896 resultados para gold nanoparticles glucaric acid heterogeneous catalysis glucose oxidation
L’acido adipico (AA) è un importante intermedio chimico prodotto in quantità pari a circa tre milioni di tonnellate annue, i cui usi riguardano principalmente la produzione di Nylon-6,6. Tutti i processi industriali odierni per la produzione dell’AA hanno in comune lo stadio finale di ossidazione con acido nitrico dell’ultimo intermedio di sintesi, che in genere è una miscela di cicloesanolo e cicloesanone (KA Oil). Esistono diversi problemi riguardanti questo processo, come la pericolosità che deriva dall’uso di acido nitrico concentrato. Dal punto di vista ambientale, il problema principale riguarda la produzione di protossido di azoto e di altri ossidi di azoto durante l’ultima fase di ossidazione con HNO3, per questo motivo, tutte le aziende che producono AA devono essere munite per legge di sistemi di abbattimento quantitativi o di recupero degli ossidi di azoto, che però risultano essere molto incisivi sul costo del processo. A livello industriale, quindi, il problema riguarda principalmente la sostenibilità economica, ma poiché queste procedure hanno un prezzo in termini di materiali ed energia, si ha anche un forte legame con la sostenibilità ambientale. Gli studi riguardanti nuovi processi per la produzione di AA sono numerosi; alcuni hanno portato a vie più “green”, ma solo pochi esempi sono veramente sostenibili dal punto di vista sia ambientale che economico. Il presente lavoro di tesi è diviso in due parti, entrambe riguardanti vie di sintesi alternative per la produzione di AA. La prima parte riguarda lo studio del secondo passaggio di una via di sintesi in due step che parte da cicloesene e che ha come intermedio l’1,2-cicloesandiolo.Sono stati provati catalizzatori eterogenei a base di nanoparticelle di Au supportate su MgO per il cleavage ossidativo in fase liquida del diolo con O2 in ambiente basico. La seconda parte invece riguarda il processo di sintesi dell’AA a partire da cicloesanone mediante l’ossidazione con perossido di idrogeno a e- caprolattone e la successiva ossidazione ad AA. Nello specifico, è stato studiato il meccanismo di reazione del primo passaggio in quanto evidenze sperimentali ottenute nel corso di lavori precedenti avevano dimostrato la presenza di un cammino di reazione differente da quello tipico per un’ossidazione di Baeyer-Villiger. In questa parte, si è studiato l’effetto di alcuni catalizzatori eterogenei a base di acidi di Lewis sui prodotti ottenuti nel primo stadio ossidativo.
A range of arylgold compounds have been synthesized and investigated as single-component catalysts for the hydrophenoxylation of unactivated internal alkynes. Both carbene and phosphine-ligated compounds were screened as part of this work, and the most efficient catalysts contained either JohnPhos or IPr/SIPr. Phenols bearing either electron-withdrawing or electron-donating groups were efficiently added using these catalysts. No silver salts, acids, or solvents were needed for the catalysis, and either microwave or conventional heating afforded moderate to excellent yields of the vinyl ethers.
Trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation causes milk fat depression in dairy cows, but CLA effects on glucose metabolism are not clear. The objective of the study was to investigate glucose metabolism, especially endogenous glucose production (eGP) and glucose oxidation (GOx), as well as hepatic genes involved in endogenous glucose production in Holstein cows supplemented either with 50 g of rumen-protected CLA (9% trans-10,cis-12 and 10% cis-9,trans-11; CLA; n=10) or 50 g of control fat (24% C18:2; Ctrl; n=10) from wk 2 before parturition to wk 9 of lactation. Animal performance data were recorded and blood metabolites and hormones were taken weekly from 2 wk before to 12 wk after parturition. During wk 3 and 9 after parturition, glucose tolerance tests were performed and eGP and GOx were measured by [U-(13)C] glucose infusion. Liver biopsies were taken at the same time to measure total fat and glycogen concentrations and gene expression of pyruvate carboxylase, cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1. Conjugated linoleic acid feeding reduced milk fat, but increased milk lactose output; milk yield was higher starting 5 wk after parturition in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. Energy balance was more negative during CLA supplementation, and plasma concentrations of glucose were higher immediately after calving in CLA-fed cows. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation did not affect insulin release during glucose tolerance tests, but reduced eGP in wk 3, and eGP and GOx increased with time after parturition. Hepatic gene expression of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase tended to be lower in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. In spite of lower eGP in CLA-fed cows, lactose output and plasma glucose concentrations were greater in CLA-fed cows than in Ctrl-fed cows. This suggests a CLA-related glucose sparing effect most likely due to lower glucose utilization for milk fat synthesis and probably because of a more efficient whole-body energy utilization in CLA-fed cows.
Colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by different procedures affording suspensions with two different mean sizes (2 and 5 nm). Au catalysts were prepared by sol immobilization onto several silica frameworks with different 2D and 3D mesoporosities. The catalysts were tested in styrene oxidation reactions showing excellent efficiency and selectivity. The effect of nanoparticle size and mesoporous framework on the physical and catalytic properties of the final materials was studied. The most selective catalyst was prepared from the 5 nm Au nanoparticles and the more interconnected silica framework (3D mesoporosity).
Reactive, but not a reactant. Heterogeneous catalysts play an unseen role in many of today's processes and products. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability in both products and processes, this handbook is the first to combine the hot topics of heterogeneous catalysis and clean technology. It focuses on the development of heterogeneous catalysts for use in clean chemical synthesis, dealing with how modern spectroscopic techniques can aid the design of catalysts for use in liquid phase reactions, their application in industrially important chemistries - including selective oxidation, hydrogenation, solid acid- and base-catalyzed processes - as well as the role of process intensification and use of renewable resources in improving the sustainability of chemical processes. With its emphasis on applications, this book is of high interest to those working in the industry.
AIM: Gold nanoparticles have attracted significant interest in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Herein, we evaluated the theranostic potential of dithiolated diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTDTPA) conjugated AuNPs (Au@DTDTPA) for CT-contrast enhancement and radiosensitization in prostate cancer.
MATERIALS & METHODS: In vitro assays determined Au@DTDTPA uptake, cytotoxicity, radiosensitizing potential and DNA damage profiles. Human PC3 xenograft tumor models were used to determine CT enhancement and radiation modulating effects in vivo.
RESULTS: Cells exposed to nanoparticles and radiation observed significant additional reduction in survival compared with radiation only. Au@DTDTPA produced a CT enhancement of 10% and a significant extension in tumor growth delay from 16.9 days to 38.3 compared with radiation only.
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the potential of Au@DTDTPA to enhance CT-image contrast and simultaneously increases the radiosensitivity of prostate tumors.
Metal–organic frameworks, or MOFs, have emerged as a new class of porous materials made by linking metal and organic units. The easy preparation, structural and functional tunability, ultrahigh porosity, and enormous surface areas of MOFs have led to them becoming one of the fastest growing fields in chemistry. MOFs have potential applications in numerous areas such as clean energy, adsorption and separation processes, biomedicine, and sensing. One of the most promising areas of research with MOFs is heterogeneous catalysis. This thesis describes the design and synthesis of new, carboxylate-based MOFs for use as catalysts. These materials have been characterized using diffraction, spectroscopy, adsorption, and imaging techniques. The thesis has focused on preparing highly-stable MOFs for catalysis, using post-synthetic methods to modify the properties of these crystals, and applying a combination of characterization techniques to probe these complex materials. In the first part of this thesis, several new vanadium MOFs have been presented. The synthesis of MIL-88B(V), MIL-101(V), and MIL-47 were studied using ex situ techniques to gain insight into the synthesis–structure relationships. The properties of these materials have also been studied. In the second part, the use of MOFs as supports for metallic nanoparticles has been investigated. These materials, Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) and Pd@MIL-88B–NH2(Cr), were used as catalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura and oxidation reactions, respectively. The effect of the base on the catalytic activity, crystallinity, porosity, and palladium distribution of Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) was studied. In the final part, the introduction of transition-metal complexes into MOFs through different synthesis routes has been described. A ruthenium complex was grafted onto an aluminium MOF, MOF-253, and an iridium metallolinker was introduced into a zirconium MOF, UiO-68–2CH3. These materials were used as catalysts for alcohol oxidation and allylic alcohol isomerization, respectively.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Bimetallic alloys are increasingly used in heterogeneous catalysis. This interest is explained by the emergence of new features that are absent in the parent single metals. Synergistic effects between the two combined elements create a more efficient catalyst. One of the most challenging aspect of multicomponent materials in catalysis is the ability to fine-tune the catalytic properties of an alloy by controlling the nature and composition of the surface [1]. For example, the gold/silver alloy combines a high activity and a large selectivity for a broad range of oxidation reaction.It is well established that the surface composition of alloys may deviate from that of the bulk phase. Surface enrichment has also important consequences in some applications of heterogeneous catalysis. In some cases, the thermal and chemical treatments can lead to opposite trends regarding the nature of the metal prone to surface enrichment. Using atom probe tomography we aim to link the physicochemical conditions the composition of the very first atomic layers of bimetallic catalysts and eventually to fine-tune the catalytic features of the latter.
Biomass is the world’s most important renewable carbon source, whose major component, carbohydrates, can be valorized by transformation into biofuels and high value-added chemicals. Among the latter, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), obtained by C6 carbohydrates dehydration, is a versatile and key intermediate for the production of a large spectrum of biobased chemicals. Different catalytic systems have been evaluated for HMF production, mostly based on heterogeneous catalysis as alternative to the use of conventional mineral acids [1]. Moreover, niobium oxide has shown interesting properties as acid catalyst for dehydration of sugars [2-3]. On the other hand, the high surface area and large pore size of mesoporous solids make them suitable for many catalytic processes. In the present work, the dehydration of glucose to HMF has been evaluated by using different mesoporous mixed Nb2O5-ZrO2 in a biphasic water–Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) solvent system to avoid the HMF degradation. Different experimental parameters, such as reaction temperature and time, as well as the addition of CaCl2 have been studied in order to maximize the HMF yield.N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms have corroborated the mesostructured character of catalysts, being all isotherms of Type IV according to the IUPAC classification. BET surface area decreases for catalysts with higher Zr content (Table 1). Likewise, pore volume and average pore diameter values diminish after Zr incorporation. Concerning the acid properties, a clear correlation between Nb and acidity can be observed, in such a way that total acidity, as deduced from NH3-TPD, decreases when the Zr content rises, and consequently the amount of Nb is reduced.These mesoporous Nb-Zr catalysts have been tested in the dehydration of glucose to HMF at 175 ºC under batch operation in aqueous solution, using MIBK as co-solvent. It can be observed that both glucose conversion and HMF yield increase with the Nb content, being maximum (90% and 36%, respectively) after 90 minutes for Nb2O5. This trend changes when CaCl2 is added to the reaction medium, improving the catalytic performance of mixed oxides and ZrO2, but Nb2O5 maintains similar results than without salt addition. This could be justified by the interaction between CaCl2 and Lewis acid sites, since zirconium oxide possesses a higher amount of this acid sites type.
The electrochemical conversion is a sustainable way for the production of added-value products, operating in mild conditions, using in-situ generated hydrogen/oxygen by water and avoiding the use of high H2/O2 pressures. The aim of this work is to investigate the electrocatalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymetilfurfural (HMF) and D-glucose, in alkaline media, using metallic open-cell foams based-catalysts. The electrochemical hydrogenation of HMF to 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (BHMF) was performed using nanostructured Ag, deposited by galvanic displacement (GD) or electrodeposition (ED), on Cu foam, obtaining AgCu bimetallic nanoparticles (ED) or dendrites (GD) which enhanced electroactive surface area, charge and mass transfer, than bare foams. In diluted 0.02M HMF solutions, Ag/Cu samples selectively produce BHMF; the large surface area enhanced the productivity, compared to their 2D counterparts. Furthermore, at more concentrated solutions (0.05 – 0.10M) a gradually decrease of selectivity is observed. The performances of the electrodes is stable during the catalytic tests but a Cu-enrichment of particles occurred. The performances of Ni foam-based catalysts, obtained by calcination of Ni foam or by electrodeposition of Ni-hydroxide/Ni and Ni particle/Ni, were firstly investigated for the selective electrochemical oxidation of D-glucose toward gluconic acid (GO) and glucaric acid (GA). Then, the calcined catalyst was chosen to study the influence of the reaction conditions on the reaction mechanism. The GO and GA selectivities increase with the charge passed, while the formation of by-products from C-C cleavage/retro-aldol process is maximum at low charge. The fructose obtained from glucose isomerization favours the formation of by-products. The best glucose/NaOH ratio is between 0.5 and 0.1: higher values suppress the OER, while lower values favour the formation of low molecular weight products. The increases of the potential enhance the GO selectivity, nevertheless higher GA selectivity is observed at 0.6 – 0.7V vs SCE, confirmed by catalytic test performed in gluconate (30-35% GA selectivity).
The selective electro-oxidation of D-glucose represents a promising way for the synthesis of many platform molecules, currently produced from non-renewable fossil fuels. Electrocatalysis is gaining considerable interest as an alternative to the thermochemical process, since it allows the process to be sustainable by operating at room temperature and pressure as well as using green solvents and electricity produced from renewable sources. In this work, the activity of three electrocatalysts, based on open cell Ni foams, towards the electrochemical oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid and glucaric acid was initially compared: a Ni bare foam, and Ni foams calcined at 500 °C for one hour and electrodeposited with Ni NP nanoparticles. The calcined foam turned out to be the most efficient. Then, the performance of this Ni calcined electrocatalyst was studied varying the reaction conditions, such as the potential applied (from 0,5V to 1,0V vs SCE), D-glucose concentration (0,01M, 0,05M and 0,10M) and NaOH concentration (0,10M and 1,0M). The activity of the electrocatalysts was evaluated in terms of glucose conversion, gluconic and gluconic acid selectivity and faradic efficiency. The best results were obtained over a Ni calcined foam with a 0,05M solution of D-glucose and 0,10M of NaOH at a 0,80V vs SCE potential.
Cerium oxide in catalysis can be used both as support and as a catalyst itself. Ceria catalyses many oxidations reactions, its excellent catalytic properties are due to its store oxygen storage capacity (OSC) and the reticular defects present on its surface. Different morphologies expose different reticular planes, and different reticular planes can expose different amounts of defects. The preparation method of cerium oxide can influence the surface area, morphology, and the number of defects in the sample. This work is focused on different preparation methods for gold nanoparticles supported on 1D nanostructures of cerium oxide prepared via electrospinning, their XRD, DRUV-Vis and Raman characterizations, and their catalytic performance on the oxidation reaction of HMF to FDCA.
The relationship between catalytic properties and the nature of the active phase is well-established, with increased presence typically leading to enhanced catalysis. However, the costs associated with acquiring and processing these metals can become economically and environmentally unsustainable for global industries. Thus, there is potential for a paradigm shift towards utilizing polymeric ligands or other polymeric systems to modulate and enhance catalytic performance. This alternative approach has the potential to reduce the requisite amount of active phase while preserving effective catalytic activity. Such a strategy could yield substantial benefits from both economic and environmental perspectives. The primary objective of this research is to examine the influence of polymeric hydro-soluble ligands on the final properties, such as size and dispersion of the active phase, as well as the catalytic activity, encompassing conversion, selectivity towards desired products, and stability, of colloidal gold nanoparticles supported on active carbon. The goal is to elucidate the impact of polymers systematically, offering a toolbox for fine-tuning catalytic performances from the initial stages of catalyst design. Moreover, investigating the potential to augment conversion and selectivity in specific reactions through tailored polymeric ligands holds promise for reshaping catalyst preparation methodologies, thereby fostering the development of more economically sustainable materials.
Metal oxide pillared clay (PILC) possesses several interesting properties, such as large surface area, high pore volume and tunable pore size (from micropore to mesopore), high thermal stability, strong surface acidity and catalytic active substrates/metal oxide pillars. These unique characteristics make PILC an attractive material in catalytic reactions. It can be made either as catalyst support or directly used as catalyst. This paper is a continuous work from Kloprogge's review (J.T. Kloprogge, J. Porous Mater. 5, 5 1998) on the synthesis and properties of smectites and related PILCs and will focus on the diverse applications of clay pillared with different types of metal oxides in the heterogeneous catalysis area and adsorption area. The relation between the performance of the PILC and its physico-chemical features will be addressed.