864 resultados para health impact assessment


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Includes bibliography


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The 1992 Rio Earth Summit was of paramount importance in the consolidation and international dissemination of environmental impact assessment, officially recognized as a tool for informed decision-making towards sustainable development (Principle 17, Rio Declaration) and for protection of biodiversity (Article 14, Convention on Biological Diversity). A significant development afterwards was the strengthening of strategic environmental assessment in the design of policies, plans and programs. Both forms of impact assessment can establish the necessary connections between one goal of the Rio+20 Conference - reaching an agreement on the transition to a green economy - and the underpinning decision making processes. Although the Rio+20 Summit has faced challenges to acknowledge its potential, impact assessment should be strengthened in support of both government and business decisions.


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The present study is part of the EU Integrated Project “GEHA – Genetics of Healthy Aging” (Franceschi C et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1100: 21-45, 2007), whose aim is to identify genes involved in healthy aging and longevity, which allow individuals to survive to advanced age in good cognitive and physical function and in the absence of major age-related diseases. Aims The major aims of this thesis were the following: 1. to outline the recruitment procedure of 90+ Italian siblings performed by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The procedures related to the following items necessary to perform the study were described and commented: identification of the eligible area for recruitment, demographic aspects related to the need of getting census lists of 90+siblings, mail and phone contact with 90+ subjects and their families, bioethics aspects of the whole procedure, standardization of the recruitment methodology and set-up of a detailed flow chart to be followed by the European recruitment centres (obtainment of the informed consent form, anonimization of data by using a special code, how to perform the interview, how to collect the blood, how to enter data in the GEHA Phenotypic Data Base hosted at Odense). 2. to provide an overview of the phenotypic characteristics of 90+ Italian siblings recruited by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The following items were addressed: socio-demographic characteristics, health status, cognitive assessment, physical conditions (handgrip strength test, chair-stand test, physical ability including ADL, vision and hearing ability, movement ability and doing light housework), life-style information (smoking and drinking habits) and subjective well-being (attitude towards life). Moreover, haematological parameters collected in the 90+ sibpairs as optional parameters by the Bologna and Rome recruiting units were used for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results obtained using the above mentioned phenotypic characteristics reported in the GEHA questionnaire. 3. to assess 90+ Italian siblings as far as their health/functional status is concerned on the basis of three classification methods proposed in previous studies on centenarians, which are based on: • actual functional capabilities (ADL, SMMSE, visual and hearing abilities) (Gondo et al., J Gerontol. 61A (3): 305-310, 2006); • actual functional capabilities and morbidity (ADL, ability to walk, SMMSE, presence of cancer, ictus, renal failure, anaemia, and liver diseases) (Franceschi et al., Aging Clin Exp Res, 12:77-84, 2000); • retrospectively collected data about past history of morbidity and age of disease onset (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteopororis, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ocular diseases) (Evert et al., J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58A (3): 232-237, 2003). Firstly these available models to define the health status of long-living subjects were applied to the sample and, since the classifications by Gondo and Franceschi are both based on the present functional status, they were compared in order to better recognize the healthy aging phenotype and to identify the best group of 90+ subjects out of the entire studied population. 4. to investigate the concordance of health and functional status among 90+ siblings in order to divide sibpairs in three categories: the best (both sibs are in good shape), the worst (both sibs are in bad shape) and an intermediate group (one sib is in good shape and the other is in bad shape). Moreover, the evaluation wanted to discover which variables are concordant among siblings; thus, concordant variables could be considered as familiar variables (determined by the environment or by genetics). 5. to perform a survival analysis by using mortality data at 1st January 2009 from the follow-up as the main outcome and selected functional and clinical parameters as explanatory variables. Methods A total of 765 90+ Italian subjects recruited by UNIBO (549 90+ siblings, belonging to 258 families) and ISS (216 90+ siblings, belonging to 106 families) recruiting units are included in the analysis. Each subject was interviewed according to a standardized questionnaire, comprising extensively utilized questions that have been validated in previous European studies on elderly subjects and covering demographic information, life style, living conditions, cognitive status (SMMSE), mood, health status and anthropometric measurements. Moreover, subjects were asked to perform some physical tests (Hand Grip Strength test and Chair Standing test) and a sample of about 24 mL of blood was collected and then processed according to a common protocol for the preparation and storage of DNA aliquots. Results From the analysis the main findings are the following: - a standardized protocol to assess cognitive status, physical performances and health status of European nonagenarian subjects was set up, in respect to ethical requirements, and it is available as a reference for other studies in this field; - GEHA families are enriched in long-living members and extreme survival, and represent an appropriate model for the identification of genes involved in healthy aging and longevity; - two simplified sets of criteria to classify 90+ sibling according to their health status were proposed, as operational tools for distinguishing healthy from non healthy subjects; - cognitive and functional parameters have a major role in categorizing 90+ siblings for the health status; - parameters such as education and good physical abilities (500 metres walking ability, going up and down the stairs ability, high scores at hand grip and chair stand tests) are associated with a good health status (defined as “cognitive unimpairment and absence of disability”); - male nonagenarians show a more homogeneous phenotype than females, and, though far fewer in number, tend to be healthier than females; - in males the good health status is not protective for survival, confirming the male-female health survival paradox; - survival after age 90 was dependent mainly on intact cognitive status and absence of functional disabilities; - haemoglobin and creatinine levels are both associated with longevity; - the most concordant items among 90+ siblings are related to the functional status, indicating that they contain a familiar component. It is still to be investigated at what level this familiar component is determined by genetics or by environment or by the interaction between genetics, environment and chance (and at what level). Conclusions In conclusion, we could state that this study, in accordance with the main objectives of the whole GEHA project, represents one of the first attempt to identify the biological and non biological determinants of successful/unsuccessful aging and longevity. Here, the analysis was performed on 90+ siblings recruited in Northern and Central Italy and it could be used as a reference for others studies in this field on Italian population. Moreover, it contributed to the definition of “successful” and “unsuccessful” aging and categorising a very large cohort of our most elderly subjects into “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups provided an unrivalled opportunity to detect some of the basic genetic/molecular mechanisms which underpin good health as opposed to chronic disability. Discoveries in the topic of the biological determinants of healthy aging represent a real possibility to identify new markers to be utilized for the identification of subgroups of old European citizens having a higher risk to develop age-related diseases and disabilities and to direct major preventive medicine strategies for the new epidemic of chronic disease in the 21st century.


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The high energy consumption caused by the building sector and the continuous growth and ageing of the existing housing stock show the importance of housing renovation to improve the quality of the environment. This research compares the environmental performance of flat roof systems (insulation, roofing membrane and covering layer) using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The aim is to give indications on how to improve the environmental performance of housing. This research uses a reference building located in the Netherlands and considers environmental impacts related to materials, energy consumption for heating and maintenance activities. It indicates impact scores for each material taking into account interconnections between the layers and between the different parts of the life cycle. It compares the environmental and economic performances of PV panels and of different materials and thermal resistance values for the insulation. These comparisons show that PV panels are convenient from an environmental and economic point of view. The same is true for the insulation layer, especially for materials as PIR (polyisocyanurate) and EPS (expanded polystyrene). It shows that energy consumption for heating causes a larger share of impact scores than production of the materials and maintenance activities. The insulation also causes larger impact scores comparing to roofing membrane and covering layer. The results show which materials are preferable for flat roof renovation and what causes the largest shares of impact. This gives indication to the roofers and to other stakeholders about how to reduce the environmental impact of the existing housing stock.


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La diffusione nelle strutture sanitarie di un numero sempre crescente di apparecchiature biomediche e di tecnologie "avanzate" per la diagnosi e la terapia ha radicalmente modificato l'approccio alla cura della salute. Questo processo di "tecnologizzazione" rende evidente la necessità di fare ricorso a competenze specifiche e a strutture organizzative adeguate in modo da garantire un’efficiente e corretta gestione delle tecnologie, sia dal punto di vista tecnico che economico, bisogni a cui da circa 40 anni risponde l’Ingegneria Clinica e i Servizi di Ingegneria Clinica. Nei paesi industrializzati la crescita economica ha permesso di finanziare nuovi investimenti e strutture all'avanguardia dal punto di vista tecnologico, ma d'altra parte il pesante ingresso della tecnologia negli ospedali ha contribuito, insieme ad altri fattori (aumento del tenore di vita, crescente urbanizzazione, invecchiamento della popolazione, ...) a rendere incontrollabile e difficilmente gestibile la spesa sanitaria. A fronte quindi di una distribuzione sempre più vasta ed ormai irrinunciabile di tecnologie biomediche, la struttura sanitaria deve essere in grado di scegliere le appropriate tecnologie e di impiegare correttamente la strumentazione, di garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti e degli operatori, nonché la qualità del servizio erogato e di ridurre e ottimizzare i costi di acquisto e di gestione. Davanti alla necessità di garantire gli stessi servizi con meno risorse è indispensabile utilizzare l’approccio dell’Health Technology Assessment (HTA), ossia la Valutazione delle Tecnologie Sanitarie, sia nell’introduzione di innovazioni sia nella scelta di disinvestire su servizi inappropriati od obsoleti che non aggiungono valore alla tutela della salute dei cittadini. Il seguente elaborato, dopo la definizione e classificazione delle tecnologie sanitarie, un’analisi del mercato di tale settore e delle spesa sanitaria sostenuta dai vari paesi Ocse, pone l’attenzione ai Servizi di Ingegneria Clinica e il ruolo chiave che essi hanno nel garantire efficienza ed economicità grazie anche all’ausilio dei profili HTA per la programmazione degli acquisti in sanità.


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The current work has for object the improvement and the maintenance of the School of Engineering and Architecture in Via Terracini 28 (Bologna), with the prospective to maximize the operative efficiency reducing to the minimum the environmental impact and the costs. In order to realize this work the LEED certification has been used. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a certification system of the buildings. It was born in United States by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)


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The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health demanded a nationwide health technology assessment registry for cervical and lumbar total disc arthroplasty and for balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) to make a decision about reimbursement of these interventions.


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To evaluate the public health impact of statin prescribing strategies based on the Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin Study (JUPITER).


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Protecting ground water from pollution in the rural areas of Ukraine is a priority, particularly because the largely unconfined aquifers are used by local people for potable water supply. The most important aim of this project was to characterise the scale and impact of pollution sources on groundwater quality according to the nature of groundwater vulnerability and of the particular sources of pollution. Analysis of 50 different maps of Ukraine according to geochemical, natural and landscape features, together with field studies made it possible to identify areas with different pollution risk factors. The most harmful sources of groundwater contamination providing nitrates, petrol, heavy metals and other pollutants were identified and an integral method of groundwater quality assessment was worked out. The main sources of groundwater contamination in rural areas of Ukraine were identified and listed in order of importance. Magmedov also puts forward recommendations for improving monitoring of groundwater quality as an essential part of sustainable development in rural areas of Ukraine.