. Urban development policymakers and construction developers could benefit from the analysis of spatial linkages in regional construction markets.


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The linkages among different construction markets have recently attracted much attention from construction economists. The interactions among regional construction markets have been discussed in a few studies, most of which have been carried out by using input-output methods, and none of them investigated spatial effects on the regional construction markets. This study employed spatial econometric techniques, including spatial autocorrelation and convergence tests, to analyse interactions and linkages among construction price indices in Australian six states and two territories. The empirical results indicate the presence of significant positive spatial correlation among the construction prices in Australian eight construction markets and the degree of dependence decreasing sufficiently quickly as the space between regions increases. The results of convergence test further provide evidence of existence of a ripple effect in construction prices among the Australian regional markets and the changes in construction prices in a state would first positively influence neighbouring states, and then spread out into other non-neighbouring states or territories.


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A discussão atual sobre a emissão de carbono associada ao uso agropecuário da terra em prejuízo de florestas se ressente de uma visão sistêmica, no que se refere aos fluxos econômicos propriamente, e suas interações, no que tange ao ambiente institucional que os garante. Dado que os esquemas de compensação implicam a entrada e saída de recursos em contextos econômicos amplos e sistêmicos, fundamental é discutir qual o resultado final desses fluxos sobre as condições gerais de reprodução das economias locais. As questões básicas são: a) como tais políticas poderão, a partir dos setores rurais, afetar a demanda final efetiva e, por essa via, o valor da produção e as variáveis de valor adicionado de toda a economia e b) como as variações na economia afetam as formas de uso da base natural e, portanto, o desmatamento. No que se refere às instituições, o artigo dá especial ênfase às que definem o mercado de terras, porque nele encontra o cerne de questões vitais para o que se discute. O artigo utiliza um modelo ascendente de geração de matrizes de insumo-produto para a economia local do Sudeste Paraense, incorpora nela um balanço de carbono dos setores da produção rural, encontra os multiplicadores e simula quatro situações de politica de contenção de desmatamento e redução das emissões de gases poluentes. A conclusão principal do artigo é que se faz necessário pensar políticas de contenção de desmatamento ligadas indissociavelmente a políticas de produção – a serem operadas por mecanismos que façam convergir as decisões dos agentes com perspectivas macro de desenvolvimento: local, endógeno e sustentável.


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Model-based calibration of steady-state engine operation is commonly performed with highly parameterized empirical models that are accurate but not very robust, particularly when predicting highly nonlinear responses such as diesel smoke emissions. To address this problem, and to boost the accuracy of more robust non-parametric methods to the same level, GT-Power was used to transform the empirical model input space into multiple input spaces that simplified the input-output relationship and improved the accuracy and robustness of smoke predictions made by three commonly used empirical modeling methods: Multivariate Regression, Neural Networks and the k-Nearest Neighbor method. The availability of multiple input spaces allowed the development of two committee techniques: a 'Simple Committee' technique that used averaged predictions from a set of 10 pre-selected input spaces chosen by the training data and the "Minimum Variance Committee" technique where the input spaces for each prediction were chosen on the basis of disagreement between the three modeling methods. This latter technique equalized the performance of the three modeling methods. The successively increasing improvements resulting from the use of a single best transformed input space (Best Combination Technique), Simple Committee Technique and Minimum Variance Committee Technique were verified with hypothesis testing. The transformed input spaces were also shown to improve outlier detection and to improve k-Nearest Neighbor performance when predicting dynamic emissions with steady-state training data. An unexpected finding was that the benefits of input space transformation were unaffected by changes in the hardware or the calibration of the underlying GT-Power model.


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"Supported in part by the Office of Naval Research. Contract no.N00014-67-A-0305-0007."


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The Raf-MEK-ERK MAP kinase cascade transmits signals from activated receptors into the cell to regulate proliferation and differentiation. The cascade is controlled by the Ras GTPase, which recruits Raf from the cytosol to the plasma membrane for activation. In turn, MEK, ERK, and scaffold proteins translocate to the plasma membrane for activation. Here, we examine the input-output properties of the Raf-MEK-ERK MAP kinase module in mammalian cells activated in different cellular contexts. We show that the MAP kinase module operates as a molecular switch in vivo but that the input sensitivity of the module is determined by subcellular location. Signal output from the module is sensitive to low-level input only when it is activated at the plasma membrane. This is because the threshold for activation is low at the plasma membrane, whereas the threshold for activation is high in the cytosol. Thus, the circuit configuration of the module at the plasma membrane generates maximal outputs from low-level analog inputs, allowing cells to process and respond appropriately to physiological stimuli. These results reveal the engineering logic behind the recruitment of elements of the module from the cytosol to the membrane for activation.


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In this study, interactions between potential hierarchical value chains existing in the production structure and industry-wise productivity growths are sought. We applied generalized Chenery-Watanabe heuristics for matrix linearity maximization to triangulate the input-output incidence matrix for both Japan and the Republic of Korea, finding the potential directed flow of values spanning the industrial sectors of the basic (disaggregated) industry classifications for both countries. Sector specific productivity growths were measured by way of the Trönquvist index, using the 2000-2005 linked input-output tables for both Japan and Korea.


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Indonesia’s construction industry is important to the national economy. However, its competitiveness is considered low due to the lack of success of its development strategy and policy. A new approach known as the cluster approach is being used to make strategy and policy in order to develop a stronger, and more competitive industry. This paper discusses the layout of the Indonesian construction cluster and its competitiveness. The archival analysis research approach was used to identify the construction cluster. The analysis was based on the input-output (I/O) tables of the years 1995 and 2000, which were published by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. The results suggest that the Indonesian construction cluster consists of the industries directly involved in construction as the core, with the other related and supporting industries as the balance. The anatomy of the Indonesian construction cluster permits structural changes to happen within it. These changes depend on policies that regulate the cluster’s constituents


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Security-critical communications devices must be evaluated to the highest possible standards before they can be deployed. This process includes tracing potential information flow through the device's electronic circuitry, for each of the device's operating modes. Increasingly, however, security functionality is being entrusted to embedded software running on microprocessors within such devices, so new strategies are needed for integrating information flow analyses of embedded program code with hardware analyses. Here we show how standard compiler principles can augment high-integrity security evaluations to allow seamless tracing of information flow through both the hardware and software of embedded systems. This is done by unifying input/output statements in embedded program execution paths with the hardware pins they access, and by associating significant software states with corresponding operating modes of the surrounding electronic circuitry.