925 resultados para fresh water fish
An unusual saltwater population of the "freshwater" crocodilian, Crocodylus johnstoni, was studied in the estuary of the Limmen Bight River in Australia's Northern Territory and compared with populations in permanently freshwater habitats. Crocodiles in the river were found across a large salinity gradient, from fresh water to a salinity of 24 mg.ml-1, more than twice the body fluid concentration. Plasma osmolarity, concentrations of plasma Na+, Cl-, and K+, and exchangeable Na+ pools were all remarkably constant across the salinity spectrum and were not substantially higher or more variable than those in crocodiles from permanently freshwater habitats. Body fluid volumes did not vary; condition factor and hydration status of crocodiles were not correlated with salinity and were not different from those of crocodiles from permanently fresh water. C. johnstoni clearly has considerable powers of osmoregulation in waters of low to medium salinity. Whether this osmoregulatory competence, extends to continuously hyperosmotic environments is not known, but distributional data suggest that C. johnstoni in hyperosmotic conditions may require periodic access to hypoosmotic water. The study demonstrates a physiological capacity for colonisation of at least some estuarine waters by this normally stenohaline freshwater crocodilian.
Relative eye size, gross brain morphology and central localization of 2-[I-125]iodomelatonin binding sites and melatonin receptor gene expression were compared in six gadiform fish living at different depths in the north-east Atlantic Ocean: Phycis blennoides (capture depth range 265-1260 m), Nezumia aequalis (445-1512 m), Coryphaenoides rupestris (706-1932 m), Trachyrincus murrayi (1010-1884 m), Coryphaenoides guentheri (1030 m) and Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus (2172-4787 m). Amongst these, the eye size range was 0.15-0.35 of head length with a value of 0.19 for C.(N.) armatus, the deepest species. Brain morphology reflected behavioural differences with well-developed olfactory regions in P.blennoides, T.murrayi and C. (N.) armatus and evidence of olfactory deficit in N. aequalis, C. rupestris and C. guentheri. All species had a clearly defined optic tectum with 2-[I-125] iodomelatonin binding and melatonin receptor gene expression localized to specific brain regions in a similar pattern to that found in shallow-water fish. Melatonin receptors were found throughout the visual structures of the brains of all species. Despite living beyond the depth of penetration of solar light these fish have retained central features associated with the coupling of cycles of growth, behaviour and reproduction to the diel light-dark cycle. How this functions in the deep sea remains enigmatic.
Microhabitat use and feeding behavior of the rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau) were investigated in a slow-flowing stream adjacent to riparian forest in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Fish were more abundant in vegetated areas, but did not enter dense Vallisneria beds, where predators were observed. In sunny conditions shoals of juveniles occurred near the water surface feeding floating material on the surface, but larger fish tended to occur at the bottom near submerged vegetation, often utilizing the overhanging aquatic plant community as a refuge and food source. In the middle of the day, juveniles and small fish seemed to show behavioral thermoregulation at the surface in the warmest site. Under cloudy conditions, however, fish of all sizes preferred deeper water. The present study suggests that in still and sunny pools thermal change caused by sunlight influences the microhabitat choice of small fish. A field experiment using a kingfisher model implies that fish swimming at the surface could escape from aerial predators in sunlit conditions by responding to moving shadows, but could not do so under cloudy conditions.
Semi-aquatic animals represent a transitional locomotor condition characterised by the possession of morphological features that allow locomotion both in water and on land. Most ecologically important behaviours of crocodilians occur in the water, raising the question of whether their 'terrestrial construction' constrains aquatic locomotion. Moreover, the demands for aquatic locomotion change with life-history stage. It was the aim of this research to determine the kinematic characteristics and efficiency of aquatic locomotion in different-sized crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). Aquatic propulsion was achieved primarily by tail undulations, and the use of limbs during swimming was observed only in very small animals or at low swimming velocities in larger animals. Over the range of swimming speeds we examined, tail beat amplitude did not change with increasing velocity, but amplitude increased significantly with body length. However, amplitude expressed relative to body length decreased with increasing body length. Tail beat frequency increased with swimming velocity but there were no differences in frequency between different-sized animals. Mechanical power generated during swimming and thrust increased non-linearly with swimming velocity, but disproportionally so that kinematic efficiency decreased with increasing swimming velocity. The importance of unsteady forces, expressed as the reduced frequency, increased with increasing swimming velocity. Amplitude is the main determinant of body-size-related increases in swimming velocity but, compared with aquatic mammals and fish, crocodiles are slow swimmers probably because of constraints imposed by muscle performance and unsteady forces opposing forward movement. Nonetheless, the kinematic efficiency of aquatic locomotion in crocodiles is comparable to that of fully aquatic mammals, and it is considerably greater than that of semi-aquatic mammals.
The ability to recall the location of a predator and later avoid it was tested in nine populations of rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.), representing three species from a variety of environments. Following the introduction of a model predator into a particular microhabitat, the model was removed, the arena rotated and the distribution of the fish recorded again. In this manner it could be determined what cues the fish relied on in order to recall the previous location of the predator model. Fish from all populations but one (Dirran Creek) were capable of avoiding the predator by remembering either the location and/or the microhabitat in which the predator was recently observed. Reliance on different types of visual cues appears to vary between populations but the reason for this variation remains elusive. Of the ecological variables tested (flow variability, predator density and habitat complexity), only the level of predation appeared to be correlated with the orientation technique employed by each population. There was no effect of species identity, which suggests that the habitat that each population occupies plays a strong role in the development of both predator avoidance responses and the cues used to track predators in the wild.
We examined effects of body size and temperature on swimming performance in juvenile estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, over the size range of 30-110 cm total body length. Swimming performance, expressed as maximum sustainable swimming speed, was measured in a temperature- and flow-controlled swimming flume. Absolute sustainable swimming speed increased with body length, but length-specific swimming performance decreased as body length increased. Sustained swimming speed increased with temperature between 15degreesC and 23degreesC, remained constant between 23degrees and 33degreesC, and decreased as temperature rose above 33degreesC. Q(10)-values of swimming speed were 2.60 (+/- 0.091 SE) between 18degreesC and 23degreesC, and there were no differences in Q(10) between crocodiles of different sizes. The broad plateau of thermal independence in swimming speed observed in C. porosus may be of adaptive significance by allowing dispersal of juvenile animals at suboptimal body temperatures.
Water covers over 70% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. But only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water, and less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and the atmosphere. However, rivers and lakes are an important part of fresh surface water, amounting to about 89%. In this Master Thesis dissertation, the focus is on three types of water bodies – rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and their water quality issues in Asian countries. The surface water quality in a region is largely determined both by the natural processes such as climate or geographic conditions, and the anthropogenic influences such as industrial and agricultural activities or land use conversion. The quality of the water can be affected by pollutants discharge from a specific point through a sewer pipe and also by extensive drainage from agriculture/urban areas and within basin. Hence, water pollutant sources can be divided into two categories: Point source pollution and Non-point source (NPS) pollution. Seasonal variations in precipitation and surface run-off have a strong effect on river discharge and the concentration of pollutants in water bodies. For example, in the rainy season, heavy and persistent rain wash off the ground, the runoff flow increases and may contain various kinds of pollutants and, eventually, enters the water bodies. In some cases, especially in confined water bodies, the quality may be positive related with rainfall in the wet season, because this confined type of fresh water systems allows high dilution of pollutants, decreasing their possible impacts. During the dry season, the quality of water is largely related to industrialization and urbanization pollution. The aim of this study is to identify the most common water quality problems in Asian countries and to enumerate and analyze the methodologies used for assessment of water quality conditions of both rivers and confined water bodies (lakes and reservoirs). Based on the evaluation of a sample of 57 papers, dated between 2000 and 2012, it was found that over the past decade, the water quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in developing countries is being degraded. Water pollution and destruction of aquatic ecosystems have caused massive damage to the functions and integrity of water resources. The most widespread NPS in Asian countries and those which have the greatest spatial impacts are urban runoff and agriculture. Locally, mine waste runoff and rice paddy are serious NPS problems. The most relevant point pollution sources are the effluents from factories, sewage treatment plant, and public or household facilities. It was found that the most used methodology was unquestionably the monitoring activity, used in 49 of analyzed studies, accounting for 86%. Sometimes, data from historical databases were used as well. It can be seen that taking samples from the water body and then carry on laboratory work (chemical analyses) is important because it can give an understanding of the water quality. 6 papers (11%) used a method that combined monitoring data and modeling. 6 papers (11%) just applied a model to estimate the quality of water. Modeling is a useful resource when there is limited budget since some models are of free download and use. In particular, several of used models come from the U.S.A, but they have their own purposes and features, meaning that a careful application of the models to other countries and a critical discussion of the results are crucial. 5 papers (9%) focus on a method combining monitoring data and statistical analysis. When there is a huge data matrix, the researchers need an efficient way of interpretation of the information which is provided by statistics. 3 papers (5%) used a method combining monitoring data, statistical analysis and modeling. These different methods are all valuable to evaluate the water quality. It was also found that the evaluation of water quality was made as well by using other types of sampling different than water itself, and they also provide useful information to understand the condition of the water body. These additional monitoring activities are: Air sampling, sediment sampling, phytoplankton sampling and aquatic animal tissues sampling. Despite considerable progress in developing and applying control regulations to point and NPS pollution, the pollution status of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in Asian countries is not improving. In fact, this reflects the slow pace of investment in new infrastructure for pollution control and growing population pressures. Water laws or regulations and public involvement in enforcement can play a constructive and indispensable role in environmental protection. In the near future, in order to protect water from further contamination, rapid action is highly needed to control the various kinds of effluents in one region. Environmental remediation and treatment of industrial effluent and municipal wastewaters is essential. It is also important to prevent the direct input of agricultural and mine site runoff. Finally, stricter environmental regulation for water quality is required to support protection and management strategies. It would have been possible to get further information based in the 57 sample of papers. For instance, it would have been interesting to compare the level of concentrations of some pollutants in the diferente Asian countries. However the limit of three months duration for this study prevented further work to take place. In spite of this, the study objectives were achieved: the work provided an overview of the most relevant water quality problems in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Asian countries, and also listed and analyzed the most common methodologies.
Proceedings of tile 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
From March 1985 to February 1987 montly cast net and beach seine sambles were collected at the Marapendi lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to describe its ichthyofauna and analyze associations between species and their distribution in areas with different salinity regimes. A stratified random sampling design was used and the lagoon diveided in four areas (1-4) according to salinity gradient. The "Bravais-Pearson" correlation index was utilized to analyze the similarity between species and between areas and also group them according to the UPGMA method. According to the results eight species groups were established. The majority of the species were wuryhaline, having a marine origin and were distributed in areas 1, 2 and 3 (high salinity areas). The formation of smaller groups with species of fresh water origin, which occurred in areas 2, 3 and 4 is also discussed.
In recent years, numerous cases of morphological gonadal alterations in fish have been recorded throughout the world and across a wide range of species. In the whitefish Coregonus fatioi from the pre-alpine Lake Thun (Switzerland), the frequency of gonadal alterations is particularly high and the variety of alteration types large. Little is known about the proximal causes and the direct consequences of these morphological features on population persistence. In particular, the potential for the observed alterations to be the phenotypic expression of reduced genetic quality has not yet been addressed. In this study, we used offspring survival during embryogenesis as a proximate indicator of male genetic quality and tested whether the presence of gonadal alterations in males is an indicator of reduced quality. Embryos resulted from in vitro fertilizations of gametes from 126 males and females. We found no significant correlation between embryo survival and gonadal alteration in adults. Our findings suggest that in C. fatioi of Lake Thun, alterations in gonad morphology are not a phenotypic expression of variation in genetic quality.
Eighty eight specimens of the West African Pigmy Otter shrew Micropotamogale lamottei were collected in Western Ivory Coast between 1971 and 1976. Most of the animals had been drowned accidentally bow-nets; four were live-trapped by the author. The Pigmy Otter shrew lives not only in swampy areas, as supposed by other authors, but also in small rivers and forest streams. The species is well adapted to its aquatic environment; it feeds mainly on fresh water crab and fish, swims well, is able to remain submerged for 10 to 15 minutes when alarmed, and grooms itself carefully and regularly. A survey carried out locally shows that the species is relatively common in the mountainous region surrounding Danané and Man, and further west in similar habitats of Liberia and Guinea. Its distribution in the Ivory Coast extends no more than 50 km around Danané-Man core-area. It is thought that living Potamogalinae stem from an early adaptative radiation of the Tenrecidae in continental Africa. Later on, the terrestrial forms were probably eliminated by competing Soricidae and Erinaceidae, their aquatic way of life enabling the Potamogalinae to survive until now.
We investigate the variation in quantitative and molecular traits in the freshwater snail Galba truncatula, from permanent and temporary water habitats. Using a common garden experiment, we measured 20 quantitative traits and molecular variation using seven microsatellites in 17 populations belonging to these two habitats. We estimated trait means in each habitat. We also estimated the distributions of overall genetic quantitative variation (QST), and of molecular variation (FST), within and between habitats. Overall, we observed a lack of association between molecular and quantitative variance. Among habitats, we found QST>FST, an indication of selection for different optima. Individuals from temporary water habitat matured older, at a larger size and were less fecund than individuals from permanent water habitat. We discuss these findings in the light of several theories for life-history traits evolution.
Toxic cyanobacteria are common in Portuguese freshwaters and the most common toxins are microcystins. The occurrence of microcystin-LR (MCYST-LR) has been reported since 1990 and a significant number of water reservoirs that are used for drinking water attain high levels of this toxin. Aquatic animals that live in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems may be killed by microcystins but in many cases the toxicity is sublethal and so the animals can survive long enough to accumulate the toxins and transfer them along the food chain. Among these, edible mollusks, fish and crayfish are especially important because they are harvested and sold for human consumption. Mussels that live in estuarine waters and rivers where toxic blooms occur may accumulate toxins without many significant acute toxic effects. In this study data are presented in order to understand the dynamics of the accumulation and depuration of MCYST-LR in mussels. The toxin is readily accumulated and persists in the shellfish for several days after contact. In the crayfish the toxin is accumulated mainly in the gut but is also cleared very slowly. In carps, although the levels of the toxins found in naturally caught specimens were not very high, some toxin was found in the muscle and not only in the viscera. This raises the problem of the toxin accumulation by fish and possible transfer through the food chain. The data gathered from these experiments and from naturally caught specimens are analyzed in terms of risk for human consumption. The occurrence of microcystins in tap water and the incidence of toxic cyanobacteria in fresh water beaches in Portugal are reported. The Portuguese National Monitoring Program of cyanobacteria is mentioned and its implications are discussed.
The study conducted on the salinity intrusion and seasonal water quality variations in the tidal canals of cochin. The main objectives are, salinity intrusion profile, water quality variation of the surface water of the canals,hierarchical utility of the water bodies and to understand the non-conservative components in the water body. The parameters monitored werepH,temperature,alkalinity,conductivity,DO(dissolvedoxygen),COD(chemical oxygen demand),BOD(biochemical oxygen demand0,chloride, total hardness, calcium hardness, dissolved phosphate, nitrate, total iron, sulphate, turbidity, total coliform and SUVA at 254nm. The tidal canals of GCDA were found to be creeks extending to the interior, canals inter connecting parts of the estuary or canals with seasonally broken segments. Based on utility the canals could be classified as: canals heavely polluted and very saline,canals polluted by urban waste , canals having fresh water for most part of the year and not much polluted, fresh water bodies heavily polluted. During the rainy months carbon fixation by plankton is nonexistent,and during the dry months Chitrapuzha becomes a sink of phosphate. The study indicated abiotic subrouts for dissolved phosphate and revealed the potential pitfalls in LOICZ modeling exercise on sewage ladentidal canals. It was also found that all canals except for the canals of West cochin and chittoorpuzha have fresh water for some part of the year. The water quality index in the durable fresh water stretches was found to be of below average category.
Aquaculture is one of the prime catalysts for the socio-economic development of Indian economy contributing to the nations food and nutritional security, export earnings, income and employment generation. In this study an evaluation of extension activities in the development of aquaculture in Kerala. This study was conducted with a view to examine how the Kerala fisheries department offered extension services to the aquaculture farmers in the freshwater and brackish water sectors of the state through various agencies like Fish Farmers Development Agency(FFDA), Brackish water Fish Farmers Development Agency (BFFDA). In this study there are 3 category of respondent’s fresh water beneficiary farmers, brackish water beneficiary farmers and fisheries extension officers. The main motive of the thesis is to make an attempt to explore the responses of local producers to the extension programs of the state with special reference to the aquaculture sector of Kerala, India. The most important technical constraint faced by the fresh water farmers was lack of knowledge followed by non-availability of quality seeds. In the case of brackish water farming, it was infection of disease followed by lack of knowledge. The overall activities of the department of fisheries were ‘fairly good’. It indicate the need for improvements in the delivery of extension services to various target groups. The state fisheries department has already moving towards evolving these modes of extension activities by community participation.