946 resultados para genetic background
Untersuchung von T-Zell-vermittelten Immunantworten in der murinen und humanen kutanen Leishmaniasis
Für die Ausheilung von L. major-Infektionen ist eine effektive Th1-/Tc1-Antwort unerlässlich. Dennoch sind bis heute nicht alle Mechanismen der schützenden Immunabwehr beim Menschen und in der Maus endgültig geklärt. Deshalb bestand das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, Th1-/Tc1-Antworten und damit die Schnittstelle zwischen angeborenem und adaptivem Immunsystem eingehender zu untersuchen. Für diesen Ansatz wurde zunächst der Einfluss des genetischen Hintergrundes auf den Verlauf der Infektion anhand von BALB/c- und C57BL/6-Zellen analysiert. Als entscheidender Faktor für Heilung und Suszeptibilität wurde mit Hilfe von Knochenmarkschimären die Herkunft der T und/oder B Zellen identifiziert. Erst die Aktivierung durch Th1-/Tc1-Zellen versetzt L. major-infizierte Makrophagen in die Lage, die intrazellulären Parasiten abzutöten. In diesem Aktivierungsprozess spielt die TNF-induzierte Signalweiterleitung über den TNF-Rezeptor 1 (TNF-R1) eine wichtige Rolle. TNF-R1 ist mit dem Signalmolekül FAN assoziiert. In dieser Arbeit konnte anhand von Mäusen, denen FAN fehlt, die Involvierung dieses Moleküls in der Induktion eines Th1-Zytokinsprofils und in der Kontrolle der Parasitenzahl sowie der lokalen Begrenzung der Infektion gezeigt werden. Weiterhin wurde unter Verwendung immundefizienter Mäuse die Realisierbarkeit eines PBMC-Transfermodells geprüft. Ein solches wird zur Validierung an Mäusen gewonnener Erkenntnisse und als präklinisches Testsystem der humanen kutanen Leishmaniasis dringend benötigt. In allen getesteten Stämmen ließ sich durch den Transfer humaner PBMC die L. major-Infektion beeinflussen. Humane CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen waren an den Infektionsstellen präsent und es konnten antigenspezifische Immunreaktionen nnachgewiesen werden. Das PBMC-Transfermodell konnte durch die Transplantation humaner Haut auf immundefiziente Mäuse zusätzlich entscheidend verbessert werden. In diesen Transplantaten ließen sich L. major-Infektionen etablieren und durch zusätzlichen Transfer von PBMC die Zahl humaner CD45+ Zellen an der Infektionsstelle deutlich steigern. In ihrer Gesamtheit trägt die vorliegende Arbeit wesentlich zum Verständnis der Determinanten von Heilung und Suszeptibilität der kutanen Leishmaniasis bei und zeigt neue Ansatzpunkte für eine Beeinflussung des Krankheitsverlaufes auf. Die Etablierung eines präklinischen Testmodells der humanen Leishmaniasis ist entscheidend, um das Wissen über die murine Leishmaniasis auf die humane Erkrankung zu übertragen. So kann dem dauerhaften Problem der Entwicklung von Vakzinen an Mäusen, die keine Wirksamkeit gegen die humane Erkrankung zeigen, begegnet werden. Ein vollständig etabliertes Modell wird es ermöglichen, der humanen Erkrankung zugrundeliegende Mechanismen zu untersuchen und Patienten-spezifisch aber auch allgemeingültig Vakzinierungs-Ansätze und Therapien unter experimentellen Bedingungen zu testen.
In my doctoral thesis I investigated the evolution of demographic traits within eusocial Hymenoptera. In the social bees, wasps and ants, eusociality has a unique effect on life span evolution as female larvae with the same genetic background can develop through phenotypic plasticity to a queen or a worker with vastly diverging life-history traits. Ant queens belong to the longest-lived insect species, while workers in most species live only a fraction of the queen’s life span. The average colony size of a species is positively correlated with social complexity, division of labor and diverging morphological female phenotypes all of which also affect life span. Therefore the demographic traits of interest in this thesis were life span and colony size. To understand the evolution of worker life span I applied a trade-off model that includes both hierarchical levels important in eusocial systems, namely the colony- and the individual-level. I showed that the evolution of worker life span may be an adaptive trait on the colony level to optimize resource allocation and therefore fitness in response to different levels of extrinsic mortality. A shorter worker life span as a result of reduced resource investments under high levels of extrinsic mortality increases colony fitness. In a further study I showed that Lasius niger colonies produce different aging phenotypes throughout colony development. Smaller colonies which apply a different foraging strategy than larger colonies produced smaller workers, which in turn have a longer life span as compared to larger workers produced in larger colonies. With the switch to cooperative foraging in growing colonies individual workers become less important for the colony caused by their increasing redundancy. Alternatively a trade of between growth and life span may lead to the results found in this study. A further comparative analysis to study the effect of colony size on life span showed a correlation between queen and worker life span when colony size is taken into account. While neither worker nor queen life span was associated with colony size, the differences between queen and worker life span increase with larger average colony sizes across all eusocial Hymenoptera. As colony size affects both queen and worker life span, I aimed to understand which factors lead to the small colony sizes displayed by some ant species. I therefore analyzed per-capita productivity at different colony sizes of eight cavity dwelling ant species. Most colonies of the study species grew larger than optimal productivity predicted. Larger colony size was shown to increase colony homeostasis, the predictability of future productivity and in turn the survival probability of the colony. I also showed that species that deploy an individual foraging mode may circumvent the density dependent decline in foraging success by splitting the colony to several nest sites.
Im ersten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit beabsichtigte meine Arbeit, die funktionelle Beteiligung des CB1 Rezeptors, einer Hauptkomponente des neuronalen Endocannabinoid-Systems (ECS), an der Ausbildung von verschiedenen Verhaltensphänotypen mit Hilfe von konditionalen Mausmutanten, denen der CB1 Rezeptor auf verschiedenen neuronalen Unterpopulationen fehlt, aufzuschlüsseln und zu untersuchen. Verschiedene Verhaltensmodelle wurden hierzu getestet. Dabei lag der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf der CB1f/f;D1-Cre Mauslinie, welche der CB1 Rezeptor auf den D1 Rezeptor exprimierenden Neuronen des Striatums fehlt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass der Verlust des CB1 Rezeptors auf diesen Neuronen keinen Einfluss auf basale neurologische Funktionen, Gewicht, Bewegung, Exploration, Sozialverhalten, Angst und Stressbewältigung der Tiere hat, jedoch eine Beteiligung an der Entwicklung von Suchtverhalten gegeben ist. Bei Betrachtung des Kokain-induzierten Suchtverhaltens zeigten die konditionalen Mausmutanten eine reduzierte Suchtanfälligkeit sowohl im Vergleich zu Tieren mit einem totalen CB1 Rezeptor Verlust in allen Körperzellen, als auch zu genetisch unveränderten Kontrollmäusen beider Linien.rnDes Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie eine große, aber gegensätzliche Beteiligung des ECS bei der Regulation von Exploration in Abhängigkeit des Verlustes des CB1 Rezeptors auf GABAergen Neuronen des Vorderhirns und kortikalen glutamatergen Neuronen, jedoch nicht auf striatalen Neuronen alleine. Zusätzlich war ich in der Lage, die Wichtigkeit des genetischen Hintergrunds von Mauslinien nicht nur auf die Ausbildung von spezifischen Verhaltensphänotypen, sondern auch auf die Genexpression zu zeigen.rnIn dem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit, in dem ich mich auf die Funktion von Gliazellen konzentrierte, wurden ebenfalls Mausmutanten in verschiedenen Verhaltensmodellen getestet. Ein genetisches Auslöschen des NG2 Glykoproteins in Gliazellen sorgt in den Knock-out Mäusen für ein schlechteres Hörvermögen und ein reduziertes Depressionsverhalten im Vergleich zu ihren Wildtyp-Kontrollmäusen. Interessanterweise zeigten diese Tiere auch eine reduzierte Empfänglichkeit bei chemisch induzierten epileptischen Krämpfen, was eine Rolle des NG2 Glykoproteins bei der Kontrolle der glutamatergen Homöostase vorschlägt, die wahrscheinlich durch Strukturänderungen der Neuron-Glia-Synapse verursacht wird. rn
Since the development and prognosis of alcohol-induced liver disease (ALD) vary significantly with genetic background, identification of a genetic background-independent noninvasive ALD biomarker would significantly improve screening and diagnosis. This study explored the effect of genetic background on the ALD-associated urinary metabolome using the Ppara-null mouse model on two different backgrounds, C57BL/6 (B6) and 129/SvJ (129S), along with their wild-type counterparts. Reversed-phase gradient UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS analysis revealed that urinary excretion of a number of metabolites, such as ethylsulfate, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid sulfate, adipic acid, pimelic acid, xanthurenic acid, and taurine, were background-dependent. Elevation of ethyl-β-d-glucuronide and N-acetylglycine was found to be a common signature of the metabolomic response to alcohol exposure in wild-type as well as in Ppara-null mice of both strains. However, increased excretion of indole-3-lactic acid and phenyllactic acid was found to be a conserved feature exclusively associated with the alcohol-treated Ppara-null mouse on both backgrounds that develop liver pathologies similar to the early stages of human ALD. These markers reflected the biochemical events associated with early stages of ALD pathogenesis. The results suggest that indole-3-lactic acid and phenyllactic acid are potential candidates for conserved and pathology-specific high-throughput noninvasive biomarkers for early stages of ALD.
The aims of this review are to summarize the definitions, causes, and clinical course as well as the current understanding of the genetic background, mechanism of disease, and therapy of toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Canine and human atopic dermatitis are multifaceted diseases whose clinical development may be influenced by several factors, such as genetic background, environment, secondary infections, food and psychological effects. The role of the environment has been extensively examined in humans but remains unclear in dogs. The aim of this study was to examine environmental factors in two genetically close breeds, Labrador and golden retrievers. Using standard criteria, atopic dogs in Switzerland and Germany were selected and compared with healthy individuals. Information on environmental factors was collected using a 46-question survey encompassing date and place of birth, way of life at the breeder's and owner's home, food and treatments. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to assess the association between potential risk factors and disease status. The following parameters were associated with an increased risk of disease development: living in a shed during puppyhood, adoption at the age of 8-12 weeks and washing the dog regularly. In contrast, the following factors were associated with a lower risk: living in a rural environment, living in a household with other animals and walking in a forest. These associations do not prove causality but support the primary hypothesis that certain environmental factors may influence the development of canine atopic dermatitis. Further studies are warranted to confirm these results and conclusions.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heterogeneous group of heart diseases with a strong genetic background. Currently, many human DCM cases exist where no causative mutation can be identified. DCM also occurs with high prevalence in several large dog breeds. In the Doberman Pinscher a specific DCM form characterized by arrhythmias and/or echocardiographic changes has been intensively studied by veterinary cardiologists. We performed a genome-wide association study in Doberman Pinschers. Using 71 cases and 70 controls collected in Germany we identified a genome-wide significant association to DCM on chromosome 5. We validated the association in an independent cohort collected in the United Kingdom. There is no known DCM candidate gene under the association signal. Therefore, DCM in Doberman Pinschers offers the chance of identifying a novel DCM gene that might also be relevant for human health.
Host-parasite interactions in the E. multilocularis-intermediate host model depend on a subtle balance between cellular immunity, which is responsible for host's resistance towards the metacestode, the larval stage of the parasite, and tolerance induction and maintenance. The pathological features of alveolar echinococcosis. the disease caused by E. multilocularis, are related both to parasitic growth and to host's immune response, leading to fibrosis and necrosis, The disease spectrum is clearly dependent on the genetic background of the host as well as on acquired disturbances of Th1-related immunity. The laminated layer of the metacestode, and especially its carbohydrate components, plays a major role in tolerance induction. Th2-type and anti-inflammatory cytokines, IL-10 and TGF-beta, as well as nitric oxide, are involved in the maintenance of tolerance and partial inhibition of cytotoxic mechanisms. Results of studies in the experimental mouse model and in patients suggest that immune modulation with cytokines, such as interferon-alpha, or with specific antigens could be used in the future to treat patients with alveolar echinococcosis and/or to prevent this very severe parasitic disease.
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher rate of obesity than children without ADHD. Obesity risk alleles may overlap with those relevant for ADHD. We examined whether risk alleles for an increased body mass index (BMI) are associated with ADHD and related quantitative traits (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity). We screened 32 obesity risk alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for ADHD based on 495 patients and 1,300 population-based controls and performed in silico analyses of the SNPs in an ADHD meta-analysis comprising 2,064 trios, 896 independent cases, and 2,455 controls. In the German sample rs206936 in the NUDT3 gene (nudix; nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X-type motif 3) was associated with ADHD risk (OR: 1.39; P = 3.4 × 10(-4) ; Pcorr = 0.01). In the meta-analysis data we found rs6497416 in the intronic region of the GPRC5B gene (G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B; P = 7.2 × 10(-4) ; Pcorr = 0.02) as a risk allele for ADHD. GPRC5B belongs to the metabotropic glutamate receptor family, which has been implicated in the etiology of ADHD. In the German sample rs206936 (NUDT3) and rs10938397 in the glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 2 gene (GNPDA2) were associated with inattention, whereas markers in the mitogen-activated protein kinase 5 gene (MAP2K5) and in the cell adhesion molecule 2 gene (CADM2) were associated with hyperactivity. In the meta-analysis data, MAP2K5 was associated with inattention, GPRC5B with hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention and CADM2 with hyperactivity/impulsivity. Our results justify further research on the elucidation of the common genetic background of ADHD and obesity.
The junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-C is a widely expressed adhesion molecule regulating cell adhesion, cell polarity and inflammation. JAM-C expression and function in the central nervous system (CNS) has been poorly characterized to date. Here we show that JAM-C(-/-) mice backcrossed onto the C57BL/6 genetic background developed a severe hydrocephalus. An in depth immunohistochemical study revealed specific immunostaining for JAM-C in vascular endothelial cells in the CNS parenchyma, the meninges and in the choroid plexus of healthy C57BL/6 mice. Additional JAM-C immunostaining was detected on ependymal cells lining the ventricles and on choroid plexus epithelial cells. Despite the presence of hemorrhages in the brains of JAM-C(-/-) mice, our study demonstrates that development of the hydrocephalus was not due to a vascular function of JAM-C as endothelial re-expression of JAM-C failed to rescue the hydrocephalus phenotype of JAM-C(-/-) C57BL/6 mice. Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation within the ventricular system of JAM-C(-/-) mice excluded occlusion of the cerebral aqueduct as the cause of hydrocephalus development but showed the acquisition of a block or reduction of CSF drainage from the lateral to the 3(rd) ventricle in JAM-C(-/-) C57BL/6 mice. Taken together, our study suggests that JAM-C(-/-) C57BL/6 mice model the important role for JAM-C in brain development and CSF homeostasis as recently observed in humans with a loss-of-function mutation in JAM-C.
The progressive myoclonus epilepsies (PMEs) comprise a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders characterised by myoclonus, epilepsy, and neurological deterioration. This study aimed to identify the underlying gene(s) in childhood onset PME patients with unknown molecular genetic background.
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a lentivirus of goats that causes persistent infection characterized by the appearance of inflammatory lesions in various organs. To define the sites of persistence, 5 goats were infected with a molecular clone of CAEV, and the viral load was monitored by real-time-PCR and RT-PCR in different sites 8 years after infection. The lymph nodes proved to be an important virus reservoir, with moderate virus replication relative to what is reported for lentiviruses of primates. Mammary gland and milk cells were preferred sites of viral replication. The viral load varied significantly between animals, which points to an important role of the genetic background. We found a clear association between occurrence of histopathological lesions and viral load in specific sites. The mRNA expression analysis of several cytokines did not reveal differences between animals that could explain the considerable individual variations in viral load observed.
Allelic variants of the human P-glycoprotein encoding gene MDR1 (ABCB1) are discussed to be associated with different clinical conditions including pharmacoresistance of epilepsy. However, conflicting data have been reported with regard to the functional relevance of MDR1 allelic variants for the response to antiepileptic drugs. To our knowledge, it is not known whether functionally relevant genetic polymorphisms also occur in the two genes (Mdr1a/Abcb1a, Mdr1b/Abcb1b) coding for P-glycoprotein in the brain of rodents. Therefore, we have started to search for polymorphisms in the Mdr1a gene, which governs the expression of P-glycoprotein in brain capillary endothelial cells in rats. In the kindling model of temporal lobe epilepsy, subgroups of phenytoin-sensitive and phenytoin-resistant rats were selected in repeated drug trials. Sequencing of the Mdr1a gene coding sequence in the subgroups revealed no general differences between drug-resistant and drug-sensitive rats of the Wistar outbred strain. A comparison between different inbred and outbred rat strains also gave no evidence for polymorphisms in the Mdr1a coding sequence. However, in exon-flanking intron sequences, four genetic variants were identified by comparison between these rats strains. In conclusion, the finding that Wistar rats vary in their response to phenytoin, while having the same genetic background, argues against a major impact of Mdr1a genetics on pharmacosensitivity to antiepileptic drugs in the amygdala kindling model.
Live attenuated Salmonella are attractive vaccine candidates for mucosal application because they induce both mucosal immune responses and systematic immune responses. After breaking the epithelium barrier, Salmonella typhimurium is found within dendritic cells (DC) in the Peyer's patches. Although there are abundant data on the interaction of S. typhimurium with murine epithelial cells, macrophages and DC, little is known about its interaction with human DC. Live attenuated S. typhimurium have recently been shown to efficiently infect human DC in vitro and induce production of cytokines. In this study, we have analysed the morphological consequences of infection of human DC by the attenuated S. typhimurium mutant strains designated PhoPc, AroA and SipB and the wild-type strains of the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA), ATCC 14028 and ATCC C53, by electron microscopy at 30 min, 3 h and 24 h after exposure. Our results show that genetic background of the strains profoundly influence DC morphology following infection. The changes included (i) membrane ruffling; (ii) formation of tight or spacious phagosomes; (iii) apoptosis; and (iv) spherical, pedunculated membrane-bound microvesicles that project from the plasma membrane. Despite the fact that membrane ruffling was much more pronounced with the two virulent strains, all mutants were taken up by the DC. The microvesicles were induced by all the attenuated strains, including SipB, which did not induce apoptosis in the host cell. These results suggest that Salmonella is internalized by human DC, inducing morphological changes in the DC that could explain immunogenicity of the attenuated strains.
Severely deficient activity of the von Willebrand Factor (VWF) cleaving metalloprotease, ADAMTS13, is associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). The mutation spectrum ofADAMTS13 is rather heterogeneous, and numerous mutations spread across the gene have been described in association with congenital TTP. The 4143insA mutation is unusual with respect to its geographic concentration. Following the initial report from Germany in which the 4143insA mutation was detected in four apparently unrelated families, we have now identified this mutation in a further eleven patients from Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Australia. Confirmation that the Australian patient is of German ancestry, together with the Northern and Central European origin of most of the other patients, suggests that the 4143insA mutation has a common genetic background. We established ADAMTS13 haplotypes by analyzing 17 polymorphic intragenic markers. The haplotypes linked to 4143insA were identical in all informative families. Three novel candidate mutations, C347S, P671L and R1060W, as well as the known mutation R507Q, were also identified during the course of the study. We conclude that 4143insA has a common genetic background and is frequent among patients with hereditary ADAMTS13 deficiency in Northern and Central European countries.