981 resultados para glutamate receptors


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Background: Alcoholism is commonly associated with chronic smoking. A number of gene expression profiles of regions within the human mesocorticolimbic system have identified potential alcohol-sensitive genes; however, the influence of smoking on these changes was not taken into account. This study addressed the impact of alcohol and smoking on the expression of 4 genes, previously identified as alcoholism-sensitive. in the human prefrontal cortex (PFC). Methods: mRNA expression of apolipoprotein D, tissue inhibitor of the metalloproteinase 3, high-affinity glial glutamate transporter and midkine, was measured in the PFC of alcoholic Subjects and controls with and without smoking comorbidity using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: The results show that alcohol affects transcription of some of these genes. Additionally, smoking has a marked influence on gene expression. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the need for careful case selection in future gene expression studies to delineate the adaptive molecular process associated with smoking and alcohol.


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Severe long-term alcohol misuse leads to localized brain damage that is prominent in superior frontal cortex but less so in other cortical areas e.g. primary motor. Alcohol dependence is also associated with several genetic markers. GABAA receptor expression differs selectively between alcoholics and controls in a manner that conforms to the pathology, whereas glutamate receptors are much less regionally variable in these subjects. We determined whether genotype differentiated the pharmacology of glutamate-NMDA receptors and the expression GABAA receptor subunits transcripts in a locally appropriate way so as to influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage.


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Serotonin can modulate the activity of neural reward pathways that are strongly implicated in mediating the effects of chronic alcohol misuse, and its treatment, in human subjects. In previous work and as discussed elsewhere at this meeting, we and others have found consistent differences in the parameters of GABA and glutamate receptors, and the expression of their component subunit transcripts and proteins, in areas of the alcoholic brain that are altered by alcoholism. We did not fi nd clear changes in GABA and glutamate transport function in such samples, but a series of microarray analyses showed consistent upregulation of the presynaptic GABA/betaine transporter SLC6A12. Microarray studies showed no signifi cant differences in the expression of transcripts associated with 5HT transmission; however, only a small number of such elements were present on the arrays. Here we partitioned GABAA and NMDA pharmacology, and subunit mRNA and protein expression, measured in samples of frontal and motor cortex obtained at autopsy from alcoholics without comorbid disease, alcoholics with liver cirrhosis, and controls, according to 5HTTLPR (SLC6A4) and 5HT1B (HTR1B) polymorphisms. We found no effect of these genotypes on the expression of GABAA receptor gene products, but there was a signifi cant mRNA Transcript X Area X Group X 5HTTLPR Interaction with NMDA subunit isoform expression measured by Real Time PCR with GAPDH normalization. Further analysis showed the effect to be selective for alcoholics with cirrhosis, to be most marked in the pathologically vulnerable frontal cortex, and to vary with subunit transcript (F2,76 = 6.545, P = 0.002). NR1 expression was most affected, followed by NR2A, with NR2B expression least altered. Pilot data suggest 5HT1B genotype may also modulate NMDA subunit expression. Interactions between amino acid and serotonin transmission may infl uence susceptibility to alcohol dependence or pathogenesis


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It is becoming clear that the detection and integration of synaptic input and its conversion into an output signal in cortical neurons are strongly influenced by background synaptic activity or "noise." The majority of this noise results from the spontaneous release of synaptic transmitters, interacting with ligand-gated ion channels in the postsynaptic neuron [Berretta N, Jones RSG (1996); A comparison of spontaneous synaptic EPSCs in layer V and layer II neurones in the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. J Neurophysiol 76:1089-1110; Jones RSG, Woodhall GL (2005) Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortical neurons: differential control of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors. J Physiol 562:107-120; LoTurco JJ, Mody I, Kriegstein AR (1990) Differential activation of glutamate receptors by spontaneously released transmitter in slices of neocortex. Neurosci Lett 114:265-271; Otis TS, Staley KJ, Mody I (1991) Perpetual inhibitory activity in mammalian brain slices generated by spontaneous GABA release. Brain Res 545:142-150; Ropert N, Miles R, Korn H (1990) Characteristics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol 428:707-722; Salin PA, Prince DA (1996) Spontaneous GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory currents in adult rat somatosensory cortex. J Neurophysiol 75:1573-1588; Staley KJ (1999) Quantal GABA release: noise or not? Nat Neurosci 2:494-495; Woodhall GL, Bailey SJ, Thompson SE, Evans DIP, Stacey AE, Jones RSG (2005) Fundamental differences in spontaneous synaptic inhibition between deep and superficial layers of the rat entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 15:232-245]. The function of synaptic noise has been the subject of debate for some years, but there is increasing evidence that it modifies or controls neuronal excitability and, thus, the integrative properties of cortical neurons. In the present study we have investigated a novel approach [Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A (2004) A method to estimate synaptic conductances from membrane potential fluctuations. J Neurophysiol 91:2884-2896] to simultaneously quantify synaptic inhibitory and excitatory synaptic noise, together with postsynaptic excitability, in rat entorhinal cortical neurons in vitro. The results suggest that this is a viable and useful approach to the study of the function of synaptic noise in cortical networks. © 2007 IBRO.


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Astrocytes release gliotransmitters, notably glutamate, that can affect neuronal and synaptic activity. In particular, astrocytic glutamate release results in the generation of NMDA receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated slow inward currents (SICs) in neurons. However, factors underlying the emergence of SICs and their physiological roles are essentially unknown. Here we show that, in acute slices of rat somatosensory thalamus, stimulation of lemniscal or cortical afferents results in a sustained increase of SICs in thalamocortical (TC) neurons that outlasts the duration of the stimulus by 1 h. This long-term enhancement of astrocytic glutamate release is induced by group I metabotropic glutamate receptors and is dependent on astrocytic intracellular calcium. Neuronal SICs are mediated by extrasynaptic NR2B subunit-containing NMDA-Rs and are capable of eliciting bursts. These are distinct from T-type Ca2+ channel-dependent bursts of action potentials and are synchronized in neighboring TC neurons. These findings describe a previously unrecognized form of excitatory, nonsynaptic plasticity in the CNS that feeds forward to generate local neuronal firing long after stimulus termination.


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The direction of synaptic plasticity at the connection between parallel fibres (PFs) and Purkinje cells can be modified by PF stimulation alone. Strong activation (Hartell, 1996) or high frequency stimulation (Schreurs and Alkon, 1993) of PFs induced a long-term depression (LTD) of PF-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents. Brief raised frequency molecular layer stimulation produced a cAMP-dependent long-temi potentiation (LTP) of field potential (FP) responses (Salin et al., 1998). Thin slices of cerebellar vermis were prepared from 14-21 day old male Wistar rats decapitated under Halothane anaesthesia. FP's were recorded from the Purkinje cell layer in response to alternate 0.2Hz activation of stimulating electrodes placed in the molecular layer. In the presence of picrotoxin, FPs displayed two tetrodotoxin-sensitive, negative-going components termed N1 and N2. EPs were graded responses with paired pulse facilitation and were selectively blocked by 101AM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dicne (CNQX) an antagonist at iy,-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate-type ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPAR) suggesting that they were primarily PE-mediated. The effects of raised stimulus intensity (RS) and/or increased frequency (IF) activation of the molecular layer on FP responses were examined. In sagittai and transverse slices combined RS and IF molecular layer activation induced a LTD of the N2 component of FP responses. RSIF stimulation produced fewer incidences of LTD in sagittal slices when an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), guanylate cyclase (GC), protein kinase G (PKG) or the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP62349 was included into the perfusion medium. Application of a nitric oxide (NO) donor, a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) analogue or a phosphodiesterase (PDE) type V inhibitor to prevent cGMP breakdown paired with IF stimulation produced an acute depression, Raised frequency (RF) molecular layer stimulation produced a slowly emerging LTD of N2 in sagittal slices that was largely blocked in the presence of NOS, cGMP or PKG inhibitors. In transverse slices RE stimulation produced a LTP of the N2 component that was prevented by an inhibitor of protein kinase A or NOS. Inhibition of cGMP-signalling frequently revealed an underlying potentiation suggesting that cGMP activity might mask the effects of cAMP. In sagittal slices RE stimulation resulted in a potentiation of FPs when the cAMP-specific PDE type IV inhibitor rolipram was incorporated into the perfusion medium. In summary, raised levels of PE stimulation can alter the synaptic efficacy at PF-Purkinje cell synapses. The results provide support for a role of NO/cGMP/PKG signalling in the induction of LTD in the cerebellar cortex and suggest that activation of GABAa receptors might also be important. The level of cyclic nucleotide-specific PDE activities may be crucial in determining the level of cGMP and CAMP activity and hence the direction of synaptic plasticity.


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In this review, we summarize three sets of findings that have recently been observed in thalamic astrocytes and neurons, and discuss their significance for thalamocortical loop dynamics. (i) A physiologically relevant ‘window’ component of the low–voltage–activated, T–type Ca2+ current (ITwindow) plays an essential part in the slow (less than 1 Hz) sleep oscillation in adult thalamocortical (TC) neurons, indicating that the expression of this fundamental sleep rhythm in these neurons is not a simple reflection of cortical network activity. It is also likely that ITwindow underlies one of the cellular mechanisms enabling TC neurons to produce burst firing in response to novel sensory stimuli. (ii) Both electrophysiological and dye–injection experiments support the existence of gap junction–mediated coupling among young and adult TC neurons. This finding indicates that electrical coupling–mediated synchronization might be implicated in the high and low frequency oscillatory activities expressed by this type of thalamic neuron. (iii) Spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) waves propagating among thalamic astrocytes are able to elicit large and long–lasting N–methyl–D–aspartate–mediated currents in TC neurons. The peculiar developmental profile within the first two postnatal weeks of these astrocytic [Ca2+]i transients and the selective activation of these glutamate receptors point to a role for this astrocyte–to–neuron signalling mechanism in the topographic wiring of the thalamocortical loop. As some of these novel cellular and intracellular properties are not restricted to thalamic astrocytes and neurons, their significance may well apply to (patho)physiological functions of glial and neuronal elements in other brain areas.


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The interplay between long-term potentiation and long-term depression (LTD) is thought to be involved in learning and memory formation. One form of LTD expressed in the hippocampus is initiated by the activation of the group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Importantly, mGluRs have been shown to be critical for acquisition of new memories and for reversal learning, processes that are thought to be crucial for cognitive flexibility. Here we provide evidence that MAPK-activated protein kinases 2 and 3 (MK2/3) regulate neuronal spine morphology, synaptic transmission and plasticity. Furthermore, mGluR-LTD is impaired in the hippocampus of MK2/3 double knockout (DKO) mice, an observation that is mirrored by deficits in endocytosis of GluA1 subunits. Consistent with compromised mGluR-LTD, MK2/3 DKO mice have distinctive deficits in hippocampal-dependent spatial reversal learning. These novel findings demonstrate that the MK2/3 cascade plays a strategic role in controlling synaptic plasticity and cognition. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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The kainoids are a class of non-proteinogenic pyrrolidine dicarboxylates that exhibit both excitatory and excitotoxic activities. These activities are a result of the ability of the kainoids to act as glutamate receptor agonists by activating ionotropic glutamate receptors. The parent of this group of compounds is α-kainic acid. Kainic acid is isolated from the seaweed Diginea simplex and has been used in Asian countries as a treatment for intestinal worms in children. In addition it is used extensively by neuropharmacologists for the study of glutamate receptors. Several years ago, the world's sole supplier of kainic acid discontinued this product. Since that time, other sources have appeared, however, the price of kainic acid remains significantly higher than it once was. We have thus been working on synthesizing aza analogs of kainoids which would be less costly but potentially potent alternatives to kainic acid via the dipolar cycloadditions of diazoalkanes with trans diethyl glutaconate. These 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions yielded 2-pyrazolines or pyrazoles. The 2-pyrazolines may be precursors to aza analogs of kainoids. The regioselectivity of these 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions and isomerization of the 1-pyrazolines to 2-pyrazolines was evaluated. Reductions of the 2-pyrazolines yielded aza analogs of kainoids.^ TMS diazomethane, due to the commercial availability, has been frequently used as a synthetic reagent in 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions, particularly in the preparation of novel amino acid analogs. A survey of the recent literature indicates that the regioselectivity of the double bond isomerization of TMS substituted 1-pyrazolines is variable and at first glance, unpredictable. In an effort to develop a mechanistic rational for the isomerization which could account for the products obtained, a systematic survey of dipolar cycloadditions between TMS diazomethane and α, β-unsaturated dipolarophiles was undertaken. It was suggested that the steric demand of the dipolarophiles had a profound effect on both the relative stereochemistry of dipolar cycloaddition reactions of TMSCHN2 and the preferred direction of isomerization of the resulting 1-pyrazoline.^


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The kainate receptors are one of the three major groups of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the mammalian central nervous system. They are so named after their most potent agonist, kainic acid (KA), a natural product isolated from the seaweed Diginea simplex. This compound shows both neuroexcitatory and excitotoxic activities, and is an important pharmacological tool for neurophysiological studies. We predict that the more synthetically accessible aza analogues of kainic acid, could act as functional mimics of KA. These could be produced by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of diazoalkanes with trans glutaconate esters. ^ 1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions have been shown to produce 1-pyrazolines that isomerize into 2-pyrazolines. The 1- and 2-pyrazolines can be precursors to aza analogs of kainoids. The regioselectivity, relative stereochemistry and isomerization of the 1-pyrazolines into 2-pyrazolines have been evaluated. Reductions of the 1- and 2-pyrazolines produced aza analogs of kainoids. TMS diazomethane was used as the dipole in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions leading to aza KA analogs via 2-pyrazolines. A systematic study of cycloaddition-isomerization processes involving TMS-diazomethane and various α, β-unsaturated dipolarophiles has been undertaken. 1H-NMR monitoring of the reaction mixture compositions during the cycloaddition reaction revealed evidence of retro-dipolar cycloaddition processes. Faster formation of 4,5- trans-1-pyrazoline at the beginning of the reaction and subsequent isomerization of this product into 4,5-cis-1-pyrazoline via a retro-dipolar cycloaddition has been observed. Increased reaction time and/or reaction temperature preferentially caused the irreversible isomerization of 4,5-cis-1-pyrazoline into 4,5-cis-2-pyrazoline, which led to high yields of 4,5-cis-2-pyrazolines in the overall process. ^ Two syntheses of the 5-unsubstituted aza-kainic acid have been performed; first, via the reduction of the TMS-eliminated 2-pyrazoline from TMS diazomethane; second by the direct reduction of 1-pyrazoline with Hg/Al-amalgam. 5-Phenyl aza-kainic acid has been produced by direct reduction of 1-pyrazoline, obtained in the reaction of phenyldiazomethane and dibenzyl glutaconate, with Hg/Al-amalgam. ^ Current responses to aza kainate analogs in Aplysia whole cell buccal ganglia indicate potent neuroexcitatory activity. The repetitive exposure of neuronal cells to the 5-unsubstituted aza-kainic acid led to non-desensitizing current responses, showing both binding affinity and neuronal ion-channel activation by the synthesized agonist compound. ^


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Kainic acid has been used for nearly 50 years as a tool in neuroscience due to its pronounced neuroexcitatory properties. However, the significant price increase of kainic acid resulting from the disruption in the supply from its natural source, the alga Digenea Simplex, as well as inefficient synthesis of kainic acid, call for the exploration of functional mimics of kainic acid that can be synthesized in a simpler way. Aza kainoids analog could be one of them. The unsubstituted aza analog of kainoids has demonstrates its ability as an ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist and showed affinity in the chloride dependent glutamate (GluCl) binding site. This opened a question of the importance of the presence of one nitrogen or both nitrogens in the aza kainoid analogs for binding to glutamate receptors. Therefore, two different pyrrolidine analogs of kainic acid, trans -4-(carboxymethyl)pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid and trans -2-carboxy-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid, were synthesized through multi-step sequences. The lack of the affinity of both pyrrolidine analogs in GluCl binding site indicated that both nitrogens in aza kainoid analogs are involved in hydrogen bonding with receptors, significantly enhancing their affinity in GluCl binding site. Another potential functional mimic of kainic acid is isoxazolidine analogs of kainoids whose skeleton can be constituted directly via a 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition as the key step. The difficulty in synthesizing N-unsubstituted isoxazolidines when applying such common protecting groups as alkyl, phenyl and benzyl groups, and the requirement of a desired enantioselectivity due to the three chiral ceneters in kainic acid, pose great challenges. Hence, several different protected nitrones were studied to establish that diphenylmethine nitrone may be a good candidate as the dipole in that the generated isoxazolidines can be deprotected in mild conditions with high yields. Our investigations also indicated that the exo/endo selectivity of the 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition can be controlled by Lewis acids, and that the application of a directing group in dipolarophiles can accomplish a satisfied enantioselectivity. Those results demonstrated the synthesis of isoxazoldines analogs of kainic acid is very promising.


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Memory storage in the brain involves adjustment of the strength of existing synapses and formation of new neural networks. A key process underlying memory formation is synaptic plasticity, the ability of excitatory synapses to strengthen or weaken their connections in response to patterns of activity between their connected neurons. Synaptic plasticity is governed by the precise pattern of Ca²⁺ influx through postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs), which can lead to the activation of the small GTPases Ras and Rap. Differential activation of Ras and Rap acts to modulate synaptic strength by promoting the insertion or removal of 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid receptors (AMPARs) from the synapse. Synaptic GTPase activating protein (synGAP) regulates AMPAR levels by catalyzing the inactivation of GTP-bound (active) Ras or Rap. synGAP is positioned in close proximity to the cytoplasmic tail regions of the NMDAR through its association with the PDZ domains of PSD-95. SynGAP’s activity is regulated by the prominent postsynaptic protein kinase, Ca²⁺/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), a known binding partner of CaMKII. Modulation of synGAP’s activity by phosphorylation may alter the ratio of active Ras to Rap in spines, thus pushing the spine towards the insertion or removal of AMPARs, subsequently strengthening or weakening the synapse. To date, all biochemical studies of the regulation of synGAP activity by protein kinases have utilized impure preparations of membrane bound synGAP. Here we have clarified the effects of phosphorylation of synGAP on its Ras and Rap GAP activities by preparing and utilizing purified, soluble recombinant synGAP, Ras, Rap, CaMKII, CDK5, PLK2, and CaM. Using mass spectrometry, we have confirmed the presence of previously identified CaMKII and CDK5 sites in synGAP, and have identified novel sites of phosphorylation by CaMKII, CDK5, and PLK2. We have shown that the net effect of phosphorylation of synGAP by CaMKII, CDK5, and PLK2 is an increase in its GAP activity toward HRas and Rap1. In contrast, there is no effect on its GAP activity toward Rap2. Additionally, by assaying the GAP activity of phosphomimetic synGAP mutants, we have been able to hypothesize the effects of CDK5 phosphorylation at specific sites in synGAP. In the course of this work, we also found, unexpectedly, that synGAP is itself a Ca²⁺/CaM binding protein. While Ca²⁺/CaM binding does not directly affect synGAP activity, it causes a conformational change in synGAP that increases the rate of its phosphorylation and exposes additional phosphorylation sites that are inaccessible in the absence of Ca²⁺/CaM.

The postsynaptic density (PSD) is an electron-dense region in excitatory postsynaptic neurons that contains a high concentration of glutamate receptors, cytoskeletal proteins, and associated signaling enzymes. Within the PSD, three major classes of scaffolding molecules function to organize signaling enzymes and glutamate receptors. PDZ domains present in the Shank and PSD-95 scaffolds families serve to physically link AMPARs and NMDARs to signaling molecules in the PSD. Because of the specificity and high affinity of PDZ domains for their ligands, I reasoned that these interacting pairs could provide the core components of an affinity chromatography system, including affinity resins, affinity tags, and elution agents. I show that affinity columns containing the PDZ domains of PSD-95 can be used to purify active PDZ domain-binding proteins to very high purity in a single step. Five heterologously expressed neuronal proteins containing endogenous PDZ domain ligands (NMDAR GluN2B subunit Tail, synGAP, neuronal nitric oxide synthase PDZ domain, cysteine rich interactor of PDZ three and cypin) were purified using PDZ domain resin, with synthetic peptides having the sequences of cognate PDZ domain ligands used as elution agents. I also show that conjugation of PDZ domain-related affinity tags to Proteins Of Interest (POIs) that do not contain endogenous PDZ domains or ligands does not alter protein activity and enables purification of the POIs on PDZ domain-related affinity resins.


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Kainic acid has been used for nearly 50 years as a tool in neuroscience due to its pronounced neuroexcitatory properties. However, the significant price increase of kainic acid resulting from the disruption in the supply from its natural source, the alga Digenea Simplex, as well as inefficient synthesis of kainic acid, call for the exploration of functional mimics of kainic acid that can be synthesized in a simpler way. Aza kainoids analog could be one of them. The unsubstituted aza analog of kainoids has demonstrates its ability as an ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist and showed affinity in the chloride dependent glutamate (GluCl) binding site. This opened a question of the importance of the presence of one nitrogen or both nitrogens in the aza kainoid analogs for binding to glutamate receptors. Therefore, two different pyrrolidine analogs of kainic acid, trans-4-(carboxymethyl)pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid and trans-2-carboxy-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid, were synthesized through multi-step sequences. The lack of the affinity of both pyrrolidine analogs in GluCl binding site indicated that both nitrogens in aza kainoid analogs are involved in hydrogen bonding with receptors, significantly enhancing their affinity in GluCl binding site. Another potential functional mimic of kainic acid is isoxazolidine analogs of kainoids whose skeleton can be constituted directly via a 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition as the key step. The difficulty in synthesizing N-unsubstituted isoxazolidines when applying such common protecting groups as alkyl, phenyl and benzyl groups, and the requirement of a desired enantioselectivity due to the three chiral ceneters in kainic acid, pose great challenges. Hence, several different protected nitrones were studied to establish that diphenylmethine nitrone may be a good candidate as the dipole in that the generated isoxazolidines can be deprotected in mild conditions with high yields. Our investigations also indicated that the exo/endo selectivity of the 1, 3 dipolar cycloaddition can be controlled by Lewis acids, and that the application of a directing group in dipolarophiles can accomplish a satisfied enantioselectivity. Those results demonstrated the synthesis of isoxazoldines analogs of kainic acid is very promising.


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Domoic acid (DA) is a naturally occurring cyanotoxin, which upon ingestion, is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in both humans and animals. Produced by the marine diatom, Pseudonitzschia, DA is accumulated by a number of marine organisms including shellfish, clams and mussels which upon consumption can lead to headaches, nausea and seizures. Possessing a variety of functional groups the structure of DA contains three carboxyl groups, a pyrrole ring and a potent conjugated diene region allowing for binding to glutamate receptors in the dorsal hippocampus of the brain causing the described detrimental effects. Although limitations have been placed regarding the amount of DA that may be contained in seafood no limitations have been placed on the amount present in drinking water. Natural degradation of the toxin may occur through reactive oxygen species such as the hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen at the conjugated diene region. In this work the photooxidation of DA via singlet oxygen has been studied using sorbic acid as a model compound. The three major reaction pathways observed during the photooxdiation process for both acids include 2 + 4 cycloaddition to produce endoperoxides , 2 + 2 reaction to afford aldehydes and ketones or an ene reaction to generate hydroperoxides. Under similar reaction conditions for SA and DA, the endoperoxide has been seen to be the major product for photoxidation of SA while the hydroperoxide has been seen to be the dominant product during photooxidation of DA.


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Working on the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) 5-HT2B receptor since several years, we have read with high interest the review by Hertz et al. (2015). Previous studies from our group demonstrated that a direct injection in mouse raphe nucleus of the 5-HT2B agonist BW723C86 has the ability to increase extracellular levels of serotonin, which can be blocked by the selective 5-HT2B receptor antagonist RS127445 (Doly et al., 2008, 2009). We also reported that an acute injection of paroxetine 2 mg/kg in mice knocked out for the 5-HT2B receptor gene or in wild type mice injected with RS127445 (0.5 mg/kg) triggers a strong reduction in extracellular accumulation of 5-HT in hippocampus (Diaz et al., 2012). Following these observations, we showed that acute and chronic BW723C86 injection (3 mg/kg) can mimic the fluoxetine (3 mg/kg) and paroxetine (1 mg/kg) behavioral and biochemical antidepressant effects in mice (Diaz and Maroteaux, 2011; Diaz et al., 2012)...