960 resultados para gel permeation chromatography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Peruvian carrot and cassava starches were isolated, adjusted to 30 and 35% moisture, and heatedat 90°C for 8 h. Structural and physicochemical characteristics of the treated starches wereevaluated and compared. High performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsedamperometric detector (HPAEC-PAD), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and amylosecontent, revealed that the HMT did not change the chemical structures of the starches. A largeagglomeration of granules was observed from SEM, particularly in the Peruvian carrot starch.Crystalline patterns in Peruvian carrot and cassava starches changed from B to C and CAto A,respectively. Relative crystallinity decreased from 30 to 25% in Peruvian Carrot starch, andincreased from 35 to 37% in cassava starch adjusted to 30% moisture. SF and peak viscositydecreased, breakdown was almost completely eliminated (particularly in the Peruvian carrotstarch), and final viscosity increased. WAI and WSI increased as moisture levels of bothstarches increased. Gelatinization temperatures increased and enthalpy decreased. Degrees ofgelatinization increased as the moisture level increased, reaching 33 and 72% in the cassavaand Peruvian carrot starches, respectively. HMT strengthened the intra- and intermolecularinteractions of starches and increased their stability during heating and shearing, but also causeda partial gelatinization in the starches, particularly in Peruvian carrot starch.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Eriocaulaceae species are popularly known as sempre-vivas. This family comprising approximately 1.200 species divided into 10 genera, with high endemic levels. Paepalanthus genus has high incidence in the Espinhaço Range region and the report of biological activities. Despite the large number of previous studies with Eriocaulaceae species, Paepalanthus geniculatus has no studies about their scapes, which demonstrates the need for new research to identify their chemical and biological composition. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of P. geniculatus ethanolic extract seeking the isolation and identification of metabolites and evaluate the radical scavenging activity of the extract and isolated substances. P. geniculatus were collected in Serra do Cipó-MG in 2013 (Voucher: SANO 3193) and the scapes were dried, crushed and the powder was percolated with ethanol. With the etanolic extract it is carried out a fractionation by gel permeation chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction J89 (45,6 mg) was purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA, resulting in the isolation of substance S1. The fractionation was also performed by medium pressure liquid chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction number 4 (92,6 mg) were purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA resulting in the isolation of substances S2 and S3. The substances S1 and S3 were analyzed by mono and twodimensional NMR, resulting in the identification of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid) and the flavonoid 6-hydroxyquercetin-7-O-β-Dglucopyranoside. The substance S2 were identified by comparison with standards, were it was possible to determine the presence of the flavonoid 6-hydroxy-7- methoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. The evaluation of radical scavenging activity for the extract and the isolated substances using DPPH, showed consistent activity to S1...
Eriocaulaceae species are popularly known as sempre-vivas. This family comprising approximately 1.200 species divided into 10 genera, with high endemic levels. Paepalanthus genus has high incidence in the Espinhaço Range region and the report of biological activities. Despite the large number of previous studies with Eriocaulaceae species, Paepalanthus geniculatus has no studies about their scapes, which demonstrates the need for new research to identify their chemical and biological composition. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of P. geniculatus ethanolic extract seeking the isolation and identification of metabolites and evaluate the radical scavenging activity of the extract and isolated substances. P. geniculatus were collected in Serra do Cipó-MG in 2013 (Voucher: SANO 3193) and the scapes were dried, crushed and the powder was percolated with ethanol. With the etanolic extract it is carried out a fractionation by gel permeation chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction J89 (45,6 mg) was purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA, resulting in the isolation of substance S1. The fractionation was also performed by medium pressure liquid chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction number 4 (92,6 mg) were purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA resulting in the isolation of substances S2 and S3. The substances S1 and S3 were analyzed by mono and twodimensional NMR, resulting in the identification of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid) and the flavonoid 6-hydroxyquercetin-7-O-β-Dglucopyranoside. The substance S2 were identified by comparison with standards, were it was possible to determine the presence of the flavonoid 6-hydroxy-7- methoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. The evaluation of radical scavenging activity for the extract and the isolated substances using DPPH, showed consistent activity to S1...
AbstractIn this thesis t-BOC and methacrylate functionalisedoligothiophenes with 3 5 thiophene units where synthesizedby Stille coupling. The material was structured by methodslike stamping and photolithography.The polymerizability of the methacrylates was proved by thepolymerization in solution with AIBN and subsequent analysisby gel permeation chromatography and differential scanningcalorimetry. The conductivities of the doped polymer filmswere in the range published for oligothiophenes.The optical and electrochemical properties of the compoundswere measured and compared to known compounds.The cleavage of the t-BOC groups was followed bythermogravimetry and infrared spectroscopy. The cleavagetemperature can be lowered by up to 100 °C by the use ofphoto acid generators. The cleavage is complete after 2hours annealing.The methacrylates were structured by microinjection mouldingin capillaries (MIMIC), stamping with soft silicone moulds,filling of patterned substrates and preperation of an opalreplica. By MIMIC line patterns with 5- 50 µm line widthswere obtained. The stamping succeeded in structures with 500nm line width only, on which liquid crystals wereorientated. This shows the possible application asorientation layers in LEDs with polarized emission. Withsilica opal templates the three-dimensional structuring ofthe oligomers succeeded.ZusammenfassungIn dieser Arbeit wurden neue funktionalisierteOligothiophene hergestellt und unter Anwendung verschiedenerVerfahren wie Stempeltechniken oder Photolithographiestrukturiert. Dazu wurden Oligothiophene mit drei bis fünfThiopheneinheiten durch Stille-Kupplung synthetisiert. Alsfunktionelle Gruppen wurden t-BOC-Ester undMethacrylsäureester eingeführt.Die Polymerisierbarkeit der Methacrylate wurde durch diePolymerisation mit AIBN in Lösung und anschließendeGelpermeationschromatographie und Differentialkalorimetrienachgewiesen. Die Leitfähigkeiten der dotierten Polymerfilmelagen im Bereich der für Oligothiophene bekannten Werte.Die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften derVerbindungen wurden untersucht und mit den Eigenschaftenbekannter Verbindungen verglichen. Die Abspaltung der t-BOC-Gruppen wurde thermogravimetrischund infrarotspektroskopisch verfolgt. Es wurde gezeigt, daßdie Abspaltungstemperatur durch den Zusatz einesPhotosäuregenerators um bis zu 100°C gesenkt wird und dieAbspaltung nach zweistündigem Tempern vollständig ist.Die methacrylatfunktionalisierten Verbindungen wurdenstrukturiert durch Micro Injection Moulding in Capillaries(MIMIC), Prägen mit weichen Silikonstempeln, Füllen vonstrukturierten Substraten und die Herstellung einerOpalreplika. Durch die Strukturierung mit MIMIC wurdenLinienstrukturen mit Linienbreiten von 5-50 µm erhalten.Durch Prägen wurden Strukturen mit Linienbreiten von nur 500nm erreicht, auf diesen gelang die Orientierung vonFlüssigkristallen. Dies zeigt die mögliche Anwendung alsOrientierungsschichten in Leuchtdioden mit polarisierterEmission. Durch die Verwendung von Siliziumoxidopalen alsTemplate gelang die dreidimensionale Strukturierung derOligomere.
The separator membrane in batteries and fuel cells is of crucial importance for the function of these devices. In lithium ion batteries the separator membrane as well as the polymer matrix of the electrodes consists of polymer electrolytes which are lithium ion conductors. To overcome the disadvantage of currently used polymer electrolytes which are highly swollen with liquids and thus mechanically and electrochemically unstable, the goal of this work is a new generation of solid polymer electrolytes with a rigid backbone and a soft side chain structure. Moreover the novel material should be based on cheap substrates and its synthesis should not be complicated aiming at low overall costs. The new materials are based on hydroxypropylcellulose and oligoethyleneoxide derivatives as starting materials. The grafting of the oligoethyleneoxide side chains onto the cellulose was carried out following two synthetic methods. One is based on a bromide derivative and another based on p-toluolsulfonyl as a leaving group. The side chain reagents were prepared form tri(ethylene glycol) monoethyl ether. In order to improve the mechanical properties the materials were crosslinked. Two different conceptions have been engaged based on either urethane chemistry or photosensitive dimethyl-maleinimide derivatives. PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives with a high degree of substitution between 2,9 and 3,0 were blended with lithium trifluoromethane-sulfonate, lithium bis(trifluorosulfone)imide and lithium tetrafluoroborate. The molar ratios were in the range from 0,02 to 0,2 [Li]/[O]. The products have been characterized with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and laserlight scattering (LS) with respect to their degree of substitution and molecular weight. The effect of salt concentration on ionic conductivity, thermal behaviour and morphology has been investiga-ted with impedance spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The crosslinking reactions were controlled with dynamic mechanical analysis (DMS). The degree of substitution of our products is varying between 2,8 and 3,0 as determined by NMR. PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives are highly viscous liquids at room temperature with glass transition temperatures around 215 K. The glass transition temperature for the Lithium salt complexes of PEO - graft - cellulose deri-vatives increase with increasing salt content. The maximum conductivity at room temperature is about 10-4 and at 100°C around 10-3 Scm-1. The presence of lithium salt decreases the thermal stability of the complexes in comparison to pure PEO - graft - cellulose derivatives. Complexes heated over 140 – 150°C completely lose their ionic conductivity. The temperature dependence of the conductivity presented as Arrhenius-type plots for all samples is similar in shape and follows a VTF behaviour. This proofs that the ionic transport is closely related to the segmental motions of the polymer chains. Novel cellulose derivatives with grafted oligoethylen-oxide side chains with well-defined chemical structure and high side chain grafting density have been synthesized. Cellulose was chosen as stiff, rod like macromolecule for the backbone while oligoethylen-oxides are chosen as flexible side chains. A maximum grafting density of 3.0 have been obtained. The best conductivity reaches 10-3 Scm-1 at 100°C for a Li-triflate salt complex with a [Li]/[O] ratio of 0.8. The cross-linked complexes containing the lithium salts form elastomeric films with convenient mechanical stability. Our method of cellulose modification is based on relatively cheap and commercially available substrates and as such appears to be a promising alternative for industrial applications.
Polymerbasierte Kolloide mit Groen im Nanometerbereich werden als aussichts- reiche Kandidaten fur die Verkapselung und den Transport von pharmazeutischen Wirkstoen angesehen. Daher ist es wichtig die physikalischen Prozesse, die die Bil- dung, Struktur und kinetische Stabilitat der polymerbasierten Kolloide beein ussen, besser zu verstehen. Allerdings ist die Untersuchung dieser Prozesse fur nanome- tergroe Objekte kompliziert und erfordert fortgeschrittene Techniken. In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich Untersuchungen, bei denen Zwei-Farben-Fluoreszenzkreuz- korrelationsspektroskopie (DC FCCS) genutzt wurde, um Informationen uber die Wechselwirkung und den Austausch von dispergierten, nanometergroen Kolloiden zu bekommen. Zunachst habe ich den Prozess der Polymernanopartikelherstellung aus Emul- sionstropfen untersucht, welcher einen der am haugsten angewendeten Prozesse der Nanopartikelformulierung darstellt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass mit DC FCCS eindeutig und direkt Koaleszenz zwischen Emulsionstropfen gemessen werden kann. Dies ist von Interesse, da Koaleszenz als Hauptgrund fur die breite Groenverteilung der nalen Nanopartikel angesehen wird. Weiterhin habe ich den Austausch von Mizellen bildenden Molekulen zwischen amphiphilen Diblock Kopolymermizellen untersucht. Als Modellsystem diente ein Linear-Burste Block Kopolymer, welches Mizellen mit einer dichten und kurzen Korona bildet. Mit Hilfe von DC FCCS konnte der Austausch in verschiedenen Losungsmitteln und bei verschiedenen Temperaturen beobachtet werden. Ich habe herausgefunden, dass in Abhangigkeit der Qualitat des Losungsmittels die Zeit des Austausches um Groenordnungen verschoben werden kann, was eine weitreichende Einstellung der Austauschkinetik ermoglicht. Eine Eigenschaft die all diese Kolloide gemeinsam haben ist ihre Polydispersitat. Im letzten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich am Beispiel von Polymeren als Modellsystem untersucht, welchen Eekt Polydispersitat und die Art der Fluoreszenzmarkierung auf FCS Experimente haben. Eine Anpassung des klassischen FCS Modells kann die FCS Korrelationskurven dieser Systeme beschreiben. Die Richtigkeit meines Ansatzes habe ich mit dem Vergleich zur Gel-Permeations-Chromatographie und Brownschen Molekulardynamiksimulationen bestatigt.
This thesis work is part of a larger synthesis project about alkyd resins from natural sources, copolymerized with methyl acrylate and n-butyl acrylates, which wil be used for coatings purpose. The aim is to control the copolymerization of methyl acrylate and n-butyl acrylate in RAFT miniemulsion. The research was divided into three parts. First the homopolymerization of methyl methacrylate and n-butyl acrylate was studied by varying different parameters such as the amount of surfactant, the amount of initiator, pH, and especially the RAFT agent. Then two macro RAFT agents were synthesized, as suggested by the existing literature. Finally, the two monomers were copolymerized using both the RAFT used for the homopolymerization and those synthesized in the second stage. To verify the obtained control over the polymerization, the synthesized polymers were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography, GPC, thus finding their molecular weight and its polydispersity.
The synthesis of cyclic polystyrene (Pst) with an alkoxyamine functionality has been accomplished by intramolecular radical coupling in the presence of a nitroso radical trap Linear alpha,omega-dibrominated polystyrene, produced by the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of styrene using a dibrominated initiator, was subjected to chain-end activation via the atom transfer radical coupling (ATRC) process under pseudodilute conditions in the presence of 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP). This radical trap-assisted, intramolecular ATRC (RTA-ATRC) produced cyclic polymers in greater than 90% yields possessing < G > values in the 0.8-0.9 range as determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Thermal-induced opening of the cycles, made possible by the incorporated alkoxyamine, resulted in a return to the original apparent molecular weight, further supporting the formation of cyclic polymers in the RTA-ATRC reaction. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) provided direct confirmation of the cyclic architecture and the incorporation of the nitroso group into the macrocycle RTA-ATRC cyclizations carried out with faster rates of polymer addition into the redox active solution and/or in the presence of a much larger excess of MNP (up to a 250:1 ratio of MNP:C-Br chain end) still yielded cyclic polymers that contained alkoxyamine functionality.
Monobrominated polystyrene (PStBr) chains were prepared using standard atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) procedures at 80 °C in THF, with monomer conversions allowed to proceed to approximately 40%. At this time, additional copper catalyst, reducing agent, and ligand were added to the unpurified reaction mixture, and the reaction was allowed to proceed at 50 °C in an atom transfer radical coupling (ATRC) phase. During this phase, polymerization continued to occur as well as coupling; expected due to the substantial amount of residual monomer remaining. This was confirmed using gel permeation chromatography (GPC), which showed increases in molecular weight not matching a simple doubling of the PStBr formed during ATRP, and an increase in monomer conversion after the second phase. When the radical trap 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP) was added to the ATRC phase, no further monomer conversion occurred and the resulting product showed a doubling of peak molecular weight (Mp), consistent with a radical trap-assisted ATRC (RTA-ATRC) reaction.